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    1. Over The Top DA + DILD

      by , 02-01-2015 at 11:12 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I discover I was in another building, I notice the front door to this place and open it to find myself outside next to a yellow lamppost. It appeared to be night, next to it I manage to see another building and my mother returning at the beginning of the road. This house lock was already open, I decided to enter inside and close the door. There was no lights except for a little lamp on a black desk. I then heard a lot of loud banging on the door that I had just lock. I peek through the blinds to see who it was but could not see properly.

      I then open the door suspecting it to be my mother. However I discover it was no one and quickly after I have a FA. I woke up and realize what has happen before. I observe the room to see if there was anything wrong. I notice that the tv was hook up highly against the wall. I then began thinking that the chances this is a dream are great, suddenly I could feel myself waking up. Lucidity Time: 5 seconds
    2. Ephigenia, an interrogation, don't interrupt the music, St. George and the dragon,

      by , 02-01-2015 at 10:07 PM
      I'm giving a woman a ride somewhere in a carriage, and when she's gotten settled I knock on the wall twice and we start moving. I go to lower the curtains on the windows, and as I do I catch sight of her fiance out on the street, obviously looking for her. She's already made it clear she doesn't want to be found at this moment. As I'm looking at him I'm struck again by how incredibly dull he seems. I say to her, "On God's green earth, what do you see in him?" I gave up my chance with her so I have no right to judge the man she chose, but still - him?

      She says, "On God's green earth, I won't let you steal my plan. I can't." Either she has drastically changed the subject or else I've drastically misunderstood their relationship - either way, I have no idea what she's talking about.

      Just then, her fiance spots us - I should have lowered that curtain - and he shouts her name, Ephigenia. He is being ridiculously overdramatic, people will think I'm kidnapping her.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      Disembodied, I'm watching my son be interrogated by a pair of policemen. We don't have any legal ties under my present identity, at his insistence - he's old enough now that we look the same age, so adopting him again wouldn't have been practical, but I'd wanted to arrange something, and he'd refused. I'm particularly annoyed about that now, when a legal connection would come in handy.

      They've accused him and his sister - his biological sister, I didn't raise her, hadn't known she was alive until just now - of murder, and he's been repeatedly telling them he's innocent, but they've just produced an audio recording of what is clearly his voice stating that "we" - he and his sister - have been waiting for this since he was nine years old. As I hear the recording, I see a mental image of him at the moment he spoke those words, with a man tied up in front of them. Up until this moment I'd believed he was innocent. Back in the interrogation room, he's insisting that the voice on the recorder isn't his, but he's clearly fooling no one. They've been letting him tell his story, knowing he was lying the entire time.

      I've heard enough. I remove my awareness from the interrogation room. Back in my body, I'm standing in my son's apartment - a tiny studio with a mattress on the floor, cluttered with random piles of clothes and other things. He wasn't doing well. I'm extremely annoyed about this situation - he'd betrayed me, he'd made it clear he was going to cause trouble for me, but for him to simply be removed from the situation like this by unrelated people, that doesn't sit right with me.

      (Woke up. Back to sleep.)

      I'm running - as fast as I can manage, which isn't very - along a snow-covered mountain path, trying to hold my throat closed as much as possible. I'm wearing black leather gloves, the blood blends in very well. This isn't the first time I've had my throat slit, so at least this time I know my voice will come back eventually - just the memory of how frightening it had been the first time I had my throat slit still makes me uncomfortable. It's still incredibly inconvenient until it heals. One of my least favorite ways to 'die.' I'm thinking about the man who 'killed' me - a soldier on the same side I am. I don't know why he did this - he enjoys violence in general, so I'm hoping it was just something personal and not something larger I'd have to worry about.

      Thinking about that man's possible motivations prompts a scene change. I'm peeling an orange as a visitor goes upstairs to meet with that man who'll slit my throat. I can hear the sound of an opera recording on the phonograph, and I warned the visitor that it's best not to interrupt while he's listening to his music - I didn't say this, but I'm pretty sure opera is the only thing that man loves aside from violence - but the visitor ignored me. Shortly later I hear the visitor scream.

      I'm looking at a painting with the artist beside me. St. George and the dragon - I recognize that the dragon is meant to be myself. After noticing that, I recognize who St. George is meant to represent too. I say to her, very slowly and deliberately, "George can't save you." Whether I can do anything for her either isn't certain, but "George" definitely can't, despite what he believes.
    3. Babysitting Troubles, Same-Sex Marriage Simulator and Coughing

      by , 02-01-2015 at 09:27 PM (The Kestrel's Dreams)
      February 01, 2015

      Woke up a few times in the night, tried to WBTB or WILD, always failed...

      (Fragment) Two At Once?!

      I was at some sort of convention or event, walking with some friends, though I can't remember which ones specifically were there. I was talking to them about how two different families had asked me to babysit for them on the same night. I couldn't do both, so I was worried about which one to chose and how to tell the other family I couldn't be there. I was going to go with the family that had asked me first, but I felt so bad about saying no to the other family. I thought about trying to be in two places at once, but my brain would get fuzzy every time I tried to think about that.

      Just The Same

      I was in an interactive exhibit about how same-sex couples and families are just the same as hetero-families. In the exhibit, it would put you as one of the parents, and your spouse would be a randomly generated same-sex hologram. The kid(s) would also be randomly generated, and for an hour, completely normal things would happen. I don't remember what my "spouse" looked like, but she was a really sweet woman. The kids would come up to me, calling me "Mom" and her "Momma," and would ask for candy or help with their homework, or something.

      At the end of the exhibit, chairs were arranged in an oval so that you and all the other people who had just gone through the simulation could sit and talk about equal marriage rights and reflect on your experiences in the exhibit.

      (Fragment) Coughing, All the Coughing...

      This was a fragment in which my coughing was powering a ride at a carneval. So I had to just keep coughing, no matter what. I vaguely remember trying to cough so hard/often that I built up a backup so I could take a break from coughing, but the backup always disappeared right away, so I had to keep coughing and had wasted my own energy coughing harder :(
    4. Experiments and a Sea in the South

      by , 02-01-2015 at 09:18 PM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      In the dream, I was experimenting with visions I was in a dark room. There was a "crew" of people helping out in the experiment. I supposedly saw a vision of me being raped on a sofa in a room. It was near the window. There was a curtain, but the sunlight comes in.

      I was in a room. The kitchen. I was eating some food. We'll have an online meeting at work. Mom is nearby. She'll also have a meeting.

      I saw a few more Animorph books. It was about Rachel. It was the story right after they fought David, I think, which was from her perspective. This one is still her perspective.

      I was in a parkour gathering. There were Q&A's but I didn't ask anything. It was in a forest. Some were planning to go to the mountain or sea.

      I was in Sulu with other people, avoiding shots from guns in order to visit a beautiful place near the sea.
    5. Eating Earthworms (NLD)

      by , 02-01-2015 at 09:14 PM
      This was the last dream of the morning, and it seems to demonstrate the process of waking up, as the self-awareness and memories of my dream-self gradually align closer and closer with those of waking life.

      Am I a human or a fox? It is unclear at first. I find an overturned clay pot on the walkway next to a building. It is full of writhing earthworms, and I eat a number of them, enjoying the slick chewy texture. Approvingly I think, "From the foxes' perspective, stocks aren't really working out. What they want is more protein, more easily accessible."

      By "stocks" I mean the stock market, which I think must have crashed, and I have the impression that the world is in some post-apocalyptic state. I am on the grounds of a museum in Northern California, one with a park-like campus. I move across the lawn and encounter an enormous earthworm sliding out from under a bush. It is already several feet long, and I guess that this is only a quarter of its length. In diameter it is as thick as my arm. At this point my body is clearly human, and my thoughts are getting closer to those of my waking mind.

      It surprises me to see a worm so large. I feel like I've seen ones this big in other countries, but never here. Still, I remember seeing those big banana slugs in the Bay Area, so maybe giant earthworms are part of the same ecosystem. Probably I never saw one before because they're usually underground. Why is this one on the surface?

      I tear off a few inches of meat from the front end of the worm and nibble on it. It is much coarser in texture than the regular-sized worms I was just enjoying, and I find it unpalatable. I wonder if cooking would improve it or make it even worse, softer and mealier. I throw the uneaten portion to the ground, regretting that I took more than I'm able to consume. I should have started with a smaller sample. Poor worm. I look at it, and it is still crawling along as though nothing happened. I reassure myself that it will probably be fine; the missing section might even grow back.

      I start to wonder if it is safe to eat raw worm. I always thought it was, and the couple I swallowed whole in the past had no ill-effects, but this one was enormous. It was sobering to learn that raw snails can harbor fatal parasites. Given that worms just eat rot and fungi, might they contain bad bacteria? After all, now that I've seen where they live... I think about my worm compost bins. I probably should look into this before eating any more.
    6. Whatever Lucid

      by , 02-01-2015 at 08:57 PM (Hopeless Wanderings)
      I had a couple dreams that I remember from last night but I'm only gonna post this one.

      I think I was on the floor, and my dad was home. I didn't want him to see me. I felt weird, and that's when I realized I was dreaming. I went into the kitchen and tried to clear the dream by looking and my hands, but it didn't work much. I wanted one thing- answers. So I tried to summon someone. I tried so fucking hard. I closed my eyes and imagined that person right there in front of me, I thought this so hard. But when I opened my eyes, there was no one, and then I woke up. Fuck.

      Sorry, I'm just tired today.
    7. Sueño loco de la noche (spanish readers only)

      by , 02-01-2015 at 07:35 PM
      Copy paste from my personal DJ, sorry it's in spanish...

      En una me encontré sentado en una silla en casa de mi abuela y mi abuela me empieza a contar el odio que le tiene a las drogas porque supuestamente cogio una mala experiencia con algo que se fumo en Estados Unidos.
      Yo me puse a pensar un rato en eso como que en drogas y malas experiencias.
      Entonces me da por decirle que no se preocupe porque hay gente que queda bien jodia en estados catatónicos por psicodélicos peores como Salvia, use las palabras "se quedan paraplejicos por par de minutos". También se me ocurrió enseñarle uno de esos videos de malas experiencias con salvia divinorum, saque el iPhone pero no tengo memoria de enseñarle el video.

      Lo que si vi es que recibí un mensaje de una vieja amiga diciendome algo de mental illness, que supuestamente ella tiene mental illness o algo así, yo me preguntaba yo mismo pq me abra mandado eso si no la veo hace años.

      Después me encontré afuera de casa de mi abuela con unos tipos que ni conozco en vida real, unos dream characters random. Estabamos hablando de fitness y en una el me dijo "pa que no hagas piernas no se ven tan mal", le digo gracias o algo y el viene y hace un one-legged squat de nada, yo quería hacer algo mejor y vengo y hago un one-leggend squat trapandome al techo de la casa (encima del portón de la marquesina) una cosa así bien random. Anyway seguiamos hablando de fitness mientras tomabamos agua en una fuente random. Después yo le quise contar de como yo antes en grado 12 le metía al gym y era uno de los más anchos de mi clase y que se yo... Mientras estabamos hablamdo entramos a un apartamanto que se parecía al mío. Yo le dije que después decidi quitarme pq prefería estar flaco. El me dijo, "diablo mano pero no te hubieses quitao". Yo vengo y le digo que yo prefiero ejercicio body weight mil veces y me quito la camisa por alguna razón, me miro en el espejo y le digo que yo estoy orgullos de mi cuerpo sin tener que ir al gym.

      Entonces después llegue con la camisa en la mano a una sala en la que, de la nada, me encontré hablando con Seba (un pana mío de highschool) en su "apartamento", (o lo que se iba convertir en su apartamento en un par de segundos). Todavía estaba hablando de gym pero con Seba... Nunca pare la conversación con aquel otro tipo así que ahora estaba hablando de exactamente esa misma mierda con otro dream character. Creo que en mi mente la excusa que puse fue que Seba era el room mate (o algo por el estilo) de aquel otro tipo. Le estaba preguntando, "y tu que estas haciendo de ejercicio?" a la misma vez me doy cuenta que está preparándose un Protein Shake tirado en el piso de la cocina (la verdadera cocina, dónde yo estaba sólo había un fregadero random), así que me si cuenta que sí estaba haciendo ejercicio. Ahora tenia curiosidad con que carajo estaba haciendo ejercicio Seba, pero nunca me contestó.

      Pero anyway aquí fue que me di cuenta que su apartment estaba raro con cojones pq tenía un counter con fregadero y cosas de cocina en el mismo medio del living room. En una me asomé al fregadero y me di cuenta que había una botellita de jugo de china ahí metía y también me di cuenta que la botellita cojio agua, me entró un "false memory" de momento - me recordé de que ese jugo me lo había dado Seba para tomármelo así que rápido le dije, "diablo mano el jugo que me dieron creo que lo metí al fregadero y cojio agua". Entonces Seba viene y desde la cocina (la verdadera cocina) me empieza a decir casi en pánico, "Enserio?! Mano tu no quieres que este se entere de eso!" (Refiriendose a su room mate) y yo vengo y por impulso me da por tomarmelo anyway pero me doy cuenta se que sabía terrible y por poco vomito y to! Un sabor horrible! Se había mezclado con otras cosas, como cantos de comida además de con agua. Después mi segundo plan fue votar todo el jugo por el fregadero pa que el tipo no se de cuenta, así que lo hice. Seba me estaba apurando, parecía que el roommate venia por ahí, yo me paniquie y emepeze a bregar con el agua, le heche a la botellita y le heche agua al fregadero a lo loco para que no se viera el color del jugo por ninguna parte. Pero justo cuando termine de hacer todo este revulú para deshacerme del jugo me doy cuenta que la pluma no cerraba. Seba viene a ayudarme y de la nada, además de que no cerraba, se le cae una pieza a la pluma y empieza a votar agua como loco, un chorro de agua que llega hasta la puerta al otro lado del apartamento.

      Entonces lo único que hago en este punto era observando a Seba mientras el trataba de arreglar lo que hice yo. Veo que el lo termina de hacer y yo, sintiéndome avergonzado por lo que hice, le pregunté: "porfavor dime que esa no es la primera vez que a pasado eso", el no me escuchó pero se pone a a hablarle a John y le dice algo como, "mano paso otravez"... Yo me puse bien feliz (reliefed) y me puse a decir: "Eso es!! Así que no es la primera vez que pasa? No es mi culpa, eso está jodio?". Ellos me contestan que sí y todos nos empezamos a reír un rato, cuando digo: "mano en verdad que no me esperaba eso hoy... Might as well do a Reality Check now..."

      Mire un reloj digital que estaba cerca de mi en una mesa, mire otra vez, la hora cambio y en verdad que no me lo esperaba así que mire una tercera vez y ahí mismo Fully Lucid y bien eufórico!!

      Empezé a caminar hacia una ventana que tenía vista a la playa y la traspase volando, volé primero cerca de la playa como por un camino tablado pero después me aleje y empezar a volar por un landscape bien vació, a lo mejor habián dos o tres DC's por ahí pero no había mucho. Mientras volaba me recordé bien rápido de los tasks of the month, estaba pensando en cual hacer primero cuando aparecí de la nada en casa de mami. Entonces pensé en hacer el de la carta de san Valentín! Entre a la cocina y vi unas cartas en el counter, coji una de ellas y quería que fuera una carta de San Valentín pero era solamente algo random.

      **Sali a la marquesina y después para afuera traspasando el portón de la marquesina. Me acerque al buzón y me puse a ver que había, habían par de cartas pero después me di cuenta que había un paquete bien grande adornado de San Valentín! No me lo esperaba para nada pero eso era! Entonces lo cojo y lo abro y veo que con dos palos de hockey envueltas en algo y con un mensaje de San Valentín... Eso es lo más random que yo he visto en mi vida, yo ni siquiera he jugado hockey en toda mi vida! Estaba enviado anónimo, no decia de quien era por ninguna parte... Me doy cuenta que los palos de hockey son de una marca llamada "Mahumabara" y tienen la foto de un león bien feroz. También me doy cuenta que hay una carta bien grande de san Valentín con un mensaje en Inglés: "I wish you a very happy Valentine's Day to you and your companion Daniel..." y seguía la carta, era un mensaje bien largo que no lei porque sabia que se me iba a olvidar. Eso es lo más fucking random del mundo! Yo no conozco a nadie que se llame Daniel. Es como si la carta me hubiese llegado a mi por error o como una broma...
      Haha pero me dio risa con cojones, en verdad no me lo esperaba! **

      Después vine y le di a el palo de hockey contra el piso y se le rompio un canto, me volvi Semi-lucid bien mamao pq me dio pena que rompi el palo de hockey que me "regalaron"... Semi lucid busque mas cartas en el buzón, una de ellas era una carta chiquitita que decía "no" en una curita (band aid) ,me dio un montón de risa pq supiestamente era una carta que me llego por error de un padre contestandole a un hijo que si lo aceptaba... y era un no... Haha
    8. Sunset Can't Fail OST + DA + DILD

      by , 02-01-2015 at 03:54 PM (Inner World حلم Gamma Waves)
      I woke up in father room and got off from the bed. I turn on the lights but it was very dim. I made another attempt to turn on the lights for it to shine properly. However soon after the lights came on, they went out. I started thinking I could be dreaming. I walk toward the window and look outside to see that the sky is very sunny. It look normal but even this suggested to me even more that it is a dream. I knew I didn't wake up in the morning. I remember deciding that if I ever had to choose whether it was a dream or not, that the odds of it being dream are increase and that I should accept it as one.

      I open the door and notice the living room lights were on. Before I open the front door, I check my hands to see if it were abnormal in any possible way. While I am focusing on this task I could hear my mother preparing to go after me. I proceeded with exiting through the front door and continue to run outside on the road. Not too long I encounter my father. He ask me what am I doing? I quickly analyze him, I could see nothing odd about his clothing or his personality. I told him I am dreaming. Before we could continue my mother had finally caught up to me. I ask him why was he here if this was not a dream?

      He laughs saying he was preparing to leave soon. We both began walking down the road trying to convince one another which is true on whether this was a dream or waking life. I eventually believe him somehow and told him I better not wake up shortly after. I then decided to lose lucidity to where the scene had change in to a school. Lucidity Time: 2 minutes
      lucid , false awakening
    9. A couple of near-misses and frags

      by , 02-01-2015 at 03:48 PM (Lucid Time!)
      -I was plucking apart a spiderweb piece by piece for some reason.

      -Somebody was reviewing a movie called 'nightmare hunters' saying that overall it was crappy but they liked that the villains got a lot of character development.

      -Something to to with an evil wizard that put demon-knives into my cats mouth that made it misbehave until we could pull the knife out of its mouth.

      -Manei had been eaten by carnivorous deer and I had to reset the dream. I explained to her why after re-setting the dream.

      Something to do with a criminal organization where rank was based upon your gun. The more powerful or unique of a gun you had, the higher you ranked in the organization. After freeing some of the organizations members by accident and being returned to the headquarters, I was awarded this red handgun that signified a considerably high rank.

      I was also a female in this dream for some reason.

      The criminals showed me a video presentation of the crime bosses gun. It was a white handgun that didn't look too different from the red one that I had. They talked about how the gun takes a very specific type of lead-osmium bullet and fires them with precision that they can be fired at a target 100 yards away and all pass through the same hole. The bullets have some kind of homing program on them.

      Somebody was trying to offer an explanation for why my dream self has dyed hair in the front. It was because while staying at my grandparents house I had fallen asleep in a room where they had recently painted the ceiling and drips of paint fell into my hair.

      Somebody woke me up screaming because I was getting paint in my hair. I ran to look in the mirror and
      noticed that it looked like my dream self. I stopped caring and the dream carried on from there.

      Updated 02-01-2015 at 07:51 PM by 53527

      dream fragment , non-lucid
    10. Microwaving myself after blasting Darth Vader and destroying Chicago downtown

      by , 02-01-2015 at 01:17 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Microwaving myself after blasting Darth Vader and destroying Chicago downtown (DILD)


      Win Bet (+5 pts)
      Full Dream (+1 pts)
      First DILD (+10 pts)
      WBTB (+2 pts)
      Advanced Flight (+10 pts)
      Dream Stabilization (+1 pts)
      Advance Summoning (+10 pts)
      Teleport (+7 pts)
      Dream Character Interaction (+2 pts)
      Unespecified (blast) (+3 pts)
      Element Manipulation (+8 pts)
      Mass Telekinesis (+10 pts)
      Eat something (+4 pts)
      Use an Electronic (+4 pts)
      Partial Transformation (shrinking) (+4 pts)
      Time Control (+10 pts)
      Meet a teammate (+7 pts)
      Show your teammate a previous dream (+10 pts)

      *Personal dare: Darth Vader is hiding in a spaceship with evil plans. Find and defeat him to save humanity. (dolphin)

      *Personal dare: Visit a big city at night. Then fly into a cloud, find some lightning bolts and throw them down at the city to provoke a blackout. (dolphin)

      * Personal dare: Find/conjure a goldfish and swallow it whole! (blobularwindmil)

      * Bonus Task of February: Microwave.

      Finally after a few weak nights, a good one. I still forgot to write one dream down, and can't recall it.

      Somehow I was in a big house with my wife, I believe that the house was in a small village and there was a barn outside. As I was walking around the house, there was a wall that was literally breathing. It would move like breath and I was a little afraid. There was a tank of gas behind this room and I fear that the whole room was full of gas and about to explode, which it was why the wall was moving. As I walked closer to the wall, I could feel waves of energy, like a massive amount of pressure and suddenly, I heard an explosion. I was in the middle of nowhere, thinking I died when I suddenly turned lucid because I realized the whole non-sense of the situation. The dream quality was decent but I still decided to take a flight in order to make it more stable, however, I decided to fly to space, as it is something that I truly enjoy and I have not been able to make it decently lately. Flying came very easy to me, it was very cloudy outside but soon I could see the blue sky as I flew above the clouds and a few moments after, I started to seeing the stars and some strange shapes around that were moving.

      After flying for a while, I started to think about the ToTM, but I was having a hard time remenbering it. I felt it had something to do with finding a planet or something, but I could not remember well. As I kept flying for a little bit in space (even though there were clouds around like if it was earth, but it was space as it was black with stars) I remember one personal dare that I forgot to do which was to kick Dark Vader's butt. I imagine he would be around me somewhere, but I really did not see him and neither saw a spaceship. While I was floating, I imagine the Death Star, I wanted to try to summon it moving my hands a few times without much success. I then imagined that it was right behind me when I turned back. As I turned back, there it was... even though it was not like the "real thing"

      Around the Death Star there was like a massive purple-black dark mist. It was foggy and I could feel the dream quality lowering. I rubbed my hands to keep anchored to the dream, as I had literally nothing to hold (which is what I prefer) I did not feel comfortable flying through that mist, as it happened many times that I woke myself up after going through some thick fog or dark stuff. I intended to teleport, something normally is easy for me, but I wanted to teleport inside the Death Star and find Darth Vader. I placed my hands in front of my forehead and "made strength" (I do not know how to explain this, something similar like when in Dragon Ball Z they pump up, but without a scream.) Suddenly, I saw a lot of lights, like starship alike and I saw Darth Vader right in front of me. He was holding a gun (yep... I know... weird...) and it was kind of a normal gun. I tried to transform into Luke without any success. I tried to summon him, but I realized I had to kill Darth Vader myself.

      I tried to throw an energy blast at him, and once again, as usual it failed. I really tried hard, instead of just throwing the blast, I imagined the energy coming out from inside my hand. I felt like my hand burning, but also like being cut at the same time, it was not very pleasant but a thin orange alike beam came out from within my hand hitting Darth Vader. There was an explosion and I heard like a scream (I assume Darth Vader's) and then, I saw a lot of smoke and there were like small black pieces of plastic, they looked like plastic pieces from Dark Vader's helped. I felt it was a pretty lame way to kill him, I wanted to do something epic but oh well, it is a dream and sometimes can't help it.

      I decided it was a good time to go bak to Earth. My dream quality was good and I felt I could do a lot more stuff. I flew away from the Death Star that now it had a sky similar to Earth and I really do not know exactly how (dream randomness I guess) I was flying already above Chicago downtown, or at least, it looked similar:

      I recalled I had another personal dare to make a thunderstorm and create a blackout. I imagined electricity coming out from my hands and I felt little sparks around my hands, then my entire body and then there was some random lightningbolts falling all over downtown. It was a similar thing like when in the game Hyrule Warriors Ganon is summoned. There was some fire and I saw a few buildings that were out of light, creating a blackout. However, it was more of a destruction than a blackout, but I felt satisfied.

      I kept flying for a while, a few moments I felt I was going to wake up, but rubbing my hands prevented my awakening.
      I believe I might have lost lucidity for a while here, because I was in some sort of store, I believe it was a blend of a grocery store and a Bed, Bath and Beyond. I was talking with a few employees, maybe doing a customer service test service or something. Until I turned lucid again because I realize that I no longer do any mystery shopping. I saw that I could score some points using Telekinesis. I rose my hands and I imagined a few beach tables there were in the store raising and moving around. At first I could only get them to shake, but after a while, they levitaded and I believe there was other items too, even though it was not of a a high quality now. The employee asked me what was I doing and I told her to just shut up. She said she was going to call the manager and get me fired (okay... whatever...)

      I left the store and I was in a familiar shopping mall. I realized that I have been dreaming for a long time and still did not do the ToTM and I was going to loose my wings. I could not remember the tasks, but only the Microwave task. I went into a restaurant looking for a microwave. It was a Japanese restaurant I believe. It had some decent decor and a fish tank. I recalled I had to eat a gold fish whole, and well, some of the fishes looked similar to a gold fish, just bigger. I grabbed one and surprisingly, it did not try to escape and I ate it. It tasted like an oyster, including having the same texture. It was gross so I just swallowed it without chewing it. I felt grossed out for a while. I saw one of those waiters computers and touched it. I could see some stuff from my own personal computer and then suddenly it turned into a slot machine.

      I went to the kitchen and even though there were employees, they ignored me. I saw a huge door where the walk-in fridge is supposed to be, but I pretended it was a microwave. Upon opening the door, I only found frozen food, but there was like a long aisle inside the very own refrigerator and it lead to what I believe was an employee lounge. I saw there was a microwave and some toys laying around.

      I tried to get in, despite being the size of a normal microwave. I did put my head inside of it and I imagined I would push myself in it. I felt suddenly like if my legs were hanging and getting smaller, until I was able to push myself entirely inside the microwave. It felt a lot bigger once I was inside, so I probably have shrunk. I believe the microwave started by itself, because I heard the noise of the microwave and I felt it was getting very warm. I also felt a little dizzy for some reason and the whole dream was fuzzy, but nothing really happened other than that. However, for some reason I could not get out from the microwave, and I wanted to do more things.

      I wanted to go back in time, and I did the same thing I do in non lucid dreams when I something bad happens, which is closing my eyes, jumping very hard and thinking I went back in time. I was again at the shopping mall.

      I wanted to look for Sensei to ask him for a duel and I pretended I would find him in the shopping mall. He
      (thank you subconscious) told me, "Thanks, I just got 7 points because I am meeting a team mate." I told him that I already had a dream with him and I explained him briefly the other dream were we fought pirates. I also told him we needed to do a duel and we started looking for a room in the shopping mall to do a shadow game. There was a store called Game Empire (that I know from real life) and I asked them if they had a room for a shadow duel. From here, I recall litttle, but I believe I lost lucidity ad shortly after I woke up.
    11. The city, flying rabbit and doctor Predator

      by , 02-01-2015 at 09:44 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Driving from the city

      It was in the bright, warm evening. I was walking in the city. I was going to the bus stop, but my pal was driving a car towards our home town. I sat with him and we drove.

      Flying rabbit

      When walking outside my home I have saw my cat going to neighbor. When I looked over the fence its fur color changed from orange to white, and when I wanted to catch it, the cat turned itself into small rabbit. It was escaping from me, but I have managed to catch it. When I was going to home with it, it wasn't struggling any more. I went to the living room and showed the rabbit to my siblings. It was so small it fitted on my hand. It was white, furry rabbit with red bulging eyes, bat-like wings and two antennae. I gave it to my brother, but it escaped. I was searching for it, but it was hard to find a flying rabbit in size of a fly! When I've finally found it, the dream ended.

      Doctor Predator

      I was lying in my bed. I went to the living room, and met my eldest sister talking with mother. I listened to their conversation, and tried to joke of my sister Heh, and you went to doctor Predator to... She interrupted me and asked What was the doctors name? I said Doctor Predator.
    12. The Tunnel

      by , 02-01-2015 at 07:12 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was in some sort of underground tunnel system with my friends Dylan and Patrick, but we were at the end of the tunnel. At the end of the tunnel, it opened up into a huge room, and the walls were made completely of earth. These walls were constructed on two sides of this room, and they stood around 40 or 50 feet high. When we first got into the room, all of us just started looking around; astonished at what was before us.
      Patrick went up to one of the walls and tried climbing it, but of course, he couldn't. The walls were completely smooth. Suddenly I become lucid. I walk up to pat and tell him, "Come on pat, anyone can do it. You just have to believe in yourself". I then go right up to the wall, and after feeling a strong sense of power enter me, I jump up and fly to the top of the wall and grab onto the ledge. I hang on the ledge for a few seconds, and as I do so I look around. To my left I see the upper part of another wall and I can tell that there is termites living inside of the wall. It appears they are eating the earth, even though they only eat wood.
      I look to my right and also behind me and I realize that there is only one way out of this room: to go back from where we came. I come back down to the ground and proceed to try to get out. Suddenly as I'm on my way out, a huge truck appears. Pat gets in the drivers seat, and me and dylan hang onto the side of it. Patrick starts driving out of the tunnel, and on the way out, the tunnel goes down a steep slope for a little bit and then goes up at a 60 degree angle.
      Patrick speeds up and we gain momentum going down the slope. I remember feeling the speed of the truck, seeing how dark everything was, and just the reality of everything itself. It all felt real. At this point we are going really fast. We finally hit the up slope and it is too deep for our truck that we only get 1/3 of the way up the slope and then our truck rolls back down. Now we are in the middle of the almost pitch black part of the tunnel and we have no way out.

      Suddenly I feel like I have to pee in real life so I try waking up. As I do so, I enter a False Awakening. I am now in my house, but am no longer lucid. I walk downstairs and go to pee. I remember all of the lights being off in the house as usual and a blue glow to everything. I could still see perfectly.

      2.I was upstairs in my house. All the lights were off. I had just walked into the restroom. As I did so I took a quick pee(wow again). After flushing the toilet, I looked around the restroom and realized how wet everything was. The entire restroom was covered in water like someone had just showered without a shower curtain and the water sprayed everywhere. "Wow this is a complete mess" I think to myself.
      I walk out of the restroom and I hear a noise coming from my sister's room. I look inside and I see a blonde girl about my age standing in her room looking into the mirror. She's quite skinny, has jeans and a shirt on, and a purple streak in her hair. Something inside of me knew that she had just showered and that it was her that made this mess. I walk into the room and glance at myself in the mirror. I do it so fast that I don't even notice what I look like.
      My room door is still open, and from where I am standing I can still see the blonde in my sister's room. I look over at her again and she is combing her hair.

      3. I was at a place called Sylvan Learning Center, and my parents had just dropped me off and left. I stood outside by myself and it occurred to me: I had no way of getting home. I didn't need to go into the learning center for anything. Anyways, I went inside and waited for a little bit. Time passed and my parents still didn't show up. Eventually I went back outside again and stood around.
      As I looked around, I noticed that the sun was setting. I remember a distinct feeling of tiredness.

      4. I was in the restroom upstairs of my house taking a shower with a girl. We started getting intimate and things started getting sexy. We were both already naked and nice hot water was spraying on us. I get behind her and start some foreplay. I start taking it up a notch, but she doesn't want to. She tells me, "not right now" and so we stop it there. All that build-up for nothing? It was quite unexpected.

      5. I had just arrived at a park with a girl I knew from school, Carson. We were playing a game where Carson had to hide in the park somewhere, and make it back to the car that we had came in without this witch lady seeing her. This witch lady truly did look like a witch. She was wearing a black witch outfit and a black witch hat and everything.
      The game starts, and Carson starts to stealthily move towards the car, which is specifically my friend Dylan's car. At one point, the witch is looking completely away from Carson, and I tell her to run for it. Carson then sprints out from behind a tree and runs to the car. She makes it without the witch even noticing. After that, me, Carson, and my friends Dylan and Patrick get in the car. Dylan starts the car up and drives away. The next thing I remember is Dylan driving around a corner and leaving the park.

      6. I was in a big classroom in school that was filled with alot of computers. Students were filling most of the computers and doing their work. Blue carpet covered the entire floor area. I walk up to the teachers desk to ask her a question. Somebody else does the same thing and makes it to her before me and asks their question. While the teacher is answering their question, I look around the class some more.
      As I do so I recognize a guy that I know from school, Jalen. I watch him, and suddenly he turns his entire computer monitor around to where he can't even see the screen. It is facing completely away from him. I walk up to him and ask him what he is doing, and he tells me that he doesn't want to work. Another guy from the class comes over to us and starts talking to us.

      7. I am outside, in a small court area between a few buildings. The buildings surrounding this court are either red or orange. Occupying the entire court was many bike-riding machines. Of course they were stationary, but one could ride a bike on these machines. "Students" start arriving and taking seats in some of the stationary bikes, as though this is some sort of class. They come fast and soon, all of the bikes are taken.
      I see my close friend Dylan, so I go up and talk to him. He is sitting on one of the bikes. I then realize that I should have sat down by now, and as I go to sit in my seat, I see that someone has taken my spot. I don't make a big deal out of it because I don't really care, so I drop the matter. I see my friend Sergio sitting on a bike not far away, and he is wearing a white shirt.
      Since there are no bikes left, I decide to just walk down the alley next to the court. Another kid is already doing so, and he has red hair. He is dribbling a basketball on the ground. I go up to him and start talking to him. I then realize that I know this guy from school, but we are only acquaintances.
    13. 1,2

      by , 02-01-2015 at 05:09 AM
      as you fall asleep
    14. Lucidity, My Dream Guide Dies, and a FA

      by , 02-01-2015 at 12:10 AM (My Dream Goals)
      Notes Lucid Semilucid Non-Lucid

      I do not remember anything prior to becoming lucid. This is organized to be written in a chat, so it is sort of a bulletpoint-type organization.

      I was in a grocery store when I realized I was lucid.
      I made everyone in the store sing for a short time
      I ran into MrEnter and PewDiePie in a way I don't remember
      I ran into 2 ladies (actually a sim from the sims 2 and my 5th grade teacher)
      I decided to run around at hyper-speed with E. and P. for a while before realizing I had to stabilize.
      I realized that I was on some sort of gravel parking lot.
      I stabilized by touching the ground, which felt just as it was supposed to: rocky and really shifty.
      I went on to wreck havoc for a while, getting some sort of riot to chase us.
      I found out that my 5th grade teacher was my dream guide.
      I threw her into the rioters, who proceeded to kill her with spears. (oops... glad it's just a dream)
      As chaos goes on, Pewds decides we should get into his car to escape.
      We agree, MrEnter questioning why we need a car in a dream.
      After a while we crash the car into some kind of hill. The car's totaled, but no one's injured.
      We step out to find ourselves on a bright road, no chaos, car nowhere to be seen.
      We all decided to get a Delorian time machine and travel in time.

      MrEnter (driver) suggested that we go to year 104.
      I reply that it is dangerous as that was "Aztec time" (actually in the early 1000s)
      I suggest going to the year 1774, but the others flatly decline.
      Before I have a chance for rebuttal, Pewdiepie (passenger) sets the year to 104.
      MrEnter speeds up within seconds and we find some sort of Native American tribe.
      They wield blowdarts, and look over to us menacingly when we see them. They do not look realistic, but rather like they're part of an animated cartoon.
      They chase us and we quickly drive back to the current year of 2015.
      We find ourselves on the same road.

      I had a FA and next thing I knew I was in a wooden chair with my laptop on a table in front of me.
      I went to MrEnter's twitter feed to find him describing the Delorian part of the dream.
      I note him on Deviantart saying that we may have had a shared dream.
      Moments later he replies saying that it's unlikely, and we just had a shared part-of-dream.
      I tell him about the first part of the dream (before the FA) in the comments.
      I refresh to find that nothing has changed.
      I scroll to the comments to find people complaining about a rushed Animated Atrocity.
      I refresh to see that his twitter feed contains an apology about it.
      He has posted a journal containing the Animated Atrocity apologizing on the fact that it was rushed.
      I check my replies, but there are none.

      I wake up.

      Links: youtube.com/user/themysteriousmrenter (MrEnter's Youtube)
      youtube.com/user/pewdiepie (Pewdiepie's Youtube)
      mrenter.deviantart.com (MrEnter's Deviantart)

      I walked into a traditional-style kitchen to find a man eating a blueberry pastry while a woman in the corner played intense, depressing music on a piano.