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    1. Fourth entry :) Little dream pieces

      by , 12-26-2010 at 03:32 PM
      Merry Christmas!!!!! um,for yesterday

      I can't remember much, only little bits of three dreams? Two could have possibly been the same

      Dream 1

      I'm not too sure where I am... a laboratory or a school? Anyway, I'm there with a few other DC and we're trying to stop this man who is middle-aged. He has created this machine, that kills people. It has a spinning blade on it and is made of metal. He uses it to cut people in half and into little pieces when he knocks them out and straps them onto the machine The DC's and I see him cut one man in half and we know we have to stop him but we don't know how! The blade is dark blue, rusty and serrated. The room it's in is a very clean white and outside are green fields.

      This might be part of the previous dream but I'm not sure. My other friends and I go outside. At first it is the girls and I, so that makes 4 people and we are half naked. We all have jeans on, though. We go outside and are talking and laughing. It's a sunny and warm day We sit outside, with our hands covering our boobs and sit in a circle talking. Then two of the lads come over and are naked. Completely naked. However nobody minds and they sit down too.
      Then the girls and I take off our jeans and I have a bad feeling that my bum looks big.

      I'm taking part in some kind of sporting event that requires us to go in partners. A girl I used to know named Beth (she used to hit me and my other friends) grabs my arm, digging her nails in and says that we're going together. I push her off and push her down the steps and go with another friend, Amy. I'm furious at Beth.

      Another fragment
      I am a little white cat. All of my other friends are cats too and we're in this fair? At the fair are several houses that everybody goes into. I'm upset for some reason and we all go into this one little house. One of my friends who is a very big whtie cat is comforting me.

      So, can't remember much sadly, but I think I enjoyed those dreams quite a bit! Eat loads of chocolate before bed and baileys. Went to bed long after my usual time
    2. Back to dreaming for a few days

      by , 12-26-2010 at 02:34 PM (Nom nom nom, Mmmattelicious...)

      Good morning. Had a few dreams yesterday, but I was too hungover to be arsed to write them down haha. Last night was pretty cool, since I managed to re-enter a dream. A zombie/survival dream again, was awesome but weird.

      05.00: Bedtime

      13.30: Double dreams, zombies in a store
      It's dark outside. I'm with two or three other people on the roof of a grocery store. There's a scaffold next to us, and some emergency exit stairs in metal. I run down the stairs and get to the bottom. There's an awful smell in the air. I spot the huge dark mass lying in the snow. It's some kind of dog, and I take a carpet of fur and put it next to the dog. Running back up, I wonder why it didn't attack us. A narrator voice tells me. "Even though the monster is incredibly strong, it has one weakness. When you use psychic powers on it once, it will obey" We start to lift up a metal hatch on the roof. It's all dark inside. I know what I need to get.

      I wake up, and wonder if I should write the dream down, but I don't.

      I'm inside the store. My sisters are there with me, and I think it was Felix. A strange sound, like a calling sound comes from a zombie woman standing nearby. She starts to walk towards me, and I jump around. She is VERY slow, and I got plenty of time to reload my gun (which is some kind of surringe/party bomb/toy gun thingy). I take away the cap which allows me to fire one shot. I aim it in her face and fire off a tiny blast of air and some water. It has no effect, but it all feels like a game. I look behind me and my sister has become one of them! She is walking too fast though. "Hey! You gotta slow down, you can't move that fast" I tell her. She complains a bit.

      Dream skips. The store has been cleared. I'm with a few other guys now, Linus from work is one of them. I've packed my bag with all kinds of stuff, and I'm ready to leave. I climb up on the huge food storage to my level. One guy is ready to go to sleep and is already in his bed further away. I decide to stay for the night. The store is pretty messy, with ketchup on the floor and a crushed jar which I threw earlier. I remember the satisfying sound of glass shattering. I quote "Laserturken" for a while. Linus asks me why I even bother to go out if I don't have fun and dance or something. He mocks me for not wanting to go all the way to the city to party. I am given a drink. It's white russian. "I've already had like a litre of this tonight" I tell them, but I just chug it.

      13.30: Wake up

      Amount of sleep: 8½ hours

      Supplements before bed: Lots of alcohol

      That's it! The alcohol suppresses REM, which then rebounds if I sleep enough. Sadly I didn't sleep enough, but it will definitely rebound tonight! I will try some Calea out during a small WBTB tomorrow morning. Hopefully I can get lucid. Also the dream I had was completely random. I'm sure it was longer and more intricate than that though.

      Keep on dreaming, HARE BRA!

      Updated 12-26-2010 at 04:06 PM by 36346

      Tags: survival, zombies
    3. Another simple lucid.

      by , 12-26-2010 at 02:13 PM (My world, my rules)
      non-dream / dream / lucid

      Sonhei que estava indo para a casa do Vini. Chegando lá, me encontrei com a avó dele. Ela disse que eu deveria ter combinado essa visita com a mãe dele antes. Como não o fiz, disse que ela odeia bagunça, e que eu deveria deixar tudo organizado. Depois desse comentário, eu disse: "Vocês realmente não me conhecem".
      Adentrei a casa e vi que Vini estava em um cômodo que tinha uma parede de vidro, e estava usando um computador. Estranhei isso, pois o computador dele fica no segundo andar, no seu quarto. Nada além disso, ele me viu e veio me cumprimentar. Sua mãe me viu e disse praticamente as mesmas coisas que a avó dela havia falado. Após um tempo, Amanda também apareceu na casa dele. Também achei isso estranho, mas nada além disso. Fizemos várias coisas e, em determinado momento, fomos para o quintal.
      Lá, simplesmente percebi que tudo era um sonho. Fiz o RC de trancar o nariz e funcionou. Olhei para minha namorada, mas não tive tempo de fazer nada, pois o sonho logo acabou.

      Updated 06-01-2011 at 04:18 PM by 32539

      lucid , non-lucid
    4. simple

      by , 12-26-2010 at 01:46 PM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      0 recall on the first dream, other than I knew I had one, and I had a long non lucid about being Spider-man. Just running around town, web zipping, catching crooks, experimenting with different webbings, all of that good stuff.

      edit: first dream I was trying to convince someone that the masons were bad, and someone was trying to tell me and that person otherwise.

      Updated 12-26-2010 at 02:27 PM by 10773

      Tags: spider-man
    5. 12/25/2010 - Zombies

      by , 12-26-2010 at 11:54 AM
      12/25/2010 - Dream Fragment - Zombies

      I dreamed that I was in an apartment complex with three other friends. We were looking for first aid kits throughout the run down complex. Unfortunately, every bathroom and first aid cabinet had already been raided.

      I was woken up by a number of texts and phone calls this morning, as well, so I ended up shutting off my alarm and only wrote down this dream fragment, unfortunately. Hopefully I'll sleep better tonight!
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    6. small snippets

      by , 12-26-2010 at 11:53 AM
      well i use this Dream journal now to post all the small sensations and things i know to hopefully gain better recall

      tonight as far as i know i dreamed about a scene wich involved a trainstation.. and i can remember a yellow looking train(wich is normal because we have that in the netherlands).

      i also have this other small snippet wich involved a girl who knew about lucid dreaming.. sadly this didnt triggerd anything at all!(or atleast not that i remember)

      that means i was pretty close i quess!
      dream fragment
    7. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 12-26-2010 at 11:52 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      ¡Single Sentence Sizzler!®

      Confused (Non-Lucid)

      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc View Post
      After showing my father a chart of the best bands to ever come out of Michigan, I wake up thinking I'm in an wide, open field, starry night sky overhead, realizing I'm all alone and the band I was following had up and left; in actuality, I lay awake in bed, suffering some serious delusions, as the word serendipitous came to mind.

      I later learned that the woman residing in my head can kill me at any time, so long as I let/ask her. She advises me not to take that course of action; I'm inclined to agree.

      Updated 12-26-2010 at 11:55 AM by 25167

    8. Two bodies? Cool! [Night of December 11-12]

      by , 12-26-2010 at 08:28 AM (The Lab Notebook)
      Non-lucid dream, [Commentary made while awake]

      [This is a catch-up post. These dreams are from the night of December 11-12, 2010.]

      [Fragment] I see a panoramic overview of the city of Austin, Texas. It's very bright, with lots of city lights and several brightly-lit casinos.

      [Fragment] Two mascot characters, a monster and a yeti, are having an argument over where to find America on a globe.

      [Longer dream begins here] I'm in the brown car with my mom. The car is in the parking lot of an Applebee's restaurant, which is in a shopping center. [The shopping center we were in looked nothing like any of the ones I know in real life.] I tell my mom that yes, I do actually want to wait there for Dad and go to dinner with him. We park the car in the space underneath a long van [or something like that] that is being held up off the ground by two other cars. I'm surprised that our car fits under there.

      Dad arrives. We get out of the car and start walking toward the restaurant.
      [In this particular dream,] I have a second body and can switch from using one to using the other at will. As we're walking along the sidewalk in front of the other shops in the shopping center, I say to my parents, “Nobody's home, so I'm going to go pretend to be asleep.” When I stopped using the first body and switched to the second one, the first one had remained standing there near where we'd parked the car, staring blankly at nothing because there was no consciousness animating it. My plan is to switch back to the first body, lie down somewhere and make it look like I'm asleep so that no one else will figure out that I have two bodies, then switch back to the second one and carry on with what I was doing (going to dinner). As I walk back toward where I left the first one, I mentally debate whether it would be less illegal to (pretend to) sleep on the sidewalk, or in the front seat of the brown car. I know you're not allowed to sleep in parked cars on the street. [I thought the having-two-bodies thing was pretty darn cool. ]

      Updated 12-27-2010 at 06:08 AM by 37356 (left out a word)

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Dec 25

      by , 12-26-2010 at 07:24 AM (Doctor's Dreams)
      I wrote this down on my ipod touch earlier then deleted it believing that I already posted so I'll give the short version since that's all I remember

      Greek Myths

      My mother was a teacher of Greek myth although in my dream, greek myths were actually the history. They became gods that we made statues of. I learned how to make a bust of one out of aluminum. I went into my mom's lecture class and showed her, interrupting the class. Every student left. I then remembered my improv team had a show. I forgot this stole a t-shirt and on the way to running to my car, ran into the rest of the team in the cafeteria. I ate some fries...

      That was the speed version
      non-lucid , memorable
    10. Identity Crisis

      by , 12-26-2010 at 05:37 AM
      Friday, December 24th, 2010
      Total Non Recall
      Recall: 5/10
      Sleep: Nap
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm no longer myself. I've had my memories replaced with new ones, and the only thing I have left of my old life, the only link to my true past, is a baseball ticket. Someone has done this to me, but I can't remember why. My old self would have known, but all I have are these new implanted memories.

      I rub the baseball ticket between my thumb and my fingers, and I can almost remember my old memories. It creates a link to my true past. I put the ticket away and walk with a guy who knows of my predicament.

      These two guys walk my us and look at me funny. Instinctively my fingers start rubbing together like I was doing with the baseball ticket. The guy with my notices this and says that's a clue that those guys are somehow connected with what happened to me. While I may not remember, my body does. He tells me to watch for that "tell" to help unravel this mystery.

      Saturday, December 25th
      Personality Replacement
      Recall: 3/10
      Sleep: Poor
      Sleep Position: Unknown
      I'm at some sort of event, a meeting in a hotel with free food and celebrities. Wesley Snipes is there, and my friends talk about going up to him, but I just do. We hit it off and hang out for the duration. There is another hot actress I hit it off with.

      They bring food, and I can't find a place to sit. I see there is room beside the actress, but she won't move over. I'm a little surprised she was so snobby after being so nice.

      Something happens, secret agent stuff, and I'm being chased. I get caught and wake up in some sort of secret government headquarters. They think they've implanted one of their agents into my body, so I go along with it, playing along.
    11. 11/23/2010 Lucid dream no.4

      by , 12-26-2010 at 05:06 AM (The Midnight Train)
      Low lucidity

      I feel sleep paralysis and stay still. I try not to focus on anything. I end up in a small room with vanilla colored walls and a security door. I make sure that I am lucid with the nose pinch. I leave the security room to find a hall way in a school. I do the hand and whole body stabilization. I briefly see Valda-1 and I think she tells me to go down stairs. So I do and it looks like a hotel down there. Very grand. Someone offers me a blue jacket. I find myself. In NZ. I walk along Colombo and then I see a lady selling clothes that are stored in boxes. I grab one to have a look. The arms of the sweater (black/gray) are not the same length (I laugh to myself). I walk along further to find an escalator. I go up it to find my brother and this chubby girl in a dull yellow shirt. I ask her, "Are you dreaming?"
      "Yes, I am dreaming."

      My mom comes holding a baby. I think to myself, "good! Now my sister has someone to play with." It is naked and my mom hands it over for me to hold. My mom pauses and the baby poops on me.
      I go to the bathroom just behind me to wash off the poo. Bathroom is very filthy. There is this bucket with a whole lot of pills which I chuck down the toilet. I yell out to my brother for a cup to wash myself with. "Were the pills my grandpa's?"

      Updated 01-01-2011 at 04:43 AM by 35484

    12. 12/24/10 You're in Hogwarts, Dummy! Do a RC!

      by , 12-26-2010 at 04:59 AM (New Dream Adventures of Raven Knight)
      12/24/10 You're in Hogwarts, Dummy! Do a RC!
      This dream starts with a FA, as I wake up in a bed that's not my own. I roll over and lie there for a couple of minutes, then I realize I am hearing people outside of the curtains surrounding my bed. I sit up in bed and put on some clothes right there in bed before pulling the curtains aside and getting up. My roommates are in the room, they say hello to me, but it seems I have slept in a bit, and it is already time to get moving. The four of us go down into the common room where there are a lot of people talking to each other, there is a photo on the front page of Umbridge. The focus on the story is the substandard teaching going on at Hogwarts and how the students are completely disrespectful and there needs to be more discipline going on in there. That isn't what everyone is talking about, however. In spite of Umbridge's intent, her arguments were weak and had easily been rebutted by an annoyed Albus Dumbledore. To further detract from the impact of the story is the fact that there are large colored letters on Umbridge's forehead that spell out LOSER. I wonder if she has found any reprieve from having the announcement on her face… And of course since the photo is a moving one, the word on her forehead is flashing animatedly from red to blue to green to yellow… So her story is having minimal to no impact with any of the readers.

      I go with everyone else down to the great hall where breakfast is being served, I look around when I get there and I spot MoSh over near the Gryffindor table talking to Harry and Hermione, Ron is there as well, and he also appears to be talking to everyone. On a whim, I go over to the group of them and give MoSh a big hug. MoSh hugs me back, and says he's glad to see me, too… what's up. Ron seems to have wanted to say something since I first put my arms around MoSh, and now he lets his big mouth run off… "Come on, now," Ron says, "That is just too disgusting, not only are you talking to a Slytherin, now you're hugging one? What's next, are you going to start snogging right here in the middle of the great hall?! Because if you do, I think I'm going to puke." MoSh says he has had just about enough of Ron's talking shit about his friends, Ron says MoSh should choose better friends then. MoSh says that does it, and he punches Ron in the face. Ron goes down pathetically easily, and he is holding his nose, which is bleeding. Ron asks if MoSh has gone mad, MoSh says he is just sick of Ron's attitude problem. MoSh says Ron keeps saying the Slytherins are a bunch of rude assholes, but the only one around here he sees acting like an asshole is Ron himself! Ron is mad, and he is looking to Harry and Hermione to back him up, but neither of them seem willing to do it. He asks what their problem is, or are they siding with the Slytherin lover? Hermione seems really hesitant, and she is trying to word what she says as gently as possible, she says that maybe Ron could at least give me a chance before assuming he knows me. Ron says he can see what was going on here, we're all tournament contestants, so anything he says is automatically wrong because he's not in the tournament, he adds that he doesn't need anyone, and storms off in a serious huff. Hermione starts to follow Ron, calling after him to wait, Ron calls back to leave him alone.

      It is silent between all of us for a couple minutes, everyone is looking in the direction Ron stormed off in, I say I didn't mean to cause any problems, it's just that MoSh and I are friends regardless of which house we were each put in, and that's not about to change just because he's in Gryffindor and I'm in Slytherin. Hermione says it's not my fault, she says Ron is going to have to grow up eventually… although she really didn't see the need for punching Ron in the face… MoSh says it just pisses him off when Ron starts badmouthing me. Draco comes over behind me and asks me what I am doing over here with these… I look at him, hoping he won't say something incredibly rude, I think he is about to do just that, but he sees me looking at him and stops. He asks what I am doing over here, he says he has been waiting to talk to me. I say ok, and I say goodbye to MoSh, Harry, and Hermione to head over towards the Slytherin table with Draco. He doesn't stop at the table, however, he continues to a corner of the room where there aren't any other people. When we get there he speaks quietly, he asks how his parents are doing. I tell him they are fine, perfectly safe. I say if he wants to visit them, that can definitely be arranged. He says he would like to. I tell him we can do it after classes, or definitely sometime over the weekend. He seems satisfied with that, and we head back to the Slytherin table. Draco asks what I was doing hanging out with the Gryffindor tournament contestants anyway. I tell him MoSh is my friend, so I will be talking to him sometimes. But don't worry about anything, my friendship with MoSh has no bearing on the tournament. We finish our breakfast and then leave the great hall to our first class.

      Classes go on without any problems, although I do notice that Ron is continuing to have a major league chip on his shoulder. He is not sitting with Hermione and Harry, he sits several rows away from them next to Neville Longbottom. I wonder how long Ron is going to stay pissed off this time. Ron is apparently so annoyed, however, that he screws up his potion in Potions class. There is a small explosion and a lot of foul smelling smoke coming from the vicinity of Neville Longbottom, but for once it wasn't Neville's doing… the foul odor and smoke clearly are coming from Ron's cauldron. So while Snape immediately starts yelling at Neville, when he got there he seems all too pleased to be yelling at Ron instead. Ron glares over at Hermione as if it is somehow her fault that he isn't sitting beside her to get help with his potion. Ron is doing a lot of talking to Neville, who seems a bit uncomfortable with whatever Ron is saying, but he is doing his best to hide that.

      After Potions class is over, we are met at the door by McGonagall, who tells us that it is recommended for us to meet with Vegeta after we finish with lunch, Vegeta is going to tell us a few strategies that might help us in the next challenge. So after getting a quick lunch, Draco and I head out to the area where Vegeta does his training. Harry, Hermione, and MoSh are also heading there, I even spot Ron at a distance, watching the group of us as we go over to Vegeta. Vegeta is already out there waiting for us to come, he says the next challenge will allow us to take in only our wands, but obviously we will be taking our skills with us. He intends to make sure we have the skills that will help us with completing the tournament. He says contestants who have trained with him will have a distinct advantage over those who have not. Hermione asks if that is really fair to the other schools' contestants. Vegeta says of course it is, his training has been offered to all contestants, if the contestants from the other schools don't take advantage of it, that's their own fault. Draco makes some dumb comment about Ron being a dumb ugly git, and considering how Ron has been behaving here, I don't really have anything to say to deny it.

      So we spend a good length of time training with Vegeta, the tournament participants have been excused from the class after lunch, so we have longer than the other students. Much of what Vegeta is teaching right now is focused on speed and agility, and then he adds in a few techniques for boosting energy levels, which in turn, will boost the power of spells cast with a normal wand. I do some of the training with MoSh, which Draco doesn't seem to like, but this time he keeps his mouth shut, not saying a single word about it. Vegeta's evasion training consists of avoiding large jets of fire that Vegeta is sending at us, this seems odd to several of the participants, others seem to understand, of course, MoSh and I know what is going to happen. Draco pulls me to the side just a bit and says Lucius had told him what the challenges would be before he got thrown in Azkaban… and this one involved stealing a golden egg from a mother dragon, so that must be why Vegeta is using fire jets for training… it's just like a dragon's fire.

      There are still a couple of classes after the training is done, but those are also uneventful. In the class where Slytherin and Gryffindor are together, Ron continues to be extremely anti-social, shooting looks of anger at anyone who got too close to him except for Neville, and Neville looks like he is becoming rather uncomfortable around Ron, too… Right now Ron isn't doing too good in the friends department, since all of his friends are pretty much fed up with his attitude for now, though Hermione looks like she is really upset about the situation.

      After the last class is over, I am thinking this day has been a very long day. Even though I think I have known all day, somewhere in the back of my mind, that this is a dream, I haven't been consciously thinking about or aware of the fact that I was dreaming. I have a sense of urgency, though, a sense that if I don't get Draco to see his parents soon, the chance will be missed. I tell Draco it has to be right away, or his chance to see his parents would be missed. He asks what about getting something to eat, and I say it has to be now, he can eat something with his parents, but we have to go. I lead Draco back to the Slytherin common room, which is completely empty now since most everyone else is in the great hall eating. So now what? I have to get Draco to see his parents… who are currently residing in my inner world so they won't be targeted by Voldemort… so I would open a portal… That doesn't seem like an easy task right now, considering I am not fully aware it is a dream, but I decide I can use a mirror. I end up rationalizing that I can't open just any portal while I'm awake, but I can use a mirror even if it is a dream. I open the portal using a full height mirror in the common room, then I lead Draco through it into my inner world. Q is there waiting for us, I think he knows I am about to wake up, and he says he will take Draco to see Lucius and Narcissa, and he will also take care of getting Draco back to Hogwarts, I could wake up if I need to. Wake up? Wake up from what? I'm not sleeping… I wake up, and kick myself for having that long a dream and not becoming lucid!

      Updated 01-09-2011 at 02:15 AM by 27700 (Post restored for members who have been following my DJ.)

    13. 11/20/2010 Fooled by my mind

      by , 12-26-2010 at 04:56 AM (The Midnight Train)
      I experience sleep paralysis but it's late in the day and too much sound outside. I try to concentrate on a dream image but paralysis fades. So I open m eyes but, I see my hands on top of the blanket, and it is vibrating slightly. Then I wake up for real to find that my hands are under the blanket.
      Tags: paralysis
      false awakening
    14. 11/12/2010 Possessed lady

      by , 12-26-2010 at 04:53 AM (The Midnight Train)
      In a mall, I order side dishes going round on a carousel. Paulette-2 and Madge-3 are with me. The mall feels a bit like an airport. Some of the dishes have been pre-ordered by us. Once we have the food we go up to this escalator and there's this old lady upside down on a platform that goes up the escalator. She has to goo on the platform just in case she becomes possessed. I help her get down from it and turn her the right way up. She walks slowly away.
    15. 11/11/2010 Giant iceberg

      by , 12-26-2010 at 04:44 AM (The Midnight Train)
      A giant iceberg hits land and breaks in half. It looks like a gigantic ship. I rip 100s of posters of the wall in a dorm room. The posters seem to predict this event. Behind the posters, a window looking out to town and sea.
      I see the giant moving iceberg. I tell an old man who's is in the room with me what's happening. We leave that room. I later recount this dream to other characters in the dream.
      Tags: iceberg