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    1. Falling elevators, an awesome panorama and being interrupted while lucid again

      by , 09-25-2014 at 03:39 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Today I had a fairly interesting dream in which I even became lucid! What a darn fuck I've been awakened to instead waste more life, time and health in the company... Anyway,

      I was in some rather huge complex which was located in the sky, far above the clouds. It might've been roughly inspired by a documentary about the Sony center in Berlin I saw yesterday in the company. The construction largely consisted of mostly golden metal strands, with mostly glass and/or transparent materials for grounds and walls, so the clouds could be permanently seen from anywhere. I remember there was some event going on, and for some reason Sasuke could be heard, expressing his hate for purposeless people. I was distrusting the elevators I used and eventually one elevator stopped one level below the place I wanted to go out on, just that there was nothing there yet, so as the doors which were transparent anyway opened I looked down onto clouds and a long fall. I was somewhat scared (not much though) and then the elevator started dropping. It was a really long fall though, so there was plenty time to stop it, and I was talking about fixing it with some voice, and eventually it was fixed in time.

      I already was close to the ground where an astonishingly awesome panorama greeted me. It was rendered at first in the old FF8 style, I was probably on some cliff, close the ocean. Ahead of me was a big yellow platform on which I controlled some characters in FF8 style, I think there was another platform behind it, smaller and slightly to the right. Further ahead was either another island or a part of the one I was standing on, connected through the land I saw at the edge of my vision to the left. My vision also seemed to be wider than in real life. Where the beach of the opposite piece of land would've been was a stone construct with water pools and creeks, with repeating patterns.

      I've been taking in the awesome sight which grew increasingly realistic, making me lucid by sheer awesomeness and feelings!

      My fear from the situation with the elevator before turned to its opposite and I jumped down the cliff, gently gliding, until the alarm wakes me midflight...

      Updated 09-27-2014 at 11:15 PM by 48127

      non-lucid , memorable , lucid
    2. The first lucid in a long time where I remembered my goals and the reason I hate my job

      by , 07-16-2014 at 12:20 AM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      Today I slept throughout many shorter and longer phases, until this morning I actually became lucid in a dream, pretty much right at the start, used the nose pinch reality check.
      I was in a long corridor, and as typical for my dreams the building style was rather unique, while I remember the feeling and the looks, I'm not really sure how to describe that. What can say though is that it was rather dark and there were green colors around, with light primarily coming through the ceiling from the outside at one end of the corridor. I also remember my girlfriend being behind one of the doors, but there was no real interaction. I stopped for a moment, and closely thought about what I should do now, and I came to all the right conclusions I long since had in real life, YES, FINALLY!
      Well, I went through the corridor, I think away from the bright spot, into some kind of staircase room, there was a small window at the sloped ceiling which I wanted to open so I could fly outside where I would do my stuff.

      Just that right here my friggin alarm rings, because of my apprenticeship, and it rips me out of the first all around promising lucid I had in 2 years. I can hardly express my anger in words, and I shall not try for the sake of keeping the cursing in bay.

      Updated 06-10-2017 at 11:05 PM by 48127

    3. Lucid Dreams 514, 515, 516 (low quality, mini-slump)

      by , 06-05-2013 at 09:28 PM (KingYoshi's Dream Journal...My World is Different)
      Have had a few short lucids the passed few nights. Nothing special with these, so I'll just be brief. Low quality and got woke up in most of them before they really took off. Just a mini-slump.

      Lucid Dream 514 (DILD)

      Don't remember much prior to becoming lucid. Become lucid for no particular reason. Took flight in search of something to do. Flew into some powerlines and started to doing some swinging/gymnastics on them. Was woken up shortly after by my roommates.

      Lucid Dream 515 (DILD)
      Was down at the studio with some friends watching Family Guy. Become lucid and convinced everyone that we were dreaming by telling them all to nose pinch RC. We then exited the studio and started performing some random vandalism. Was about to see how far I could toss a car when I was woken up by my roommates.

      Lucid Dream 516 (DILD)
      Had a pretty long dream where I was driving and listening to the radio most of the time. They kept playing anime OP and EDs and I was excited. They played the Shingeki no Kyojin OP and I remembered, "I gotta have a Shingeki no Kyojin themed lucid dream. BAM! Lucidity. I dove through the driver side window and took flight. I flew and searched for "Wall Maria" (from SnK). I saw it on the horizon. As I flew toward it, I was hit with a false awakening. Frustrated that my recent lucids have been getting interrupted, I didn't even notice it was a false awakening.

      Lucid Fragment
      I remember becoming lucid, but not much else. The dream was really fuzzy and unstable. I managed to stabilize it, but lost lucidity soon after doing this. Pretty sure the low quality of the dream caused my loss of lucidity. I remembered a bit more upon waking, but didn't bother to write anything down on this crappy fragment.
    4. More sex

      by , 06-16-2012 at 07:50 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I find myself in a random bedroom with a really skinny girl. I'm on top of her and were making. Out heavily. It's obvious that she wants me inside cause were both naked from the waist down. I slide it in a few inches and she's moaning and screaming that quick. I give a few thrusts in attempt to not go beyond that depth and she tells me she wants it deeper. I push it in even more and she goes crazy. She screams no. And seconds later she says she wants more of it.

      At this time my best friends walk in and I say "is this what you wanted to see!!!?". I move over a bit so of they wanted to see me inside her they could get all the details.

      These clowns stay there and so I leave. The girl follows me and tells me that she doesn't want me to leave. I want to Lund the shit out of her. But she's already said "no" once. Legally if I do anything else, it's rape, no matter how much she wants me. I head off while thinking how dumb this chick must be as the dream fades. The last scene I rember was an orange grove.