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    1. Fighting the Other Self

      by , 04-27-2022 at 04:35 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      Laid down at 8:30PM
      was up at 9:30PM with RLS.
      Laid back down after 10-15min.
      Later I have very strong SP like sensations. I start focusing on the dream state. It is very dark. Have to visualize. I “get up” but I am not sure. I jump up and down and find I am hovering. Good. I get pulled back. I try some more. I can see myself so I start fighting my other self. I wrestle with me and get on top. I start to choke me. It feels like a representation of my waking self and I have to subdue it. I have to win to enter the dream. Who is this other?
      After that victory, I “get out of bed” and jump up and down again to test. I stop mid jump and hover in the room. Then, I drift out and hover through the bathroom into the hallway. I think to turn into the other part of the house but suddenly get a strong urge to go outside time. Instead of opening the door, I decide to phase through. There is resistance and some darkness but only for a moment as I push my face through.
      I am on side porch. The only thing in existence is a small area that the light from the porch could illuminate. Beyond that; darkness. I see the full carport and a vehicle and some bit of the shed and part of the yard. I try to fly away to make the full scene materialize but I am sucked back to the porch by some unseen and unknown force. Apparently, I am allowed to only go so far. I decide to make due.
      I realize the parked car is a small red hatchback. We don’t own anything like that but I don’t think about this. I decide to open the door and fold it back to break it off but it crumbles easily like it’s made of thin aluminum. I think of a soda can. This is kind of fun so I proceed to destroy the car bit by bit by pulling it apart and folding sheets up and wading them up like pieces of paper. It is very satisfying and I continue to do this until I wake up
      The time is 10:30PM
      Tags: early night
      lucid , memorable
    2. The Water Temple

      by , 11-24-2021 at 01:35 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #551 DILD 11:20PM

      I had another early sleep LD randomly. I wan't trying at all but this is a good sign I might be getting back to normal. Sleep is still kind of hit and miss though. I was indeed having a hard time going to sleep and I took a Melatonin at about 10PM. Also, I don't really know what to call these episodes anymore. Its not a WILD for sure since there was a complete loss in consciousness prior and I don't feel like there was any micro awakening just before. I just find myself having what feels like a WILD or OBE. I am assuming its connected to my past randomly occurring SP issues. Maybe it's a Wake Induced Lucid Dream for the fact that I had been asleep but partial woke up. These are just labels that don't matter but I do wish I could know whats going on so that I may be able to exploit it in the future.

      Anyway, lm myself so I don't wake up. I feel a big smile on my face and I am loving the sense of gravity being manipulated. I take effort to see what going on and I notice I am descending down on something that looks like a mirror or a sheet of glass. I don't see my reflection but it looks like a room in my house. I find myself feeling like I am laying in bed but I am noticing a lot of WILD like transition symptoms. Lots of trippy hypnogogia type stuff. I don't quite recall all of it now. I do remember something like some textured white plastic with red pulsating lights under it. This was the most vivid of all and was the image that really got me realizing that I am in a dream transitional state. With that realization, I feel mild vibrations (probably just because I expect it now) and I become weightless. I rotate and slowly roll over uncontrollably. I become very excited at this and feel my heart rate pick up. I instantly remember to ca

      I decide to phase through it with out any issue. Their is a brief darkness and then I find myself underwater near some ancient under water structures. The sea floor looks odd. Sandy but full of bits of debris. As I move in the water I heard very trippy watery sounds that I cant describe. I find this to be interesting and move around and listen for a bit. I even start calling out and it feels and sounds about what you would expect for being underwater. That clears up and sounds more normal after a moment. I call out Hello? who's there? Just to try to get something to happen. There's no answer but I see an odd stone with some sort of unrecognizable inscription on it like a rune. The more I look at it the more it looks like some sort of carved item. I ask what this is and I hear a voice say, "It's a a stone tablet." but for some reason I interpret this as it's a key.

      There is a wall in front of me with an indention the same size as the stone carving. I insert it and it the wall lifts up. I enter and there is no water inside at the door but there are lower levels with water pooled up. I see two stone braziers. One on each side with steps leading down into the pools of water. The fire inside them looks really fake but its lighting the room. I walk down a stone corridor and search several rooms but they are all empty. I think I forgot to have some sort of expectations here as nothing interesting is really happening. I then hear my son's voice. I don't quite know what he is saying but I turn and follow it. There is some visual disturbances and I half wonder if I am waking up and he's really talking. I ask the voice if that is really him and if he's just up getting a drink of water. I think I am talking in my sleep and just half awake now but I am not quite sure (I make this mistake too often). I am now walking down a new hallway that is slowly turning into a version of my house. The dream slowly fades away and I wake up.

      Edit: I forgot to mention that when I woke up I saw a grid pattern on everything witl some random muted colors. I focused on it for a bit and it would distort and twist. This has been happening to me a lot lately especially after waking from a vivid dream. I am not sure what is going on but I kind of like it.