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    1. Three Day Long Dream

      by , 12-04-2012 at 08:18 PM

      In this dream I am some sort of private investigator. I go to this lady's house to work a case about her missing dog. The dream started out like a few fairly regular days. I went to the neighbors and questioned them. Then I questioned the lady's daughter's friends. Very basic stuff. A lot of downtime walking and driving places. I always knew where I was going but nothing was actually familiar from real life. The first night I am there we sit down and have thai food for dinner and I go upstairs with the daughter to watch some weird Japanese horror movie. It was very bizarre and I didn't follow the plot very well. At some point during the movie I realize the daughter is into me, which is cool with me because she is a very pretty girl who is home from college for Thanksgiving break. Things get heated and we have a little dream sex then I go to bed in my room (the guest room). I wake up the next day and that day progresses just like any normal day would. Meals, talks, driving, and all kinds of normal mundane stuff. I didn't really question anybody at this point. I think the whole detective part faded out after the first day. Later on the second night me, my brother, the daughter, and one of her friends go to see a movie at the movie theater after dinner. I don't remember what it was about really either because I was occupied with the daughter, although it was strange because there was an intermission during the movie kinda like a play has. Everyone got up and went outside the theater. My brother and I go to the concession stand and grab a few beers for everyone while we waited for the second half of the movie. Instead of going back in though we took off. My brother was in a different car and driving way too fast. A cop pulled out behind him and gave chase. The cop ends up flipping his car off the road. We all go and help him out of his car and he decides to let my brother off for speeding since we helped him. What a guy. We go back to the house and get ready for bed. I am brushing my teeth when the mom comes into the bathroom and tries to jump my bones. I reject her even though she is also good looking. I tell her it is because I am into her daughter. She breaks down and starts crying hysterically. I go to comfort her and she shows me cuts all up and down her arms and says she has been cutting since her husband died. I continue to console her until she feels better and gives her blessing for me being with her daughter. I go lay in bed with her daughter and discuss her mom and what happened, have some more dream sex, and go to sleep. I wake up the next day and stay through lunch, then I leave because I had some other obligation. I wake up as I was leaving. This is by far the most realistic dream I have ever had. I was fully immersed in this other life. When I woke up for real I was completely confused. I didn't know where I was or what day it was. One of the most bizarre experiences I have ever had but cool at the same time.