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    1. Night of Saturday 1/6/24 (Winter Comp Night 1)

      by , 01-07-2024 at 07:15 PM (Dreamlog)
      Airport Anime:

      I'm at the airport, looking at myself in the mirror.
      I'm wearing three layers, t-shirt, hoody, and a large white jacket.
      I think about about how the jacket makes me look a lot bigger than I am, like an anime character.
      My Grandma P shows up, we are traveling together.
      We sit down at a table near our gate and she has some food ready.
      There is a brief interaction with another flier but I can't remember it.


      I'm in my childhood home in my old bedroom that I shared with my brother. The one with the wide window.
      The headset looks complex, with an irregular shape and jagged plastic pieces.
      I'm wondering how anyone understands how such a piece of technology works.
      My brother is here now.
      There is something wrong with the device and he is on the phone with tech support.
      They tell him to solder a section at the bottom.
      My brother says he already tried that, and the tech support guy says it is risky for hardware costing some $800.
      He tries it anyway, and that causes the screen to flicker. The device was now a face down computer monitor.
      My brother stands up the monitor, a success.
      I see a desert-themed World of Warcraft zone, maybe Orgrimmar.
      I remark that it is strange that he was working on live hardware.
      I'm in Orgrimmar in World of Warcraft, in travel form.
      I'm playing in a bit of a nostalgic way, not really trying to get good gear or anything, just visiting old places.
      My brother is here now. I'm showing him "the places where parts of me died".
      The first one is at a restaurant, where I supposedly used to work. I show him exactly the place I stood when part of me died.
      We leave the restaurant and my brother goes on ahead down an orange section of spiral rocks to the left.
      I notice a yellow "!" for a quest to the right and I go to do it.
      The quest giver is a human priest, wanting me to heal some warriors fighting nearby.
      It's a cookie cutter quest, so it was easy. The combat was scripted such that my spell would always heal the warriors at the last moment, allowing them to win.
      Then there is a follow-up, where I have to shoot a bow and arrow in first person through some rings, matching the number of rings the quest giver's arrow goes through.
      I get this one on the second try.


      I'm at my current home, hosting a party. My friend D shows up, and has a suitcase.
      Then M & A from the Tots, also with suitcases. And a few others yet.
      M makes a comment that he hates the game "Apples to Apples".

      Updated 01-10-2024 at 03:40 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable
    2. Night of Wednesday 11/1/23

      by , 11-03-2023 at 09:43 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 1:00AM.

      Pizza Games:
      I'm in a small, cramped space. It reminds me of Harry Potter's cupboard under the stairs.
      It's messy with wrappers and junk. Dusty too.
      I'm playing an online game with my brother on a gaming system plugged into a TV at an edge wall.
      The outcome of the game will impact whether a pizza box near me will be thrown onto the floor.
      My brother comes close to succeeding, but the pizza box does not come down.

      Recorded at ???.

      72 words for the night.

      Updated 11-10-2023 at 06:06 PM by 99808

    3. Night of Thursday 10/5/23

      by , 10-06-2023 at 06:34 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed around 12AM.

      AI Dream Augmenter
      I'm in bed telling S about a dream I just had.
      I have recorded it on my phone through voice, and an AI program augments it with video and sound.
      It's playing an anime-esque intro about me as a ninja.
      I think it is hilarious and cant wait to record more dream with it.

      Game Night
      I'm at my current home, though it is mixed with my parent's house from northern Michigan.
      We are sitting by the doorwall on the ground ready to play a board game. It might have been snowing outside.
      D, my brother, and my sister were among the group. Some of my sister's friends may have been there too.
      D is standing nearby with a big bowl of goldfish crackers.
      The game pieces are mixed with another game. There are red, white, and off-white. The game was Risk.
      My sister says they were playing something last night, to explain why they are mixed up.
      We start to unsort the pieces.

      Grandma's Mafia
      I'm at a mixture of my Grandma P's past houses. This one feels more like a compound.
      Currently upstairs in the guest room getting ready for a shower.
      My Uncle J calls for me before I can get in.
      I'm out on the patio. It's sunny.
      There is a wooden file organizer, and there are dollars sorted into smaller sections of it. I think I see a $1000 bill.
      A black lanky man approaches and I'm worried he'll attack me.
      Turns out he's just here for payment.
      I now 'know' the backstory that my Grandma P runs some mafia operation.
      I direct the man to my Grandma, because I don't know how to pay him.
      My Grandma P shows up, gives him some money and walks him out.
      My brother and sister are here now.
      My Grandma P gives me a see-thru golden ball, and there is a sudden urgency to deliver it to a safety shed nearby.
      I run to the shed, make it past a closing metal door, then a sharp turn inside, and another timed door.
      Shed is barren and musty, but more brown and orange hues from the sun bleeding through.
      There is a conveyer belt running through the shed, but it goes through a wall.
      There is a tiny opening to the room where the ball needs to go, but I can't fit.
      I'm out in the yard below the patio with my brother and my sister.
      We're talking about the big reveal that Grandma has been a mafia boss this whole time, and Uncle J too.
      It has been generational too. We talk about that and look at the muddy yard in front of us where some kids are throwing footballs around.
      I reach a troubling conclusion that this mafia info explains my Mom's death, and that she had been innocent.
      I see here briefly as a ghost, and she seems relieved that I understand.
      I'm hit with an intense sadness and I fall to the ground for a minute.
      My sister notices and asks if I'm OK. I lie, saying everything is fine, and move along.
      We reach the underside of the patio and enter a garden area.
      I'm carrying some garden wireframes of dogs.
      Grandma P is there, and she shrugs off our concerns about the situation, as if we disapproved of her new bingo meetup or something of similar caliber.
      We move up the stairs leading to the patio deck, and I hear an incessant bee or bug buzzing at my ear.
      I start slapping my arm at it, not wanting to be stung.

      All recalled/recorded on waking around 9AM.

      Updated 10-06-2023 at 06:44 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable
    4. Night of Wednesday 9/6/23 (Comp Night 6)

      by , 09-07-2023 at 05:13 PM (Dreamlog)
      Riding the Mountains
      I'm in a parking lot, leaving a grocery store. It's day.
      There is a man in his car parked nearby talking on the phone. He's arguing with someone about the price of apples.
      I remember working hard to get the math right in my head, but it comes slowly.
      He says that there are six apples with six servings at six dollars each divided by twelve, or something similar.
      It's night now and I'm approaching my car.
      The building has changed from a grocery store to something that reminds me of my Dad's friend's home remodeling business.
      I enter my car and start it up.
      I see my Dad outside the car he says "The weather here could be storming or worse, and it doesn't even phase you! You've got your windows down all the time!"
      I remember thinking something along the lines of "It's really hot where I live, storms aren't exactly an issue" but I don't think I replied.
      I start to drive away, but I have problems actually leaving the parking lot.
      I can't seem to orient the car to face the proper direction.
      I drive down a path leading behind the building to try and find a place to turn around.
      I do find one and finally re-orient the car. I have to nick the side of my car on a nearby electrical box to achieve this.
      Now I'm progressing along the path I came, but it is different.
      It goes up where it didn't before into a mountainous region.
      There is rocky tan-colored mud that is causing the car to slip and slide.
      It starts to cake onto my car.
      My perspective zooms out, and I'm watching my car go through crazy jumps and maneuvers through the mountains.
      The car eventually crashes and flips, so I am sent back to the beginning.
      It repeats the course but lands on its wheels this time.
      My perspective shifts again. Now's I'm standing, and the car is a toy that I can pick up.
      I do so and walk the rest of the way up the red rocks on the mountain.
      My Dad is at the top laying in a bed. He is surprised that I made it up here.
      The room we are in reminds me of the sky room from the bottom of the narrow concrete hole from the Game Grumps dream on 9/2/23.

      Recorded at 4:55AM, just after sleep cycle 4.

      Dancing in the Store
      It's my birthday, and we are in my childhood bedroom. I'm on the far end of the room (If you turn right as you enter and go all the way).
      There is an electrical outlet and it has a bunch of game system minis daisy-chained together with USB wires and ports.
      I can recall at least a PlayStation 2, but there were more of them.
      My brother and my friend D are on the other side of the room.
      A third person at the party is setting up some game for us to watch him play.
      He has two tablets, the second one folds and is acting as a keyboard for a laptop, while the top tablet is the screen.
      There are some pillows and armchair-pillows on the floor and we are all settling in to watch him play whatever this game is.
      The room now resembles my Grandma P's sitting den. I'm laying on the floor and I'm the last one up.
      We are driving to the store to get a cake.
      I get up to join the rest of the group in the car.
      I'm in a big white van, the one we just road-tripped on to go to Denver a few weeks ago in waking life.
      I'm opening the side door, and asking the driver to slow down so I can close it easily.
      The driver ignores that request, so I jump out and try to slam it shut as best I can as I jump.
      I land in the grass in a neighborhood. It's a sunny day.
      I walk past a man having a yard-sale. He has a bunch of tables he is trying to sell.
      As I walk by he says "Hey there! Whaddya think?!"
      I tell him "They look great! But I'm not in the market."
      He accepts this answer but seems a little disappointed.
      I keep walking and enter another open garage.
      I feel a bit guilty at first for invading, but then I realize that the building is kitted-out to be a store anyway.
      There are shoes covering the walls with tiny labels with prices on them.
      I'm not lucid, but I decide that I want to find a cute girl and dance with her.
      I start to clear out an area at the back of the store, moving TVs, chairs, and other furniture.
      As I do this, a mousey-looking girl with glasses shows up and starts to watch me.
      I realize she is watching, so I make a show about lifting the heavy things easily, and throwing them such that they flip and land right-side up.
      When I'm done, I tell here "We're going to dance!" and she agrees.
      While I don't know anything about dancing in waking life, apparently dream-me knows at least the basics.
      We dance for a while, and then the girl decides to reward me by getting on her knees.
      The store has changed into a work area. There are some tables with PC setups on them, similar to a computer lab.
      There's not enough room to comfortably place my legs.
      I'm working at my designated spot, but I sneak to a nearby one that I like better.
      Later on the tables are gone but there is a long-table in the center of the room.
      It now resembles more of a conference room than a computer lab.
      There is a TV on the wall everyone is watching.
      Some major news is happening. Feels like a 9/11 scale event.
      Former President George W. Bush is at the table among the group.
      A little girl at the table says "Why can't we just call all the Presidents dumb?"
      George W. Bush replies "Well, there used to be less of them, and now there are more and they are all stupid!"
      Which doesn't make sense, but the spirit of what he's saying is that things were better under him, of course.

      Recorded at 6:39AM, just after sleep cycle 5.

      Updated 09-07-2023 at 05:16 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , memorable
    5. Night of Thursday 6/15/23

      by , 06-16-2023 at 04:11 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm playing a Pokemon-like game. I'm in a cave-type area.
      I can see my team, and their levels are absurdly high, like in the 10,000s. It's styled like Gen 1 where the menu sprites are weird little guys.
      Of course, the odd levels don't tip me off to this being a dream.
      My normal-type Pokemon levels up, and the game tells me that while this Pokemon isn't the strongest, it is good to use as a slave.
      It's referring to HM Slave, where you teach one Pokemon all the field related moves like Strength, Surf, Flash, and Cut for world traversal.
      When its stats come up from gaining the level, I note that attack and defense are the highest. That's consistent for a normal type. Good job subconscious.
      My brother is watching me play, and we are arguing about something. Heated argument with him yet again.

      Updated 06-16-2023 at 04:13 PM by 99808

    6. Night of Friday 4/7/23

      by , 04-08-2023 at 08:59 PM (Dreamlog)
      Messing with Brother A
      I'm with my family on vacation at a hotel. We have a german-shepherd dog. Somebody is in the shower, and my sister M and I are playing a prank on them. We are on the floor, where there is a slit that goes into the shower. There is button that will startle the person showering. It's probably my brother A in there. We press it, and get a satisfying *YELP* from the inside of the shower. There's also a button that will slide a fake turd in the shower from the side. We haven't pressed this one yet. Dream feels positive, makes me miss my sister. Later I'm heading to the bathroom, but the german shepherd is in the shower. I tell the dog to get out and he listens. We're getting ready to go somewhere as a family but it is just my brother, sister, and my dad.
    7. Night of Tuesday 4/4/23

      by , 04-05-2023 at 08:22 PM (Dreamlog)
      Firefighter Training
      I'm in a training exercise with my brother A. We're becoming firefighters. Running through an industrial building, up in the rafters. Floor is metal, with hole pattern in it. We are armed with assault rifles, but they shoot fire-extinguisher material. I shoot my brother in the face with it as a joke when he comes around the corner. Dream feels fun, but also serious.

      The training facility. Made with Nightcafe AI.

      Updated 04-05-2023 at 08:45 PM by 99808

      dream fragment
    8. Night of Tuesday 3/28/23

      by , 03-29-2023 at 05:35 PM (Dreamlog)
      The Transforming Mech-Wheelchair Man
      My brother is staying with me. He was sleeping in a guest room the night before and has cleaned it up respectfully. Then I'm in the same house, but working retail at a nerdy shop. Possibly downstairs or just a different room. A customer comes in and asks about seeing physical toys. He is a hobbyist. I show him some Star Wars helmets but that isn't what he is looking for. I take him somewhere else behind the front desk and there is a build-your-own robot setup. There is a tiny black mech-like robot that I am controlling with a remote. The mech changes into a small man in a small wheelchair but I don't notice the change. I'm still controlling it. The hobbyist is impressed.

      I'm in a high-school environment, in a classroom with about 20-30 desks facing a chalkboard. I'm taking part in a competition soon.

      Updated 03-29-2023 at 05:39 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    9. Bad Disguises

      by , 03-09-2023 at 05:20 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm at a house reminiscent of my girlfriend S' parents' house and my friend V's house. I'm hanging out with my friend J. There is a surprise visit from my friend D and my brother. A They are out on the patio. D is wearing a disguise, but I recognize him easily. It wasn't a particularly good disguise and it wasn't intended to be. More like a joke. D has a Galaxy Fold and is showing it off. He has a thin black cloth case on it. He has some gacha-games on it.

      I'm driving and something like a check-engine light came on. Genuinely unclear on whether this was reality or not because this type of thing happens all the time. My car was fine this morning so I think this was a dream...

      Updated 03-09-2023 at 05:22 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    10. Chores and Important Words

      by , 02-28-2023 at 03:22 AM (Dreamlog)
      I'm on a vacation with my family. We are at a beach, but the sky is gray. There is a pool nearby the beach and it has multiple "floors" under the water. My sister tries to show me a deep dive area, but I can't hold my breath and I have to go up for air.

      I'm cleaning my childhood house with my brother A. I'm annoyed because he keeps assigning me chores to do. At one point I had moved my bed mattress into the garage, but then had to carry it back because I misunderstood what he was asking for. We're outside now, on the east side of the house. I'm playing some game with my brother. Maybe we are doing more chores. The grass is super green, like the way it looks in old pictures. A fighter jet flies very close over us. It does a cool flip trick and I give it a salute. The fighter jet drops two bombs down near us. They sit there a second before exploding. It doesn't hurt, but I feel the heat rapidly go up. I say "I love you, S" and then die.

      Updated 03-09-2023 at 05:30 PM by 99808 (Title might have been a bit too dark.)

      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable