I'm Mary Poppins Ya'll: I'm in an outdoor space, a large field. There are several long banquet tables extending out into the distance. Between some of the tables, there is a man demonstrating a flying device. It's an umbrella that allows free-flight. ... Later I'm seated near the head of one of the tables with my coworker C and my friend H from the Tots. I'm got the umbrella and I've taken off. High into the sky. I feel uneasy knowing that the only thing keeping me from certain death is my grip on the handle. But I get more comfortable with it over time, taking more and more risky angles by maneuvering the handle. I go out of my way to make sure that the other attendees at the party can see me by gliding close to the other tables. Eventually I return to my table. As I approach, C, challenges me to land the tip of the handle on a small plate. I achieve that and return to my seat. ... I wake up somewhere that I don't recognize. My Mom comes into the room from a door in front of me. I tell her all about my flying umbrella dream. There's a CPAP machine next to me, and she is wanting the pipe part off of it. This device is somehow now identified as the one that will allow free-flight. I give it up freely, knowing that I have another one I can use. Showing off my new flying umbrella. Made with ChatGPT 4.
Updated 01-13-2024 at 08:37 PM by 99808