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    1. Back door trouble. Again. And cats. Again.

      by , 10-04-2011 at 06:41 PM
      10/04/2011 Tuesday morning

      Back door trouble. Again. And cats. Again.

      I totally invite feedback on this dream, as I've had a series of locked door/cats/black people dreams for the past few weeks and am open to a more expansive perspective...

      I was in my (dream) home/apartment with 2 black women. There is a knock at the back door (which is in my bedroom), or someone is trying to get in. I don’t want to go to the door (fear), so one or both of the women go to the door to see who is there.

      After a pause, I follow them into the room…someone wants in and it seems like bad trouble. I notice that the deadbolt isn’t locked, so I turn the bolt carefully so whoever is outside doesn’t notice or hear, hoping that I’m doing it right and not accidentally UNlocking it. It sounds like a black man or men on the other side. Another lock appears above the first deadbolt and I locked it, too.

      They leave – and I’m not sure of the sequence here –
      I have a conversation with someone who tells me not to worry too much about those guys, that someone else used to live here and that’s who they were looking for. They were expecting food is all. I thought, “is food all they want? I have that! I can feed them.” And thought of how I like to show care for people by cooking for them.

      But that seems out of synch with another snippet –
      After ‘they’ left, I walked out the back door, and there was another room, like a sun room, that I didn’t realize was there. There was a big blue door, with a big glass pane, antique-looking (reminds me of Sesame Street door). That door had a big lock on it, and after talking to one or both of the black women that was with me, determined that one of them had left it unlocked.

      I looked around the ‘sun room’ (not exactly right…maybe a sitting room?) and noticed the charred remains of a dog’s head, and ribcage. I was thinking, these people are not fucking around. It was a warning from them, that my dog (a boxer, who I suddenly “remembered” I had) would share a similar fate if he tried to protect me. I imagined the horror of my dog being skinned and burned and felt bad.

      Skip to – my sister A is jumping on a trampoline in the sun/sitting room, to my left. Both of my sisters are over – K is maybe in another room adjacent to the sun/sitting room that appears in a way that isn’t really 3D.
      To my right is the blue door with the big glass pane. Sitting outside on the doorstep are many cats, sitting quietly all facing me intently. Directly in front of me is a cat that I identify as an ocelot, sitting on it’s haunches. It looks similar to only it’s fur is longer and tufted around it’s face. My mother says, “that one in the back, with the big head (body?), that’s known as the Pheonix Ob___”. I see one over to the right that is bigger and rounder, has something weird going on with it’s head, it’s more surreal than the ocelot, maybe more cartoonish.

      Somewhere also in the dream, I realize that people are getting in and out of that back room through a flap cut into a plastic/vinyl window. I make a mental note to ask the landlord to replace it with glass.
    2. 38th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Kumara's Dreams

      by , 10-01-2011 at 04:30 PM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Kumara's Dreams

      Fragments, all had the feel of another reality

      In bed with my sis and BIL

      I'm lying in a "bed" of liquid, maybe water but very silky and warm, cuddling with my sister and BIL. I'm trying to take off my socks so I can put my cold feet on him, but they are stuck to my feet. I spoon up to them.

      My son is rescued by eagles

      I am standing on a narrow ledge of my apartment-like dwelling. I am very high up, looking down at a river below and the plant life along the shore. I consider what it would be like to fall or jump, the struggle on the way down, would I finally surrender to the fall?
      I see a figure in the water moving to the left. It is my son, swimming, and I realize he has already made the jump.
      Something is chasing him, it is a threatening-looking man-creature who is at least twice his size. I feel fear, urging him on, and just as the scary being closes in on my son, an enormous black eagle swoops down and claws at him. Another and another appear, until an entire flock of giant black eagles has snatched the scary guy up and away, lifting him into the air to take him away, maybe he is dissolving now.

      I feel a huge rush of gratitude and relief. I wonder if my son realizes the gifts of the eagles, and feel regret that I didn't teach him to acknowledge and offer respect and gratitude to them...I feel like it doesn't really matter because *I* am offering thanks for him.

      The Ministry of Happiness

      I am in seemingly the same or a very similar dwelling as the eagle dream. My (dream) husband or male partner is lying in bed. There is a knock at the door, I rush to it to lock it. Whoever is knocking has found another door and though I rush to lock it as well, they push their way in (this is a ongoing dream theme this past couple of weeks).

      Short, stocky people wearing yellow raincoats and hardhats push their way in and announce they are the Ministry of Happiness. They are here for the man in my bed.
      A severe-looking, big woman in grey tweed enters and brings a big cart full of trays and trays of pills. The pills are different shapes and sizes, some are heart-shaped with flowers on them and seem to be made of ceramic.
      They are going to force my husband to take these pills and force him to be happy.
      I grab as many trays as I can and dump the pills outside, over the ledge. I go back inside for more. My husband is now standing up, looking a bit crazed, and he tells me, "I going to take the pills!"
      He is surrounded by the raincoat people, and the big woman in gray facing him has a handful of what looks like small polished stones that she either puts into his mouth or he takes. It's my understanding that he intends to fake taking the pills.
      In the meantime, there are more little people trying to get in the door.
      I am trying to keep them out, and they are somehow finding nooks around the door to stick their fingers in. I am getting more and more pissed - all of these tiny little fingers trying to wiggle their way in! So I smash and bite their little fingers until I either woke up or transitioned into another dream.

      Fragment - - Of being on the same ledge described above (though it seemed to be separate dreams). I walk around a corner and I see a set of small lockers. The locker cabinet is about my height, somewhat wider, and the lockers are blue and about 4"x4", each with a little handle on the right. It seems that I've dreamed this before tonight or have been here before. I'm looking for something, but not sure what I'm looking for. I open a few lockers, the contents are mostly sparkly little bead arrangements.

      Somewhere in there I was on the corner of the ledge and felt a gust of wind nearly knock me off. I clung literally by my fingernails onto the brick wall, digging in so deep that my fingernails clawed deep holes into the brick. I was relieved and impressed that I didn't get blown off.

      Sparkling Pink Octopus

      A dream narrator showed me a small figurine of a creature that looked like a cephalopod, which was sparkling pink with a glittering gold trim. As the narrator was explaining, the figurine transformed into a very large living, breathing creature. It was lying on a platform, in a setting that looked like the 1800's, in a body of water. It seemed I could hear the narrator's words and the creature's thoughts at the same time, they were synched.

      The thoughts were something about being so big...and it coiled around itself, and slithered into the water, wondering if it was going to get into heaven.

      The narrative was along the lines of, "and that's where that started (the issue of being big/fat/vulnerable) - as a pink octopus in an (old fashioned?) gym."

      Somewhere also in all of those dreams, the narrator was explaining to me that "the natural inclination in a dream is to seek safety", as if he wanted to reassure me not to be ashamed for not facing all of my fears, that seeking safety is just part of the whole drama.

      Fragment - of being lucid for a moment, and blind. Rubbing my arms and body and saying, "I am lucid, the world is vivid."
    3. [LUCID] My First Lucid! (Short)

      by , 08-08-2011 at 11:56 AM (The Lion Within)
      I was running through doors, with a small kid, around 7. Coming out from Hogwarts to someone's 'normal' livingroom. I tried several times to get out, but many of the doors were locked. I started panicking and was about to have a panic-attack when I just stopped, and realized I was dreaming. I just calmly walked out a door that was once locked and started exploring a street, the small kid still by my side. I must have got over-excited because the dream just faded into another one.