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    1. LD #258- Punks, Lotsa Flying

      by , 03-10-2016 at 01:51 PM (Lucid Time!)
      My sleep schedule was messed up last night. I fell asleep around 5:30, woke up at 9:00. Did homework and watched youtube videos until about 1:45, then went back to bed and woke up at 6:00. I did not expect to get lucid. I didn't even expect to have any dream recall.

      I vaguely remember from my 'first sleep' that had something to do with me staying over at my grandparents' house. They had shelves upon shelves of food because they were preparing for the end of the world. I then remember somebody broke into their house and started stealing all the food. They were really mad.


      I remember I was living in a city/urban area. (Just row upon row of identical gray tenement buildings. I remember most of the buildings had lots of green plants on them. Ivy and vines, trees growing on the roofs and stuff. That's a dream sign.) I would ride my bike to college/work everyday. It was pretty crowded, but I was navigating the crowd pretty quickly. I could ride in the street. There were designated bike lanes and very few cars.

      These two malevolent teenagers approached me and tried to block my path. I went into the street to go around them, and they started chasing after me. I remember they were grabbing at my backpack and trying to take things from it. I told them to stop or they we're going to get it. They just gave me a cruel smile and didn't say anything back.

      I remember they chased me for a quite a few blocks. Eventually I came across this construction site that I rode into. I remember there was this scaffolding with ramps that I could ride up. At one point, I even rode my bike across a very thin board that would have been hard to walk across. I started riding my bike across rooftops and such (because dream) and got cornered by them in this clock tower type building. I got off my bike and warned them again. They just approached me with that same smile. It seemed like they were older now, not teenagers, but full blown adults. (I also remember one of them was a black guy now, when he hadn't been that way before.)

      Nature Show Guy: And here we see the JadeGreen, scientific name Jadus Oneironoughtus in its natural habitat. It is generally a peaceful creature, but if given no other option, it will attack.

      I remember I fought one of the guys by twisting his arm and flipping him over my shoulder into a pile of wooden boxes. He got two black eyes and went unconscious. The other guy phoned his friends telling him to send more guys. I grabbed his arm and made him drop his phone and break it. I then kicked him a couple times and made him fall off a platform. That put him unconscious...

      I was worried that I might have seriously hurt the guys, but I saw that they were just knocked out. Four other punks (three male, one female) approached the tower. The leader said that he was sorry his boys had 'acted out' again and he would pay me to have them back. (Woo! Free money.) He wanted me to feel comfortable with the exchange so he told me to meet him downstairs in the subway restaurant.

      We met down there. He was actually really nervous around me. He asked me for [the name of one of his guys] and for some reason I handed him a small envelope. He opened it, and turned it upside down and the guy fell out. He gave me a check. I handed him the second envelope and the other guy fell out. They poured cold soda on the guys and that made them come back from being unconscious. The gang leader guy apologized again and bought me a sandwich. (suck up).

      I remember my sub sandwich was very weird because all of the meatballs were stuck together. (So it was more like a meatloaf sandwich.) For some reason this really grossed me out. I became lucid and the dream shifted.


      I was back in my neighborhood, and amazingly lucid. Flying time. (I did promise myself that the first thing I would do when I got some really good lucidity again was go out and fly.) The thing that I thought was the most weird was the fact that the season was actually correct to what the weather is like now.

      I took off using my usual method of forcing myself up on jets of flame. I remember the jets of flame and sound effects looked and sounded like the rockets in KSP. (Weird, haven't played that game in awhile. Waiting for the new version to come out.) It took off. Flying was sluggish at first. I said 'faster' but wasn't going much faster. I then yelled 'COME ON!', but not in a really angry way, more of a sort of aggressive 'Let's do it' kind of way. The dream responded well to this and an appropriate flying speed came. I remember I flew very close to the side of a house, within a couple of inches, while moving at about 70km/hr.

      I then did a couple of 'barrel rolls' while flying down over the street. Dream spinning never seems to work for me. (Usually not changing the environment.) But the upside is that I can get away with flying stunts all I want and not lose the dream. I thought about that in a dream. I then remember intentionally flying head on into an oversized fire hydrant. (Was about 8 feet tall) just to see what it would feel like. I felt almost nothing but stopped abruptly. (Yeah just like last time) Even though it showed the crash from third person and it looked really painful and made a cartoony 'clang' sound effect.

      I took off and started flying again, heading away from my subdivision to see if I could enter a dream-original environment. The trees had gnarled into loops and corridors making for a challenging but very fun flying course. At some point I flew through a treehouse. (In one window, out the other). I then decided that I wanted to head back to my neighborhood to see if I could do some summoning.

      I remembered my quick reverse technique for flying that I used to use. Do a (summersalt? somersalt?) in mid air and blast fire jets the other way. Much faster than a slow banking turn. I turned back to the neighborhood. I flew up high over it, getting the whole thing in view and noticing that it was outright deserted. I decided to try summoning at the house of my old crush from way back when. I came in close and saw a big black lab in their front yard.

      'That's Familiar' I thought to myself. (Though this time it was big, but still realistically sized for a dog. Not like last time where the dog was seven feet tall.) But the dog was barking at me and growling viciously. Two other dogs came out and started barking too. One of them was a very small poodle or something, and the other one was I think a doberman, kind of skinny ish... Shouted 'NO' at the dog and told him to stop barking, but he didn't listen. I was reluctant to land for the dream journeying into dog attack nightmare territory. But I landed anyway. Luckily all of the dogs just wanted to give me kisses instead.

      The dream started to fade out. I remember realizing that I wasn't wearing any pants or underwear, just a tank top. I thought I could manifest them fairly easily, but that it was too late in the dream to matter. I then remember (as visuals went out) hearing an unrelated friend of mine ask why I was on his lawn wearing only a shirt.