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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. #124. Potluck

      by , 08-07-2010 at 01:26 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Funny thing. A couple days ago, I couldn't find the can opener. Now, I have a swiss army knife with a can opener, so I reached into my pocket to find it. I knew that it wasn't in my pocket, but I figured I could will it there.


      I reality checked and realized that I was awake.

      Boring dreams ahead.


      I wake up, hearing the phone ring. I stumble out of bed, cursing because I was planning to sleep in and order room service.

      Oh, yeah. I'm staying in a hotel. I've been driving for a really long time, and I'm in a big city in the US, I think.

      Where is that damn phone? I run out of the hotel room and into the living room. There are a bunch of blue-uniformed maids in there, standing in a circle and gossiping. I ignore them, vaulting over the couch to get to the cordless phone in the far corner of the room.

      I pick it up on the last ring, and the answering machine clicks on. The tone goes off, and my uncle Roy starts to leave a message.

      "Hey, there. We thought you'd be in town, so -"

      "I'm here, Uncle Roy. What's up?"

      Roy tells me that the rest of the family is in town, and they want me to come have dinner with them. I tell him, stiffly, that that would be fine. Really.

      "Great. We'll pick you up in a half hour."

      I try to protest, but he hangs up before I can. Sighing, I hang up the phone, wondering if I have enough time to order room service before I leave. Chances are, nothing my family is serving will be vegetarian.

      I'll have to survive on the side dishes, though. I'd rather have a shower.

      The rooms have morphed into a hostel-like configuration, with a shared bathroom and living space. Kitchen, too. I rush into the shower before an older woman can take it, and she stalks away, sulking.

      When I get out of the shower, at least four of my relatives, all women from my mother's side of the family, are doing dishes in the kitchen. I tell my grandma to leave them alone, since those aren't my dishes, but whatever.

      I'm at the supper when I realize my grandma died a few years ago. I rationalize this by deciding that the woman must be her sister (but I use my great grandmother's name).


      I'm on a ski hill. My skis keep crossing.

      I remember that I wanted to go on a hike. One of the trails leading up the mountain will take me to a part where it's summer.

      I go to drop off my skis in a locker, then head over to the chair lift. A preteen girl is nervous about getting on the lift, but her family is coaxing her on.


      I'm wandering around, taking down my posters. They all have writing on them, which is research for the high school newsletter I apparently publish. I'm worried about finishing it before the summer break next week.

      The building is supposed to be high school, but it looks more like my old university campus.

      I posted a map of the ski resort from the previous dream, but it's a really bad photocopy. A memory plays through the room. A teacher speculates on the source of the posters.

      Potluck. Scare Factor: 1.
    2. A FA I Can Remember!

      by , 08-06-2010 at 02:13 PM
      Who's That Celebrity? (Non-lucid)


      My dad was in my grandpa's bathroom with some person and me, trying to figure out who certain celebrity was. I think she had some connection to the hooker in my previous dream. Anyway, I took out my labtop from my pocket, I started to search up this celebrity. She had blonde hair. I went on Facebook, and sent my dad a link to the last movie the celebrity was in. I told him I made a mistake, and sent a link on Marie Boone (Is she real? I don't know.). I then sent the link of the correct celebrity. Her last name began with a C. The dream ended.

      I had a False Awakening. I woke up in my room, and I think my clock was blank. No, I didn't look at my clock. I thought I saw some bug on my pillow. Normally, I would freak out, no matter how tired I am. All I did was flip over the pillow, and tried to fall back to sleep (although I was asleep).
      non-lucid , false awakening
    3. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 08-05-2010 at 08:34 PM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      ¡Single Sentence Sizzler!®

      Why is Gandalf in my Computer Chair? (DILD)

      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc View Post
      During a Lucid FA, Gandalf gives me plane tickets to the middle eastern desert town where I have to meet up with Samael and her friend (ansiel6sixtysix or something) again before my fight with the being that defeated Jackie Chan during a public, stadium hosted, dojo challenge just a couple of dreams ago; I barely make it into my court before another FA kicks in.

      Updated 08-09-2010 at 07:45 AM by 25167

      lucid , false awakening
    4. Garage

      by , 08-05-2010 at 07:50 PM
      I am dreaming that I should remember to recognize when I am dreaming and wake up in the garage of my childhood home.
    5. Standing up to the Nightmare

      by , 08-05-2010 at 06:01 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      It started off in my old bedroom; it was very dark throughout the room, and no light was pouring in through the windows to aid my vision. I was sitting on my double-size bed, and then I suddenly fell backwards into a dark void. It was pitch black and I could hear faint humming, but I couldn't discern what it was coming from. I was floating up and down for a long time, and looking at myself from a third person perspective. I also saw my bedroom, and taking up almost a quarter of the room, mostly on top of the bed, was the void. It was dark and floating like a cloud of smoke.

      My perspective changed back to first person, and I was hailed by a voice. "You're going to do as I say, or else you'll stay here forever. Do you accept?" I nodded, "yes".

      I was back in my room in that instant, sitting on my bed again. There was a shadow, almost in the shape of a child, on another double bed in front of me. I looked at it, squinting a bit. "You're going to harvest some things for me," it told me. The voice was almost like one a little girl would have.

      I then found myself along the side of a stucco house, surrounded by large pine trees. There was a lot of real-looking snow on the ground, but it wasn't cold even though I was kneeling down in it. I was with another person, also being told what to do by the shadow. He was slightly older than me, and was wearing a hoodie and dark blue jeans. We were both sitting in front of a tiny tree with blue Christmas baubles hanging from it. I held out my finger and a spark of blue light came from it, traveling in a straight line. It hit one of the baubles and it started glowing, changing shape. When the glow vanished, it was in the shape of a small steel ring. I took it and pocketed it immediately. We spent the next few minutes of the dream doing this.

      Then, I was back at the house, in my bedroom. The shadow looked like it was holding out its hand, so I handed it the rings, but they dropped right through it and onto the bed. "You idiot," it told me angrily. "You don't have as many as I asked for."

      I became aware that I was dreaming, but not enough to change the plot, control the shadow, or do pretty much anything. I failed to control my anger at the shadow so I began to speak even though I felt it would put me back in the void. I had to try. "Listen," I said to it, "I don't know what you are. But you're a horrible creature that instead of going out there and doing things yourself, makes other people with lives do them! I should put you in a void, see how you like it.

      I almost thought I could hear sniffling, but the shadow didn't move or shift. "Sorry," it said softly, and vanished.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:42 AM by 28408

      Tags: cat, girl, nightmare, void
      lucid , nightmare , false awakening
    6. JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

      by , 08-04-2010 at 12:47 PM
      "Help me out here" (WILD)


      I WILDed by accident this morning. Well, once I noticed I was heading into sleep paralysis I went for it, but it wasn't my original intention! I've heard scary reports of hallucinatory/SP/dreams involving a figure standing over the bed menacingly, but have been pretty lucky so far- having never had it happen to me. Today that changed... yaayy...

      I was lying on my back (which is easy-street for lucidity if the conditions are right), with my head leaning to the right. When I felt sleep paralysis come along, my eyes did something funny. My attention was focused directly in front of me, but it felt like my eyes were moving from side to side. I could feel them underneath my eyelids- but couldn't feel the muscles working to move my eyes. Might just have been a hallucination.
      Anyway, I thought I'd failed my attempt when I "woke up". I had a glance round my room and looked at the painting of a cow which is usually opposite my bed. It had become warped and distorted- a bit like a shape was coming out of the picture. I assumed I was dreaming and slid out of bed. I jumped down all the stairs in one go, saying,
      "Nice, fully lucid!" I headed straight out the front door and out onto the street. The street was totally different to what I was expecting. There were tall, thick trees on either side of the road, and a big red London bus was passing by. I ran alongside it, planning to cling to the side and hitch a ride, but it fell over out of the blue. It wasn't a massive crash or anything, it just went over onto its side. I was puzzled, and put it back on its wheels just by thinking it. I seemed to have very good direct control here. That could have been the reason why I got a reset-style false awakening.

      I turned my head, thinking I'd woken up. Then I glanced up in the direction of the painting. In front of it was a monster. I can't remember whether it even had a body, I was so focused on the head. The head was green and black, made up of the green of the grass and black of the cow from the painting. The colours were mashed together to create a hideous visage and evil expression- and it was glaring right at me. For a second I just froze with fear. It was so incredibly real. It was like it was actually in my room. I shut my eyes and had another FA.

      This really doesn't do it justice at all. Add several degrees of scariness and a bit of masculinity to this one.

      There it was again. My heart started thumping as soon as I realised it was still there. I tried my absolute hardest to get out of bed, but it was like all my muscles only half worked. My back barely did at all- making it very hard to sit up. I had an idea. I raised my arm to the monster and said,
      "Wanna help me out here mate?" Its head moved slightly, seemingly considering my request. Then it took my hand. Its arms looked like they were made of a pale white plastic, but its hand felt human, if a bit clammy. It pulled me out of the bed and I tried to stand. Unsuccessfully. I fell onto the floor. Looking up, I saw my girlfriend had mysteriously appeared. I was about to have semi-paralysed sex with her but I had yet another false awakening.

      By now I was getting used to the monster's face, so I looked round ready for it. He had a new trick up his sleeve this time though. The face of a snarling dog now accompanied him, and they were both a lot closer than before. Scared as I was, I asked him for help once more, and he obliged. For some reason, he started to remind me of my friend Hugh. This time I could stand a bit better, which improved even more when I took a few steps whilst rubbing my hands. I looked around my room, which had grown to about three times its normal size. My friend Mark was brushing the floor. I had the idea to try the advanced task of the month- "stand on your head"- literally with your head under your foot.
      "All right Mark," I said. "Decapitate me."
      "Uh... how?" he asked.
      "Ehh... use the brush maybe? Or smash that clock in half and use it as a blade." I pointed at a big glass clock on my wall which I binned in real life years ago. I tried to walk over to Mark, but kept getting pulled back towards my bed by an invisible force. It was really frustrating, and through fighting it too hard,
      I woke up.
    7. JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

      by , 08-04-2010 at 12:36 PM
      Trying to Fix The Dreamworld (WILD)


      A quick note from last night: I got some pretty powerful HI when I was going to sleep last night, only about 10 minutes after lying down. Somebody blasted a football at me and hit me square in the chest. I completely felt it, and my entire torso took a huge spasm. I was like,
      "What the hell?" since I was nowhere even near asleep yet. I guess my mind just went off on its own for a bit.

      This morning: I haven't had a proper, straight-up WILD for quite some time, but this morning I had two. I felt sleep paralysis after... I have no idea how long, and was riding it out comfortably. It came on like a light blanket being draped over me, starting at my head and finishing at my feet a split-second later. Then,
      I heard my brother come into the room. He was looking for something.
      "You asshole, don't wake me up," I murmured.
      "What's that John?" he said, and shook my shoulder to wake me. I was pretty gutted, but sat up to see what he wanted. Something didn't seem right. Then I remembered that this exact situation had happened earlier this morning, when my brother had come in looking for a sleeping bag. (He was going on a school trip and was only packing that morning) For (I think) the second time ever, I tried the nose-pinch reality-check.
      I could breathe perfectly. I laughed that I could have thought this was for real. I threw the duvet off me and got out of bed. As I left my bedroom, things went out of focus. The railing beside the stairs was fuzzy, and bizarrely, everything was upside down. As in, the floor was on the ceiling, and vice versa. I rubbed my hands together, which improved the fuzziness a bit, then set to work on trying to walk on the ceiling. I got down on my hands and knees, then put my feet up in the air. As I did so, I realised I had just completed the basic task of the month on Dreamviews, "Stand on your head". From there I tried to float myself upwards, feet first. I imagined that I was hanging onto the ceiling with my hands (it looked that way anyway), and was looking down at the floor. But gravity was being a bitch, and I couldn't make it off the ground at all.

      I had a closer look at my surroundings, and noticed a yellow tint to all the walls. It occurred to me that I could be sleeping with my eyes open, and the yellow of my bedroom walls could be influencing my dreamworld. It was definitely the same kind of yellow. The more I tried to look at the yellow parts, the closer I came to awakening. Realising what was happening, I grabbed a door frame and desperately tried to stay in the dream, but it was too late
      and I woke up. My eyes had been closed.
    8. JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

      by , 08-04-2010 at 12:32 PM
      Rambling Through Dreams (DEILD)


      I had about 7 DEILDs this morning. Lay on my back the whole time. Even though I wrote down some notes immediately after waking up, I doubt I remembered them all. These were a new kind of DEILD for me- Instead of going for the usual "tactile entry", I focused my vision on an object or scene. I kept looking intently at the same object or scene until it became "real". Sometimes I wasn't sure if I had woken up or it was a false awakening, but I kept the rules in my head, which helped me tell the difference. If my arms were easy to move, it was a dream, simple as that.

      The first segment was where I was sure I woke up. I spent a couple of minutes lying on my back trying to bat away a large fly that was zooming about. It's only after waking that I now realise it wasn't real.

      For my first DEILD, I visualised the wall opposite my bed. I just stared at it. My eyes could even have been open, I don't know- it sure felt like it. A picture on my wall had changed to a calendar for some reason. I think it might have been a Simpsons one. It started flashing through lots of different faces, and there was something quite menacing about it. I didn't think about the scariness, I only took it as a reassuring sign that a dream had definitely begun. I was still in bed, so I tentatively tried to move my arms. I found I could, and quickly fell out of bed. I ran downstairs and out into the street. My friends Hugh and Darren were there. Hugh was carrying a bottle of Jack Daniel's, which he handed to me. We walked up the street to a petrol station, whereupon I took a giant swig from the bottle and threw it over my shoulder. I heard the smash and walked through the automatic doors. I pondered for a minute about whether I should try to do some of the task of the year, but all my lucids recently have been pretty short, so I thought there would be no point. Also, I was just stealing a few extra minutes sleep and expected to be woken up at any minute. There was a great-looking girl working behind the till, so I wasted no time in going at it with her. The people in the shop were staring at me like I was insane, and I became slightly self-conscious. What if I was merely super-drunk and not dreaming at all? A quick hand-reality-check allayed my fears, and I continued. Then the alarm went off, and shutters closed down on every door and window. I suspected that I might be trapped, so in a way, it was lucky that I woke up.

      Still very relaxed (and maybe in sleep paralysis), I went for another DEILD. I looked closely an image which formed in my head as before, and soon
      found myself standing in some sort of facility. The walls were sliver-grey, and there were lots of people walking about in a hurry. I did a little experiment, and found that it didn't matter whether I had my eyes open or closed in the dream, I could see fine if I wanted to see. I did the experiment whilst looking at an old woman leaning on a railing of a balcony. Satisfied with my discovery, I strolled along the balcony, gazing out over the wooded area outside. It looked like the sun was going down. Along a bit, I found a table with benches around it. Sitting on one was a girl I know, who I plan to ask out soon. She was wearing a strange light-blue swimsuit. I sat down beside her and we began kissing. Soon I woke up again.

      This time the DEILD transition was a bit different. I moved a little, then "fell" to my left, and
      ended up on all fours on a stony surface. I stood up and looked around. I suspected I might be in the wooded area I had seen from the balcony earlier. I started running through the trees and entered an area of ancient ruins which was pretty overgrown with plants. I thought about the strangeness of running in dreams again, and I chuckled as I automatically started taking deep breaths as I do when I run in real life. Was there any point in talking bigger breaths, or noticing breathing at all? The ruins started to look a bit like a multiplayer level in the Aliens vs. Predator game, the name of which escapes me. I jumped about 10 metres onto a stone platform to look around. There was movement all around me. I had no doubt that Aliens and Predators were the culprits, but I couldn't get a clear look at one. With a screech, an Alien dove at me, mouth open and arms outstretched. I caught in in mid-air by its neck, and proceeded to perform one of the more brutal execution moves from the game on it. Then I noticed that I had a predator's blades attached to my forearm. I extended the blades and started admiring them, but I was jumped from the left by another alien. I swung round and delivered a downwards blow with my blades through the alien's skull. It cracked like an eggshell. I woke up again.

      I was having so much fun, I decided to try to go back there. I don't think I managed it, but I had
      a short lucid where I played a sniper in Call of Duty.
    9. JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

      by , 08-04-2010 at 12:28 PM
      Breaking the Spell (DILD)


      This is the only fragment I can remember from a night which was absolutely full of dreams.

      I had made an enemy of an evil wizard. He put me under some kind of spell which basically put me in a dream state- I think to make me less of a danger to him. I was running up a snowy path to the wizard's castle, when I thought,
      "Something just doesn't seem right about this." I did a hand reality check and
      realised I was dreaming. However, I didn't go to the next level and work out that the world outside this dream was still another dream. When I stopped what I was doing and wondered if this was the wizard's doing, his face appeared in front of me in a spinning, levitating mirror. It looked at me intently, and seemed pleased with me. Then I woke up back into the original dream level.
    10. JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

      by , 08-04-2010 at 12:28 PM
      Rumble in the Jungle (DILD)


      This started with me on a bus. Should really have noticed the dreamsign. I was on my way back to a picnic in the grounds of my old school, and it was raining. I was worried because I had been told that bagguettes and other sandwiches had been left out in the open air, and I didn't want them to get soggy from the rain. I was on the bus with two of my brothers, who told me it was time to get off when we were beside the estate near my house. We stepped off and started running. In reality, my school is nowhere near there, but in the dream it was just around a corner. I burst through a gate and skidded down a gravelly hill to the picnic table, which was out the front of the school.

      I got into a conversation with a girl from my class who turned up while I made a sandwich, and the next thing I knew, a lesson had started outside. Lots of people from my year appeared from nowhere and sat down at other picnic tables which had appeared around mine. I sat beside the girl I had been talking to. It seemed to be a geography lesson, and although I hadn't been paying attention to the teacher at all, she asked me,
      "So John, what else do rivers do that hasn't been mentioned so far?" I improvised,
      "Uh... meander, and flow towards the sea?"
      "Exactly," She said. What can I say, freakin genius. I put my head down on the desk so I could talk more privately with the girl beside me. When I looked up, we were inside a tent. Something registered,
      "This isn't right..." but it wasn't enough to turn me lucid. Everyone was going outside, so I followed them. Now we were in a jungle. It was quite beautiful. There were really tall trees, and vines wrapped around some ancient ruins.

      Some friends and I went exploring. We were laughing and talking when we stepped out from behind a tree right into the path of a giant panther. It stopped and stared at us, making a low grumbling noise. The rest immediately ran. I had it in my head not to make any sudden movements, so I just stood there. After a few seconds the panther lay down, and I tried to sneak off. I was trying desperately not to stand on any twigs, and I ended up floating ever so slightly between steps.
      I noticed the abnormality and became lucid. I levitated over the ground and made my way back to the tent. I floated in, showing off my moves, then plonked down at a table.

      My classmates were doing some kind of experiment using a candle, but I had no idea what it was. The candle went out, and I thought I should try and make fire to light it again. I snapped my fingers, expecting a flame to just magically appear, but it didn't. I pondered, then tried a different tactic. Cupping my hands around each other, I tried to force heat into the space between. After a few seconds I had a peek, and saw distinctive waves of heat. It was working. I kept it up, and soon fire was bursting from between my fingers. I used it to light the candle again, then looked at my palms. There were two tiny burns on the heel of each palm. I laughed, then woke up.

      The first thing I did was look at my hands. The burns were still there. I was really excited for some reason, so I ran out of the tent and flew around the trees. Some music started playing. It was very fast, and was perfect for running around in a frenzy, as I was doing now. I ran into the giant panther again, but stroked it like I would a cat, and it purred. After that I woke up for real.
      lucid , false awakening
    11. JD's Balls-to-the-Wall Awesome Dream Journal

      by , 08-04-2010 at 12:24 PM
      Zombieland (DILD)


      Hmmm... I didn't realise this one was so long when I was typing it out. I'll put some pics in to break it up a bit.

      I was woken up quite early in the morning, and went back to sleep naturally after 10 minutes. If I can't be bothered WILDing, just falling asleep again after waking is much easier and works almost as often. I think the short time of being awake revs up the logic centre of the brain, making it far easier to spot dream signs.

      I was in some sort of small holiday complex. I "woke up" in the swimming pool. My head was leaning against the side, and I was still wrapped up in my red duvet- which wasn't actually all that wet. I was extremely groggy, and couldn't really move. I could feel that I was wearing my jeans though, and thought,
      "Shit what if my phone gets wet?
      Aha!" All too easy, point to me. For some reason, the groggy inability to move stuck with me, and I had another false awakening.

      I woke up beside the pool this time, it was as if I had fallen asleep on a deck chair. The pool was indoors, with a glass roof. I was in my swimming shorts, so I jumped straight into the pool. There were a few people I knew swimming around too. I hopped in an inflatable yellow dinghy and someone pushed me around for a while. Later, I was informed by one of the reception staff that a letter had arrived for me. (What's this, 1970?) She stuck it to the wall with a tack and went back to the front desk. I got out of the pool, dried myself off and went over to read it. I got the general gist of its content, which went something like, "Sorry we can't make it, but we gave our tickets to our two friends, you'll like them." Apparently it was from someone I knew who wouldn't be coming on holiday. I spent absolutely ages trying to read the names of the people the letter was from, and the names of the people who were coming in their stead. Every time I looked at it, it seemed slightly different, and I would notice new things. It was also pretty high up on the notice board, and I couldn't reach to take it down. A girl I know called Emma came over and asked what was wrong. I told her that I couldn't read what the hell was on this letter, and asked if she wouldn't mind having a go.
      "Sure," she said. "Lift me up." I put my arms around the top of her legs and lifted as high as I could. She unbalanced me when when she reached out for the letter, and we fell. She landed on top of me, and I broke her fall. I found it weird that I wasn't even winded, even though her knees had come crashing down on my chest. She laughed, then kissed me before informing me that I should be getting to work. Apparently this was one of those holidays you work during to afford. I put on my roller blades and left through the front door of the complex. I made my way downhill, past what looked remarkably like the sea near my house, and arrived at a restaurant. Apparently I was a waiter. I rolled straight into the kitchen like a ballet dancer, to the cheers of the chefs and other waiters. I stored my roller blades in a locker, and there was much banter about the state of my hair. Before we headed out to wait tables, the head waiter made sure we all smelled great, by squirting a huge cloud of Davidoff: Cool Water aftershave which he made everyone walk through.

      This was what the holiday complex looked like, only bigger.

      Just then the owner stepped into the kitchen and called for silence. He informed us of the terrible news that there had been, I quote: "An uprising of the undead." The chefs and waiters let out cries of alarm and disbelief, but I smiled and said,
      You can never have too many zombie dreams. I folded my arms and waited to hear the specifics from the restaurant owner. He said that the plague had begun several hours ago, but it had only now reached this area. Apparently, all the area's rich residents had been evacuated to safety hours ago, but we had been purposely left behind. He went on, "We are the..."
      "Cannon fodder?" I interrupted. He looked furtive for a second, and I knew I was right. There were various moans of "Oh no," etc. from the staff, so I turned to them and said,
      "Have you ever seen Shaun of the Dead?" Most of them nodded. "Well it'll be like that, only more fun." With that, I headed outside, ready to get laid in there. I looked up the road to my right, towards the holday complex I had come from, and hovered up to my head-height. I decided I should go back there and try to help my friends, so I started flying in that direction. I was going pretty fast, faster than I usually manage when flying unaided. I passed hundreds of zombies. They were emerging from the sea to my left, and staggering up the beach onto the road. I saw humans getting bitten and immediately turning. It seemed this was a particularly virulent strain of your standard zombification virus. (Think 28 Days Later) People would get bitten, or some infected blood would land on their exposed skin, and right away they would double over, screaming viciously. Their eyes went completely bloodshot, and for some reason, their gums started bleeding. I kept up the pace, but more and more zombies kept chasing me. I wasn't going fast enough to lose them, and was such an easily visible meal (flying at over 6 feet), that I was basically drawing hundreds to me, who joined the mob on my tail. As I flew, I concentrated hard on a sentence, and sent it out to everyone in the area telepathically. It told everyone I knew to meet me at the holiday complex. I heard the sentence booming in my head, and I had a good feeling that it would work. I wanted to fight off some zombies with a bit of company. I zoomed up the hill to the tall front doors of the complex, and found them locked indefinitely. I tried to break them down but they were completely solid. I turned round slowly, to face a semicircle of zombies that had formed around me, cutting off all routes of escape. I took up a fighting stance and they started coming at me. I didn't pay attention to faces or numbers, I stepped from zombie to zombie, breaking necks and punching clean through chests. Neck breaking was by far the easiest move, so I used it the most.

      There was a lull in the action. They had stopped attacking, and were now just staring at me, snarling. I heard a voice calling me.
      "Help! John!" It was an old friend of mine who I no longer like. He was waving at me from within the crowd. He forced his way to the front and ran over to me. "Thank God!" he gasped. Something wasn't right about him. He looked incredibly tired, and wasn't moving his lips very much when he spoke.
      "Hang on," I said. "Let me see your teeth." He shook his head, so I grabbed him and had a look for myself. His gums were unmistakably bleeding (like the rest of the infected) and as soon as I saw them, he growled. He was just pretending to be clean to get close to me! I wasn't having this. Since my hands were already inside his mouth, I tore his head apart by the jaws. It really wasn't pretty. In fact I immediately regretted it- the popping and cracking sounds were bad enough, never mind the sight. I threw down the pieces and glanced behind me. Emma from earlier had appeared in front of the door, along with David Cameron, leader of the Conservative Party.
      Why the hell was he there?? I'd had enough of killing zombies for now, so I took them both by the arm and floated them onto the roof, where I reckoned there would be a skylight of some sort I could use to get inside. I had to imagine they were both nearly weightless to get them to leave the ground at all. From there it was just a matter of floating myself up and dragging them behind.

      Sure enough, there was a skylight which I was able to kick open. It was dark inside, and instead of the reception and swimming pool I had left, there was now a winding corridor with hundreds of black doors. They all had labels on them, but I couldn't read any. I was helping Emma and DC down when the front door burst open. It was Voldemort, and he had an army of zombies behind him.
      "Leg it!" I shouted. We ran through the maze of corridors with Voldemort firing spells after us, but never quite catching up. I picked a random door and opened it to throw Emma and DC inside. It opened into an entirely different place- maybe an office building. I shut it behind them and turned round to face Voldemort. He didn't engage me personally, preferring instead to send zombie after zombie at me. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a wand. Not knowing many spells, I made some up on the fly. They were all complicated latinate words, which all seemed to work. Unfortunately I can't remember them at all now. When I had the chance, I jumped through the door I had sent the other two through, and slammed it behind me. I imagined these doors worked in the same way as doors opened by the "Keymaker" in The Matrix- Voldemort would not be able to follow. I glanced around the cubicles, but couldn't see any sign of life. Out of nowhere a woman ran up to me begging for help. I recognised the bloodshot eyes and bleeding gums of a zombie instantly, and pointed the wand at her.
      "Avada kedavra," I sighed. (The killing spell) She dropped like a stone. David Cameron and Emma decided to make their presence known, and stood up from behind a desk.
      "Just wait till I tell parliament about this!" Cameron said.
      "Obliviate," I replied, with the want pointed at him, thus wiping his memory.
      "Thanks," he said dozily.
    12. Hotel Stay

      by , 08-04-2010 at 04:23 AM (My Official Journey Into Lucid Dreaming)
      Stayed at a hotel last night. Had two false awakenings. It was bizarre..these both happened in the morning. I had several dreams, but don't remember them.

      The phone rings. (FA) I reach over and pick up the phone. It's my boss. We start talking about something important, but I can't hear him. The maid is coming in to clean the room. I'm trying to tell her to come back later, and all the while my boss is talking to me. I grow angy and upset that I can't get the maid to leave...fall back to sleep

      FA, I get up and start to get dressed...fall back to sleep

      Fell asleep: 2:30am
      WBTB: Several times.

      non-lucid , false awakening
    13. My Dream Guardian is on a 2 year and 2 weeks vacation!!!

      by , 08-04-2010 at 01:51 AM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      My Dream Guardian is on a 2 year and 2 weeks vacation!!! (MILD)


      I got three dreams tonight. I went to bed pretty late. One lucid tonight.


      I was with my wife at home and we were talking. Suddenly, she started to run and she jumped to the bed. She started to roll, she fell from the bed and kept rolling. She kept rolling until she was by the closet. It appeared she was having an epileptic attack. I was worried for her and I asked her if everything was OK. She grabbed me and started to kiss me with a lot of passion. She pulled my clothes from me. She wanted to have sex so badly, so we started to have sex, the dream faded.

      I had a FA in my room. I was alone in bed now. I could hear the TV and I realized that my wife was watching TV. It was very dark outside and I was confused why my wife was not in bed. I did not want to move from bed. I was trying to recall a dream I just had, however, the sound of the TV bothered me. It was an odd situation so I decided to do a reality check. I checked my hands.

      My middle finger was thicker than usual, so I realized that something was wrong and I was dreaming. I got off from bed and pinched my nose. I could breath perfectly. I decided to jump to test the gravity. I floated for around three seconds. I went to my living room. I did not hear the TV anymore but I did not care. I opened the door. It was night. The exterior was as the same than waking. I took flight. I flew over my neighborhood towards downtown. The clarity of the dream was excellent. I kept flying until my dream completely stabilized. I landed and I started to walk around. I felt like going to pee, but I remembered I read someone's post about peeing for real in bed while lucid, so I avoided trying it.
      I saw a bridge about 15 feet tall. I saw five dream characters looking at me from the bridge. I levitated and flew slowly towards the bridge. They looked surprised. I walked by them but I did not exchange words with them.

      I passed by a house that had several plants. I touched the leaves of the plants and I could feel the leaves were humid. The leaves had small drops of water and they were cold. The quality and texture of the leaves were perfect. I looked towards the sky and I could see every single detail and every single star. I started to fly again and I though about summoning my Dream Guardian. I have never met him / her before so I wanted to attempt.

      I started to walk again. I was in the middle of a big street. It was almost empty. I saw around two to three dream characters. There were a few parked cars, but no one on the road. I said out loud, "I want to talk with my Dream Guide" A woman dressed like a USPS employee walked by. She stopped and turned. She walked towards me and she said, "You will have to wait another two years and two weeks. Temel is gone." I was wondering what was that. I blamed that I might not had a lot of control during that step. She told me, "Why don't you come with me for a few minutes?" I replied, "I guess it will be fine. I am lucid dreaming right now so I can spend some time." She walked ahead of me, but I followed her. We got into a very small room, however, it was very well lit. She told me that my Dream Guide worked with her, but she was gone on vacation for a couple of years. I told her, "I know. I will ask the dream to bring me to her!" She replied, "That rude. Do not do that!" I explained to her, "Oh, OK. Well, I want to meet Temel. I have been lucid dreaming since I was a kid without knowing the meaning of these words. Now that I know the meaning of them, I want to meet with her!!"

      I realized the room had several mirrors. I wanted to look at my reflection. It first looked normal but then, I looked two additional times. I saw a familiar face, but it was not mine. It changed every time I looked at the mirror.

      The mail woman handed me a small receipt. The receipt had her phone number and her e-mail. She asked me to keep it. I told her it would be impossible to bring the paper to waking, so I was going to attempt to remember the e-mail and the phone number. Her e-mail ended in @yahoomail.com Before the @ there was a very short name, like Ruth or Beth. I tried to read but I was not able. I realized that the dream was stable so I tried again. The dream faded instantly. I though in spinning but it was too late and I woke up.

      Missed Dream Sign:
      - My wife's odd behavior.
      - The FA.

      Noticed Dream Signs:
      - My wife was watching TV late at night.

      Reality Check Performed:
      - Hand Check
      - Nose Pinch.
      - Gravity Check.
    14. False awakening into lucidity

      by , 08-03-2010 at 09:24 PM
      My first lucid dream since I've been studying them ...

      I was on holiday with my dad and we were looking around shops which were shut (it must have been Sunday). He had booked a trip on a speedboat but the place he booked it was also shut so he couldn't go.
      I kept going over this wall which was to tall to climb back over so every time I would have to take this route down alleys and through gardens to get back to him. The last time I went round I was nearly there and noticed a figure sat in the corner.
      I turned around to see an old woman who gave me some kind of warning or threat just before a dog ran out and grabbed hold of my arm!

      With a jolt the scene changed. I was on a large plain with lots of trees. The trees were falling and being uprooted then floating together to form gigantic spiders maybe a hundred foot high which were walking across the plain. I felt in no threat and was amazed by the scene.

      I woke up and found I couldn't move. Straight away I thought 'oh, this is sleep paralysis. I've read about this and don't have to worry'. Then I noticed in the room was a spider which was about the size of a dog. I was scared and started to panic but knew straight away that this was a false awakening so I started waking myself up.

      I was beginning to wake when it hit me that I was lucid and this is what I had been trying for so I stopped and spun into a different scene.

      I was in a town at night and no-one was about. I was flying close to the ground and there seemed to be no colour except I was leaving a trail of red and black which was pixelated like a video game. I stopped and stood in the city square doing reality checks with both my watch and my hands. My hands were fuzzy and hard to see but it looked like I had the correct amount of fingers so I looked away - I didn't want to think I wasn't dreaming.
      I checked my watch and could not read it. I looked away and checked again and found it to be the same unreadable state and convinced myself it was a dream.

      I looked around at tall buildings, trying to decide what to do next. I was thinking about making them fall down when I noticed three women. I walked up to them and talked to one I recognised and said we'd go back to her place.
      To get to her flat we had to walk up lots of flights of black stairs and I made a joke to her about them. Going inside her flat I saw a human skull on a bookshelf and asked if it was real - she said no.

      So, we started getting down to business (ahem) and I was thinking 'I better not get too excited because I might wake up' and I noticed strange letters on her body. Other things seemed odd and it wasn't going right. This is when I lost lucidity ... then we became part of a sort of reality show where people were commenting on our relationship and where we were going wrong. It changed to another time with me preparing her a meal and soon after I woke up.
      lucid , false awakening
    15. Jumping Off A Plane

      by , 08-03-2010 at 07:24 PM
      So my dream starts off with me walking onto an airplane. For no particular reason I count the fingers on my hand and realize that I'm dreaming. I just had this feeling to for some reason. As soon as I became lucid I remembered something I was thinking about before I fell asleep, which was to jump out a window in order to successfully fly the way I want to. I did not even double check the dream as I knew confidence is a major aspect of dream control.

      Well when I jumped out I did manage to fly. I kind of realized that in order to fly I had to clear my mind and not overthink anything. That's what was preventing me from doing what I wanted to do before. I still had trouble keeping my mind clear and fully controlling how I was flying but I was managing. Unfortunately the dream memory is not vivid enough that I can remember exactly where I flew through and I barely recall the feeling.

      I decided to land, I think it was in a field somewhere but I'm not 100% sure because part of me remembers there being other people there. I wanted to transform my body to see if I could. I looked down at myself and noticed that I could see my nose (like when you cross your eyes and look at your nose). I looked back up and imagined a different looking torso, but the dream began to get hazy. I rubbed my hands together and tried to focus on the texture but I was losing my dream. I was about to spin but it was too late, I woke up. ....which was probably just another false awakening again.
      lucid , false awakening
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