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    1. Making Sense..

      by , 09-06-2011 at 06:23 AM (Choi's Journey of the Conscious Mind)

      [COLOR="silver"]This time I did the biggest misstake I could ever do, so now I can't make anything worse. I forgot to start the alarm! ...
      I started the app, but I forget to go the settings and start the alarm.
      Although I had a lot of naturally awakenings I woke up earlier than the alarm usually wakes me up, probably because my body doesn't wanted to be chocked awake. But I fell asleep again and continued to have these awakenings, but because I didn't heard the alarm a single time I didn't care much about these awakening even though they were a perfect oppurtunity to DEILD.

      So I dreamed a little.[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="blue"]I met a girl who was flirting with me. I know her in my waking life and I am pretty shy around her I don't know why. Although in my dreams I were funny, witty and all that stuff and I was aware enough to remember what I said, and I admit that I was a funny guy. That made me wonder, why can I be this funny in a dream it's still me... And not for real? =([/COLOR]

      [COLOR="silver"]Then I woke up and sort of noticed this awakening, but I moved around but then I went out of bed.[/COLOR]

      [COLOR="blue"]I didn't realised that I had just DEILD and this was a induced false awakening, but I made it false myself. So I lost my lucidity shortly after this. I was now standing in a gym and I did my normal routine until I realised that I were really strong. I then have a memory about me rescuing somone from som criminals, but I don't remember this dream anymore.[/COLOR]
    2. Hogwarts, the beginning.

      by , 09-06-2011 at 04:51 AM (Aeolar's Lucid Reveries and other Hoopla)
      I instantly know I am lucid. I am in my house, but the rooms are different. I begin searching for the girl of my dreams, but my search bears no fruit. I walk past my room and think that I need to cleanse it of unwanted presences. I walk into my room, but it is too dark, so I cast Lumos, after like 10 times of saying it, it finally worked. I remembered that I had to go to the Sorting hat first, so I set my intent to go to Hogwarts and spun in a circle. The dream went black and I lost my lucidity.

      I am in a room looking for this blonde haired girl, and I am having a conversation with this being, but I wasn't really listening. I do remember stabilizing the dream by studying this person's face and my own hands. Surprisingly my awareness was very low.

    3. 28th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Aeolar

      by , 09-06-2011 at 04:46 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Aeolar's Attempt

      I am in this building with my mom, and I have been gone for a very long time, and a lot of things have changed. We talk about how I am a witch/wizard now. Dreamskip. I am trying to clean my Xbox controller of this yellow stuff, but when I do, flies come out of it.
      I am in my Grandma & Grandpa's house, and Grandma had gone to bed. I was talking to grandpa about sports, and he chased me with a pillow, trying to hit my. I asked myself how I was supposed to remember this dream... I made fun of Grandpa and his golf, and I ran upstairs to wake Grandma and dodged a thrown pillow from Gpa. I told her that he and I would be busy. Dreamskip. I ask Gma where her musket is; she says it's in the closet. I open it, and find the gun. Gma says the ammo is .99 balls, and she says that they are cheaper than gun paper. I head shot 12 people in a row, and go back to the closet. I need to go down to Gpa.

      In the closet, 2 interesting repeaters appear before me. One with a huge stock and a tiny barrel, and another with the repeater like a grip, but on this one, there were 2 places to put your ammo: I found some rounds but they looked like mini pistols, which I put into the left side, and closed. I pressed the trigger, and a Red Dead Redemption cowboy song began to play to set the mood. I looked for more ammo and found these shots that looked like cogs, and mixed with the pistols. I loaded both up, and I overflowed it a little, then locked and loaded. I shot a few rounds just to make sure it worked. I went downstairs, and the perspective changed to Gpa's vision. He was in a western mining town, and all sorts of people were charging him. He was scared. I came rushing down, and shot some people. The reloading was difficult, because it was so far away. I actually rubberized the gun to make reloading easier. I made it to Gpa, but the dream faded.
      Fragment: There was a girl either asking me about the truth, or testing me. I think she had black hair.
      I am in a hotel room, by myself, and I had thought that Josh, Anthony, Dad & Dawn had left me here. There was a whole bunch of clothes that I presumed were for me just sitting around. I decided to be picky and take the ones I liked, and put them in this backpack. As I put these clothes in, they all walked into the room. They bitched that the door was open, of all things. -___-

      I asked Josh if I could use this backpack, because I had already packed and didn't really want to unpack/repack, and he said OK.
      I am on a beach with my Northern family, and a few other people. I go out a little further down the beach ahead of the pack, and this little Asian girl follows me. As we are walking on the shore line, a giant Directv cardboard box with a TV in it comes flying at us from the sea. It hits me, and I yell, "Man down! Man down!!" The little girl gets freak out and starts crying, and everyone runs over to help. I was joking, of course. After that little fiasco is over, we are walking on a seawall, and the kids want to go swimming. Seriously?

      An adult says yes, but to watch out for the oysters. In a flash, James jumps over the wall and into the sea. I look for him, but I spot Julius, a black kid with a mohawk. I ponder calling to to him, but he seems confused, just walking into the water. I wonder if that is really him. Some others and myself wander over to the nearby playground. As I am walking, I am composing an orchestra in my head. I wonder if this is how Mozart and Beethoven did it. I sit on a swing, and a girl calls out to me. "Hi Phil!! Phil!" She yells. I see her out of the corner of my eye, but there is someone more interesting for the moment. There is a very familiar man sitting on that swing set, but before I think of going to him, I hear her call again. I turn and yell out, "Leah! Hi there!!" She and Meagan come over, and I drop something. As I pick it up, I notice that my pants aren't on. I go over to a conveniently placed pile of clothes, and grab a towel and a pair of shorts.
    4. 9/5/11 Running through the Walls of School

      by , 09-06-2011 at 04:44 AM (Scrawlings of a Mad Man)
      1) At my high school, phasing through walls looking for people.
      Tags: high school
    5. 27th Shared Dreaming Attempt- Aeolar

      by , 09-06-2011 at 04:27 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Aeolar's Attempt

      I am a young dragon, and I'm stuck in a war. I get adorned with amulets and such.
      I am a little boy, with a group of people. Now, we were searching through this abandoned warehouse, and I noticed something strange. The building was alive, and had a mind of it's own! At one point, our group split up, and we made our way to a loading dock. Outside, there was a big broken down building, and it seemed like it hated me. I tried to speak to it telepathically, but it just sprayed water at me. I tried to apologize, but it just threw a couch at me. This went on for a little bit, when the rest of my group came back with a white van. There were 2 people in that ban, and I got in, just standing in the doorway. 3 cops pulled up just as we were driving away, and when I looked out the door, there was something floating beside me that said "Happy Birthday". I knew it was from the building, so I was cautious, but I grabbed it and placed it inside.
      I am at my Elementary School on Anna Maria Island. I was talking to Stephanie Schenk and I was asking why she worked out the way she did. I don't remember her reply. There were 3 people who appeared at the school, and they were talking about tattoos. Then we played some weird toy game and everyone turned into Lady Gaga with blue hair. LOL.
    6. 28th Shared Dreaming Attempt - Evolventity's Dream

      by , 09-06-2011 at 04:25 AM (International Oneironaut Shared Dreaming Journal)
      Evolventity's Dream
      September 05, 2011

      (Regular Dream) Fell asleep by 10:30AM, woke up at 4:50PM.

      -My sister J* and M* are in my bedroom. I see the middle closet door is pushed aside and a ~10 gallon tank is inside. It is full of oil and a couple blocks of tofu are frying. I leave with my lap top to the bathroom and set it on the counter. Lighting is just right, not too sunny, not too dim. I'm on DV IRC and am talking to mooseantlers and NoDaniel. They're both talking through voice chat and I'm using text. I go back into the bedroom and see the tofu sizzling, almost golden brown. I eat a part of one of the blocks but it is oozing too much oil so I put it back in the tank. They quickly brown and begin to burn. I tell J* and she hesitates in panic. I sit back like it's not my problem, thinking she should use some tongues. I go towards the tank and it's very hot. (Skip) I go back into the bathroom and see my lap top closer to the mirror and centered. I can feel the heat of the tank emitting from the screen. I had touched a nearby metal bar by the lap top and was burned. I thought my computer must be a thousand degrees Fahrenheit. I fear that my lap top is going to be ruined, but it doesn't show any signs of malfunction. I walk towards the bedroom. (Skip) My cousin Ca* makes a comment about being rude. (Skip) I see my mom cutting up most of my green onions I had grown in the kitchen. I express my disapproval and walk away. Ca* makes another comment.

      (Regular Dreams, Fragments)
      -I'm at school sitting at a rectangular desk. The layout is way different. I see my teacher across the room. I hadn't brought any work so I lay my chin on the desk. Molly tells me I need to do something. I try t think if I really do have homework with me, maybe in the car. I skip to doing a test, purposely writing down rude and wrong answers. (Skip) I see two different images of M*'s boner. (Skip) I walk into the bathroom. There are a bunch of pills and other medicines in the apartment meant to help a wide variety of health problems and such. I open the sink cupboard and find something for being ugly and another for well being called "Rueden." I open the box and see packets of flavored powder. I take the banana one. I also want to take the ugly pills.. (Skip) I walk to the dining room next to the kitchen and see Raspberry sitting at the table. She tells me that she expected me to take those specific pills.
    7. (Night -018)

      by , 09-06-2011 at 03:22 AM (∞ The Rabbit Hole)
      Strange Amusement Park
      At an amusement park with KrP and some random other people. We were on one of those huge swinging axe like things. When the ride started slowing down, giant head sized spiders started raining down from the top of the ride and passengers were trying to get out as fast as possible but the ride was still going. When it got slow enough we jumped out and saw human looking gorillas operating all of the machinery. I got the feeling they were behind the incident.

      [+]A bunch of SCII Protoss probes were in my back yard, like they were being transfered over to start mining to my house like it was a base.

      [+](Only wrote down one word on scrap of paper in the middle of the night) Elevator

      Semi Lucid Basketball
      I was playing basketball with a bunch of people and I could feel something was a little off. I was staying in the air a little too long and the physics of everything weren't quite the way they are supposed to be. I kind of half realized I was dreaming at this point. I realized that I could manipulate anything I wanted to but I didn't become fully lucid and realize exactly that I was in a dream. Instead of going on a quest or doing anything I wanted I simply continued to play basketball with my enhanced powers and started owning everybody else. I would teleport and steal the ball, dodge around with super speed and jump over people to dunk. Pretty cool but if I had been more lucid and fully conscious I would have realized I shouldn't just play basketball.
    8. lizards and stuff.

      by , 09-06-2011 at 02:50 AM (Tales from the sun chaser.)
      I remember swimming....wrestling with this thick juicy black girl...but I left. I was running around school. It seemed like my old elementary in a way, but things about it were different. I was jumping and sliding across things like I was grinding with my skates on. I got to an area where there was some musical/play thing going on, and I was back stage. There were a few piano players taking turns running off stage and tagging out to play different songs on two different pianos. I listened for a while, and continued on. I came to an area where I was outside, and there were offices that had no roofs, and they were below ground level.

      I didn't know where I was, but I had that "I have to be somewhere" feeling. When I headed back inside, a huge lizard fell out of the ceiling. It was about the size of a cooler, and it was wrapped up in moss. The lizard started charging me, and of course I'm already thinking about how to kill it. It gets close and snaps at me, and I dodged it. It snapped at me again, and then I stepped on it's head. I pulled a pair of bandage scissors from my pocket and tried to cut it's head off, but it slipped away. It started gnawing away at my boot, and I managed to slice it on it's side, exposing some white meat. I could feel the draft of wind knowing the next bite was probably going to teeth to flesh, and when it struck, I woke up.
    9. 27th Shared Dreaming Attempt- BiscuitHappyz's Dream

      by , 09-06-2011 at 12:45 AM (Lyrics to Lunacy)
      I was in a sort of laboratory, in a medium size room with a window in the wall for looking upon a similar room. The rooms were made almost entirely out of clean white tile, and were rather empty. I was in a lab coat, standing parallel to the window, and observing the wall on the other side of it with apparent purpose. One or two other lab coated folks were standing beside me, to my right, doing the exact same thing.
    10. 27th Shared Dreaming Attempt- BiscuitHappyz's Dream

      by , 09-06-2011 at 12:42 AM (Lyrics to Lunacy)
      Just fragments tonight, but I'll post them anyway.

      1st fragment: I was playing a broken Minecraft adventure map, and after reading many complaints on the forums about how the map was poorly drawn and upside down and all that, I played it anyway. I glanced at a yellowed, ink-drawn map with some villages and towns marked as circles at several times throughout the dream. The dream fragment ends when I am sneaking around a dock and examining a boring ship, preparing for a voyage, from around a building.

      2nd fragment: I was at an airport parking lot at dawn. I had been in this exact setting before, on vacation. I walked up to the typical reflection of a bored, unenthusiastic, minimum wage, college-aged teenager at a ticket booth. He wore a Lowe's Uniform. I was about to pay a ticket, but then
      I was shocked into lucidity. It was so ungraceful I almost tipped over.
      Sadly, my first thought was how lightly I was sleeping. I could start to feel the pillow under my shoulders. Focus... focus...
      My eyes, in waking life, opened. After several attempts to DEILD, I decided I was too awake to fall asleep again.

      Updated 09-11-2011 at 11:12 PM by 49493

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment
    11. No peace for shrooms

      by , 09-06-2011 at 12:41 AM
      I had this dream a while ago I just haven't had time to post recently.

      I am paired up with 2 people in my school for this project. We were studying harmony in music class and the project is that we must disect and sing a harmony. The classroom is in the middle of the Road at 4 corners area. The song they chose was "halfway there" by BTR. I get there late. They are pissed at me. I tell them that i was late because i was disecting the harmony and tying to learn an acoustic version of it. I was teamed up with this girl rebecca and some random dude. I could tell they liked each other and didnt like me at all. I heard them practising, they sounded pretty good. Class is over and i go home. I walk on the side of the house and find some magic mushrooms. I eat a few but have no trip. I walk over to the house across the street and it turned into some sort of fun house. The guy in it wrote a book on shrooms. I got in through a slide. I started talking to him and he said i dont write books for shroom eaters get out before i call the police. He was jamaican. I walk back to my house in front of my car and look at my hand and gain lucidity. I try to change the sky color but i fail and say i might as well wake up. I do and am pissed off that i did it.
    12. Eye Contacts and the Beach

      by , 09-06-2011 at 12:41 AM (The Dream Magic Experiment)
      I was having trouble seeing because my contacts are not sticking well. One feels like it's about to peel off. I have to wear glasses.

      I recall seeing the beach.

      NOTES: I also remember realizing I was in a dream, but I wasn't able to remember the rest.
    13. Green hair

      by , 09-05-2011 at 11:26 PM
      Terrible TERRIBLE recall. In the afternoon I remembered that there was something I was eating in a dream. Maybe I wasn't eating it, I don't know. Somehow the food travelled to my hair and into a liquid. After a while I realised that possibly the food dye in it got into my hair and I had poorly dyed green hair. It didn't seem to bother me
      non-lucid , dream fragment
    14. 3 lucids one night! :)

      by , 09-05-2011 at 10:28 PM (Yuppie's Dream Journal)
      I'm in my parents room, and somehow I become lucid! I walk into my kitchen and see my family. I wake up pretty much.

      I'm in office kind of place, and this girl britanny who I dislike, is being extremly irritating. I finally shout out "Why are you being so weird today!?" She shrugs, and then it hits me. "unless I'm dreaming" I say, smiling.
      I do a reality check, and I become lucid! Britanny's definetely not happy, "I don't want you to become lucid ever again" She says seriously, in a creepy deep voice. I remember TOTM! I see all these people on chairs working at their office. I repeat to myself "I'm the master of my dreams, I'm in control" I do a hand movement, and shout "yaaaah!" and a massive burst of wind knocks all these people off their chairs!" I laugh. I wake up.

      I'm in my back yard, and me and some random are running down to the house next to me, every time we get there, these little native people try shooting us with arrows! We do this several times, and finally this massive dog thing comes out! Starting to attack me! I become lucid when it does, and I smile. I start flying in the air, and kicking it. and my dream starts getting a bit furry. I stopped time, which I thought was really cool, and stabalized! I consider killing it, with time stopped, but I remember TOTM and decide to use fire! I unstop time, and it starts charging at me, I launch off the ground, and try to throw fire out of my palms, no success! D:
      I click my fingers, and my hand lights up weakly. I thrust it into the huge dog's eyes, and it shrieks in pain. It lies wounded on the floor, and I fly higher, Put my hands on top of each other, and focus, my hands start to feel warm, I let excitment fill through me, and charge a massive fire burst at the dog! It dissapears. I want to burn the house down, because our neighbours are terrible. I hear "Please don't burn our house down" But I don't really care, but while I'm hovering in the air (Kicking my legs to stay afloat) I realise I can't get fire
      I wake up!
      lucid , task of the month
    15. Freaking out a landlady and creating a hurricane

      by , 09-05-2011 at 09:51 PM (Percy's Void of Thoughts)
      Freaking out a landlady and creating a hurricane (MILD)


      Hi folks!
      No time no see!!! I have been extremely badly trampled with work. I lot changed in my life (in a good way) and now I finally have time for what I like!
      I am going to start recording dreams again. In a switch of PCs, I've lost my old journal file (but not at DV) so I will start a brand new one today!

      I will start out with the ToTM completed:

      I was in downtown trying to use my covert camera for a customer service evaluation at a Property Management Office. The button camera was very flaky and did not start. I checked out the DVR and I could hear one of my mp3 files I use while I am giving a healing to a client. I started to worry the video would malfunction and record the music. I went to the property's restroom to check it out. My shirt was full with wires and buttons... I started to freak out so I walked away from the properly.

      Suddenyl, I realized that it made no sense.
      I was annoyed of about how fool I was becoming in this dream and checked my hands to rub to my subconscious I realized I was dreaming. 12 fingers.

      I entered the property once more without worring about the camera, however, I was not 100% grounded in the dream. I though, "If I record in the dream, will my DVR record it in the Physical plane?" I started the tour with the Agent and when she showed me the pool, I realized that it made no sense that my recording could go from the dream to the physical plane. I told the Agent I was going to show her something. I recalled the advance task of the dream and walked towards the pool. The Agent told me I was going to ruin my hidden camera
      (funny how subconscious work, I real life, the camera is covert, but in the dream plane, both my camera and the Agent came from my subconscious, lol) I laughed and kept walking. Suddenly, I felt my feet wet, but I knew I was not going to sink. I walked around the pool and the Agent turned dumb. She stopped being smart and started to just stare at me.

      I walked towards the agent and realized that I still needed to the basic one. I started to create a PSI ball and focused on ICE. After a few seconds, I had a ice-ball in my hands. I flung it to the Agent. When it arrived to her face, it was snow instead of ice.
      I focused on wind. I already used pyrokinesis and already moved land, so I wanted to try something I never did. I once more focused on a PSI ball and focused on wind. I could see a yellow ball within my hands that moved pretty fast, I focused on it starting to grow. Suddenly, the trees started to move abruptly. I tried to increase the intensity of the wind and knock down a wind. I was not successful, however, I broke several of its branches.

      When I realized I completed both the basic and advanced task, I woke up.