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    1. Night of Friday 1/12/24 (Comp Night 7)

      by , 01-13-2024 at 06:30 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm Mary Poppins Ya'll:
      I'm in an outdoor space, a large field. There are several long banquet tables extending out into the distance.
      Between some of the tables, there is a man demonstrating a flying device.
      It's an umbrella that allows free-flight.
      Later I'm seated near the head of one of the tables with my coworker C and my friend H from the Tots.
      I'm got the umbrella and I've taken off. High into the sky.
      I feel uneasy knowing that the only thing keeping me from certain death is my grip on the handle.
      But I get more comfortable with it over time, taking more and more risky angles by maneuvering the handle.
      I go out of my way to make sure that the other attendees at the party can see me by gliding close to the other tables.
      Eventually I return to my table. As I approach, C, challenges me to land the tip of the handle on a small plate.
      I achieve that and return to my seat.
      I wake up somewhere that I don't recognize. My Mom comes into the room from a door in front of me.
      I tell her all about my flying umbrella dream.
      There's a CPAP machine next to me, and she is wanting the pipe part off of it.
      This device is somehow now identified as the one that will allow free-flight.
      I give it up freely, knowing that I have another one I can use.

      Showing off my new flying umbrella. Made with ChatGPT 4.

      Updated 01-13-2024 at 08:37 PM by 99808

    2. Night of Wednesday 1/10/24 (Comp Night 5)

      by , 01-12-2024 at 04:58 AM (Dreamlog)
      I'm in a hotel with two levels.
      My Dad and my Uncle J are there with me.
      My Uncle is looking at something on Google Maps.
      One of them has thrown a cigarette bud into a trash can.
      I'm concerned this will cause a fire.

      Return to the Hilltop Arcade:
      My friends G and A are sitting on a bench, watching the sunset.
      It's my birthday, and there is a cake-like pastry sliced into four parts.
      There is a Dave and Buster's like arcade behind the bench.
      This arcade is the one from my previous dream in September, where I met Arin Hanson.

      The space has changed into a big factory. Intuitively I know that the working conditions are bad.
      I'm escaping in a sequence similar to the one in the game Portal.
      There's a monologue at the end that sounds hopeful.

      The Hilltop Arcade. Made with Bing Image Creator AI.

      Into the Square:
      I'm riding a CATA bus from college, but I don't know where I am going.
      I realize that I should pull the string to get off on the next stop and I find it on my right.
      There's a building nearby and I go in, thinking I would like to buy a t-shirt.
      Inside it looks like a mailroom, with a small square entryway in the center of the wall in front of me.
      I'm through the square hole now and I see my coworker J getting makeup done by a team on my left.
      He's sitting down in a chair in front of some lockers.
      It looks like a large locker room.
      My friend H from the Tots comes through the square hole, but she is mad at me.
      Somehow I have messed up the entryway, and she pulls out a banana peel from it.

      Updated 01-12-2024 at 05:54 AM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable