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    1. Harnesses and Thor

      by , 09-04-2014 at 02:46 AM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      September 03, 2014

      (I just realized how kinky that could be... Harnesses and Thor... tehehehehe)

      Harnesses at Hot Topic

      I was in the weird-ass mall on my dream map, and I went into a Hot-Topic-esque store. It had four floors, and the bottom floor was underground, and had super high ceilings. And rock walls. I took an elevator down to the bottom floor, and turned left to the desk where I would get a harness. I was waiting for my harness, but the guy who was going to give it to me, who I think may have been a friend from middle school, was distracted or wanting to try something out and so I didn't get the harness for a while. Once I did have it, they hooked me to a line hanging from the ceiling and showed me how to control my movements in the room using some levers and ropes.

      So basically, people would come in, and hang from the ceilings as they shopped for studded, belted, black striped, and graphic-T clothing 8D

      Then there was an earthquake, or something. Maybe an alien invasion. Something epic and destructive.

      Thor in the Parking Lot

      I was walking in a parking lot. There were very few cars, and they were mostly clustered near the door to a large building that stretched for a long ways. Michael Fassbender had just parked his car and gotten out, and walked toward the building. I had to put my backpack down somewhere, so I decided that in front of his car would be the perfect hiding spot. I think Zukin was with me, but I'm not too sure. She may have been there before I put my backpack down, but then had to leave, or something.

      I left my bag there, and started walking toward the building, which I now somehow knew was a grocery store. I was nearing the group of cars, and now could see that Loki (Tom Hiddleston ermagerd <33), some other super villain, and an old friend from highschool, were chatting around one of the cars. I heard someone approaching, and looked up;

      Thor was walking toward the car as I was passing it, and said, "What villains do I see surrounding this car?!"

      I stopped, turned and held up my hand. "Hey now. They're not all villains. That's my FRIEND, Thor."

      He stopped in his path, turned to me, blinked a few times, and then raised his hands. "Mah bad." He said.

      I went into the store, got some Nestle chocolate chip cookie dough, and was on my way out when I saw another of my old friends, who had made a cookie cake with the same cookie dough I'd just gotten. I wanted to try some to make sure I would actually like it, and so I broke off a piece of the cookie cake. I put it in my mouth, and I swear it was the tastiest cookie I've ever had and it was so good. IT was like all butter and sugar. I woke up wishing real cookies were that phenomenal.