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    Non-Lucid Dreams

    1. 6-9-13 Dream Journal

      by , 06-10-2013 at 12:27 AM
      Technique:Total sleep time = 5 hours

      I have been really busy these last two nights so I haven't had the chance to update my DJ. Thankfully this afternoon I had a nice nap and remembered these dreams.


      Dream One: Child Star

      I am a child movie star! I have just completed a movie and I am in a huge mansion with my co-actors and the Director to see the movie for the first time.

      We get all comfy to watch the movie but my Dad keeps making a scene. So I pause the movie and take my Dad outside and we have a huge argument.

      Eventually we settle it and we go back in to watch the movie. I want to rewind the movie to see what we missed (for some reason my pause didn't work).

      I think this may upset them so I bring in snacks to keep everyone happy. Chocolate ice cream sandwiches baby!

      We start the movie and the director keeps asking us if we liked that scene? Then we always scream out that it was AWESOME!

      Then there is a scene with umpa loompas from Charlie and The Chocolate Factory and they sing and dance a song nearly identical to that movie. I start to feel like we are making a rip off, umpa loompas? Seriously?!

      Dream Two: Escape From The Devil

      have to leave soon so this is going to be summarized. I am at a kids summer camp, as a kid. It is beautiful with these custom oddly shaped pools everywhere. I find a friend with a baseball bat (becomes convenient latter). I sneak away from the camp counselors (I always sneak away from people in my dreams ) I get to an out of bound zone and see the camp director putting people through drills! They are terrified of him because he is the Devil! He will kill them if they mess up, torture them for a while, then bring them back to serve him again! I get a hold of a map of the camp and start helping people escape. Then I start killing the guards with the baseball bat. But later they come back to life and they know all my moves because I already beat them once! I get killed by a laser ring.
    2. 6-7-13 Dream Journal

      by , 06-07-2013 at 07:48 PM
      Technique: Total sleep time = 8 hours.

      Last night I did one serious WBTB attempt and woke myself up with alarms 3 other times. I went to bed to late though so I was pretty tired and that put me in a deep sleep. I wasn't able to become lucid, though I was close a couple times.


      Dream One: Doctor Who Eureka Shenanigans

      This was just a crazy dream series. It was weird because it was a vivid dream, and my recall is good but still I have almost no idea what was going on. It was like time was all shifting around, some flowing regular, some flowing to fast, and some flowing backwards. Things would happen, only to be reversed (which would happen in slow motion reversing until it would pause and start flowing forward again) and then happen again but slightly differently. You can see how that would be confusing...

      It was set in the Doctor Who universe, I saw the TARDIS! But all the DC's were from the show Eureka.

      Also I was merely an observer in this dream. I didn't even have a dream body and I couldn't effect events in any way.

      What a weird dream.

      Dream Two: Baby Sitting and Counseling

      I was at a strangers house, what am I doing here?

      I see one of my co-workers S.K. There is an old man sitting across from her giving her life coaching? Why the crap am I here?

      Then I realize I am here to do babysitting, and a bunch of kids show up. We play with some cool toys, and make a craft. Then we find a huge game room with five huge TVs and tons of games.

      Dream Three: Reunion Football Game

      I am back at high school in my football locker room.

      I know that it was a long time ago that I was in high school and I think it's weird that I am here now. And why are all my friends here, and dressed to play football?

      They tell me it is a reunion football game and all graduates who played football are welcome to play. I think it's weird, plus I don't really want to play football...

      Dream Four: Conference on Islam

      I am at a weird hotel conference room. I don't recognize anyone in the room and I don't know why I am here or why I should stay so I turn around to leave.

      I figure before I leave I may as well find out what the conference is about though so I go back in to ask someone.

      They tell me it is a conference on Islam and abortion. They are analyzing the two and seeing how Islam will work with current US abortion laws.

      It sounds mildly interesting to me so I decide to stay.

      Dream Transition.

      I am with the people from the conference but we are in a restaurant now.

      While we are waiting for our food to arrive we entertain ourselves by playing with our ice.

      I take some out of my glass and start juggling it. Then I start playing with it like it is a hacky sack.

      Dream Five: Ice Skating

      I am at an ice skating rink with a group from my church.

      I am late and so they have already started without me, in fact there is only 1 hour left to skate before the place closes.

      I go to get my skates but their is a real B***H working the skate checkout counter. She doesn't believe I am with the church group so she wants to charge me for my skates.

      I just want to be done with her and start skating so I take out my wallet and just pay for the stinking skates.

      Then She gives me skates that don't have any blades on them! So I ask for different ones... SERIOUSLY!

      She says she will get me more but a large group has just arrived behind me and she is going to help them first! No Way!

      I get in her way and make her give me the skates!

      Finally I am done with her.

      I put on my skates and head out to the rink and the dream fades.

      Dream Six: Castle Pool

      This was a really cool dream that just doesn't sound that cool written down.

      I was with my sister A.G swimming in a large pool.

      We were staying at some castle resort up on a mountain, everything was a really old kind of mossy stone. It was so cool.

      Then I get to the edge of the pool and notice that the castle has started floating up into the air!

      At first I am terrified and start hanging onto the pool wall for dear life!

      Then A.G comes over and she thinks it is so cool! She starts running along the pool walls risking death and even jumping out over the edge sometimes!

      I figure what the heck and stand up on one of the walls. I am really shaky. I take a moment to look down and it is just unbelievable. The castle is floating up and spinning around, I can see for miles all around. We go up through the clouds.

      I don't feel comfortable enough to run along the walls like A.G is so I just stand still and take it all in while she prances around the place.

      Dream Seven: Sexy Time

    3. 6-6-13 Dream Journal

      by , 06-07-2013 at 04:37 AM
      Technique: Total sleep time = 7 hours

      Just a quick update. I was really tired last night and so after one failed WBTB alarm I decided to just sleep for the night.

      I am going to be out of town for the next three days so I don't know how I will keep dream notes or update my DJ... we'll just see how it goes.


      Dream One: Time Travel

      Its the first day of high school. My teacher is a time traveler. Then he turns evil and is stealing the remaining time from peoples lives.

      Dream Two: ?

      I am parking my truck in my A.Z apartments. B.H. is there for some reason. We have a new dog. She doesn't know to be careful on the second story and falls off probably 50 ft to the ground and I think she has broken a leg
    4. 6-5-13 Dream Journal

      by , 06-05-2013 at 07:12 PM
      Technique: Total sleep time = 8 hours.

      This was my final day of my one week effort to do 3 serious WBTB WILD attempts per night. Last night I actually did 4 really good WBTB attempts because things were going well.

      In the last 7 days using a multiple WBTB WILD technique I have not only been lucid three times (3 times in one week! yay!) but I have also seen huge improvements to my non lucid dream vividness and recall! I actually think that even though being lucid three times in one week is a huge improvement for me, the larger improvement for the week was in my non lucid dreaming.

      There is something about waking up in between sleep cycles and then intentionally falling back asleep that makes my non lucid dream recall go bukoo.

      I really enjoyed this one week experiment and I am very pleased with the results.

      Good thing I made my June goals include doing 2 WBTB WILD attempts per night It is basically like I am continuing my experiment but with a little bit less and hopefully more sustainable intensity.


      Dream One: Hero of Infiltration

      I am walking up the stairs to my old apartments in AZ. Inside weird things start happening, I think there may be invisible people living in my apartment?

      I start exploring to try and find them. I go into the back room closet and open up the small attic access. Inside are like 20 invisible bums! They are not really trying to hurt me, more like they just use their talent to be better... bums.

      Then the dream becomes like a video game and I am selecting my character. I choose a lawyer who specializes in prosecuting invisible bums...

      My hero, an attractive women, comes and gets rid of my bum problem.

      Dream Two: Neighbor Problems

      I am driving my truck pulling a trailer in a field by a river. I am driving like a mad man and doing donuts leaving huge ruts everywhere and tearing up the grass.

      My neighbor, who owns the field (M.P) comes and tells me that I need to get the crap out of his field!

      If I don't then our family truce will be called off and something bad might happen...

      Dream Three: Skateboarding

      I am skateboarding all over a large industrial park. I am really good!

      This goes on for a long while and I am really enjoying skateboarding.

      Eventually I start to get a small following of fellow skateboarders and we end up in a skate park.

      There are a lot of other people already there and they don't want us to join them because they think we aren't cool enough for them!

      This pisses me off, I hate bullies! I challenge them to a skateboarding competition and kick all of their butts! Then I kick them out of the park, take that bullies!

      Dream Four: Lucid Dreaming Secrets

      I am at home sitting on my couch trying to explain lucid dreaming to my Mom. I am trying to explain RCs to her, but for some reason she is not understanding me.

      Then in the dream I stumble upon a technique that nearly promises guaranteed lucidity every time! I was so sure it would be a revolutionary technique but of course it doesn't make sense in real life...

      Dream Five: Joining a Gang

      I am hanging out in a gas station parking lot. It is getting late and I don't have anywhere to stay.

      A gang of white kids invites me to stay over at their house. Even though I know they are a gang and I should probably avoid them I really don't want to sleep outside tonight so I follow them home.

      They are actually really cool and turn out to be just normal kids living together. We all share a dinner of corn taco shells and hotdogs then go to sleep...

      I actually fall asleep in the dream...

      I get woken up by one of the kids attacking me! What the crap!

      I fight him off but every time I push one of them away another comes out of the darkness and jumps on me from behind.

      This gets old really fast! I have been pretty calm up to this point, I have been trying not to hurt anyone.

      But eventually I get fed up and decide that the next person that attacks me is going to get it!

      Another guy comes out of the darkness and I tackle him to the ground. I sit on his chest to pin him down and grab a metal pipe that was laying nearby.

      I raise it above my head to strike him! Right when I am about to hit him... FLASH! I camera flash goes off! And then another!

      Then the lights come on and everyone is cheering. It turns out this was all a photo shoot. I see a picture of me with the pipe in my hand come up on a big screen, I look very fierce! They tell me they couldn't tell me about the photo shoot because they wanted a genuine reaction, makes since right? lol

      Then we all have a snack of corn taco shells and hotdogs and go back to bed...

      Dream Six: WILD

      I am surrounded by darkness trying to transition into a dream.

      I have been in this darkness all night, I have been having a lot of trouble transitioning.

      Again I see a scene start to form.

      It is a interior second store balcony with a wooden railing.

      I imagine myself standing on the balcony and rubbing the railing.

      Hey its working this time!

      I start to become more enveloped by the scene.

      I am now standing on the balcony rubbing my hands together and...

      BAM I wake up in my bed.

      I know that I am still dreaming. I sit up and stand up out of bed.

      I do a nose pinch RC to make sure that I am dreaming and sure enough I can still breathe through my nose. What a crazy feeling!

      The dream is a little shaky but as a rub my hands together and focus my senses the dream starts to stabilize.

      I realize it is another month and I want to earn my TOTM wings again. What task was I going to try to do?

      As I am thinking about it I remember what NyxCC said about not concentrating on tasks so much this month and I think I was going to try something like that too?

      Oh yeah! One of the TOTM lined up really well with what I wanted to do in my next lucid anyway!

      I have been wanting to either meet my dream guide or find a lucid dreaming pet

      I figured I could find a large egg and when I hatched it it would either be my dream guide or a dragon or something for a lucid dreaming pet!

      I couldn't remember how to find an egg though? I remembered the previous TOTM where you had to lay an egg and I figured that would work?

      So I started squatting down to try and lay an egg.

      The dream starts to get foggy at this point.

      I can't quite make it all the way down to the ground to lay my egg.

      And now somehow I am naked?

      I kind of glitch down to the ground and the dream fades.

      I wake up and get out of bed to take notes and go back to sleep.

      My sister is walking by so I decide to get up and tell her that I just had a lucid dream!

      I tell her, then she tells me that she had a lucid dream also! But she is disappointed because she wasted hers conducting an experiment on long term memory and lucid dreaming.

      Then I am in the blackness waking up again?

      Dang it I just missed a FA, I can't believe I forgot to RC!
      lucid , non-lucid
    5. 6-4-13 Dream Journal

      by , 06-04-2013 at 10:27 PM
      Technique: Total sleep time = 6 hours.

      This was day 6 of my one week goal to do 3 serious WBTB attempts per night. Last night was almost a total bust...

      I set my alarm but I was just to tired to make a serious attempt. I did naturally wake up quite a few times though.

      I need to get my sleep schedule back under control, starting tonight!


      Dream One: LDing Secrets

      I am on a team of scientist trying to unlock the secrets of dreaming.

      We find "the secret" to lucid dreaming.

      There are some people trying to come and steal it!

      We lock it up in a safe in a library and set up to blast them away if they come to steal our secret!

      Dream Two: Shopping With Dad

      I am in a huge mall looking for house decorations with my Dad.

      We go to a huge book store where I look for a serious I have been wanting to read in RL, but they don't have it

      Then we get hungry so we go to eat at Burger King. But by some combination of us not having enough money and them being to busy, combined with some serious dream shenanigans, we are unable to get our food. Not for lack of effort though!

      Then we go to a garden store where you are not allowed to wear shoes so I am walking around getting my socks wet. But the place is huge, more like a jungle, so I set of to explore it...
    6. 6-3-13 Dream Journal

      by , 06-04-2013 at 10:16 PM
      Technique: Total Sleep Time = 8 hours

      This was night 5 of my one week goal to do 3 serious WBTB attempts per night. I really only got 1.5 serious WBTB attempts in, but I did wake up many times (possibly in between every cycle which would be a great habit to get into) which resulted in a ton of dreams.


      Dream One: Gambling

      I am in a casino boat with my family. I have 72 dollars that I decide to gamble with.

      I am playing a game I have never seen before in RL that was pretty fun.

      Numbers would spin from 1-10 and stop when you pulled a lever. You got to do this 10 times costing money for every attempt.

      If you matched two numbers in a row then you would multiply the two matching plus however many other times that number had appeared. For instance if I was on my 7th out of 10 attempts and I matched like this... 3 - 4 - 5 - 4 - 2 - 4 - 4 then since I matched two fours I would multiply them plus however many other times a four had appeared, so I would win 4 x 4 x 4 x 4 = $256.00!

      So there is the chance for a huge payout. But, of course I lost all my money playing it

      Dream Two: Russian Boarding House

      I am staying in a Russian boarding house. I hate it so I am trying to escape.

      Most of the dream is me running from the guards.

      Then I bust into the girls dormitory! and they are all naked

      I stay there for a while talking... yes just talking... to the girls leader then she kicks me out

      The dream ends with a guy who looks like me getting shot by the guards

      Dream Three: Forced Prostitution in Asia

      I am traveling with a basketball team in Europe and Asia.

      I get separated from them in Asia, but it is okay because I end up in an ice cream shop... and everything is freeee!!

      I am cautious to eat anything though because I don't know what kind of weird crap they might put in the ice cream...

      Then a girl I know goes missing so I decide to go look for her?

      I am walking through a really rundown district with prostitutes everywhere.

      I start to get hungry and decide to check out a restaurant. Plus it might also be a good place for me to get some information on where the girl I am looking for is.

      I realize I don't have any money, and this restaurant isn't free like the ice cream shop.

      Some rich people who didn't finish all their food leave, and I ask the store owner if I can by the scraps from him for $5 (now I have $5).

      He says they are stupid to leave food on their plates, it's insulting and he is a made man in Asia...

      I get the feeling the rich people who just left may soon find themselves as prostitutes...

      But he likes me so he sells me the food, and says I have just made a friend.

      I am about to ask him about the girl I am looking for but I wake up.

      Dream Four: Lego's!

      I am working in a daycare building a huge Lego city with the kids.

      It is time to start cleaning up but the other teachers say I have to clean all the Lego's by myself! No fair!

      I spend a crap load of time loading all the Lego's into boxes to put them away, but no matter how many I pick up there are always more.

      Then I realize we are in one of my friends house (D.H) so I need to take extra care to make sure it is clean!

      Dream Five: Youth Prison

      I am an inmate at a youth prison.

      I slip away from the guards and start exploring to find out what they don't want us to know.

      There is very little security because everybody is really docile and doesn't want to leave...

      I escape into the basement and see a automated factory line that is producing a drug and inserting it into our food and water systems! That is why everyone is so docile!

      The drug, which is both chemical and magical in nature, is made by melting down albino cow's head's and then concentrating it by boiling it to make it thicker.

      I get the crap out of there!

      Then somehow at the end of the dream the guards realize I am gone and they flip a switch which turns me into a robot. Back up security system it seams...
    7. 6-1-13 Dream Journal

      by , 06-01-2013 at 01:15 PM
      Technique: Total sleep time = 6 hours

      This is night three of my one week goal of doing 3 serious WBTB attempts per night. Then I guess I have made a goal of doing 2 WBTB attempts through June so my one week push is not really that intense...

      I did well. I don't really have a lot of action for the first 4 or even 5 hours of sleep. It is kind of frustrating when I wake myself up during this time because I expect to be able to recall a dream but all I get are short fragments which I am not even motivated to write down, which means they are gone. So I wake myself up just to remember some fragments and then not even right them down?... hmmmmm

      I have gotten lucid 2 out of the 3 nights so far though! So there has to be something to this technique!!


      Dream One: Music Apocalypse

      I don't remember this one so here is what I have in my notes.

      "MUSIC!!, end of the world fiancee team".

      I have no idea what any of that is about lol

      Dream Two: Airport Gunman

      I am traveling internationally, I get off my flight in a large airport.

      I don't remember why and the dream is kind of hazy but I remember taking out a large pistol and shooting someone across the airport three times in the chest.

      I have no idea why I would do this but my dream self better of had a damn good reason lol.

      I realize I need to get rid of this gun, fast!

      I head towards the bathroom which turns out to be more like a small city.

      There are men everywhere, it looks like some of them live here!

      I can't seem to get a private moment to ditch the gun.

      I spend a lot of time looking for the perfect hiding place,

      There is something else to this dream I just can't remember it anymore...

      I think I may have transitioned and eaten something at a food court?

      Dream Three: First Portal


      I am awake. I have been slipping in and out of dreams.

      I feel myself plunging into another dream. Normally this awareness would wake me up to much and I would slip away from the dream.

      I fight for it. I start trying to visualize the scene. I summon a DC to shake my hand so I have something to feel.

      It is another forest scene. This time overlooking a lake.

      I let go of the DC and start rubbing my hands. I intake a large breath trying to smell the forest, it works this time! I smell the pine trees and the lake smells!

      It is at this point that I feel like I have actually entered the dream! I did it!

      I start walking down towards the lake.

      There is a grassy bridge cutting across the lake. I see some hiking trials on the other side that I start heading towards.

      NOOO! I don’t want to waste this dream hiking!

      I remember my dream goals, I want to try and teleport to the Green Moon! And if that doesn’t work I want to try and teleport anywhere just to try the technique.

      I know that for me teleporting is going to be all about focusing my intentionality.

      I need to really focus on where I want to go.

      I put my hands together and yell:

      “take me to the Green Moon!!”

      I thrust my hands towards the ground and start running.

      It is working, something is forming!

      Right where I am aiming the grass starts to boil and twist inwards like it is being sucked into a black hole.

      I run towards it and dive in thinking about it taking me to the Green Moon.

      I dive in. But once I am up to my elbows I start to experience some resistance and it spits me back out! What?!

      I try again.

      I put my hands together, point and the ground, and yell:


      The grass and ground starts to boil and twist again.

      I run towards it and dive in, focusing very hard on arriving on the moon.

      This time I only make it in to my wrists and it spits me back out again… bummer man!

      I’m not sure what is going on? I feel like there is nothing wrong with the technique, even though this is my first time experimenting with portals I can tell that it is forming like I expected and it should take me where I want to go… ?

      I decide to try and go somewhere else.

      Again I point my hands and the ground and now I yell:

      “take me somewhere cool!”

      Just like before the grass and ground starts twisting and spiraling inwards.

      I run and dive in and… I make it past my arms… my head is in…

      I start experiencing resistance so again I yell out and re focus my intentions:

      “take me somewhere cool!”

      Then I slide in all the way! It is working!

      The portal journey was the coolest thing I have seen in any of my lucids so far!

      I was being sucked down a wriggling, shifting, molten tube of energy.

      It looked like I was traveling through The Badlands from the first episode of Star Trek Voyager.

      I see the end coming.

      It looks like my portal ends against a black square nothingness. I can see the end of the portal like a wormhole entrance spread out against the black nothingness.

      I wonder where it is going to spit me out?

      I prepare to exit, I want to remember what exiting felt like.

      But… I did not really “exit”.

      It was more like I prepared myself and then blinked and I was out of the portal.

      I wanted to see the world forming around me but it just kind of blinked into existence all at once.

      I am in some type of underground maze/complex.

      There is blue light coming from everywhere and nowhere illuminating the tunnels.

      Now it kind of feels like I am in a MMORPG game exploring a long dungeon.

      I start traveling along the tunnel and I see a figure in the distance.

      I have no reason at this point to think it is not friendly but gaming experience tells me to prepare myself just in case.

      The only weapon that I see is a plank of wood lying on the ground so I pick it up and prepare to defend myself if necessary.

      As I get closer I get a better look at the figure.

      It is a blue squid like creature. It moves around like it is swimming through the air which gives it a very creepy otherworldly motion.

      As I get closer it notices me and instantly start heading towards me with it tentacles extended in my direction.

      I am not afraid, I don’t want to over react and attack it for nothing, maybe it just wants a hug?

      As it gets closer it starts to accelerate towards me and I start to notice that it definitely is not giving me a “I want a hug” vibe. More like a “I want to wrap you up and suck out your energy vibe”!

      I whip out my plank and start beating it off,

      That is to say, I start hitting it as hard as a can.

      A health bar appears! Sweet!

      What?! I am hardly doing any damage at all!

      Stupid plank

      The only good thing is that it seems to have a nice stagger effect so I can atleast keep the creature off of me, as long as I can fight him alone I should be able to whittle him down…

      Oh great here comes another one!

      Ok, if this was a game I would have to have some type of energy attack right?!

      I focus my energy on forming some type of magical attack.

      I shoot my left hand out towards the creature expecting something cool to happen and blow it away.

      A small bubble shoots out of my hand and splashes across the creature and its health bar drops a quarter of the way!

      Cool I guess, but a small bubble?

      I look down and notice that I am now holding an empty plastic water bottle.

      I shake it up and stab it at the creature like a sword and another bubble shoots out, this ones not as big though and doesn’t do as much damage.

      I also notice at this point that my Bubble Bottle (just got that name) doesn’t have a stagger effect and so the creature is right on me now!

      I hit it with my plank again to keep it away and charge up a bubble attack by squeezing the plastic bottle.

      I stab the bottle at the creature again and this time a much larger bubble shoots out and hits the creature who slumps to the ground… I killed it! Wahoo!

      I notice that the other creature is very close now.

      I take a moment to see if this is what I want to spend my lucid doing… and decide that this is a really good adventure! I might as well see how it goes. And who knows, maybe I will be able to come back to this place!

      I start engaging the second creature and now that I know how to operate my Plank and Plastic Bottle I easily kill it by alternating the plank to keep it away and the bottle to deal damage.

      Once I am no longer under any immediate threat you can guess what my next thought was… LOOOOOT!!!

      Unfortunately the dream takes a transition here and I start to lose lucidity.

      The scene completely changes as a lose lucidity (which I like, I don’t want to be running around in my lucid world/place as a non lucid DC version of me!)

      All I remember about the non lucid dream is running around collecting health vials and then a giant attacks that has bogus amounts of health. I path glitch it (get to a place where he can’t hit me) and just start hitting him like crazy. He has ludicrous amounts of health though and it will take me forever to kill him… the dream fades.

      I regain lucidity as the dream starts to fade, I consider trying to DEILD but I feel very awake and plus I don’t want to forget anything about this WILD so I get up to fully dream journal it!

      This is my first legitimate WILD!!!!!!!!

      Only took me three months to do it… But I finally got it!
      lucid , non-lucid
    8. 5-31-13 Dream Journal

      by , 05-31-2013 at 06:49 PM
      Technique: Total sleep time = 9 hours

      I made a commitment to do 3 serious WBTB attempts every night for one week. So last night I set alarms to go off after 3 hours and every 2 hours after that.

      The problem was that last night was one of those nights when you just start sleeping REALLY deeply and are catching up on sleep. So my recall was total crap and I just kept slipping into a really deep sleep.

      Around 6 I just gave up on trying to WILD and fell asleep for good, I figured my body must need it.


      Dream One: Assassin Character

      I am playing some MMORPG and kicking some serious butt. I am playing a Warrior character and I love tanking through huge crowds.

      Then I get one shot by a rogue I didn't even see coming from huge sneak critical damage. I respawn and then it happens again.

      Then I start to see rogue's everywhere one hitting people and I realize that the rogue class is seriously OP.

      Normally I would rage quit the game.

      But in the dream I decide to create a new assassin character

      Dream Two: Dinner with fiancee

      I am with my childhood friend A.H. We are both engaged (not in RL) and are trying to get ready to go out on a double date.

      Things keep going wrong and we can't seem to get dressed properly.

      Finally we manage to do so and head towards the restaurant.

      Then I realize that I don't have a fiancee!!

      For some reason we keep heading towards the restaurant, I will just be a third wheel...

      A.H. calls ahead to tell his fiancee so... and she dumps him on the spot! lol

      We decide to go to the bar and drink away our problems, then the dream fades

      Analysis: Just because last night was a WBTB failure I will not let that discourage me from completing my 1 week goal!

      Tonight is the night I get lucid!
    9. 5-30-13 Dream Journal Part 2

      by , 05-30-2013 at 10:24 PM
      Continued from 5-30-13 Dream Journal Part 1


      Dream One: Star Trek Agent

      I am an agent working for the CIA/Starfleet. I am undercover as a smuggler smuggling some parts for the Enterprise.

      Dream Two: Helicopter Chase

      I am piloting one helicopter chasing another. They are faster but my copter has better shielding. To catch up to them I fly through a huge tree and cut them off right as they fly down and hover to start landing troops.

      I realize there is a second friendly copter in my convoy and I think of a plan. I let them tailgate me in my drag as we approach the enemy copter landing troops, then I slam on the brakes and turn slingshoting the copter tailgating me towards the enemy at great speeds.

      Then, just before they hit they pull up sharply resulting in them hovering just over the enemy copter. This results in a huge gust of downward wind which forces the enemy copter to crash into the ground squishing the soldiers it was unloading.

      I land with my soldiers to clean up the mess as the dream fades...

      Dream Three: Med Evac Team

      We have been taking heavy losses in the war, not as great as our enemy but still...

      I am training a med evac chopper team that should be able to fly in, grab our wounded and get out before the enemy can respond to try and cut our losses.

      Dream Four: Golf

      I am playing golf with Hector from the BBC show "Monarch of the Glen"

      Dream Five: Helping an Angel

      This is a supper long dream and even though its good I have more important dreams that I want to give space to so I am going to bullet point this one. - Witness Wall mart employee being bullied - Fight off the bullies - The guy I helped had a football so.... flag football time! - (side note it is raining) We receive kick off first. I realize the game is Good vs. Evil. When we receive kick off the rain picks up and clears a path to the end zone by wiping away the opposing team in a flood like the parting of the Red Sea. When they receive kick off zombies come out of the ground and hold us up so the can score. - The game is getting out of hand so a time out is called. - two diplomatic teams are sent to neutral territory to discuss game rules. - Now each team has a spiritual diplomat. An Angel and a Demon. - The Demon looks like a Kraken and I don't get a good look at the Angel but it looks like... one of the monsters from Final Fantasy The Spirits Within except blue and glowy... - The Demons betray and attack us (of course) - Our Angel diplomat needs to escape to warn the others and get reinforcements - The Angel is being attacked by the Kraken whose legs are wrapping around it and keeping it here. Now things are very desperate, there is no way me or the other good side diplomats can fight the Kraken on our own. In a burst of desperation I put all my energy, and all my life force into one electric attack to try and dislodge the Kraken's arm long enough for the Angel to get free. It works and the Angel gets free, but the Kraken reaches out another arm and snares it again. Another good side diplomat comes and duplicates my kamikaze attack. Then this happens a third time. Finally the Angel is able to escape the Kraken's reach and flies away. - At the end of the dream I am shocked to discover that I am still alive, I fully expected I would be, and I should be, dead... - I am taken captive and forced to live with Dread Lord Goon. - Its not so bad we just watch football on TV and argue a lot... The dream fades

      Side Note: Yeah it was a heck of a dream. I am so disappointed that I didn't get a better look at the Angel!

      Dream Six: CIA Agent

      Oh My Gosh! Again this is a heck of a dream but I am just going to bullet point it.

      - I am a kid again playing at a park. Somehow I climb up on top of a water tower. It is really cool but gets boring eventually and I don't know how to get down. I jump and grab an electric line which breaks and swings me towards the ground. I am swinging towards a tree with very large thorns... I let go of the electric line and fall another thirty feet to the ground. I expect it to hurt very badly, maybe some broken bones. But I am okay?

      - My radio goes off, I am being recalled? - Apparently I was working undercover and since I jumped off a water tower my cover has been blown. - I get to CIA headquarters and am debriefed with six other agents. - This part is hazy, I go on another mission and then I'm back being debriefed again? - Some prisoner has escaped. - He is a very bad person (in the dream it was like a demon), we have had him locked up since his youth (I am guessing we've had him locked up for 80ish years). Somehow he has escaped. - I am watching the security cams investigating how he escaped. I realize one of the agents came by a weird path to the debriefing, they must have helped him escape! I get VERY angry, how could she betray me, the agency, like this!?! I confront her and can see that she is guilty. I give her no mercy and begin attacking her. She defends herself but hand to hand combat is my thing. Eventually I beat her until she is nearly un-conscience and then throat slam her to the ground, twice. Then they come arrest her and the dream fades...

      Side Note: YIKES! That got a little violent! I guess I feel bad about it because she was a women and I don't think it's ever appropriate for a man to attack a women like that! Not even if she committed treason and a heinous crime breaking oaths to the agency...

      Dream Seven: Fighting Satan

      Yes! Finally I get to my lucid Dream!

      I am surrounded by blackness. I realize that I am dreaming. I see a light and a forest scene begins to form.

      I walk towards the light and enter the dream, it is so easy and natural.

      My first thought is to stabilize. I focus my senses. I visually take in the woods, I hear the animals, and I try to smell the freshness... but I can't smell anything, oh well.

      I see a path and I walk out of the trees towards the path.

      When I set a foot on a the path I hear a voice and I look up to see a giant black evil bear across the path.

      For a moment I am not looking at the bear. But at it's spirit.

      Inside the bear is an evil spirit that looks like the bad guy from The Hunchback of Notre Dome expect more black and shadowy and... evilish.

      I only see him for a moment then the bear is back and talking to me.

      "Head down the path ***** (my name). Your friends are waiting for you at the end of the path down by the river."

      "They are waiting for you, go to them"

      Then he roars at me and it is a great and terrible sound.

      The funny thing is, I am not afraid of him for even one moment.

      He is not lying to me, my friends are waiting for me.

      But he wants to see me afraid, he wants to chase me down the path to them.

      As he roars at me again.

      I do not feel the fear he wants me to, I feel anger! I get angry at him, very angry, how dare he think to terrorize me!

      Somehow I steal his voice and I roar back at him! My roar is very long and loud! It begins to shake the trees and make the earth rumble!

      He tries to roar back but realizes I have stolen his voice!

      He charges at me.

      I start climbing trees and stabbing at him with sharp branches. I am piercing his skin, but I am not nearly strong enough to do any real damage.

      I start making a tactical retreat towards my friends. Keeping out of his reach in the trees.

      Then... when we get to the bottom... there is a dream transition and the bear is more like Winnie The Pooh now and I sit down and have a nice snack with him and my friends... Everything tastes like cream cheese. The dream fades back to blackness and I wake up.

      Analysis: I was so happy when I had this lucid at the end of the night! It wasn't all that great in that I didn't get to accomplish any of my dream goals, but it was good because I clearly remember the transition into the dream. Go me picking up one more lucid for May!

      Side Note: Ugh... It took me and hour and a half to write this dream journal. That is to long, what am I going to do?
      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    10. 5-30-13 Dream Journal Part 1

      by , 05-30-2013 at 09:19 PM
      Technique:Total sleep time = 8 hours.

      Last night I gave a lot of effort towards WBTB to become lucid. I was reading a new WILD tips guide KINGYOSHI made and he talked about making multiple WBTB techniques in one night! For some reason I had never thought of this!

      Normally I will try one WBTB after 5-6 hours of sleep. Last night a drastically changed up my technique. I set an alarm for 2 hours after I fell asleep, then 2 hours after that, then every hour after that. In all I made 3 serious WBTB attempts and 2 not so serious ones. For the 3 serious ones I got up out of bed and stayed awake for at least five minutes to make sure that I would not fall asleep to quickly. For the others I just turned of the alarm, made some quick dream notes, and went back to sleep.

      First off let me say that overall I really enjoyed the experience and if nothing else I think it will help me by giving me more... experience. I will continue to try and do at least 3 serious WBTB WILD attempts for 1 week.

      Now to analyze me results. My problems with WILD are the standard 2 problems. Either I fall asleep to quickly and lose conscience or I concentrate to much and can't fall asleep at all... until I give up and therefore fall asleep regular style

      The WILD technique is a tricky thing. If you stay awake until you are very tired you will fall asleep to quickly. If you concentrate very hard and are determined not to give up then you fail because you can't fall asleep! Then, if you try to combine the two, and wait until you are tired then determine to try very hard and do the technique properly then at least for me I start to become very anxious and I just toss and turn throughout the night getting very poor sleep...

      Then to make matters worse, when I determine to take the night off and just relax, I will become lucid!!

      How do you win!?!?!?

      I think that the answer is that it just takes lots of time and experience to learn your sleeping patterns, learn more about dreaming, improve your recall, and then learn what works for you. Time and Experience

      Last night instead of really focusing on just becoming lucid I changed my goals to include learning more about how I fall asleep. How long does it take? Do I naturally toss and turn? How long is my REM cycle? If I wake myself up five times will I be able to keep falling asleep? What will that do to my sleep quality? These are the type of questions I am trying to get answers to because I think that they will lead me further down the road of the WBTB WILD.

      My mantra last night when waking and when falling asleep was "RC ... did I have a dream? (record dream notes)" repeat mantra "Stay calm... stay relaxed ... now fall asleep naturally (with a calm intention to try and remain conscience)" repeat

      This allowed me to wake and fall asleep many times throughout the night without completely ruining my sleep quality. And it resulted in a TON of dream notes... to be continued in part 2
      lucid , non-lucid , side notes
    11. 5-25-13 Dream Journal

      by , 05-27-2013 at 03:15 PM
      Technique: Total sleep time = 8 hours.


      Dream One: School Debt

      Some guys in suits show up and my house asking about my college debt. They are trying to get me to say how much debt I have?

      It turns out that the school had a computer error and my debt was cancelled out. I was frustrated because they were blaming me, like I was trying to get out of paying them back. It was insulting.

      Dream Two: Drum Fest

      I am with my college buddies K.B and S.B. We are on a hike.

      I decide I want to play music so I start beating on plants and rocks around me like they were drums to make some techno.

      Eventually K.B and S.b join me and we have a drum playing party.

      Dream Three: No ID Again

      At a bar trying to order a beer but somehow I have forgotten my ID again!
    12. 5-24-13 Dream Journal

      by , 05-27-2013 at 03:10 PM
      Technique: Total sleep time = 8 hours. I have been working on going to bed earlier to get my sleep schedule on a better routine.


      Dream One: Stolen Statue

      Some thief come and steal a statue from my Dad. Then they try to ransom it for the price of 5 statues?

      Dream Two: Disc Golf

      I am on a hike through some swamp. I see to of my college buddies C.B and N.W playing disc golf. I decide to join them and we play a couple holes. I remember I was getting frustrated because I could not remember my score because I couldn't remember every hole that we had played. This should have been a major dream sign as that would never happen in RL!

      Dream Three: No Homework!

      A school dream where I keep showing up without my homework done. It is frustrating because it is like I didn't even know there was homework due or else I would have done it! Stupid dream logic
    13. 5-23-13 Dream Journal

      by , 05-23-2013 at 07:15 PM
      Technique: Total sleep time = 8 hours. I went to bed really early last night even though I wasn't tired. I am trying to get back onto a regular sleep schedule which should improve my lucid dreaming :-)


      Dream One: Techno

      I am back at high school at a karaoke party. It is my turn and I am expected to sing something.

      I don't want to sing anything, plus that has been done SO many times before. I want to play techno!

      I start messing with the mic to see how I can get it to make techno sounds. Eventually I get it and I start banging it and swishing the mic around playing some of my favorite techno!

      The scene changes to a rave techno party. All the cool kids (more like the ones I think are cool ) start bouncing with the beat. All the uncool kids start complaining that they don't like techno and I should stop playing it.

      I ignore the haters of course and keep playing techno!

      Dream Two: Best Teacher Ever

      I am in a high school class with the best teacher in the school, she has only elected to teach five students.

      She is independently wealthy and so she doesn't even cash her checks from the school, she just comes because she like to teach!

      I guess in this school the teachers aren't allowed to teach about some things, it is mandated by the government. But she refuses to do anything that would harm the students so she teaches us anyways!

      She pulls out a model airplane engine, and then a model airplane. I guess this is forbidden knowledge? We aren't allowed to learn about airplanes?

      She teaches us how to assemble it, then about how the engine and propeller work. Then we quickly fire it up.

      We only get to run it for a second though because it is to loud and the guards will know we are learning about something we shouldn't.

      Right after we start it I hear someone in the hallway:

      "Hey what is that noise?"

      Then the teacher gets a scared look and we quickly dissemble the airplane and hide it right as guards come poring into the room. Whew... CLOSE ONE.

      Side Note: For some reason I have strong deja vu as I am writing the second dream. Hmmm, well if it happens again I have record of it now
    14. 5-22-13 Dream Journal

      by , 05-22-2013 at 08:45 PM
      Technique: Total sleep time = 10 hours! Wohoo!

      I am out of town on a minny vacation. I got to sleep in and it was great.

      I remember having a bunch of dreams but I didn't bring a notepad with me and plus I didn't really care to remember them unless they were lucid. Then I got woken up in the middle of a REM cycle and since I slept to long I feel all groggy and crappy now. It always surprises me that sleeping to long makes you more tired... silly

      Dream One: Call Of Duty

      Playing a Call Of Duty match. I run and get a sniper first, sweet! I LOVE sniping in dreams, head shot every time baby!

      I snipe every member of the opposing team... they re-spawn and I kill them all again.

      The dream goes on for a long time, eventually I start using an assault rifle and grenades which is also fun.

      Analysis: I have been staying up to late recently. I was having huge improvements in both recall and lucidity when I was getting on a regular sleep schedule. I don't know why I changed my schedule...

      I am going to try to start going to bed around 11:00 and waking up around 8:00. Which is a ton of sleep and will give me good morning dreams
      non-lucid , side notes
    15. 5-21-13 Dream Journal

      by , 05-22-2013 at 05:21 AM
      Technique: Total sleep time = 8 hours. I was focusing on finding the "feeling" of lucidy last night... It didn't work but I still have high hopes for the technique once I am more familiar with what it feels like.

      Dream One: Spiders in the house

      There are large brown spiders that look like crabs that are made of felt all around the house. I point them out and want to kill them, but my mom says they are harmless.

      Then I watch some weird cat/crab hybrid oposums walk by. Each one is smaller than the last but it is not a mom with her children?
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