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    1. First (Intentional) Lucid.

      by , 12-26-2010 at 08:45 PM (The Death Chronicles: Dreams Of)
      I had a lucid dream last night! =D
      (halfheartedly using the MILD method)

      Okay, so it's not my first lucid dream; but it was my first lucid dream while (semi) trying to have one (intentionally). It was really kinda cool because as soon as I was in the dream I was like 'Woah, I'm dreaming', and then proceeded to perform a few reality checks just to confirm my dreaming state. At first I looked at my hands, the check failed; Then I tried sticking a finger through my hand and it only was really elastic, so the check failed; finally I plugged my nose and tried breathing through it, and could still breathe; the check succee ded: and I was dreaming! I could only control the dream to some extent: succeeding in making two little girls appear when I covered my eyes and found them there, but not in making people disappear, or making this obscure object I was imagining appear. I'm content with the success of having this dream at the least, but at the most I need to practice control and stabilization of dreams.
      lucid , memorable
    2. Mystert Game

      by , 12-26-2010 at 07:17 PM
      Mystery Game
      Recall: 7/10
      Sleep: OK
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm behind a warehouse of something with a group of people, when I see 8 tiny purple skinned orcish creatures appear on the ground in two rows. They are about the size of smurfs, in two rows, and holding weapons. Of course I'm like WTF? I approach to get a better look, but they disappear.

      The tiny warriors reappear somewhere else, and again I try to get closer to them, and again the disappear. After this happens about 3 or 4 times, I ask the others if they see them too. They do see them, and conclude it must be some sort of holographic projection, pointing out security cameras on the walls. But none of the cameras line up with all the spots they are appearing, and I can't find any other sources that might cover all the different angles.

      So I pick up a rock and throw it at then little dudes. I miss a few times, and other times they disappear before the rock hits them. One girl starts throwing rocks too, and manages to bowl them over, knocking them down. She approaches them and picks up a tiny rocket launcher that one of them dropped, then they disappear again.

      We go inside the warehouse and it's like a gym inside. Everyone starts running around. Suddenly this booming voice starts talking to me and says "Since the girl was the first to pick up the rocket launchers, she gets a boost of speed." The poor girl wasn't prepared for her sudden speed boost, and runs right into a wall.

      Now I'm really confused. The voice implied we're in some kind of game or test, with rules and goals we know nothing about. I'm having trouble making sense of it all, so I stay alert for any clues or surprises that may be coming our way.
    3. A good night for random dreaming

      by , 12-26-2010 at 05:44 PM
      I was at yoga and got up for a second, then someone took my mat! I got up and was trying to find it, but the mats kept getting switched around. I told the yoga teacher, P, and he said to go up to the roof and lock the door because he thinks college kids are getting in and stealing things. So I start to go up, and I'm in some building on a college campus. I'm wearing a UNF sweatshirt and so I decide if I'm missing yoga, I should start running. So I'm running up this ramp and I get to a hill, and I can't quite make it up the hill. A guy comes up from behind me and gets over the hill just fine, so I copy what he did. Then I'm hanging on this dirt ledge and feeling like I'm going to fall. I get around it, and eventually find the top floor. A guy asks me if I need help, and I tell him what happened, so he uses his walkie talkie to get someone to close the door on the roof.


      I'm walking at UNF around the green, trying to go home to where I live now. Then I am walking down a fraternity row type place, and I put my head down because I don't want anyone to say anything to me. An SUV drives by and they are blasting one of M's songs, and I think wow, everyone really does like it. Then I am coming around to some familiar looking streets, and I wonder if there was no M, if I'd feel weird when I hear about people liking his songs. I get to an area that looks really familiar but the street signs are all numbers. A lady is standing there with a kid that I work with, DC, and she asks if I need help. DC start moving into the street so I bring him back out of the road, and say goodbye to him. I tell the lady where I live and she points down one street and so I start walking that way. I get to a garage sale and I lift up boxes and move things around to make them pretty.


      I walked into a classroom and AC and LE were there and looked happy to see me. They gave me a little basket with candy in it and a tiny TV. The TV had pictures of AC and I wearing Indian feathers in our hair and laughing. I asked why they did that, and they said because the missed me.


      I was at a KoL concert, and when they finished I saw the fans in the front weren't really paying attention to that fact that Caleb was coming out into the audience. So I took off my jacket, ran down, and was pushing people out of the way to get to him. Immediately I knew M was looking for me. Caleb had me follow him with a couple other girls backstage, and was thinking, what the hell are you doing. Two girls left, and it was just me and another girl who had these crazy blue eyes. Caleb asked me if I thought she was pretty, and I said I love blue eyes. She left and Caleb said "I'll guess you'll have to do". That made me feel like crap, but I followed him anyways. We are at some weird after party, and people are doing coke all over the place. The I see M coming up the stairs and he's pissed, I tell him what happened, and he said that's fine he just wants to meet Caleb first. So I go to find him, and he's laying down with some chick on top of him.

      Updated 12-26-2010 at 05:46 PM by 39980

      Tags: incline
    4. December 26 - Superpower Prison?

      by , 12-26-2010 at 05:31 PM
      When my dream starts, I'm in what looks like a prison cell. The light is low and has an orange-ish tint to it, and the inside of my cell is dank and grimy. There is no furniture whatsoever in there. I'm in there with one other person, who I ask the question about our location. She tells me that we're in some sort of prison that's supposed to be containing some of the most powerful abilities in the world. Mine, I know, is that I can see the quickly upcoming future and am able to make a decision (either good, or bad) that will affect it to become what I want it to be. My cell mate does not tell me what hers is. Across from our cell is a cell containing a tall, lanky guy. She introduces him to me as being someone who can cancel out others' abilities. Apparently we're all wanted by some head mastermind so that he can gain control over the universe. However, none of us are wanting to be there.

      I keep seeing people coming to visit our cells to talk to us. The thing about where we're at is that, behind the bars, our powers are mostly suppressed, so I can do nothing about this. My dream gets a little fuzzy around here until I somehow figure out how to work around the system. We plan an escape and as soon as my two friends and I make it out of our cells, I wake up from my dream.
    5. Dec 26 2010

      by , 12-26-2010 at 05:13 PM (Mah Journal)
      I was at school, in some giant classroom. It was apparently a science class with Mrs. B. I was talking to NE and NI. They went to another part of the class, and I tagged along. Then we sat down and chatted. There was something to do with Avatar; either me or NI was painted blue, but I can't remember who. Mrs. B. was going to play some videos.

      Suddenly we were all moving to some outdoor botanical garden. My mother was there for some reason. We walked out to the garden together.


      I was with my mother and someone else. We were supposed to go to the beach. We were walking across the city, and running across these roads. I was scared that our J-walking would get us hit by a car eventually.

      We made it to the beach. My mother set up a bunch of treats and this very steep little mini hill; I remember there being cookies. I thought it was really odd to be on the little hill though; it was really uncomfortable. KR was also supposed to be there, but apparently he went drinking with his friends.


      I was at home. I was on the computer, and there were little pop up notification things on some of the icons on my dock. Apparently someone had left two voice messages for me on some products. Apparently I had wanted to purchase something for dreaming or from DA (I can't remember which one exactly). I was nervous because I didn't want my mother knowing that I wanted to buy them, and she might hear the message. Then it occurred to me that she would find it in the mail, even if she didn't know I ordered it. I decided to just try to call off the sale and ignore the notifications.


      I was in some sort of motel room. It was apparently a school trip. I was with KA and some other girl who seemed quite annoying. On the other half of the room there was another random group of people that I didn't know.

      There was a teacher in there, trying to get down all of our names. She also wanted to know where we were going to go for lunch. We said that we were going to go to Harvey's. Then KR and some others were there, and they complained and said that we shouldn't go there because they wanted the chicken all to themselves. I scoffed at them, and told them we weren't even going to order chicken.


      I was at my old school. I got on the subway, but ended up back in the old neighborhood. I was wandering around because I kept losing things. Eventually I lost one of my boots. It was cold and snowy out, but I didn't feel it. I just wanted my boot back.

      I met a group of guys along the way. They helped me find my boot. I was telling them that I was pissed because I was being so clumsy.
    6. Fourth entry :) Little dream pieces

      by , 12-26-2010 at 03:32 PM
      Merry Christmas!!!!! um,for yesterday

      I can't remember much, only little bits of three dreams? Two could have possibly been the same

      Dream 1

      I'm not too sure where I am... a laboratory or a school? Anyway, I'm there with a few other DC and we're trying to stop this man who is middle-aged. He has created this machine, that kills people. It has a spinning blade on it and is made of metal. He uses it to cut people in half and into little pieces when he knocks them out and straps them onto the machine The DC's and I see him cut one man in half and we know we have to stop him but we don't know how! The blade is dark blue, rusty and serrated. The room it's in is a very clean white and outside are green fields.

      This might be part of the previous dream but I'm not sure. My other friends and I go outside. At first it is the girls and I, so that makes 4 people and we are half naked. We all have jeans on, though. We go outside and are talking and laughing. It's a sunny and warm day We sit outside, with our hands covering our boobs and sit in a circle talking. Then two of the lads come over and are naked. Completely naked. However nobody minds and they sit down too.
      Then the girls and I take off our jeans and I have a bad feeling that my bum looks big.

      I'm taking part in some kind of sporting event that requires us to go in partners. A girl I used to know named Beth (she used to hit me and my other friends) grabs my arm, digging her nails in and says that we're going together. I push her off and push her down the steps and go with another friend, Amy. I'm furious at Beth.

      Another fragment
      I am a little white cat. All of my other friends are cats too and we're in this fair? At the fair are several houses that everybody goes into. I'm upset for some reason and we all go into this one little house. One of my friends who is a very big whtie cat is comforting me.

      So, can't remember much sadly, but I think I enjoyed those dreams quite a bit! Eat loads of chocolate before bed and baileys. Went to bed long after my usual time
    7. Back to dreaming for a few days

      by , 12-26-2010 at 02:34 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning. Had a few dreams yesterday, but I was too hungover to be arsed to write them down haha. Last night was pretty cool, since I managed to re-enter a dream. A zombie/survival dream again, was awesome but weird.

      05.00: Bedtime

      13.30: Double dreams, zombies in a store
      It's dark outside. I'm with two or three other people on the roof of a grocery store. There's a scaffold next to us, and some emergency exit stairs in metal. I run down the stairs and get to the bottom. There's an awful smell in the air. I spot the huge dark mass lying in the snow. It's some kind of dog, and I take a carpet of fur and put it next to the dog. Running back up, I wonder why it didn't attack us. A narrator voice tells me. "Even though the monster is incredibly strong, it has one weakness. When you use psychic powers on it once, it will obey" We start to lift up a metal hatch on the roof. It's all dark inside. I know what I need to get.

      I wake up, and wonder if I should write the dream down, but I don't.

      I'm inside the store. My sisters are there with me, and I think it was Felix. A strange sound, like a calling sound comes from a zombie woman standing nearby. She starts to walk towards me, and I jump around. She is VERY slow, and I got plenty of time to reload my gun (which is some kind of surringe/party bomb/toy gun thingy). I take away the cap which allows me to fire one shot. I aim it in her face and fire off a tiny blast of air and some water. It has no effect, but it all feels like a game. I look behind me and my sister has become one of them! She is walking too fast though. "Hey! You gotta slow down, you can't move that fast" I tell her. She complains a bit.

      Dream skips. The store has been cleared. I'm with a few other guys now, Linus from work is one of them. I've packed my bag with all kinds of stuff, and I'm ready to leave. I climb up on the huge food storage to my level. One guy is ready to go to sleep and is already in his bed further away. I decide to stay for the night. The store is pretty messy, with ketchup on the floor and a crushed jar which I threw earlier. I remember the satisfying sound of glass shattering. I quote "Laserturken" for a while. Linus asks me why I even bother to go out if I don't have fun and dance or something. He mocks me for not wanting to go all the way to the city to party. I am given a drink. It's white russian. "I've already had like a litre of this tonight" I tell them, but I just chug it.

      13.30: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 8˝ hours

      Supplements before bed: Lots of alcohol

      That's it! The alcohol suppresses REM, which then rebounds if I sleep enough. Sadly I didn't sleep enough, but it will definitely rebound tonight! I will try some Calea out during a small WBTB tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can get lucid. Also the dream I had was completely random. I'm sure it was longer and more intricate than that though.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 12-26-2010 at 04:06 PM by 36346

      Tags: survival, zombies
    8. Another simple lucid.

      by , 12-26-2010 at 02:13 PM (My world, my rules)
      non-dream / dream / lucid

      Sonhei que estava indo para a casa do Vini. Chegando lá, me encontrei com a avó dele. Ela disse que eu deveria ter combinado essa visita com a măe dele antes. Como năo o fiz, disse que ela odeia bagunça, e que eu deveria deixar tudo organizado. Depois desse comentário, eu disse: "Vocęs realmente năo me conhecem".
      Adentrei a casa e vi que Vini estava em um cômodo que tinha uma parede de vidro, e estava usando um computador. Estranhei isso, pois o computador dele fica no segundo andar, no seu quarto. Nada além disso, ele me viu e veio me cumprimentar. Sua măe me viu e disse praticamente as mesmas coisas que a avó dela havia falado. Após um tempo, Amanda também apareceu na casa dele. Também achei isso estranho, mas nada além disso. Fizemos várias coisas e, em determinado momento, fomos para o quintal.
      Lá, simplesmente percebi que tudo era um sonho. Fiz o RC de trancar o nariz e funcionou. Olhei para minha namorada, mas năo tive tempo de fazer nada, pois o sonho logo acabou.

      Updated 06-01-2011 at 04:18 PM by 32539

      lucid , non-lucid
    9. simple

      by , 12-26-2010 at 01:46 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      0 recall on the first dream, other than I knew I had one, and I had a long non lucid about being Spider-man. Just running around town, web zipping, catching crooks, experimenting with different webbings, all of that good stuff.

      edit: first dream I was trying to convince someone that the masons were bad, and someone was trying to tell me and that person otherwise.

      Updated 12-26-2010 at 02:27 PM by 10773

      Tags: spider-man
    10. 12/25/2010 - Zombies

      by , 12-26-2010 at 11:54 AM
      12/25/2010 - Dream Fragment - Zombies

      I dreamed that I was in an apartment complex with three other friends. We were looking for first aid kits throughout the run down complex. Unfortunately, every bathroom and first aid cabinet had already been raided.

      I was woken up by a number of texts and phone calls this morning, as well, so I ended up shutting off my alarm and only wrote down this dream fragment, unfortunately. Hopefully I'll sleep better tonight!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. small snippets

      by , 12-26-2010 at 11:53 AM
      well i use this Dream journal now to post all the small sensations and things i know to hopefully gain better recall

      tonight as far as i know i dreamed about a scene wich involved a trainstation.. and i can remember a yellow looking train(wich is normal because we have that in the netherlands).

      i also have this other small snippet wich involved a girl who knew about lucid dreaming.. sadly this didnt triggerd anything at all!(or atleast not that i remember)

      that means i was pretty close i quess!
      dream fragment
    12. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 12-26-2010 at 11:52 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      ˇSingle Sentence Sizzler!®

      Confused (Non-Lucid)

      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc View Post
      After showing my father a chart of the best bands to ever come out of Michigan, I wake up thinking I'm in an wide, open field, starry night sky overhead, realizing I'm all alone and the band I was following had up and left; in actuality, I lay awake in bed, suffering some serious delusions, as the word serendipitous came to mind.

      I later learned that the woman residing in my head can kill me at any time, so long as I let/ask her. She advises me not to take that course of action; I'm inclined to agree.

      Updated 12-26-2010 at 11:55 AM by 25167

    13. Two bodies? Cool! [Night of December 11-12]

      by , 12-26-2010 at 08:28 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      Non-lucid dream, [Commentary made while awake]

      [This is a catch-up post. These dreams are from the night of December 11-12, 2010.]

      [Fragment] I see a panoramic overview of the city of Austin, Texas. It's very bright, with lots of city lights and several brightly-lit casinos.

      [Fragment] Two mascot characters, a monster and a yeti, are having an argument over where to find America on a globe.

      [Longer dream begins here] I'm in the brown car with my mom. The car is in the parking lot of an Applebee's restaurant, which is in a shopping center. [The shopping center we were in looked nothing like any of the ones I know in real life.] I tell my mom that yes, I do actually want to wait there for Dad and go to dinner with him. We park the car in the space underneath a long van [or something like that] that is being held up off the ground by two other cars. I'm surprised that our car fits under there.

      Dad arrives. We get out of the car and start walking toward the restaurant.
      [In this particular dream,] I have a second body and can switch from using one to using the other at will. As we're walking along the sidewalk in front of the other shops in the shopping center, I say to my parents, “Nobody's home, so I'm going to go pretend to be asleep.” When I stopped using the first body and switched to the second one, the first one had remained standing there near where we'd parked the car, staring blankly at nothing because there was no consciousness animating it. My plan is to switch back to the first body, lie down somewhere and make it look like I'm asleep so that no one else will figure out that I have two bodies, then switch back to the second one and carry on with what I was doing (going to dinner). As I walk back toward where I left the first one, I mentally debate whether it would be less illegal to (pretend to) sleep on the sidewalk, or in the front seat of the brown car. I know you're not allowed to sleep in parked cars on the street. [I thought the having-two-bodies thing was pretty darn cool. ]

      Updated 12-27-2010 at 06:08 AM by 37356 (left out a word)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. Dec 25

      by , 12-26-2010 at 07:24 AM (Doctor's Dreams)
      I wrote this down on my ipod touch earlier then deleted it believing that I already posted so I'll give the short version since that's all I remember

      Greek Myths

      My mother was a teacher of Greek myth although in my dream, greek myths were actually the history. They became gods that we made statues of. I learned how to make a bust of one out of aluminum. I went into my mom's lecture class and showed her, interrupting the class. Every student left. I then remembered my improv team had a show. I forgot this stole a t-shirt and on the way to running to my car, ran into the rest of the team in the cafeteria. I ate some fries...

      That was the speed version
      non-lucid , memorable
    15. Identity Crisis

      by , 12-26-2010 at 05:37 AM
      Friday, December 24th, 2010
      Total Non Recall
      Recall: 5/10
      Sleep: Nap
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm no longer myself. I've had my memories replaced with new ones, and the only thing I have left of my old life, the only link to my true past, is a baseball ticket. Someone has done this to me, but I can't remember why. My old self would have known, but all I have are these new implanted memories.

      I rub the baseball ticket between my thumb and my fingers, and I can almost remember my old memories. It creates a link to my true past. I put the ticket away and walk with a guy who knows of my predicament.

      These two guys walk my us and look at me funny. Instinctively my fingers start rubbing together like I was doing with the baseball ticket. The guy with my notices this and says that's a clue that those guys are somehow connected with what happened to me. While I may not remember, my body does. He tells me to watch for that "tell" to help unravel this mystery.

      Saturday, December 25th
      Personality Replacement
      Recall: 3/10
      Sleep: Poor
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm at some sort of event, a meeting in a hotel with free food and celebrities. Wesley Snipes is there, and my friends talk about going up to him, but I just do. We hit it off and hang out for the duration. There is another hot actress I hit it off with.

      They bring food, and I can't find a place to sit. I see there is room beside the actress, but she won't move over. I'm a little surprised she was so snobby after being so nice.

      Something happens, secret agent stuff, and I'm being chased. I get caught and wake up in some sort of secret government headquarters. They think they've implanted one of their agents into my body, so I go along with it, playing along.