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    1. Flying in the woods

      by , 07-02-2010 at 02:18 PM
      2/10 2010
      Awarness and logical thinking: high/medium

      I had a long weird dream before I woke up (or had a false awakening). After that my eyes were still closed and I hadn't moved so I figured I'd try DEILD. I kept lying still. Had to swallow once but it didnt interrupt my DEILD and I started vibrating more and more. I think I saw a blurry cube but other than that it was all black. After a while when I felt the transition was complete I decided to open my eyes, it was blurry and I fell down the bed. But by doing so and not feeling any pain when falling down I took the conclusion that my DEILD was successful.

      It was night and I was alone in my old room like in many of my lucid dreams. There wasnt a single light on in my house, all that could be seen were the street lights outside, I didnt like that and the light switches didn't work as usual so I walked outside. Leaped a few times and then started flying. I looked at my hands and it was all so real. To gain speed I did some swimming strokes and later on I just flew like superman over a large forest. The sky was now brighter, more like a cloudy day. Some houses started appearing and I flew over a what looked like a cool car from above that gave me the idea to drive. I landed right after the cool car and looked back at it and it was shit ugly.

      Still wanting to drive something I walked around in the area with houses looking for a nice car, preferably something from the late sixties/early seventies. But none to be found, then I decided a motorcycle would be even more awesome to drive in a dream but all I found were junk. I saw something interresting just at the border of the forrest but it when I walked over there I heard growling from the bushes. I took a step back but then decided to confront it and two wolves appeared. I killed both with my hands, got a little shooked up from the experience and decided to leave the place to go flying again. I took a few leaps as normal and took off.

      I saw some cars moving on the road. One of them was a boat with wheels, just like in the movie Waking life. I saw this as a sign and I flew down to land in the boat. There were two guys inside it, they both looked strange and had big heads. I sat down in the seats behind them and started talking. Dont remember much about the conversation, my awareness were decreasing at this point.
      We got to an old town and now I had completely lost my lucidity and the stuff after was a blur.