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    1. Night of Sunday 8/4/24

      by , 08-07-2024 at 05:46 AM (Dreamlog)
      I'm at a small apartment. Area seems like a winter version of the California ocean walk.
      I'm getting a facetime call from my uncle J and my sister M. They are just outside the door.
      I am feeling guilty about not letting them in. But then I justify my action, wondering whether they are being fair.

      I'm at a playscape with my brother. There is a puzzle we need to work out. Working our way up.
      There is a third person in our group, and we are leaving them hints as we figure it out.
      They are just behind us in the puzzle progression.

      Something about Grandma’s house and her basement. Odd feeling.

      Updated 08-07-2024 at 02:47 PM by 99808

    2. Night of Tuesday 7/30/24

      by , 08-07-2024 at 05:27 AM (Dreamlog)
      Habit RC:
      I'm at a parking lot at CVS. I perform a nose reality check out of habit...and either I can't breathe or I stop paying attention. I continue with a text reality check of the CVS sign and that looks normal too.
      Finally on another nose reality check I notice that I can breathe.
      I'm lucid now.
      I turn to my girlfriend and ask her if this is a dream. She says it is not.
      I go to void and try to maintain awareness but I lose it.

      I'm at dinner with my girlfriend and her family. It looks like an Applebee's.
      The table is pulled up to the steps and arranged around some chairs oddly.
      Her grandparents were supposed to show up but didn't.
      Later we leave and climb over some rocks to reach the cars.

      I'm at my childhood home at the upstairs bathroom. I have to pee, but my brother beats me too it.
    3. Night of Tuesday 7/23/24

      by , 08-07-2024 at 03:22 AM (Dreamlog)
      Dorm Room:
      I'm with G from work and I'm helping him with AI. We are in my dorm from college.
      I try to tell him what to do, but he won't listen.
      He has grocery store donuts at his desk.
      He's trying to make superhero AI porn.
      Me and my girlfriend are looking at the dorm as a place to live. Generally looks dingy.
    4. Night of Thursday 7/18/24

      by , 07-19-2024 at 07:09 PM (Dreamlog)
      Before WBTB

      Ghost Data:
      I'm playing N64 with brother. It's Mario Kart.
      We're playing against ghost data, trying to win against difficult race times. They had been set by Youtube streamers.
      He hands a controller to me and it is sweaty and coated in Cheeto dust.
      My brother couldn't beat them, but when I try I start doing well. This excites me.

      After WBTB

      Time Travel:
      I'm floating in the air above a living room setup in what may have been JH's basement from my childhood, it's a tense situation.
      There's a limited time to make a time travel portal work, or else we will the stuck.
      There is a thin grocery bag tied around my leg, that needed to go into the portal.
      But I'm all jumbled up and can't get my body to move the way it needs to.
      I pull off the trick, and then I see a potential future.
      It involves an alternate version of my Dad, but then it stabilizes into the current version.
      I'm through the portal, fall face first onto the floor. A girl says "Oh we don't mind this guy!"
      The world has been saved.

      Road Trip:
      I'm in a neighborhood waiting in the backseat of a big car. It's a family road trip.
      My Dad's friend has offered to drive us with his car on the trip.
      Something is wrong with the car though, so we are waiting around.
      My Dad, Mom, My brother, his wife, her Grandpa, my sister, nephew, niece, Grandma and some others are there.
      Eventually, the car gets running, but somebody had stepped out of the car.
      We start driving to go to where he is. I roll down the window and say "GET TO DA CHOPPA!"
      He looks like J from high school marching band.
      He fits into the car, but now it is pretty cramped. I'm curled into a ball shape to fit between the seats near the back.
      My brother and sister are fighting about something, and eventually my brother comes to hang out in the back with me.
      My parents give him some shit about getting along and my brother says "nah it's fine, I'm just the grumpy grandpa!"
      "Yeah, me too." I say sarcastically. Peace ensues in the back seat.
      We're driving through a mall-area, and my Grandma points out a Chuck-E-Cheese to me.
      I wonder how old she thinks I am.
      Eventually we end up at a ninja-themed Barcade, and apparently it has been decided that this is a suitable place for family dinner.
      There is a girl there that I think is cute, so I'm focused on her.
      I'm handed some drinks in a plastic bag, some monsters.
      For some reason I decide to dump water in the bag with the monsters.
      Later I regret that and find a way to dump the water and just keep one monster.
      I go behind the bar and do that, and then weasel my way around, apologizing for bumping staff as I go.
      I found a bathroom, and the girl tells me there is a small one and then a big one for me.
      I don't know what that means, but I go and find out.
      The "big one" is a urinal game where you shoot your pee into targets for a score.
      Apparently somebody can see me and says "Ah, I didn't think somebody would try it...go for it!"
      I hit some targets, but I don't have that much ammo in me. I resolve to start chugging some monster so that I can be better prepared next time.

      Updated 07-21-2024 at 06:15 PM by 99808

    5. Night of Wednesday 7/17/24

      by , 07-18-2024 at 08:30 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm in a big open convention space, with thick carpet and lots of red/gold colors.
      It turns out this is a hotel, where there is a mixup with where we were supposed to stay.
      I'm on a school trip with the cast of My Hero Academia.

      Grocery Store Flight:
      I'm in a grocery store that reminds me of one I went to as a kid.
      I'm running a sort of tower defense game, where people (mobs/creeps) will attempt to make it past my shelves and reach the goal.
      I add some bricks to a back area, forcing a specific path.
      I also formulated a strategy where I would add a block completing a blockage, waiting for the group to move, and then remove and rebuild it on the other side creating a loop.
      I'm seated at a small table with a coworker, face to face.
      I'm giving her a status on something quality related.
      She happens to mention lucid dreaming as a topic she is interested in.
      "Oh yeah! I just had one of those last night!"
      I pause, and with all the mental quickness of a drunken sailor, come to the conclusion that since we are talking about lucid dreaming, perhaps I should complete a reality check.
      I plug my nose and try to breathe. I can...but I don't draw the conclusion...then I do a second check and it falls again.
      "Hold on, am I really dreaming right now?"
      I look at my hand as a third check, and sure enough, I have five fingers plus a thumb.
      This is a dream!
      I immediately take off and start flying [1]. As I float into the air I wave to my coworker.
      "Have fun working!"
      I fly off into the heights of the grocery store, and happen upon a ledge high above the shelves.
      I start going through what I need to do for goals, and remember my first goal is to summon (I forgot that I already achieved this in my last lucid).
      I decide to try and summon a puppy. So, I wish for a puppy to appear on the upper ledge area when I land and it comes fully into my view.
      No puppy. Boo. However, there were vases all around, so I decide to break them for fun.
      I lie down on the ledge, and remember that I was trying to teleport before.
      New tactic: I'm going to lie down, pretend I'm on grass, and then hope the rest of the scene transforms to match.
      It doesn't. Boo. I also find some doors and try to use them to teleport. Nope.

      [1] Fly.
    6. Night of Sunday 7/14/24

      by , 07-15-2024 at 07:29 PM (Dreamlog)
      Horsing Around:
      I'm controlling a horse, watching it run across a stereotypically dreamy plain.
      The sky is an indigo-blue color, and the grass is a highly saturated green.
      I feel some sort of emotional connection with the horse.
      I'm playing a game of hide and seek with other horses.
      The controls are similar to controlling Epona in The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time.
      I'm navigating through a section with fences, and then later up a hill.

      Alllllwayyyyyyys I want to beeee with you....and make belieeeeve with you...

      I'm at a bar with a big group. Z from the game night group is there.
      We're sitting at an outdoor both. Z seems to be the star of the night.
      There are a couple of dark-skinned guys talking with my brother.
      They are talking about me.
      Later, I'm running away using super speed along some train tracks.
      There is a bus that the group is trying to get me to go on.

      There is a documentary about my nephew, W.
      My childhood cat Oreo is also part of it. The various parts of the video show my Grandma's previous homes.
      Something about World of Warcraft makes it into the story.
      Flash forward, and W is watching the video in present day.

      Updated 07-15-2024 at 07:43 PM by 99808

    7. Night of Saturday 7/13/24

      by , 07-14-2024 at 05:25 PM (Dreamlog)
      Before WBTB

      I'm at my childhood home with Robert F. Kennedy on the phone. I'm supposed to pick him up at the airport.
      I'm telling him about several other stressors that are happening at the moment, getting to why I will be delayed.
      I'm also supposed to pick up my friend D from somewhere.
      On the kitchen table, there is a game of Monopoly left out. I arrange the pieces in a funny way anticipating the payoff later when everyone arrives.
      Looking around the home - it is in disrepair. Dusty and broken.
      But Oreo, my childhood cat is there. I marvel that she is still alive somehow.
      She looks like she hasn't eaten in a long time, with her fur all patchy.
      My Grandma and some others in the group tell me I can't help her and I have to leave.
      I don't want to leave her alone so I pick her up and bring her home with us.
      Later we are in the driveway, and there are 3 or 4 cars all in it.
      This makes it difficult to leave.

      How could I say no to this?

      After WBTB

      I'm at my Grandma's current condo. It is late at night and I'm on a couch that is further down the den than it should be.
      There is a clothing mannikin out near the hallway. It is slowly swaying. I notice that it has a wig similar to my Grandma's on.
      I worry about the mannikin turning to face me, and then it does.
      It has two black voids for eye holes, and I understand immediately that my Grandma's soul is trapped in this mannikin.
      The mannikin falls down and breaks into pieces.
      I scream
      , and my girlfriend wakes me up. I hear myself making a weird scream-moan sound.

      Well, this image exists now.

      I'm with my Grandma and Uncle at a hotel. They are on one bed together and I am on the other.
      I'm talking about how my girlfriend's family stresses her out all the time.

      Updated 07-14-2024 at 07:59 PM by 99808

    8. Night of Friday 7/12/24

      by , 07-13-2024 at 08:53 PM (Dreamlog)
      Before WBTB

      Science Blaster:
      I'm in a house that resembles my Grandma's current one. It's an upper floor but it is modeled after the basement.
      There is some competition going on, related to the Youtube Channel, Game Theory.
      I realize that I need to take a shower.
      I notice that there is a queue of people lined up waiting to use the men's bathroom to shower.
      I thought I noticed my brother in the distance, but when I got closer it is somebody else.
      I realize now that we are here for auditions of some kind, related to Game Theory.
      I start to stress out, but I remember that there is another bathroom further away. Maybe there isn't so long a wait there.
      I leave the hallway through some double doors and end up in a grocery store. I start moving to the right, toward the other end of the store.
      As I'm walking I stop myself.
      "Wait a minute...high stress, video games...those are two of my prospective memory targets!"
      Rather than remember to reality check or question reality, I pull up my phone and look up ways to de-stress.

      According to dream Youtube, stress is often held in the shoulders, so I try to relax my shoulders.
      Moving on, I reach the opposite hallway, and see a private area. There is a frame video device that plays the classic Game Theory intro, Science Blaster.

      I think to myself about how cringe my old intro is. Strangely, I seem to take credit for it.
      I find a bedroom and a place where I can shower connected to it.

      I'm back in the basement-like area with my sister. I think about how our relationship is strained and maybe I should try to fix it.
      We are laying together on a beanbag, and she has a laptop open. We are watching a show together.
      From on top of an entertainment center that isn't there in reality, she opens a secret compartment and reveals a hookah pipe. I tell her:
      "You know, I just want to say that I know you aren't a drug addict...I think of you as more of somebody who experimented a bit and then unfairly earned a bad rap."
      This seems to make her happy, and it happened to be the truth, so a strong warm feeling hits the dream.

      After WBTB

      My parents are fighting about money.

      Updated 07-13-2024 at 09:18 PM by 99808

    9. Night of Thursday 7/11/24

      by , 07-12-2024 at 03:45 PM (Dreamlog)
      Stripping Process:
      I'm walking in my waking life local downtown area towards Oregano's pizzeria.
      I'm with my girlfriend's family. We've just picked her up. She's back from travel.
      We go into the pizzeria building on the corner, but when we get inside it is my childhood home.
      I decide I need to take a shower, so I head downstairs towards the laundry room.
      As I'm stripping down, the names of process specifications from work are going through my head.
      I'm reviewing them, and looking for one in particular.

      The United States of Not In This Room:
      Now I'm watching Markiplier play some Five Nights At Freddy's-like game.
      There is an inventory at the top of the screen, with two cupcake icons taking up two out of five slots.
      The cupcakes can be used to determine if one of the monsters is currently hiding the room.
      I think about the strategy of that, about whether it makes sense to cover up two slots in exchange for that ability.
      Mark decides to use one, and it indicates that the room is safe.
      "Welcome to the United States of NOT IN THIS ROOOOOOOOOOM!" says Mark with his typical lively delivery.

      Hello my name is Markiplier and I'm in your dream now.

      I'm with J from work. He's excitedly showing me some drilled holes in an assembly.
      He's excited because they are super smooth.

      Updated 07-12-2024 at 04:14 PM by 99808

    10. Night of Wednesday 6/26/24

      by , 06-27-2024 at 04:14 PM (Dreamlog)
      Getting back into the swing of things with a potentially politically inflammatory dream, HUAK TUH!

      I'm in a veterinarians' office with a pug-like dog. It has the "blue" fur color. The fur is very soft.
      The vet tells me that the dog's name is Question Mark.
      "But don't say it slow, like that. Say it fast like QuestionMark."
      "Is this puppy a boy or a girl?"
      "We don't know what they want to be yet."
      "What do you mean you don't know? Is the dog transgender?"
      The vet holds up the dog and I see a dick.
      "That's a boy dog." I say.
      "THESHIRECAT!" my girlfriend says in outburst.
      I'm near a hole in the wall, and I see some hands come out to pet QuestionMark.
      Initially I'm a little freaked out, but I realize they are kids so the creepy behavior is recontextualized into silly kid behavior.

      Being Around You:
      I'm at a large grocery store, maybe a cross between a Costco, Home Depot, and my middle school from back home.
      I'm walking down the hall and I see a small man who seems to have a deformity with his legs.
      I respectfully give him the space he needs to pass by.
      Next I come across a happy looking couple.
      The woman says to the man "I'm happy when I'm with you" as if in response to a question he had asked.
      I take a moment and think about my girlfriend, and I get a warm and fuzzy feeling.
      I decide I want to find her and express the same sentiment.
      I find her checking out the groceries at the register and give her a big hug from behind.
      I worry for a second she might be uncomfortable with that in public, but she doesn't mind.

      Updated 07-06-2024 at 08:59 PM by 99808

    11. Night of Monday 3/25/24

      by , 03-28-2024 at 12:40 AM (Dreamlog)
      La Bamba:
      A boy and a girl are fighting in a hallway.
      The boy is looking for his sword, the girl has it. It is a double blade, with velcro holding it together.
      The girl doesn't give the sword back to the boy.
      It is night-time, with a blue-green feel to the scene.
      The classroom is a portable pod, similar to the ones from my elementary school, but closer to the ground.
      I'm in the scene now and notice the sword outside the classroom door.
      I've returned to the classroom, and know that I am late.
      It is a band room, with the regular odd variety of sounds coming from people warming up (or messing around).
      I hear a violin, and notice how out of tune it is. I reason that, if I were to learn that instrument, I would suck at it for a time too.
      M from the clarinets in high-school marching band starts to dance and play a "La Bamba" type tune in front of the group.
      The teacher highlights him, and then the class joins in.
    12. Night of Wednesday 3/20/24

      by , 03-22-2024 at 04:39 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm at a party scene. It reminds me of C&B's wedding reception from a few years back.
      I'm standing over by a carpeted area near the bathrooms. It looks like a similar location from work now.
      There is a person telling me that there is a tiny man that lives inside my car.
      I'm in the bathroom now standing in front of a mirror.
      I'm holding a shotgun, and the end of it is formable like clay.
      I'm fiddling with the end of the gun.
      I'm outside at night by my car with somebody.
      We are opening the hood of my car to look for this tiny man.
      We call out to him, and silence.
      Then, we hear a voice that sounds like it is deep underground.
      The voice tells us his name is ____ Stufwell, and he is on his way up. He has a fun accent.
      I notice that there is a rat standing in the hood of the car, and try to warn Stufwell.

      Updated 03-23-2024 at 07:55 PM by 99808

    13. Night of Tuesday 3/19/24

      by , 03-20-2024 at 05:00 PM (Dreamlog)
      Something about my friend J from the Tots.

      I'm at a baseball diamond. The plate is part of my driveway. I am up to bat.
      There is something going on strategically, such that the pitcher is forced give me an easy pitch.
      I'm nervous because my team is expecting me to nail these.
      I mess up the first one. Strike. Then the second. Strike. And the third. Out.
      I'm mortified and leave the plate. I go to the side of my house, through the gate to sit down.
      I'm sitting over where the trash cans normally are, on the rocks.
      I'm trying to remember what the strategy that forced the pitcher to go easy was called but I can't.
      J from work comes over to me. I open my conversation with him similar to how I do in waking life:
      "So, dumb question but..." I don't recall his answer.
      I'm feeling nervous because I recalled that I still have to perform my band solo tomorrow.

      I'm in a warm-up room at a school with my sax.
      It's Solo and Ensemble, where I will be performing a classical music piece
      similar to this one for a judge.
      My brother is there too. He's already warming-up. It's the same solo piece (with piano) I will be performing.
      I'm concerned about whether we are allowed to warm-up yet.
      I'm in a small bar.
      Lifelight, from Super Smash Bros is playing on the Karaoke machine.
      There is a DJ off to the left. The music is low quality over the speakers.
      The DJ leaves and I go over to his station. I try on the headphones and notice that the music is low quality there too.
      I reason that the original file might be low quality, not necessarily just the speakers.

      Updated 03-20-2024 at 05:30 PM by 99808

    14. Night of Sunday 3/17/24

      by , 03-18-2024 at 03:51 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm at my childhood home's basement with my brother and my friend D.
      There were some other people, maybe my sister's friends.
      They are talking about some back pain they are having.
      I remember that I have been working on that, and tell them that I have some stretches that might help.
      I start to demonstrate, but I can't get the movement quite right.
      One of the girls points to the window, and says my sister is coming.
      It's dramatic, like when Azula shows up in ATLA.
      I'm holding a goose-stuffed animal.
      Later at night time, I'm sleeping on a mattress up against the wall in the same room.
    15. Night of Sunday 3/10/24

      by , 03-11-2024 at 04:05 PM (Dreamlog)
      Summoning F:
      I'm at my Grandma M's condo in the kitchen. There are a few of my family members there too.
      I notice there is a game on the table relating to prospective memory.
      I recall that I've been working on prospective memory for my lucid dreaming practice.
      I perform a nose reality check and
      become lucid.
      I try and summon F, but it doesn't work. I recall that sometimes it is easier to summon using a door.
      I leave the kitchen and go to the laundry room, shutting the door behind me. I imagine F standing in the living room.
      I open the door.
      It works. She is there. Either my family is gone now, or I simply ignore them entirely.
      I go over to start some naughty stuff. I feel the dream stability "shake" when we embrace, but it doesn't fall apart. I feel relieved about that.

      I've lost lucidity by now. I'm in a downtown city area underneath a highway. I'm with F, looking for somewhere to continue.
      I notice that there are cameras all over the bottom of the highway above us and tell her this is too public.
      F is now a man wearing a trenchcoat, and the story changes such that he is my buddy cop partner or similar.

      I'm in an elevator filled with water in an inner tube. I'm with a bunch of other people also in inner tubes and wearing bathing suits.
      This is some kind of ride at an amusement park. Over an intercom, a man announces that we will be racing the 1st years.
      I get excited and sarcastically say outloud to the group "WE'RE GONNA CRUSH THOSE KIDS!"
      One other person and me get pulled aside and removed from the race. Apparently this was unsportsmanlike conduct.

      Updated 03-12-2024 at 02:34 AM by 99808

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