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    1. My sister and I...

      by , 11-14-2024 at 04:15 PM
      So I had this dream where me and my sister would try to kill eachother every single day. We would try to do sneak attacks and such, kinda like assassins. We would use knives, pencils, screwdrivers, or whatever we could find to kill the other person.
      It always ended with one of us dying and waking up the next morning like nothing had happened. It was kinda like groundhog day, but instead of repeating the same day we just woke up the next morning.
      As days passed I mostly won the exhanges because I was physically stronger, even if it was always close. I previously remember getting shot and instantly killed in the past, which I thought was a lucky and painless way to die.

      My sister was a total psychopath. She was sardistic and maniacal, and she became more insane as she continued to get killed in intensely painful ways every single day. She reminded me a lot like "Azula" from "Avatar: The Last Airbender". I didn't really want to kill her, but I had to as a form of self defence. One day she was laying on top of me as she tried stabbing my eyes out with a pencil, but I ended up getting the upper hand and slowly pushed the pencil through her eye and into her brain, killing her in a slow and agonizing way. I can still clearly remember the hideous and awful screams from the different times she got killed.
      I was completely willing to stop fighting with her, but she was far past the point of no return. I could tell she desperately wanted to hurt me and was willing to continue trying to murder me.
      We also both had these top assassin friends who understood what was going on. I tried telling our parents what was happening but for some reason they never really understood properly.

      It might sound cool but it was absolutely horrifying. I was terrified of getting killed because of the pain, and what scared me the most was the knowledge that one day she would overpower me, and when she did she would most likely torture the shit out of me.

      **Authers note: I got all my dreams written down in a very vague note-form that I write as soon as I wake up. Usually as I read the notes and write the dream out formally, I remember a bunch of small details that I add. But this dream is from over 2 years ago and I wrote it out formally today so I might have forgotten some parts of the dream. I think this is my oldest interesting dream and I would love to hear peoples thoughts on it**

      Please comment your thoughts!

      Updated 11-14-2024 at 04:19 PM by 102033

    2. 18-04-27 Dystopia, Groundhog Day

      by , 04-28-2018 at 12:31 AM
      A lot of cool world-building in this dream. It's (presumably) the future. Neo-Nazi groups have taken over vast swaths of Africa and the Middle-East. Europe is now one nation, the United States of Europe. The European refugee crisis and SJW culture has gotten so bad, cities now have entire (dilapidated) ghettos that are utterly lawless and where the 'refugees' can do whatever they want. Dare to criticize this state of affairs, and they call you a bigot. Basically, the present but worse. I think the North America was also one nation in this world.

      Anyway, me and two others walked through such a ghetto and visited an outdoor market where merchants hawked their wares. I saw the world map on a retro-looking computer screen in the wall (like an ATM, but not an ATM), highlighting the factions and the territories they controlled. Someone put something with a Neo-Nazi symbol on it into my friend's backpack, and he was immediately cornered by angry 'refugees'. No police here, so usually the scum just murders anyone they don't like. My friend (who looked like Brendon Hartley, a race driver in F1 and WEC) was a very smooth talker, and managed to talk his way out of it. When we walked away from the market, I expressed outrage over how they could just threaten someone's life and get away with it. Being SJWs, my friends ignored me, saying I was a racist. Apparently, liking law and order and disliking your country turning into a garbage dump ghetto is racist. Robin Williams was there too, and he spouted some stereotypical anti-Trump bullshit. Anyway...

      We arrived at some other shop, and some kid was behind the counter. My friend handed the kid a ring. The kid looked like he was getting a vision. He said he'd seen my friend in a vision of the future (the ring was 'connected' to him and acted as a conduit for the kid's ability), and said he had to save the world. We (myself and the second friend) also played a role, but more as sidekicks. What followed was bizarre. The world turned on its side. We were still in the room, and it was like gravity suddenly changed direction. It came from the side instead of below. Objects from the wall in the distance 'fell' toward us, and we had to dodge all the debris. The wall itself started crumbling and the glass of the windows broke. I struggled to dodge the razor-sharp glass shards. But time was also weird. The scene event kept repeating, like Groundhog Day. After a while, I knew exactly where every piece of debris would fall, so I could dodge it easily.

      Later on, this room was a crime scene. It looked like it had burned down. I was alone, and entered the building while the cops were still setting up their equipment. I was there to recover the ring, which was still there.

      Updated 04-28-2018 at 02:09 PM by 17412
