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    1. Night of Saturday 1/6/24 (Winter Comp Night 1)

      by , 01-07-2024 at 07:15 PM (Dreamlog)
      Airport Anime:

      I'm at the airport, looking at myself in the mirror.
      I'm wearing three layers, t-shirt, hoody, and a large white jacket.
      I think about about how the jacket makes me look a lot bigger than I am, like an anime character.
      My Grandma P shows up, we are traveling together.
      We sit down at a table near our gate and she has some food ready.
      There is a brief interaction with another flier but I can't remember it.


      I'm in my childhood home in my old bedroom that I shared with my brother. The one with the wide window.
      The headset looks complex, with an irregular shape and jagged plastic pieces.
      I'm wondering how anyone understands how such a piece of technology works.
      My brother is here now.
      There is something wrong with the device and he is on the phone with tech support.
      They tell him to solder a section at the bottom.
      My brother says he already tried that, and the tech support guy says it is risky for hardware costing some $800.
      He tries it anyway, and that causes the screen to flicker. The device was now a face down computer monitor.
      My brother stands up the monitor, a success.
      I see a desert-themed World of Warcraft zone, maybe Orgrimmar.
      I remark that it is strange that he was working on live hardware.
      I'm in Orgrimmar in World of Warcraft, in travel form.
      I'm playing in a bit of a nostalgic way, not really trying to get good gear or anything, just visiting old places.
      My brother is here now. I'm showing him "the places where parts of me died".
      The first one is at a restaurant, where I supposedly used to work. I show him exactly the place I stood when part of me died.
      We leave the restaurant and my brother goes on ahead down an orange section of spiral rocks to the left.
      I notice a yellow "!" for a quest to the right and I go to do it.
      The quest giver is a human priest, wanting me to heal some warriors fighting nearby.
      It's a cookie cutter quest, so it was easy. The combat was scripted such that my spell would always heal the warriors at the last moment, allowing them to win.
      Then there is a follow-up, where I have to shoot a bow and arrow in first person through some rings, matching the number of rings the quest giver's arrow goes through.
      I get this one on the second try.


      I'm at my current home, hosting a party. My friend D shows up, and has a suitcase.
      Then M & A from the Tots, also with suitcases. And a few others yet.
      M makes a comment that he hates the game "Apples to Apples".

      Updated 01-10-2024 at 03:40 PM by 99808

      memorable , non-lucid
    2. Night of Tuesday 12/12/23

      by , 12-13-2023 at 10:24 PM (Dreamlog)
      Wild Burgers:

      I'm in the woods with my brother. It vaguely reminds me of how I pictured a scene from the book 'Hatchet' from middle school English class.
      It's raining, and we have a small cave for shelter.
      But there are some wild animals coming. High feeling of urgency and stress.
      We run.
      I see a homeless man coming out of the wilderness in third person.
      He walks onto the street and enters a bar.
      The man is concerned about how he might smell, but nobody brings up the issue.
      I'm with Danny and Arin from the Game Grumps.
      We seem to be in a sort of Power Hour scenario (Youtube show the duo does).
      There are three burgers in front of us in a chemical hood.
      The task is to assemble one full size burger by disassembling the other three.
      I sarcastically split each burger into thirds, and then combine one third of each piece into one as a joke.
      I'm concerned whether the joke will land.

      Unclear Suns:

      I'm in a classroom that resembles a conference room at work.
      A Carl Sagan-like person is teaching a lecture about the sun.
      It may have been about the sun exploding.
      There is some algebra on a chalkboard as he explains.
      An Asian guy calls out to him, not believing something he is saying.
      I can follow the algebra on the board, except for one part that is unreadable to me at the bottom.
      It looked as if letters were combined.