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    1. Short but sweet.

      by , 02-13-2015 at 07:12 AM
      I remember waking up to the sound of my alarm about 5 minutes before I had to actually get up.
      I told myself that I would need to get about 2 more minutes of sleep then I would get up for school.

      Upon awakening I got up and looked at my hand and I grew a 6th finger thats how I knew I was lucid. I Immediately ran down to the kitchen and hurled open the door, everything was getting fuzzy thus making me rub my hands together. Everything was stable. I looked across the street at the BMV and tried to throw a boulder at it, but it didnt work( this being my longest lucid dream , so I wasnt to sure what I was capable of yet ill be sure to take it in steps next time and not rush into anything ) At the next moment I tried to imagine myself flying , but my feet only gave me a gentle little hover before calmly fading back down to the pavement.

      Then I awoke.
    2. Deforestation

      by , 02-13-2015 at 06:22 AM
      First Fragment

      In this fragment, all I remember was travelling down a road through a lush forest and arriving at a construction site. Some people were accompanying me, and we began cutting down more of the forest. Finally we began digging far down to the point there we hit the aquifer. I woke up shortly after though.
    3. Accidentally Destroying a Restaurant - Feb 10, 2015

      by , 02-13-2015 at 02:36 AM
      Wake Induced Lucid Dream using visualization and hypnagogic imagery (consciously awake with body asleep).

      I entered this dream lucid, and I was following a man and woman as we walked through glass doors into bright daylight. I said, “Hey, I’m lucid!” with total excitement! They both instantly turned inwards and looked at me, and then at each other, with a questioning look. I unfortunately woke, but I remained perfectly still and focussed on getting back in there.

      I again entered a dream lucid, and found myself walking in a mall, surrounded by people. Right beside me was a couple, and they were both really tall and fit. I spoke what I was thinking, “Wow, are you ever tall! How tall are you?” The woman gave me a dumbfounded look and said, “I’m 6 foot 3.” I replied, “Holy smokes you’re tall, you must be good at sports!” She gave me one of these stereotypical looks and mumbled, “Whatever.”, and walked away. To my right was a restaurant lounge area full of people, so I decided to go in there and explore.

      Standing alone in the restaurant was this dazed, sleepy looking woman in her early 20’s (very pretty). She seemed totalled spaced out, and I thought maybe she’s also a dreamer, so went up and put my hand on her shoulder and asked how she was doing. She slowly became focussed and said, “I’m doing fine.” I introduced myself and we started to ‘chit chat’ as we walked around the bar area. I forget what we were talking about, but it was everyday stuff. After about 3 or 4 minutes she started to look really tired and despondent, so I put my arm around her waist to hold her up, and I said, “Don’t fall asleep, please stay a bit longer!”, and she slurred, “I can’t help it.” A couple of dream figures came running up to me to ask what I was doing. I said, “She falling asleep and she needs to return to her bed.” I laid her down on the floor, and she quickly passed through the floor like she was laying in quicksand. When her body was half way through the floor, her clothes and body morphed into the appearance of ceramic tile (This was very cool).

      My boss from work walked up to me and said, “Hi!”, and then my vision faded to black, but I could still hear everybody talking in the restaurant. I yelled, “I can’t see anything, keep talking to me until my vision comes back, please!” I chatted with my boss for about 30 seconds, and then everything came back with perfect clarity. By this point there was about a dozen dream figures standing around, and three of them were my childhood friends, Glen, Julian, and Bruce. I looked at them and said, “We’re dreaming right now!”, but nobody seemed to agree with me so I said, “Or maybe this is your reality?” Julian looked at me and said, “Sure, that’s it.”

      We all stood around chatting for a bit, and then I said to Julian, “Lets bounce!” We jumped up and then slowly floated down, and every time we went higher and higher. The restaurant ceiling was at least 30 feet up, and Julian unexpectedly flew up about 20 feet and then came speeding down onto his butt causing a shock wave to go through the entire restaurant. We all found this really amusing, and we laughed real hard, so I decided to give it a try (show off my lucidity skills).

      I decided to fly up real high, so I could get some speed when I was coming back down, but I was looking downward as I flew up, and then I accidentally hit the restaurant’s ceiling with my back. The entire restaurant ceiling bowed and distorted upwards into a dome, and then the walls caved inwards. People started to scream and shout, and all my friends took off running. I quickly decided to fly back down and blend into the crowd, but the ceiling was stuck to my back, and I stretched downward to within 10 feet of the floor. ‘All hell broke loose’ when the ceiling let go of my back and shot upwards! People were running around frantically, and the roof was coming down in pieces, with water was pouring everywhere! The bartender angrily shouted, “Who’s doing this, I can’t stand it!” The last thing I saw was water pouring down on top of the bartender, as he frantically tried to hold his counters in place. Then I woke up.
    4. Waterfall From Clouds OST + DA + DILD

      by , 02-13-2015 at 12:08 AM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I was in third person point of view when I began witnessing two guys arguing. It appear to be late night, the two eventually push each other and quickly left. That is when the scenery had change. I found myself sit down in father room with 2 other people. One guy name was Ricky and somehow I knew that. The other person was inhabiting one of the corners in the room. It was a disc that appear to be floating had a smiley face and a glowing aura around it. I notice it hovering over my clothes so I decided to approach it. The more I got closer to the hovering disc the more it distance itself from me.

      It must not like me I thought to myself. I decided to step away from it. I then started talking to Ricky to find out what's going on. Soon though it occurred to me that a hovering disc with a smiley face is an easy sign to know that I am dreaming. I went over to grab my journal to see if it's the exact same as it is in waking life. The words were different but at least it made sense. Ricky soon left to where I yelled through the close window that we got to fight some day. I punch the window which cause a large impact with the other items in the room.

      This reminded me that I was still dreaming. I attempted to phase through the window but was unsuccessful. I open father front door to the living room and open the back door. It was partially clouded but with some sun piercing through. I then phase through the blinds and began my jog through the grass to a near hill. Then the environment became unfamiliar to me. I saw a few wet puddles on the road, I purposely step on one of them to see if it mimic the feeling correctly. It was exactly correct and felt real. I quickly reminded myself that I am still dreaming.

      The weather was beginning to change to a more stormy windy scene. I then realize I was lost and had no other direction to navigate through the pool area. Then like before in another one of my lucid dreams, a ranger appeared. He ask me am I another guest waiting to enter the pool? I said no, I am trying to figure a way to continue walking east. He pointed to a rock stairway and told me to slide through the fence. I thank him to where I continue walking. Before I cross paths with him, he ask how many verbs did I know?

      I told him some but that I am still working on my vocabulary. I found myself in a park, there were kids playing sports and doing track. I decided to watch them in till I felt the need to join in. The weather has now become a thunder storm which intensified the experience playing with them. However I soon woke up. Lucidity time: 7 minutes
      lucid , false awakening
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