Jamie voice seemed to be splitting after my last entry. Wasn't sure why. Of course I meant she's more than welcome to come to my door and ask for me. I simply meant other options as suggestions for whatever she feels comfortable with. Maybe she was upset over my unwillingness to reach out first. Even though I already did a few times. She never responded. If my best message to her still isn't good enough for her. No further attempts are necessary. I argued with her voice on this early this morning about this very thing. She admitted: It's unreasonable to expect you reach to me, if I don't respond. Exactly right! This entirely changes if she begins to talk to me and let's me know that further communication is okay. I'm ready to step up then. Dreams: 2 nights ago. Jamie 1 (Can't use colors because I can't get posting entries here to work properly on PC or mobile. What gives DV? What gives?) I dreamed Jamie was working construction with me or something. I was climbing up some scaffold or something. Jamie was climbing to but she was surrounded by wooden ramps and walls they were also moving very fast. I told her that's not necessary, we're simply here to work. Fortnite again? Jamie 2 She was with me in a house? We kept flying around but instead of talking , we kept leaving notes for one another. Jamie 3 I was with Jamie in a city. She had a fancy blue car. She pushed a button and it started changing into a more fancy car or something. She laughed and asked if I liked it? When I woke up. I kinda split on that. She seemed like her careless and grandiose self of which I have very bad memories of. I recall her being quite hurtful when she was like that. Jamie 4 I was walking on a residential street. I was eating a sandwich. It had some meat and a shitload of mayonnaise. It was messy. I don't recall liking it too much. Woke up and the voice said she made me pastrami on rye? Oops I was supposed to like it. Sorry. This whole entry seems negative. So I'll end on some positive notes. Pets I woke up on top of a bunk bed. There were tiny goats flying up to me and I was petting them. Also the Jamie voice wanted me to confirm some of the jokes we say to one another. Many months ago I was trying to cheer up her voice by saying, " I believe in the good person inside of you." She responded, " You are the good person inside of me." Lol. Read into that however you like. It's been a running joke ever since. I hope next dreams are loving and affectionate. These holidays were more moody than what I would have liked.