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    Side Notes

    1. Stepping back into learning to lucid dream

      by , 09-02-2010 at 10:36 AM
      My first lucid dream was about 4 to 6 years ago. I have the book Exploring the world of Lucid Dreaming and I find it quite useful. I have had fewer than 100 lucid dreams and perhaps fewer than 20, with less lucidity than I can have and they weren't very long.

      So here I sit, early in the morning before going to bed again and attempting to lucid dream again because I want to develop my lucid dreaming skills (and it's a fun and neat experience, too). Four or six years is enough time to wait until going in depth with lucid dreaming, right?
      side notes
    2. One vivid recall.

      by , 09-02-2010 at 05:09 AM (The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal)
      I only really had one vivid dream recalled from last night and I had a little fragment that I still remember. I'm not going to bother writing that one down but I will post the dream.

      I'm working at brew and grow and I'm handling the front counter while Julie is working in back. The computer isn't working so I'm small talking a customer while I stall for time. I also notice that the light switch is not working either. So it's kinda dark.

      The dude kinda looks like a real customer. He's white and probably thirty with brown hair and a beard and goatee. While we are small talking I'm making myself lunch which is chicken alfredo though it's out of some sort of powdered packet.

      I look back at the computer and type in some sort of command as the screen is all black and if mostly stays that way. Julie must have said something funny to me because the customer says that what she and I have is special. I think it's ridiculous that he'd say that as I am married and also because I can tell he is jealous and I don't want him going nuts on me.
      So as I'm going through my routine (reality checks throughout the day, random stops to just "feel and look" around me, WBTB) I decided to add on a "day journal" of sorts to help me clear my head everynight as well as incubate some ideas for me to dream about and realize I'm lucid. Plus: it'll be a good way to get my creative writing back into the swing of things.
      non-lucid , side notes
    3. Wave 34: Break

      by , 09-01-2010 at 11:55 PM (The Meerkat's Lair)
      This is my break Back into LD tonight
      side notes
    4. August 2010 summary

      by , 09-01-2010 at 04:08 PM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      Despite starting my foray into the world of lucid dreaming in the late second week of August, it's already felt like a long road--though I'm already looking forward to a lifetime of practice. There have been some early encouraging successful results, but they are tempered by rocky outcomes towards the end of the month.

      General Dream Content (This Month)
      Number of new dream journal entries: 17
      Number of documented dream sequences/fragments: 23
      Number of lucid realizations: 3 (13%)
      Number of significant lucid dreams: 1 (4.3%)

      General Dream Content (Total)
      Total documented dream sequences/fragments: 23
      Total lucid dreams: 1 (4.3%)

      Dream Signs (This Month)
      Total identified dream signs: 37
      Action: 7 (18.9%)
      Context: 16 (43.2%)
      Form: 8 (21.6%)
      Awareness: 6 (16.2%)
      0810-0811: Aw+1
      0814: C+1, F+2
      0813-0814: Ac+1, C+2, Aw+1
      0815: Ac+1, C+2, Aw+1
      0818-0819: Ac+1, C+2, F+2
      0819-0820: Ac+1, C+1, F+1, Aw+1
      0821-0822: Ac+1, C+1
      0822-0823: Ac+1, C+1, F+1
      0824-0825: Aw+1
      0827: C+1, F+1
      0828-0829: C+1, F+1, Aw+1
      0829: C+1
      0829-0830: C+1
      0831: Ac+1
      0831-0901: C+2, Aw+1
      Dream Signs (Total)
      Total identified dream signs: 37
      Action: 7 (18.9%)
      Context: 16 (43.2%)
      Form: 8 (21.6%)
      Awareness: 6 (16.2%)

      Dream Sign Associated Lucid Triggers
      Number of lucid realizations: 3
      Action: 2 (66.7%)
      Context: 1 (33.3%)
      0821-0822: Ac+1
      0829: C+1
      0831-0901: Ac+1
      Analysis: It's no surprise that the most common dream sign is unusual contexts. These often manifest as unusual situations, but also include a reasonable setting but an unusual sequence events therein. This highlights a definite need to be able to identify unusual situations for reality checking. It is, however, notable that Action-type dream signs seem to have more reliably triggered lucid dreams (if 2 out of 3 can be considered reliable); it's interesting that 2 out of the 3 lucid realizations involved my wife saying or doing something that I thought was highly unusual.

      Other notes: I've been playing with different sleep mantras, trying to find a combination that helps. The initial one (which I'll list here shortly, it'll be the first one) helped a lot with dream recall, so I'm a little reluctant to drop it over concerns that it might dampen my recall; I'm also concerned that switching them every few nights might be dampening their effectiveness. I've been having trouble finding one for other aspects of dreaming that have the same subconscious impact. Here are some that I've tried:
      "I will wake from my dreams and completely remember them."
      "I will remember to realize that I'm dreaming."
      "Tonight in my sleep I will dream."
      In recent nights I've tried to combine them into one, long chain mantra (tried #3>#1>2 at first, but later found that #3>#2>#1 makes more sense), but it's been difficult and hasn't brought on noticeable differences. I would try to fall back on the first one when I got deep enough into sleep to not be able to concentrate on stringing three sentences together.
      Last night I tried something new (and got a partial lucid to show for it):
      Short and to the point, and I suspect it'll be easier to impact into my subconscious.

      I'd like to end by commenting on some observations I'd had with regards to the last few lucid realizations. I've noticed in dreams that during a nose pinch reality check, the sensation is such that I'm still able to breath but it feels as though my nose is a little bit stuffy/congested. During my second lucid realization I attempted to hold focus by keeping my nose pinched and breathing; as it dissolved back into reality I noticed that the sensation of breathing from the lucid dream matched up with the sensations of natural breathing in reality. So I wonder if the success of this reality check is related to or contingent upon clear, breathable nasal passages.

      Updated 09-03-2010 at 05:25 AM by 35086 (Completion)

      side notes
    5. Soap opera dream and false awakening

      by , 09-01-2010 at 01:10 PM (Serenity's Silver Millennium)
      August 29, 2010

      I was having an AMC dream. JR discovered Annie was sleeping with some politician dude. They were getting it on in a car. JR discovered them and had got upset, but this part of the dream faded.

      False awakening. I "woke up" in bed. I spent a moment lying there and recalling the dream. I was also quite surprised I had fallen asleep again. I didn't even feel it coming.

      Edited for TMI content...

      I wondered about the possibility of this being a false awakening. I then noticed that, consciously, I did feel different. Fairly positive now that I'm dreaming, I thought to myself, "Only one way to check, and that's to get out of bed!"

      As I slowly rolled over and got out of bed, I marveled about the fact that this really did feel like I was moving my real body. I began to question whether I was truly dreaming or not. I rather felt that getting out of bed would feel floaty, especially since in lucids, I don't normally feel gravity and weighty. This felt exactly like real life. Future note, WILDs may feel exactly like this. Especially when I think I'm awake...

      Anyways, I was thinking a lot about this whole "Am I moving a dream body or my real body?" thing, and I heard a voice in the back of my mind, "Don't over think it, or you WILL wake up too much and move your real body." This voice sounded female, to my surprise (I usually expect Danny to tell me these things). It was probably myself; but in the past, Janine (my first DG, before Danny) often sounded like me... I wonder if this was her, again?

      I didn't spend too much time looking around the room. But I did notice that the bedroom door, positioning of the bed and my endtable were all as they should be. This made me question, again, whether I was lucid or awake. I looked at the clock on my endtable. The numbers should have been a dead give-away. I could barely read the clock... it looked tired-eye bleary and I couldn't really make out any numbers. I concentrated harder. Does that say 4:41 or 4:48? I rubbed my eyes and looked again. It says 4:48. "I don't have to get up until 5:30," I reminded myself. "This is perfect, I can sleep longer!"

      Completely forgetting about the false awakening, I crawl back in bed beside Jack. I noticed he was awake and reading something on his phone. We had a short discussion about him not staying up this late and my alarm rang.

      Alright, so even if I hadn't gotten distracted, it's not like I could've done much with the lucidity, anyways. My guess is, this all happened just before 5:30, waking time. Maybe about 5:25, but this whole scene felt a bit shorter than 5 minutes. Still, this is a great note for future WILDs... I guess this is considered an INRALD (I'm Not Really Awake Lucid Dream)... I thought I was pretty good at determining lucidity by how it feels alone... and normal DILDs, I think that still holds true. But this whole new foray into INRALDing and WILDing... when I honestly think I'm awake, it really, really does feel like I'm awake! Further proof that I REALLY need to RC upon waking up...
    6. Empty recall last night.

      by , 09-01-2010 at 06:14 AM (The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal)
      Last night I had no true recall. I attribute this to the fact that I must have slept deeper then I normally do because of a certain partnered action. I also decided not to perform WBTB so as not to bother my wife while she sleeps. I think I'm going to go back to attempting Stephen LaBerges MILD technique while utilizing a day journal to help me incubate dream topics. I've decided I am going to focus on doors, primarily. Anytime I walk through a door I will stop and comb it over while performing a reality check. It'll be tough to integrate into my daily routine but if effort is my only barrier than effort I shall put forth.

      As always: wish me luck.
      side notes
    7. I dream most vividly right before my alarm.

      by , 08-31-2010 at 04:33 AM (The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal)
      And what I mean by that is I'll routinely wake up an hour or less before my regular alarm clock and realize I remember something. So I'll write it down. It's usually short. And then I'll fall back asleep and in that last 30 mins or so I'll have my most vivid and detailed dream of the night. It's something worth looking into, I think, and I'm going to look into maybe doing an alarm every half hour for the last two hours of my regular sleep. Maybe I'll couple that into the DEILD if I can remember to do it.

      I am in Brew and Grow and the rest of the crew is there we are chilling out behind the counter like normal when some guy in glasses comes in. He's a few inches taller than me and going bald. He has a beer gut so he looks like a typical customer. He walks over to me and asks for a "20 amperage setup". I'm annoyed because that isn't the normal lingo we use in the store for figuring out what people need. So I ask Mike to take over for me and he does and ends up grabbing the guy a 150 lumatek. The guy says that was the rig he was looking for and he needs a bulb with 150000 lumens. I tell him there's no way he is gonna get that kinda power out of a 150 and I lean down and pull out a 1000w Hortilux Blue and crack it as I stand back up. I grimace and he laughs. I tell him I accidentally broke it but he's gonna need a bulb similar in power.

      I go to the computer and I ask my manager what I should so about the busted bulb. I tell him I don't want to tell Jenny (our inventory girl) because the bulb I broke is super expensive. He tells me just to throw it away and I tell him that I don't want to lie to anyone. I throw it away though.

      Now some other guy is here. He comes in and slaps a black computer tower in the counter and I'm immediately annoyed. I tell him flatly that we don't fix computers. But I know what it is. It's one of those secret growing containers. I refuse to help him because we do not help people doing illegal things. So I let someone else take care of him too. He leaves and I notice that he goes walking away with the first guy and I also notice that he left the tower. I ask why and Mike says he is gonna try to fix it.

      I then see Julie by the computer and she is wearing a big coat. I then realize it's cold in here and she says she is going to turn the fan off. At the same time Alex starts playing some odd music and looks at me with Antrim and says "From the party!" but I don't recognize it. Mike apparently does because he walks by and says: "How do I know what this is?"

      And then a large group of women walk into the store and stand there quietly before turning around and all leaving at once. Creepy
      I am on some sort of website for a game I, in my dream, used to run. However in my dream I had given it up and handed it over to this member of my forum. I read this news post where this new owner mentions how hard of a time she is having getting the game ready to go and there is a bunch of sad and upset replies in the thread. I skip ahead to the last page and see a bunch of screenshots of the game. It's 16 bit and mapped out similar to Pokemon. I'm walking around the town as if I'm playing it and i start to like it. I see this wifi battle building several times though.
      And finally..

      The dream begins with me, Julie, and Mike pulling up to this gorgeous tropical island. Instead of docking the boat a guide, Matthew Mcconaughey, asks us to transfer over to a smaller boat so we can paddle ashore. We do and as we do it starts to rain.

      And now we are all swimming in the water and Matthew leads us through this crystal clear water around the island. This group of girls next to me goes diving under water to explore. Everything is crystalline. There is a school of fish swimming around. It's gorgeous.

      Now we are on shore and I am in some sort of kitchen with an open view of the ocean and way we arrived. There is a urinal to my right and a few people talking about stuff behind me. I go to use the restroom and the I put my laptop on the kitchen counter. I almost set it on top of Mikes laptop but instead I put if on top of a cutting board. I see a book on the counter with the initials EoT and I read the first little bit. As I read it I am suddenly transported into the world of the book. It's sine future world similar to Pandora but darker and more advanced.

      I get a hold of my friend and we talk about how cool the island is when suddenly I get suspicious for some reason. I pull Matthew aside and tell him I think we've been tricked. I don't think he's in on it and I think he'll try to help us.
      non-lucid , memorable , side notes
    8. WBTB+DEILD=Future.

      by , 08-28-2010 at 03:38 PM (The Mind is Power; My Dream Journal)
      So I decided to go ahead and give the DEILD method a shot. I wasn't sure how I'd go about attempting it because it involves reflexively keeping my eyes shut when I wake up and, to be honest, I've got no practice doing that. So I go to bed at about 12:30 with an alarm set around 4 o clock. I wake up a few minutes before 4 o clock and turn on my iPod to play some Solitaire. I want to get in the habit of working out the logic center of my mind while I'm in bed at night. I think this will help me out a lot. I go back to bed. About an hour later I wake up because I have to use the bathroom and lo and behold I've got quite a long dream ready and recalled:

      Leah and I are driving home from seeing some comedy in theaters with my parents. In the movie I remember it being sorta creepy because the main bad guys were crazy tall and white and really scary looking. During the move in fighting myself to stay awake. I am sitting by Leah. As I watch the movie it sometimes takes on a first person view. The evil looking characters on screen get into a bunch of fights over turf. They remind me of smart zombies. I slowly start to nod off. Towards the end of the movie i go and stand at the front of the theater and watch the last of the movie standing.

      After that we head over to a laser tag and my mom makes my brother and I play a game. The women running the place charges five bucks per person. I overhear my mom and sister buying our tix for us. The clerk suggests me and my brother just share a gun to save money until we decide I'd we like it. My mom gets us each our own. The suits have a mouth guard bracket built onto the front and i put it in my mouth without thinking and immediately regret it. In my mind I'm positive I'll have herpes now or something. I glance over and my brother is sitting slouched against a wall on a black bench. He is spaced out. He looked dejected and bored.

      Then Leah and i are driving home. We are both tired. I'm using the gps to get us home but I want to stop at a hotel to sleep but we can't because of the dog waiting at home to use the bathroom. Leah mentions that my parents are leading us home a different way than normal. I follow the gps.
      Not bad at all for having a few off nights this week. So I go back to bed and I wake up AGAIN. This time I come startling myself awake but the world is in blackness. I can't see anything! You guessed it: I managed to keep my eyes shut. I'm not sure if it was reflex or the fact that I was actively thinking about it before I go to bed. So I'm laying there with my eyes shut. I feel a tiny bit heavy on my back and I feel mostly numb. My toes randomly spasm every once in awhile and my heart starts to race. I know I'm in a good position for the DEILD technique. But of all the things that could happen I start to hear birds singing LOUDLY outside of my window and when that happens I KNOW it's day time and, I'm not sure how, but I KNOW my alarm is about to go off. I hear a faint buzzing sound that is very distinguishable from all of the other noises. Is this part of my HI? I don't know. All I DO know is that I'm suddenly hypersensitive to sounds.

      So I stay laying there for a few more minutes when lo and behold the alarm does go off. I get out of bed and grumble my way to the shower. And then while I'm in the shower I'm hit like an epiphany with recalls of "four" other dreams.

      I'm in some sort of giant church like structure. My friend Phil is there and so is Lawrence, Chris, and Jake K. We are sitting in the big room where I assume the Pastor is going to preach when somebody starts handing out stacks of bacon as a snack. I say 'Hey, why not' and grab a huge stack and absolutely stuff my face with it. I then go ahead and sit down for the sermon. Time passes, I'm sure, because I'm running out of the room and towards the stairs. I jog up these stairs and turn right to where a small bedroom is. And there are all my friends! Skipping out on the sermon to play video games. I'm mad immediately... Not for skipping the sermon... But for not telling me they were so I could too! I remember in my dream, as well, to be kind and polite around Phil. I know I think to myself that he's a good guy.
      For some reason I'm up stairs in some house. I "know" it's my parents house. I walk down the stairs and outside to see some sort of dog out there. My parents had just left to go see a movie. I'm sure of that for some reason as well. So I've been left to take care of the dog. The dogs name is Asimov (Yes, as in Isaac Asimov). For some reason the dog gets hurt or gets killed and my parents return and I tell them what happened. They mention how at the movie they spent the whole time looking for "Asimov" but couldn't find him because he was under a different name. Don't ask me. It doesn't make sense over here, neither.
      And now I'm shopping. I've been sent downtown by my wife to go check out this resale shop. I'm assuming it's some sort of 'Platos Closet' because as I walk up to it, it is in an underground mall, the woman at the door goes: "Are you Randall? Leah shops here all the time." I say yeah I am and that I'm here to look at jeans. She asks if I need any help finding anything and I decline. It's at this point she points out that they are closing in 5 minutes. I let her know that I'll hurry. I hate when customers linger in my store. So I look around at the jeans and there's a woman back there as well waiting to help. I don't see anything I really like and end up hoofing it back towards the front to leave. It's at that moment that, for whatever reason, an explosion occurs and I'm sent flying. I land back on the ground and my leg is very clearly broken. The women are freaking out and blaming eachother but none of them seem hurt.
      And now I'm sitting in another basement. This time in front of a nice bass stack. My brothers friend, Marc, is there. And I'm pretty sure the other guy is Rob. There's a smaller Asian kid that I've never seen but he has black hair combed over and he plays the guitar. I'm obviously in this band. We shoot the breeze for a little bit and plan to practice when the Asian kid says that this is their last show. They just can't do it anymore. He is kind of a dick. So I ask him, gesturing at my leg, 'Is it because I broke this?'. He shakes his head and says that there's no money in it. I tell him: Well, hey. Once you guys hit 18 you'll be able to play shows every couple of days and make plenty of cash. I tell him my band is playing Marys Place (which we are, in real life! I'm plugging my own band in my own dreams) and that we're bringing in about 20% of the door. I envision what the place looks like so he can see it. I show him a bunch of elegant tables set up in front of a nice stage. Everyone is well dressed. This seems to change his thought process because he's suddenly backpedaling and saying things like 'Well, actually we had plans to...' and then that's all I really remember.
    9. Mzzkc's Mind Games: Concerns and Questions

      by , 08-28-2010 at 04:37 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      So, these single sentence entries are nice and all, but I'm worried they're making me complacent when it comes to writing up full entries.

      My question, to those who care enough to respond, is what should I do about it?

      I was thinking of limiting myself to no more than 5 Triple S's between full entries. Of course, this is assuming that these little bite sized snacks aren't quite cutting it for you gaiz. But if everyone is fine with them, or if some actually prefer these to fully detailed entries, let me know so I can make a more informed decision. Personally, I'm fine with either, but I really want to bring a certain level of quality to this DJ. To do that, I need to know what you, the reader, want from me.

      To make this simple (and since I can't make a poll out of this), I'll write a list of possible things you may want to see more/less. Simply pick a number, and comment with that number and an optional elaboration, if it's not too much trouble, that is.

      Here we go:

      1. These little sizzler things don't leave me feeling full. I'd prefer a real meal from you, word-slave.
      2. I like these newfangled single sentence entries. They're short, sweet, and still have enough flavorful detail to keep me coming back.
      3. Give me both, in equal helpings. Or else.
      4. Moar Bonus Entries of Doom, please. I need them to better construct my personality profile of you, so that when I kill you, and wear your skin, no one will notice a change in your behavior and become suspicious.
      5. Those multi-dream entries have some pretty cool stories, bro. Why don't you do more of those, instead?
      6. I have another opinion which I will now explain to you:
      side notes
    10. Morning of 8/27

      by , 08-27-2010 at 01:26 PM (SCPantera's Dream Journal)
      Another fragment/short sequence this morning.

      I was with my family again and we'd just arrived at a restaurant for dinner. As we got out of our vehicle we notice we'd parked next to a really cool looking pickup truck that was painted all in gold. There was a post in the bed of the pickup on which was mounted a video camera, so I figured whomever owned it was using it to shoot movies. As we walked around it, the coolness was ruined slightly by the realization that it was only painted on that one side. We went into the restaurant; there was a line of people going up to the cash register at the front where we were to order, evidently. It seemed to be some sort of continental restaurant that specialized in seafood, but I couldn't decide what I wanted to get. There was some sort of bound ghost towards the front of the line that was trying to get my attention; it appeared as a woman with long, bright blond hair and pale skin, wearing a white robe. She was blindfolded and bound by several brown leather straps. I went over to try to figure out what she was trying to tell me, but I couldn't understand or make out what she was trying to say. I noticed there was a computer in the corner then I noticed some people whom I identified as friends outside the restaurant, so I went to see what they were up to. I talked to them for a while and then we went into the restaurant. I remember recalling that the layout of the entrance had changed some (and now I recall my family was no longer there, it seems as though I had gone to the restaurant with these friends now). We were still in line trying to decide what to get when someone told me that someone was sending me instant messages on the computer in the corner. I sat down to see what was going on, some girl (a nurse maybe?) was frantically complaining about how my mom had left the hospital (she's worked there for years in real life) and was sending other weird-looking messages. I was confused and trying to figure out why she was so upset. Dream ends around there at some point.

      Again, parts of this dream were likely heavily inspired by last night, when my wife and I discovered there was a Golden Corral here and went to check it out. For the record, it was alright (not top tier) and had a pretty decent selection. Might be worth a return trip in the future. Wasn't a fan of the ambient country music though.

      Edit: Additional notes, it feels as though I'm in a bit of a dry spell, though I'll admit it could be worse; I am still able to get at least some material for entries still. This certain relative timing of this morning's entry (i.e. Morning of X) comes from the fact that my wife's earlier alarm this morning woke me up earlier than usual without any dreams to record, though fortunately I was able to get a little bit more sleep and experience the above. I believe in my enthusiasm earlier this week following last weekend's first lucid dream I may have been trying to run before I could walk, so I'm returning my effort to push forward to instead focus on solidifying the basics. Meanwhile, I've been at least trying to ramp up efforts to pepper in reality checks throughout the day. We'll try to remain optimistic.

      Updated 08-27-2010 at 01:57 PM by 35086 (Additional notes)

      non-lucid , side notes
    11. random

      by , 08-27-2010 at 12:35 AM
      Most dreams don't make sense, we know this. So, I'll just list whatever happened.

      - Group of friends, we're hanging out in street. Walked pasted my cousin.
      -Fell into lucidity, didn't last long. It was blurry, I woke up pretty quickly. I'm taking note that sleeping on my back instead of my side is very effective to becoming lucid, because I don't move around.
      -Some bar that involves angels. Menu includes thousand year old wine, and other stuff.
      -In new york, fountain pen merchant. I was looking at a Visonti dolci fountain pen, and a gold ringtop.

      Updated 08-27-2010 at 05:22 AM by 35335

      lucid , side notes
    12. almost lucid dreaming

      by , 08-26-2010 at 08:33 PM
      i was in my home town walking around in my back yard. i was trying to realize what i was doing outside. i went to my neighbors house and saw an older woman in bed sleeping so i left. i walked outside and there was a little girl just standing in the grass staring at me(she might have been the older woman's daughter). i stopped and we stared at each other. I started to feel more vivid and almost guilty(maybe for trespassing into her house). i realized i had to go to work so i ran across the street and entered an old rickety house, which resembles nothing of where i work. i opened the back door and saw some of my co-workers(trevor & others). i talked to them for a short while. then everyone stopped working and the building became my friend's(heather) house(although this building looks nothing like her house). it had the basement of where i went to pre-school(in the basement of a church), and 2 stories. there were 3 sets of stairs. i was looking around in drawers for something, but cant remember. i entered a small study room(looked abandoned with stacked boxes and an old desk) there was a very narrow door i peaked through and saw the hallway. i could hear my co-workers talking downstairs. i went to the bathroom and had to pee(luckily i did not piss in my bed). after i finished i was washing my hands in the sink(with no mirror to see myself) and something made me question whether i was dreaming or not. i did a RC(pinched my nose) and i couldnt breath which i thought was odd. i stopped and just started thinking because before my RC i was pretty confident i was dreaming, but then i just gave up and continued my non-lucid dreaming. i walked out of the bathroom and met a very attractive blond. she started flirting with me and lead me into her room, where "the obvious" happened. i woke up right after we finished.

      i had around 6 dreams that night, but this was my last. i dont think i even did a RC in my others(i can only recall the last 2 dreams). this was the first time i tried a RC so im hoping the next time i go to sleep i will do another reality check. the past week ive been trying to WILD, WBTB, and DEILD. but this night i just wanted to get some sleep and wasnt trying any kind of method on purpose. i kept waking up because it was the time i usually wake up on my own and i have a sore throat which is very irritating. i was really surprised to see any progress on a night like this. my RCing is starting to become more of a habit.

      my previous dream before this:

      I had a false awakening. i was in my room, although it looked more narrow. there was a candle on my dresser very close to the wall. the wall started to catch on fire and the flames reached the ceiling. smoke was getting thicker, i started choking, and i passed out(probly had something to do with my soar throat). thats when i actually woke up and checked what time it was. then i went back to sleep and had my last dream.

      side notes:
      i was sick(soar throat)
      i did NOT take any vitamin b6 supplements that day(i had taken b6[200mg] the previous 4 days)
      i was not planning on being lucid this night
      this was almost a DILD(never tried to DILD before)
      reality checking is starting to become a stronger habit
      im questioning my dreams

      Updated 02-10-2011 at 05:22 AM by 35523

      memorable , side notes , non-lucid , false awakening
    13. Dj - 08/26/10

      by , 08-26-2010 at 01:58 PM
      Awoke at 7:03 and almost forgot to jot down my memories. Had two dream fragments and one very vivid, non-lucid dream.


      Fragment 1:

      I was on the ground in front of a very large forklift. For some reason I had the intent to hang onto the forks while someone raised them, and throw an object off. I grabbed ahold of the forks, holding the object on the other side of the forks, but I couldn't see the object and had no idea what it was. The forks started raising, and so did I as I was hanging on to them. The forks kept going higher and higher until they stopped when I was at least 100 yards off the ground. I attempted to throw the object (still couldn't see it) and slipped, falling off the forks. I managed to catch the end of the fork with my foot, swinging back around and grabbing ahold again.

      **On a side note, does anyone else have dreams where they can't see an object or a person's face? This happens to me frequently, where I'll be looking right at someone, yet I cannot see their face.


      Fragment 2:

      I was in a hangar with my immediate and extended family, and they were about to go on a plane ride. Everyone was in various places in a small airplaine, the kind that is normally used for skydiving. I was hugging people and saying goodbye, getting ready for my 8-hour drive home. My mother offered to take me there in the plane so I wouldn't have to drive. I said "But how am I going to get my car home?" to which she replied "Good point."


      Full dream, VERY vivid, but not lucid:

      I was sitting in class and it was "bring a friend day". I brought my cousin. The room was lab-like and very familiar. There was only 3 people in class, us two and a geeky yet cute girl. Our lab was to take an item with a few bearings and other moving parts and figure out a way to reduce the force required to turn it to a certain level. My cousin was reading through the lab instructions and we couldn't figure it out (which is weird because he is an engineer at NASA), when the girl comes up, silently puts an elaborate solution down on the table involving batteries, motors, capacitors, and all kinds of other stuff and turns it on. She then gave us a snotty look and silently walked out of the room. Someone barged in the classroom and told the professor they needed to see him now. He was in his late 20's, and was very visibly nervous when this happened.

      A woman came in and told my cousin and I to go see "Kim."

      Me: "Kim who?"
      Woman: --long pause-- "uhh... Filipe"
      Me: "Where?"
      Woman: "Anywhere the F*** away from here!!!"

      She was visibly annoyed at my lack of immediate compliance which made me want to defy her, but I eventually left the classroom with my cousin. He waited while I went to the bathroom. I ran into the professor in the bathroom and asked him what that was all about. He nervously said "I can't believe they're doing this s*** again"

      Upon walking out of the bathroom my cousin was still sitting on a chair, and all of a sudden I saw some of my friends. We started walking toward an event of some sort, and it turned out to be some kid's birthday party. My one friend started singing "happy birthday" and had everyone convinced it was my birthday instead of the kid's, despite my protests. The real birthday kid goes "Yay now he gets all the birthday kisses instead of me!"

      Then I woke up.
    14. Task will done

      by , 08-26-2010 at 06:10 AM
      Will Respond Shortly got to knock a couple of Z's first.
      side notes
    15. Psh

      by , 08-25-2010 at 09:42 PM (redisreddish's mess of dreams is still messy)
      Had dreams written down on a paper at home, forgot the paper. I'll post them Friday. *sigh* One was a lucid, though.
      side notes
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