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    1. Dream Journal Day 56: Saturday 29.05.2024

      by , 10-06-2024 at 11:26 AM
      I dream of the [X] library again. I've dreamt of it before, I'm sure, and it was like trying to recall my other dream - I struggled to remember where everything was.

      I slip out of my house from a back door (white, frosted glass pane) into a narrow cobbled alley, and head towards the library. Soon enough I'm there. Entering the large double doors of the library I see a huge neon red sign, below which is surely a bar - tables clustered together, people clustered around them, moving, a long bar at the back wall, and everything is dark in there, as if it's midnight already, although the sky is bright outside.

      I turn and head down some corridors towards the library. They are all white linoleum, white walls, windowless, winding - but somehow I find my way. At the end of a corridor are two curved white doors, leading off in different directions, where I know the library should be. They have circular porthole windows at the top. I push each one open, look inside, rush around searching, but all I find is more white rooms and offices. They are all empty and so quiet - it feels like I shouldn't be here.

      Finally, whoever knows how, I find the library. I peek through the round windows in the door and see, set against purple carpet and dark green walls, shelves and shelves of books throughout a moderately large rectangular room. Children and (a few) teenagers mill around and stand and sit reading. I realise that this is the children's library and I need to find the larger one, and I turn back to search once more.

      When I reach the large library, it is almost outside, a large glass wall facing onto a paved courtyard, accessed from a semi-covered walkway. I can see, through the full-length windows to the courtyard, the huge room filled with books and a few people walking around. But there is no door in sight. I proceed along the walkway, following the library wall, looking for ways in - I find none. When I at last come across a door, quite a ways along, I peer through its window and see just another corridor; narrow, curving, dark, empty, dimly lit with yellow lights here and there. It gives me an eerie feeling.

      I retrace my steps to the courtyard and wonder how this can be. A woman in uniform (looking like an employee) marches briskly towards where I am, turns sharply to face the library wall, and shouts out an admonishment to the people inside while raising and bringing down her arm, just once, in a forceful slicing motion. The courtyard window seems to pop out of the walls a few feet, revealing hidden side walls which are also full-length glass - and then, as I watch from the side, the whole library slides forward out of the concrete at a dizzing speed, while shouts and protests come from inside - I see people leap up from their desks and gesticulate angrily towards the now departing woman. The library comes to a stop with a glass door now in front of me. I enter.

      This is a library I used to visit often as a child. Not anymore, however - when I was 11 I lost a book and was too ashamed to go own up and pay the fine, so I never went back. The guilt has never gone away...
    2. Omar Is Transmasc???????????

      by , 07-07-2024 at 04:18 PM (The Internal and Subconscious World of DropTherapy)
      Omar Rodriguez Lopez found himself in a dreamscape of a simulacrum of the San Francisco bay area and somewhere in south america. He was on a street on an incredibly high hill with a remarkable overlook into the woods below. The dreamscape shared a lot in common with his waking world, albeit certain businesses on the main street were open and some were closed of abandoned. In the background were discussions about hip replacement surgery and menstruation as he navigated this dreamscape and tried to look for something in particular. Whenever he wanted to wake up he would find a specific fenced corridor decorated with foliage to travel through. What started out as an empty street soon became full of kids playing and businesses operating. I forget what it was he was looking for. Perhaps it was some sort of personal truth. He drank some dirty water at one point and eventually woke up in a bathtub in one of these abandoned places. An old lady that ran one of the restaurants introduced him to some of the kids he saw in the dream.

      I'm unsure how to explain it but this dream evoked a type of liminal feeling introspective/retrospective feeling you can only get in dreams. It's an odd and fascinating feeling. Quite peaceful.

      Updated 07-07-2024 at 09:18 PM by 89498

      non-lucid , memorable
    3. Dream Journal Day 21: Night of Tuesday 09.01.2024

      by , 01-11-2024 at 09:57 AM
      Winter Competition Night 4

      Finally a full dream!

      Fragment: I am living in some cheap area and know some weird fashion folk. I have a boyfriend and live in a small dark apartment. I talk to a friend about a manga and say slice of life seems to be fashionable lately - there are loads floating around with similar art style.

      Then I am on a canal boat with my family. We're going along the canal and the boat is rocking a lot. The water is rough. I see a great blue wave splash up and hit the front window (which narrowboats don't have) with a lot of force. The boat rocks and all the passengers gasp and scream. Boat is a bit red and green on the inside. The water rises up again as we go under a bridge. There seem to be quite a lot of low bridges rather too close together.

      We reach our destination and get off the boat onto the towpath. The canal seems much wider here and its layout makes less sense. It's more than twice as wide and on the far side only there are more bridges cutting off that area of the water - as if it is splitting into pipes. I see a man moving quickly through the water with only his head above the surface, grinning widely. This makes perfect sense to me. We are here to go kayaking - except that in this dream it's a bit different. The kayak along with most of the body (and the paddle) sinks under the surface of the water and you can paddle around at high speed with only your head and neck above the surface.

      We get onto the water and I immediately set off, paddling fast and hurtling around in a spiral across the canal. I don't notice a thing until I open my eyes and see I am about to crash into the brick wall of one of the further tunnels, but I manage to pull myself back with my paddles and rush straight into the tunnel instead. Looking back I can see the instructor laughing at me. The way I'm steering the kayak doesn't feel realistic, looking back - I've kayaked before but this feels more like steering in a video game than paddling in real life

      As I turn back and come out of the tunnel, I come almost face to face with a blonde seemingly middle-aged woman. Evidently I can see a bit more of her - seems her body above the waist is out of the water since she's wearing a lanyard and plastic name tag. It says "My name is Bridget B[can't remember]."
      "I talk like this:"
      Underneath that line is her name rewritten with an odd alphabet composed of smiley faces. They are squashed and warped in different directions to correspond to letters of the alphabet. I remember examining this a bit more closely, comparing these to the English letters of her name - I decided it made sense.

      She might be an instructor too. I look back at her and see her name label shows even more information now, about her life. I'll paraphrase what I can remember:

      "When I was...,..." I can barely remember any of the first column. Something about her mental state and how she ended up writing with smiley faces when she was younger. The second column says: "Now, I'm 63. I spent time at X hospital and got much better. Now I teach kayaking here and blah blah." There was also a third column but I don't remember a thing about it. But I do remember reading this whole label and I remember how it looked: perfect English and the lines were spaced evenly. That wouldn't have helped me become lucid...

      Hand-drawn artwork:

      I did a drawing but right now the drawing is at home and I'm not... And I want to publish this before it gets too late. I'll add the drawing later. For now please give me the benefit of the doubt and let me claim the points.

      Excellent RCs 2pt
      NLD 1 pt
      WBTB (failed) 2pt
      Hand-drawn artwork 2pt
      Night 4 total: 7 pt
      Competition total: 15 pt

      Went to bed 9:56 PM
      Attempt START 10:18 PM - FAILED

      Bridget, by the way, did not look 63
      Tags: boat, canal, surreal, waves
      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Dream Journal Day 16: Morning, Tuesday 12.12.2023

      by , 12-17-2023 at 01:06 AM
      School pool. We are having a swimming lesson, though the person teaching us is not a swimming or PE teacher. The pool is small, two metres deep perhaps, and raised off the ground, the water is blue-green. Beside it the surrounding floor is built in something like sandstone. The floor at the right side of the room is a step below the pool, but that at the back is raised by a big step and what seems like low bollards are spaced out along its length. I look closer and each one has a name on it in slightly raised stone letters. They are memorials. The nearest name looks like 'Marjorie'.

      Below the raised pool is a very shallow one, the water is completely clear.

      We begin swimming, but now we're not in the pool anymore. It's like we're swimming in the air over the city. Below me I can see skyscrapers and the biggest buildings of the financial district, and lots of houses with red tile roofs. I'm in a group and we float around, laughing, every now and then stopping to rest our feet on the roofs of the buildings. They seem much smaller than us at this distance. I place my feet on a group of houses and feel the roughness of the surface on my skin.

      Now it does feel like we're in water again. But we're still above the city. I don't quite get how this works but I feel that the water's surface is far above these buildings. There doesn't seem to be any water down here. It's like two spaces overlapping one another.

      I swim slowly, but I keep bumping into a girl in my group. I apologise to her and try to swim a bit further away. She's laughing a lot and with her friends seems to be communicating with someone else far away, I don't know how. While swimming away I turn around and realise she - and she only - is now naked. I'm shocked, and then, I bump into her again. It's much more embarrassing this time.

      We are finally back in the murky school pool. I swim around a bit more, feeling good, I can hear my teacher talking. I look up and realise I am the only one left in the pool and everyone else is sitting on the side farthest away at the front of the room. That feels awkward and I quickly get out. The small pool is between me and the others, so I slide in, bracing my hands against the bottom to avoid hitting my head. This pool is really too shallow to swim in. I get over to the other side and get out.
    5. Dream Journal Day 10: Night of Tuesday 14.11.2023

      by , 11-22-2023 at 06:50 PM
      The school bathroom. I'm washing my hands in front of the mirror. When I try to enter the only stall, the door is locked, but I can hear people talking inside. Annoyed, I go into another bathroom. There are two stalls in here, but one seems to have been replaced with a blank wall while the other is also occupied. I bang on the door and hear a surprised noise from inside, so, feeling guilty for disturbing them, I turn to leave the room. But this time the door feels extremely heavy and it takes me a long struggle to get it open. As I'm pulling at it my vision seems to black out and I reel back from the effort. When I finally stumble out, I feel so disoriented, it's as if my mind is trying to pull away from my body.
      Finally I enter the third bathroom. By now I feel dizzy and can't see properly. Just as I get my bearings enough to register that there is a free stall I also see that someone else has come in after me and is about to enter it. I feel a sort of sinking despair and hopelessness at this. I stammer something out about how I was about to go in there. She takes a step back and offers to let me go first, but I, feeling sheepish, hurriedly refuse and resign myself to waiting.

      At no time in this dream - nor when I woke up - did I feel I needed the toilet. It's not one of those dreams that I often hear about. Strangely, this is the third time I can remember dreaming about being in an eerie and somewhat surreal school bathroom. All looked different but all of them left me with a similar feeling of disorientation and unhappy confusion.
    6. 9 Apr: Surreal hospital in the middle of a prairie

      by , 04-09-2022 at 09:09 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am at some kind of hospital, but it also looks like a shopping center. The beds and medical machines are lined up at a large corridor and in between there are vendor stalls. At first I am not even aware that I am there as a pacient. I am thirsty and I spot a little faucet and I open it to drink. Two nurses come by and yell at me that it controls an IV drip of a patient and that's when I realize this place is a hospital. I find the main door to the outside and decide to leave, as I don't feel sick. Outside is a vast prairie with green grass and blue sky. In front of me is a tree which somehow is also the incarnation of my past crush BadWolf. He has a hole through his head / canopy. I feel pulled to him / it and I decide to plunge into his torax / trunk for unknown reasons. Nothing weird works, he simply disappears and I land in the prairie field which is covered in a beautiful variety of wild flowers.

      Updated 06-20-2022 at 09:17 PM by 34880

    7. 25 Jan: Guest of my vets and end of the world event

      by , 01-25-2022 at 10:04 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At the apartment I used to live in front of my mom, but it is my two vets who live there together (not as a gay couple, just roommates). I am staying as a guest in the office room, which is totally empty, except for a tent where I sleep. I bake them a cake for some reason but have to throw it away. They want to know why and I find it hard to explain.
      Later on inside the tent, it starts tumbling like pushed by a strong wind and I accidentaly find myself getting out in my old dojo. I recognize my Kenpo colleagues, but I don't see our sensei. I try to go away before he arrives, but instead some other sensei appears. He doesn't know me and is not happy to see me there. I sneak out and on the next room people are practicing yoga. Alicja is with them as well and a couple of her friends and some funny Eastern European lady who tries to do a headstand and hits me with ther feet on my face. I end up helping her and others follow my example and help each other. They invivite me to stay and practice with them, but I say I gotta go. Next room is a pavillion with some IT expo and it is so packed with people, I need to cut through stands and step over people totry to get somewhere. I get kinda stuck at a booth where some couple puts some half dozen boxes in my hands saying it's gift merchandise. I say it's inconvenient for me to carry it and they get offended, so they take it back and put it all in the trash. I beg them not to do it and that I'll take it gladly, but only when it becomes possible to talk away through the crowd with it.

      There is some kind of end of the world event and I am stuck in some cult that rejects sheltering from it and forces me to be part of some ritual where we wait for the shockwave (from a comet, maybe) tp hit us. The vibe is very surreal, it is circus like, or like a Terry Gillian movie. Everybody else is running for their lives and we are standing on top of a cargo train, in the middle of the night. But when the shockwave is coming, turns out they also start running in panic. But there is no escape so I stay in place and just repeat mantras, trying to clam my mind. Miraculously, the wave doesn't affect me. All of a sudden it is gone and all the crazies are also gone, just a couple friendly people around and everything in chaos. As if the world was purged. Then I start walking down towards where the others ran and I start finding only belongings that everybody left behind. There is furniture and smaller belongings. I find someone's jewelry collecttion and there is lots of gold and silver. I fill a bag. A friend points out that maybe that is now worth nothing, but I still treasure it. Ahead is an entire library and I pick my favorite books as I dance and sing happily Björk songs.
    8. 19 Aug: Surreal backrooms and lucid swimming in the ocean and creating garden of Eden

      by , 08-19-2021 at 08:33 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      The big news is that it was made a first successful human head transplant and it was made by switching the heads of two persons. My mom tells me this could be good for Riverstone because they can just switch him to a new body. I am wonderding if he'd do it and struggle with the idea of having my head severed and plugged with tubes and being attached to a replacement body.

      At home with Riverstone and I am butt naked when I spot my dad through the window, bringing someone else with him. I look around for a robe to wear and find nothing. Riverstone is already at the door to open it, so I can't sneak out to my room, because I'd have to come near the door. I have a very long t-shirt and a cardigan in my office, so I put those on. But I am not entirely comfortable as I am wearing no underwear. My dad comes in and finds something strange in my attitude, then I see my uncle Fernando is the person he brought along and I rejoice seeing him as I never got so say goodye when he died. Then I see Rui and I am over the top thrilled. He looks younger and healthier than when I also last saw him and I hug him tight. I ask him to join me outside while my dad and uncle talk. He holds my hand and I take him through a door which instead of taking us outside, takes us into a sequence of surreal rooms and storages, until we get to a small room with victorian decor and a velvet green sofa. We lock the doors on both ends and we kiss and make out sitting on that sofa. But when I stop kissing him for a while, he turns into some girl with black hair. She is cute and all but not whom I was engaged with, so I let her go and leave to the surreal corridor behind the door. I start being chased by a ghost. I can feel it and sometimes even see it as it creates a distortion in the background. I grab a stiletto shoe I see on a shelf and start hitting it when it comes too close. It is invisible but has mass when I hit it. It gives up hiding and appears in a visible form. It is a very big frog and it was just trying to protect something and not attack me. I look behind it and I see what seems like a shop with everything related to frogs. I find it absurd. Then I look around and see now that I am at some huge mall. There are people entering a big supermarket, there is a floor with just cinemas, there are many shops... I don't know what triggers me, but I feel upset with the mindless consumerism that I see, so I raise my hands in the air to destroy some billboard or screen with telekinesis power and I watch people freaking out and panic
      . I become lucid and know I won't hurt any real people, so I start making everything collapse into dust. Then outside I see other big buildings, cars and machines and I turn them all to dust. I want to experience a world where none of this exists anymore amd soon I am walking around in an idylic paradise. Looks like the garden of Eden, food grows in beautiful gardens full of flowers, lambs lay down in the middle of the flowers, people are sitting everywhere in the grass and around lakes, just enjoying themselves and the sun and beauty of the world. Seems wonderful and after a while also quite boring. Nobody does anything but contemplate. The weather is fantastic, food is provided abundantly, no one has to do anything which is great, but then I think maybe a couple cinemas and other entertainment here and there would not be so bad after all, if people kept a healthy balance.
      Anyway, I decide to jump to some other random place/dream so I use a puddle of water as a portal. I plunge into it and as I do, I remember some friend had asked me if I had ever swimmed under water in dreams and how it felt, and I think I did but here is a good chance to try again. Instead of coming out on some dry place, I just dwell on this water and swim away. It becomes an ocean and I see corals and sea urchins and I concentrate on the sensations I am feeling, like breathing under water and the sensation of water in my hands as I push it. It does not feel exactly like the real thing. It feels much more like I am actually flying over the water and what I feel around my body is thicker air and not really water. But I plunge deeper and manage to get a more realistic sensation. I even hold my breath to better simulate the experience.
    9. 4 Jun: Surreal sucession of events with killer and man-eating robots

      by , 06-04-2021 at 09:03 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Meet a man who claims he got a visit from an alien who kidnapped his dog. Me and my mom and some others come visit him at his place, and he shows us how obsessive he is now locking everything and bringing his other dog and his cats inside. His dog is a poodle and he keeps him tied with a rope, long enough for him to move freely around the living room. He explains the alien was a Vulcan and I visualize Spock claiming he too the dog away for his own benefit.
      The guy turns into my mom's neighbor, Marco, and he and mom go to the kitchen prepare food. I am in pajama for some reason and I ask to use the toilet to change. Then his house is a hangar.
      When we gather around a large table to eat, we wear some yelling outside. We check and there are robots outside, one the depressed robot played by Alan Rickman on the Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy, another one is a bit more aggressive and eats humans and he is demanding a sacrifice. One guy offers to go while the others just shrug. I am shocked and I want to stop it. I go outside and try some distraction. Not sure what, but works and they go away.
      Back in the hangar we party, we have a ball. I dance with a girl. I see there's 2 guys also dancing with each other and I suggests we change pairs, but they seem ok together and my pair also seems to prefer dancing with me. Turns out she is gay, and she tells me about her wife. I feel chemistry between us and I wonder how she feels about cheating on her wife, even if just mentally. Then there is a play and some dude on a stage is acting a monologue. I find him boring, so I leave for a walk with a few others and we end up on a pool in a park. Only I swim. Another girl is offering some candies to people but not to me and my friend, so we snatch the bowl from her and get a handful of candies to ourselves. My friend feels bad about it but I don't, I feel like she owes me something. The candy girl then wants me to buy a special brand of coffee she sells, but I say I don't have money to spend on it and that I also have a neighbor who sells it too and would prefer buying from her.
      After we end up at a retro hotel and I start seeing what happens there from the perspective of just a viewer. Some beautiful lady with her entourage is checking in, one of her aides is a deformed woman with a creepy robot doll that talks. There are some famous actors like Tom Hanks as guests and the story turns into a musical with silly dances. Later on there is a dinner at an aquatic room. All the VIP guests wear a jelly mask around their nose and mouth, that allows breathing and talking. I don't know how they'll eat. The room is gorgeous like an underwater cave with seaweeds dancing, fish swimming. Then the person at the head of the table complains he doesn't want to share dinner with a killer who is in the room. Turns out the doll is under investigation for murder. Then I recall this story being from some novel and there being a vintage movie adaptation and I relive it all over again, but in the vintage version. In it the hotel is the same but the decor is slightly more simple. The foyer walls are painted in indigo blue, the deformed lady is not so deformed but has 3 pyramid shaped horns coming from her cheeks and forehead and the robot-doll is played by a real chubby girl with prosthetics. The aquatic room is very similar though.
    10. cclxvi. Surreal cliffs and old friends, Queen's tour through the subway

      by , 05-14-2021 at 04:54 PM
      10th May 2021


      I'm on some cliff-top in a surrealist environment. There are many cliffs which are mostly straight up vertical and the height of mountains and the cliff I'm on is the same. There's a blue (cyan tinge?) but desaturated sky. I fall down to a lower rock platform on the side of the cliff but then I use drilling tools like the ones from DRG, quickly making my way back up through the rock. I make a guess as to where I'm going (based on some environmental factor?) and there are some parts where there are large swiss-cheese-like holes and openings in the cliff that I avoid.

      I then find and head inside some structure which has some hallways within. There's a clay-like tone to this structure? There are also some window openings in the walls but they are sort of perfectly squared off and have no glass or frame, but I don't recall wind or anything of the sort. There may be some lights inside the structure but I'm not sure. Then, there's a counter just by a hallway corner.

      On this counter-top, I place two kitchen knives. One is like our metal bread knife and the other is like one of the coloured knives, about the same depth, so probably the magenta one? Some dream characters appear behind me and they seem to be passing by, but other characters are just idling around. I interact with the passer-bys and they ask me casual questions, which I answer. They fit into the archetype of some of my black friends from school, but they are not these friends specifically. We just know each other in the same way.

      Then I move away from the counter. Someone shows up, I think AM (mom's friend L's daughter) But her skin is not as pale white as I recall it (don't notice this specifically in the dream?), her hair is darker and more like mine and she's a bit chubby. I say something about waiting "fourty years for my wife" and think about how different she looks. She sits and reclines on top of the same counter from before, her feet are bare.

      11th May 2021


      Something about being with a big group, in a subway. Queen Elizabeth II is with us and is a part of our group. We board a train (looks like L subway) and the passengers who are already inside are staring and openly voice that they can't believe that it's actually the queen. She takes a seat and I sit beside her. I talk to her and tell her some story from my life, from years ago. She doesn't reply to anything I say and I interrupt myself remarking "you've probably heard it all before I suppose", realising that she is just that much older than me and must have heard and known the life stories of hundreds or thousands of people.


      - The night before the 10th, I was practising anatomy drawing and there was a woman in a reference image that fit the same typical appearance as what AM appeared like in the dream.

      - In the fragment's dreaming context we were on some kind of tour and the subway was a connecting point to get to somewhere else.

      - When I woke up, I think I had lingering feelings and found myself surprised at the dream passengers' shock for seeing the queen. In the dream the whole context felt absolutely normal and day-to-day.

      - I don't think I've dreamt of Elizabeth II before. In the dream she was much like my paternal grandmother in some respects, possibly even physically, but as a character she seemed tired, worn out.
      -- This probably comes partly as a result of having heard of the prince's passing but also a general curiosity about old age, partly mixed with my own feelings about how it must be very wearing to lead a life that is meant only for duty.
    11. 18 Mar: Lucid through the mirror, walking maybe in Belgium and rural place

      by , 03-18-2021 at 02:24 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Taking a shower in what looks like my maternal grandparents kitchen in VFX. The shower is on an elevated platform with a very lose curtain in front of it, just by the left side of the door. I don't feel uncomfortable though and I am feeling a bit horny.
      I see the direction this dream is going and for that reason I get half lucid and decide to dry up and dress. Right in front there is another door leading to a proper WC. It has a large mirror on the wall. When I see it, I get fully lucid and I sink in it. Unlike other times, it just expands like a bubble and becomes transparent, letting me see that there are people working in an office behind it. I burst the bubble and join them. They look scared and some run away. One dude seems like he might attack me, so I manifest a bunch of money on his desk trying to distract him. Then everyone else goes crazy and I think I need to make more money to calm them down. So with some difficulty, I make it rain - there's notes falling out of thin air. Unfortunately, some just look like notes but are random pieces of paper, which again seems to enrage people. I decide to leave before they turn on me. I levitate towards upper floor and then go through a couple doors and I am outside. I feel the fresh air and find the sensation amazing. I also enjoy the view. Seems like I am in Belgium, the architecture looks familiar. I walk down a street looking for references and see a big sign saying Badesee or Badesek. Seems like an entrance to a station or a park. I almost lose lucidity in here, so I rub my hands. I am enjoying beautiful surreal things like trees with african pottery hanging from branches, a stained glass sky with beautiful sunset hues shining though it. Then I notice some weird guy kinda stalking me and I decide to fly over a wall to the other side. It's a more rural landscape on the other side and I see a huge snake in pastel yellow and green designs sliding through some wooden houses ad then turning into a girl in clothes of those colors. I find that lovely but also seems like she is a sign of caution from here on. Then I catch a glimpse in between houses, of some black guys running and I am not sure what they are running for or from, so I hide to see what's up. I hide between two very close walls of a couple ruined houses and I peek over a wall to see if they came my way. They didn't, they disappeared inside some other house or down the road. Then I see a man guiding a bunch of scared black women and children into a barn and other people hiding wherever they can in these old rural houses and barns. I don't know what they are hiding from but I am absolutely sure they will be found very easily when whomever is looking for them swipes the area. I want to help them so I plan to hover the place and shoot fire or whatever to their attackers, but I am distracted by my dog Lady who comes out of nowhere and joins me in that tiny space between walls where I am at. I hug her and all of a sudden I am in my farm and notice that all my dogs are outside the fence. Some idiot girl was passing by and when my mom arrived in her car, the girl leaned against the fence to get out of the road and she damaged the fence, and the dogs found a way to pass under it. Pissed of, I ask her to help me fix it while trying to bring my dogs inside.
    12. 17 Feb: Turning away from a dark cave I remember from other dreams

      by , 02-17-2021 at 09:57 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      I am walking down a dirt road in a sunny and dry place, accompanied by other people. There is a rocky wall to our left and I spot a hole in it. I go check it out and find it is an entrance to a large cave. It feels very familiar and I recall I have been there before in other dreams, very dark dreams. I remember that as I progressed through chambers and underground levels, I encountered a really dark realm, horrible ghosts and monsters and a sense of despair pervading it all. Yet, I am pondering going in again. I feel an attraction to the idea of reliving those things. Then I wonder why I would want to go through that darkness, is it just for the thrill? I ultimately decide not to even step inside, because I know the power of that dark place is like a drug to me. I stay outside in the sun and breath calmly. The others ask me what it is about and I lead them away from it. I spot something else to which I bring their attention to. I see a funny sculpture installation, completely out of the blue, composed by a table, a chair, a lamp, a mic and smaller items with a very vintage look, all carved in rock. I sit there and pretend to be some character from the past making a radio broadcast or something. They are surprised and amused and wondering whom could have made it. Then we find a wallet with documents inside and apparently bank notes, except the notes are fake.
    13. Boneworks-esque, very tiny fragment | [18.04.2020]

      by , 04-18-2020 at 08:33 PM (Draeger's Dream Journal and Documentation)
      Very blurry, short fragment
      I know this has something to do with a dragon, possibly.

      Boneworks-esque section
      I parkour around in some sort of surreal area, but I don't quite know how to put it into words since I don't remember much that you can describe. Then, I am in a sort of sewer gate area, half like the sewers chapter in Half-Life 2 and half of the sewers level in Boneworks. The big sewer pipe grate is half-opened. There was some sort of problem, but in retrospect, it is barely comprehensible and I only really understood in the dream.
    14. 5 Jan: LDs, flying through majestic surreal landscapes and making out with my teacher

      by , 01-05-2019 at 10:38 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid false awakening

      At some house, looking through clothes my mom found in trash, then also some toys which are to be donated to a kindergarten, checking if they are complete and playing a bit with some of the games.
      Then for no reason I see my teacher sitting at the end of this room, with it's back turned to me and I get lucid.
      I go towards him and surprise him by touching him softly in his back. He is wearing a light brown shirt and he looks to the side to see me. I move my hand down his arm and gently caress him. He shuts his eyes in total surrender. So I kiss him. I notice his lips a bit dry, but soon our salivas mix and our tongues intertwine, while I caress his shaved head. I enjoy every bit of it.
      Then I realize there is someone else in the room. We stop and I turn to this person. It looks like my dad, he doesn't seem to recognize me. He turns away quickly and heads to a door. As he opens the door, he looks back one more time and his physiognomy changed. He is taller, slimmer, more tanned and dresses like an Indian man. I follow him but lose him in the movement of people outside. My attention also gets drawn by the majestic landscape and I don't follow the man anymore. In front of me are some amazing mountains covered in luscious green vegetation. And there are people going up and down the mountains, apparently carrying things, picking up fruits, going about many different activities. Strangely, the mountains seem extremely tall ,but people have the same apparent dimension whether they are at the top of it or down at its base. I see a huge strange black bird flying over my head. It is the size of a big eagle, it has a beak like a toucan and strange wings that make a half-moon shape with the first two feathers on each side slightly round and color red. I follow its flight and to my left I see what seem like clouds made of liquid water, which give the impression that everything beneath it, is underwater. There is a type of tree whose top touches the liquid cloud and behaves like kelp in the ocean. Then I turn my attention again to the mountains. I realize the contours of the mountains, the hills and valleys, the rocky surfaces, are all fractal shaped. I decide to take off and fly to see it up close. I am mesmerized by these patterns, and the psychedelic colors they have and then I almost wake up,
      but instead I have a FA in a totally white empty house. I remember I left my teacher back in the other house and I go around this house calling out his name, hoping to summon him back. Going through some corridor I spot someone that looks like him and other people going after, but when I get closer, it isn't him. But he is also a teacher to these people, who admire him and are respectfully walking him out as he leaves. I am starting to feel the LD fading away, so I decide to get out of here and do my own hing. I find a window and jump to outside. It's again a beautiful landscape with green hills, but this house is right on the slope. I have to climb some moss covered rocks to reach the top of the hill. Some lady who had made some comment to me inside, followed me out the window and insists on asking me something about mind training. Something like, if I feel that realization is a consequence of how much time you practice. If it is an inevitable consequence of your time dedication to practice, because she is feeling frustrated for not seeing results. I don't remember exact words I said, it was very short answer, but it was something in the line of "no, it's not just time related, more about quality and merit."
      Then on the top of the hill I see a valley below, but really far below, like we are many kms of altitude up. I decide to jump and fly some more. I enjoy it for some time, once again absorbing the details of the majestic landscape. Until I start descending and land in some city below. I land in a town square between some classical buildings and there is a giant painting on the floor with a reproduction of some classical work of art. I dig my hands in the floor and have fun picking up elements from the painting and throwing them in the air to watch them slowly fall like confetti. Then I want the painting to become a giant trampoline and I have fun jumping and doing flips in the air.

      When I am done with it, I walk down a street. The LD is weaker and I don't remember exactly what happened but I end up in a TV studio, where a famous morning show is being recorded and I am sitting with the live audience. The show hostess is demonstrating some modern appliances and its uses and we are offered some bread cooked by a bread machine. I taste it and it is completely bland and tasteless. I feel this is boring and once again I aim for a window to change scenario At some corridor outside the recording area, I see a window. I look through it and down below I see a moat or a lake. I am about to jump to it, when I notice it is full of big animals swimming. First they look like crocs, but on a closer look, I see they are mainly big fish, turtles and some mutant creatures, like fish but with tiny arms and hands. I decide to go get the tasteless bread and feed it to the animals. The bread wasn't a lot but seems to multiply as I split it into bits, so I keep feeding the animals for quite a while. Then I wake up. .
    15. Freaky Storm Tempest

      by , 08-20-2018 at 11:15 AM (Nef's dream journal)
      This morning I dreamt that there were freaky storms and tornados going over my house.
      It all started when I looked out the window in the living room due to the loud noises outside. I saw that pretty much the whole street except the buildings were flying in a linear matter right , there was a rainstorm and the wind was so strong that we panicked that this is the end for us. It was surreal, things went flying in a linear manner , not like in a real storm where things fall apart and fly everywhere, it was weird, and scary.
      Then we went out at a point , now there was no wind no storm, things were a bit damaged around me but it didnt seem to be a full on annihilation of the street. Then I started to hear the noises again, it was tornados. one touched down nearby so fast and then passed by us so fast it gave out a machinery sound. Then another came and another came, I almost got caught up in one.
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