Omar Rodriguez Lopez found himself in a dreamscape of a simulacrum of the San Francisco bay area and somewhere in south america. He was on a street on an incredibly high hill with a remarkable overlook into the woods below. The dreamscape shared a lot in common with his waking world, albeit certain businesses on the main street were open and some were closed of abandoned. In the background were discussions about hip replacement surgery and menstruation as he navigated this dreamscape and tried to look for something in particular. Whenever he wanted to wake up he would find a specific fenced corridor decorated with foliage to travel through. What started out as an empty street soon became full of kids playing and businesses operating. I forget what it was he was looking for. Perhaps it was some sort of personal truth. He drank some dirty water at one point and eventually woke up in a bathtub in one of these abandoned places. An old lady that ran one of the restaurants introduced him to some of the kids he saw in the dream. I'm unsure how to explain it but this dream evoked a type of liminal feeling introspective/retrospective feeling you can only get in dreams. It's an odd and fascinating feeling. Quite peaceful.
Updated 07-07-2024 at 09:18 PM by 89498
I was in my class room talking to my class about the last 5 years at school it was just a retrospective. We talked about who had the best fights and who went out with who and stuff. It was like the oscars. I was playing Saint's Row 2 and my friend gave me a flying cheat and I started flying around and shooting other gangs but the odd thing was that the gangs were from GTA:San Andreas and I managed to fly all the way from Stilwater (fictional city in the game) and was at Buckingham Palace and there was someone in front of me MY GOODNESS HER FACE WAS NOT CLEAR but she did kinda look like Helena Bonham Carter. I think the Queen was there too. There was a parade also and I saw lots of people marching in uniform. A military jacket like the one in the pipeline dream.