Before WBTB The Deal: I'm in a haunted house, a sort of Scooby-Doo scenario with a group of people my age. We’re in a room with fake doors, foam blocks cut up and filled into chasms. I start trying to feel out the walls, looking for fakes. I'm out in front leading the group because this type of thing doesn't really bother me. We get to the end of a hallway and there is a pantry. We all fill into the small room and I end up behind a woman. I understand that this woman can see smell. I engage with some NSFW stuff with this woman. Later, somebody says “things aren't so different after all”. … We’re in the front yard of the mansion and we are trying out keys to several gates. I try one and clearly the key is wrong, but the door can be forced open. The group decides we shouldn't win this way. My coworker L is here and he has made a deal with a friend. The friend eventually shows up from inside the mansion but L is asleep on a bench now. The group moves away, not wanting to deal with the rough looking guy, but I stay. The guy starts going through L's jean pocket back looking for money. I keep watch. L wakes and catches him. L gets mad and starts threatening to kick his ass, but it seems like the deal was OK. After WBTB: Chase: I’m in a destroyed house, similar to the inn at Westfall from WoW but smaller. I’m chasing an animated character from a show I'm watching. Eventually I catch her and we start some NSFW stuff. I wake up pretty turned on. Fragment: Something about being in a gas station store.
Updated 04-15-2024 at 01:53 AM by 99808
Before WBTB I set my alarm for 6 hours from now, make a plan to stay up for about 30 minutes when it goes off, and then go to bed. WBTB No recall. I spend some time incubating a dream where I am in the lamp-post area from Chronicles of Narnia where Lucy meets Mr. Tumnus. The goal being to transition directly from waking into this dream. I've grabbed onto lamp-posts and other objects before to "pull myself into" dreams, so it seems like a good strategy. I write up a dream where I summon Daniel Love, ask him for advice on teleporting, and then go through a portal to arrive at Silverlight. This takes me about 30 minutes and then I return to bed. I have some difficulty going back to sleep, but eventually I get there. No WILD sensations though. After WBTB Chasing Daniel: I’m in my bedroom, and I remember that I was just going to sleep from a WBTB and perform a nose RC [1]. Aha! This is a dream. I get up and start looking around. I can feel the dream is unstable so I start to rub the floor with my hands, and (as is tradition) lick the wall. It still tastes like wall. I recall that my first task is to summon, so I go to the bathroom door in front of me and imagine Daniel Love behind it. I pull the door open and check the whole room, including the area behind the opened door. He isn’t there. Crap. Maybe I was too rushed? I go to the kitchen and my Mom and Dad are there, talking about something. I pay them little attention. I do notice that the kitchen table is covered in pizza boxes, empty two-liters, and crumpled up paper. I reflect about how my brain is this good about characterizing my past. I make it to the fridge, thinking I want something to eat, and sure enough there is an apple in a bottom drawer in the fridge [2]. Successful summon! First task complete! As I try to grab it, I feel the dream destabilizing. Void. I try to focus and go back into the dream. I hear my Mom’s voice from outside my room. Wait. My Mom isn’t alive. It can’t be her. I perform a nose RC. This is a false awakening [3]. I get out of bed again and try to stabilize more vigorously this time, but the dream fades. … I’m outside a small shop, and I remember that I had just been stabilizing. Nose RC: Lucid again. I recall that I want to summon Daniel. I see that there are two people in the shop: a customer facing away and a person tending the register. The customer is the one facing away, so I imagine that when I see his face, it’ll be Daniel. I approach him and I notice the back of his head looks like what I expect Daniel's would look like. Short black hair. But when I extend my hand out to meet him, he says “not him” [4]. This is a dark skinned man with a mustache. Nope. He shakes my hand anyway though. I try to turn-around-and-turn-back to get him to transform into Daniel, but no luck. The dream starts to fade again. Points Day Time Practice Reality Checks (Good) = 1pt Induction and Recall WBTB (Success) = 2pts [1]: First DILD = 10pts [3]: Catch a False Awakening = 2pts Dream Control Tasks [1]: Reality Check/Stabilize = 1pt [2]: Basic Summoning + First Task = 5pts + 5pts = 10pts [4]: Interact with a Dream Character = 2pts Night 6 Total = 28pts
Updated 04-05-2024 at 04:49 PM by 99808
Fragment: I’m staying somewhere in a swamp-like area. Like a hotel. There is a patio type spot with a bed so low to the ground that it is nearly level to the water. I tell my girlfriend that we should have stayed in this room, but I know she wouldn't have wanted to deal with the water. Swampland Hotel. Firelord Putin: Two Fire Nation brothers are coming towards me, leaping over tall buildings to get to me. They want me to come see something. They've invented something to find the Avatar. It’s a big ATM-like machine. It beeps and boops and makes a confirmation sound, printing out a receipt. Then another group of guys appears and questions what we are doing. We try to keep the info secret, but they know. … The Fire Lord and Zuko are giving a speech to the Fire Nation on a stage in front of a large crowd. I’m in a large group including people from every nation. Tenzin from Legend of Korra is part of it. The Fire Lord is talking about loyalty and exceptional individuals. My group slowly sidles onto the stage and fills in behind the Fire Lord, catching him off guard. I notice the Avatar is with us too. When we come into the crowd’s view, the speech stops abruptly. The adults are sent off to a room with the Fire Lord to discuss a treaty. … I’m now back in a regular hotel room, with J from high-school. I notice she has a small mustache. We are sharing a bed, but more like a field trip way than a romantic one. I start to unpack and setup the bed. There are about six people in the room. … Some of the group returns from the war room, and the situation has instead changed into us being the United Nations, and the Fire Lord being Vladimir Putin. Somebody is telling us how the UN was grilling him about things like Area 51 and similar, and how he danced around the questions.
Updated 04-01-2024 at 01:40 AM by 99808
Chill Hell: I'm in a mall-like building. There is a large aquarium in front of me. My Mom is with me and a group. We see a set of stairs going down, and I know that it leads to Hell. But I also know that Hell isn't as bad as we've been led to believe. ... Later I've gone down the stairs to explore. There is a sort of sitting area. It's sunk-in, the same style I've been looking for in a house. Guess all my friends are gonna be here anyway.
Updated 02-29-2024 at 04:37 PM by 99808
Wanting Flight: I'm in a house structured like the standard Alliance floor-plan from World of Warcraft. If you know the game, think the two-floor homes in Moonbrook, except well-maintained. It is day-time. There is a super-hero dead facedown in the yard. He has feathers and I surmise that he had bird-powers. I'm taking the body upstairs, and I'm trying not to be seen. At some point while traveling up the stairs, the body transforms, leaving only the outfit. I may have been trying to steal the hero's powers. Manuevering: I'm at my childhood home. My Dad is on the phone with the water company, working out bills. He might have been trying to negotiate a better rate. ... I'm upstairs with my niece, B, and she is smaller than she is in waking life. We're in my brother and I's room, rifling through a set of drawers near the front of the room. I'm worried that B will find age-inappropriate stuff in the drawer, and she does. I quickly hide the stuff, and try to draw her attention elsewhere. ... I'm up by the upstairs bathroom with my Uncle J. He is holding what looks like a document from waking life work. He's trying to talk down to me, as if he knows it better than I do (he does not). I try to let him down easy, not keen on allowing him to act this way, but also not wanting to hurt him. ... My Grandma and my Mom are in the living room. I'm on my way out of the house. I've left, but forgotten something. I go back and they give me a drinkable yogurt.
Onesie Catte: I'm with my friend D and my brother in my childhood basement bedroom. We are crowded around my computer, discussing going over to D's house. There's some concern that my sister M will feel left out. ... We're at an apartment closer to what modern day D's looks like. Something bad has happened and we are having a discussion in the living room. I'm feeling cold, so two of D's cats come over. One is wearing a onesie. I attempt to recall the names of his cats, but I can't. The onesie cat lays down on me and I feel warm. ... I'm walking outside, either to school or from school. The path doesn't seem familiar, rather, it looks like a summer version of the path from the movie A Christmas Story. There are a group of kids playing a sport off behind a fence on my left. The national anthem has started to play, and I sing along. Someone nearby gets on my case about not having my hand over my heart. While singing, I debate whether my allegiance should really be to the flag, given how the past few years have gone. ... I'm in a past living place. This time, a condo my family briefly lived in while our home was having work done on it. My Mom is there, and she is working on fixing the sound system on the entertainment center. She has no clue what she is doing. She's holding a speaker and trying to unfold some plastic wings on it. Without embarrassing her too much, I try to steer her away from the system with tact. ... I'm now playing Super Mario 64 on the TV with my family watching. There is some kind of new game plus, where the levels are slightly modified. I'm at the secret Peach Slide from the early game, and there is a group of coins spelling out "Congratulations!" or something similar at the start. ... Now the family is in the kitchen and we are discussing a movie we recently went to see. The kitchen is a mixture of the condo and my Great-Grandma's/Grandma M's. You have been visited by Onesie Catte. Say "Meow Meow Onesie Catte!" for good fortune.
Updated 01-15-2024 at 08:02 PM by 99808
I'm Mary Poppins Ya'll: I'm in an outdoor space, a large field. There are several long banquet tables extending out into the distance. Between some of the tables, there is a man demonstrating a flying device. It's an umbrella that allows free-flight. ... Later I'm seated near the head of one of the tables with my coworker C and my friend H from the Tots. I'm got the umbrella and I've taken off. High into the sky. I feel uneasy knowing that the only thing keeping me from certain death is my grip on the handle. But I get more comfortable with it over time, taking more and more risky angles by maneuvering the handle. I go out of my way to make sure that the other attendees at the party can see me by gliding close to the other tables. Eventually I return to my table. As I approach, C, challenges me to land the tip of the handle on a small plate. I achieve that and return to my seat. ... I wake up somewhere that I don't recognize. My Mom comes into the room from a door in front of me. I tell her all about my flying umbrella dream. There's a CPAP machine next to me, and she is wanting the pipe part off of it. This device is somehow now identified as the one that will allow free-flight. I give it up freely, knowing that I have another one I can use. Showing off my new flying umbrella. Made with ChatGPT 4.
Updated 01-13-2024 at 08:37 PM by 99808
Strange Chill: I'm with Donald Trump and two others on a trampoline bouncing around. It reminds me of my friend JW's house from my childhood. We're discussing whether it is OK to be watched while giving birth or making love. Trump says his wife is into it. ... I'm driving to my friend DR's house. It's night-time, and cold outside. My car's window is open. I notice that it has taken me about 20 minutes to drive to where I am at. I reason that there are 10 minutes until I arrive. I had my music going, but it was on quiet. I wake up and realize that I was uncovered and the fan was blowing on me, hence the cold I felt.
Updated 01-05-2024 at 06:49 PM by 99808
Wild Burgers: I'm in the woods with my brother. It vaguely reminds me of how I pictured a scene from the book 'Hatchet' from middle school English class. It's raining, and we have a small cave for shelter. But there are some wild animals coming. High feeling of urgency and stress. We run. ... I see a homeless man coming out of the wilderness in third person. He walks onto the street and enters a bar. The man is concerned about how he might smell, but nobody brings up the issue. ... I'm with Danny and Arin from the Game Grumps. We seem to be in a sort of Power Hour scenario (Youtube show the duo does). There are three burgers in front of us in a chemical hood. The task is to assemble one full size burger by disassembling the other three. I sarcastically split each burger into thirds, and then combine one third of each piece into one as a joke. I'm concerned whether the joke will land. Unclear Suns: I'm in a classroom that resembles a conference room at work. A Carl Sagan-like person is teaching a lecture about the sun. It may have been about the sun exploding. There is some algebra on a chalkboard as he explains. An Asian guy calls out to him, not believing something he is saying. I can follow the algebra on the board, except for one part that is unreadable to me at the bottom. It looked as if letters were combined.
Updated 12-13-2023 at 10:29 PM by 99808
Hands Observation and High Jumps: I'm in some foreign place. There is sand, mountains, and two sets of railroad tracks side by side. I'm standing in middle of the two railroad track sets. There is a train coming toward me. There are also cars coming, but they aren't on the tracks. At first I'm trying to use a hearthstone (From the MMORPG World of Warcraft) to teleport away, but it isn't going to be fast enough. I get out of the way, and then notice there are two people approaching me. One of them is an older woman, and the other is a younger man. Neither of them speak English, and I realize I'm in a foreign country. Despite this, they begin to speak and I understand anyway. They ask me what language I speak, so I tell them American. Upon hearing this, the older woman grabs my arm and starts to pull on me. I get the impression she wants to capture me because I am American. Ill intent. My first thought is that I need to get out of the situation. I pull out my phone and look around at places I could use my hearthstone to teleport to. I start to think about my childhood home, and I see a pin on a Maps app. It occurs to me that my phone shouldn't be giving me the ability to teleport, even if I had a hearthstone. I realize I'm dreaming, confirming with a nose RC. At this point I look up from my phone and notice I'm now in a small shed. No longer concerned about the danger the old woman posed, I recall that I wanted to test looking at my hands. I hold them in front of me, and I notice there are seven or so fingers. I look away and back to the hands a few times, noting how the number of fingers changed. It did vary, but it was always more than five fingers. I open the door leading out of the shed, and I'm hit with a vibrant green scene. It's a backyard from my childhood neighborhood, somewhat resembling BM's yard. I make a mental note to not try anything to crazy, not wanting the dream to end too fast. I step out, and I notice there is another house down the way. I decide that I'm going to fly over there, and land. I jump up into the air, and fly over the street. I start looking down for a place to land, and struggle to make myself go down where I want, but I do land there. Instead of continuing to fly, I decide to sit down and observe the dream from this rooftop. I see a big, man-made lake on the horizon. There are three husky-dogs playing on the frozen surface, and a fourth one that has fallen into a hole in the ice. The huskies, strangely, are laughing somehow. Maybe it was sounds similar to laughing that a dog could make. Tough to describe. It's a light-hearted scenario, the dog isn't in danger. I start to laugh too. ... I'm sitting at an outdoor patio table with a family. My Mom is there. I've lost some lucidity by this point. I get up and leave the table, remembering that there was more stuff I wanted to do with the lucid dream. I'm back to lucidity again. There's a cake on a side table nearby, and I think to grab a plate and get a slice...but then I remember this is a dream and that doesn't matter. So, I grab into the cake with my index finger, middle finger, and thumb, grab a chunk, and take a bite. It tastes maybe 90% like a buttercream sheet-cake. Pretty close! I notice a kid watching me nearby, but I'm not concerned if he sees me doing lucid dream stuff. I see a house nearby and decide I want to not fly, but do some flip jumps like Goku from Dragonball Z. So I jump once, make it to the first house, and then the next, and the next, until I am pretty high up. I land on a chimney. ... I'm sitting at a table again outside, and there is a family behind me playing. The dad looks like my landlord, C. He has a son, who has a girlfriend there. The boyfriend jumps forward and vaults off the girlfriend. It is played off as a joke. I tell the boyfriend, nice jump!
Updated 12-13-2023 at 10:25 PM by 99808
Fixing the Plant: I'm at my current home in waking life, out in the yard. I've started to plant something. I vaguely recall it may have been a hunk of meat. HM from the Tots and somebody else are there. I go back in the house for something and then return. The two of them have 'fixed' my attempt at potting the plant by adding sugar to it. Peachy Party: I'm at my Grandma's current basement. There is a party going on with a large group of people. There's a football team with blue and white colors I'm sarcastically following. I'm watching them play a game on my smartphone. The team is here now, and some of them are jocks. One of them is holding up a sign. It is all symbols. I intuitively understand it to mean "no girl delivery people." The symbol is a smiley face with long hair, circled with a line through it. ... Later I'm hooking up with Princess Peach at the same party. We are under a stairwell. It is pretty vivid. After the deed is done, we pass out on the floor, not concerned if anybody finds us. In the moment I consider this a chad-move. At some point in the night another person puts a blanket over the two of us. ... We wake up and it is revealed that someone has taken pictures of us during the act. The pictures are crudely edited, with cutouts over faces. I see us over by a TV center. We are both embarrassed that there is evidence now. ... I'm standing at another part of the room with YK from college. Lights are dark now, and the scene is more sinister. YK is scared that somebody is going to get him. He is trying to hide and I follow suit. I go to hide in a back area near the water heater, but YK tells me that hiding place is too obvious. I turn and go to find a new spot, but now I'm out in the open. I see my bike and my girlfriend's bike there, and I accidently bump into them. They make a loud noise as they fall. An old lady carrying what looks like a harpoon gun appears from the top of the stairs. I ask her why she is here. "I'm here to kill you," she replies simply. She points the gun at me, and I grab it, trying to point it away.
Musical Arms: I'm with my Mom, brother, and some others in a small music practice room. We are oriented specifically on the floor, sitting down. My Mom has me move to a slightly different position. I'm now near the front. We are playing music together. There was a specific tune. Mom is struggling to explain, so my brother, somewhat begrudgingly, helps her. ... I'm outside now, at a marching band visual rehearsal. I'm at the secondary parking lot from highschool where we used to rehearse. My blanket is stuck between some mud and cracks in the concrete. I'm trying to pull it free. ZW from highschool marching-band, is calling me out for being weak. I feel embarrassed. But somebody else behind me says that rotator cuff surgery is a serious surgery, so obviously weakness is expected.
Updated 12-04-2023 at 10:41 PM by 99808