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    1. #85 - Unexpected lucid

      by , 04-21-2015 at 11:20 PM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      I think I'll just term these 'UL' for future reference so I don't write 'omg another unexpected lucid'... The reason these are unexpected is because I haven't done ANYTHING for lucid dreaming in quite a while and I've been really fatigued by lack of sleep because my sleeping patterns gone all weird lately too.

      Dream - UL
      I'm running through the town I come from, it's night time and everything is pretty dark... I run past the bus stop and I jump around a bit in a sort of 'parkour' way. Something just clicks in my mind and I realize I'm dreaming, this time I immediately realize that I need to stabilize since these UL's tend to fade really quickly. I try a few things as I run forward a bit more towards a narrow pathway leading up into the bushes, this pathway is particularly dark. First I'm clapping my hands together, the impact causes the dream to sharpen a bit more, I'm shouting 'stabilize' over and over, I can hear my voice properly (usually if I'm about to wake up this isn't the case) but it's not working properly... After a total 10-15 seconds I fade out into wakefulness. I lie there still and feel the dream coming closer again in a WILD, but I can't quite grasp it.

      Not too sure why I've had a sudden increase in spontaneous lucid dreams but I don't think it's a bad thing
    2. #43 - my 4th lucid dream

      by , 10-31-2014 at 03:10 AM (The Oneironaut's Odyssey)
      Black: Non-dream
      Blue: Non-lucid
      Red: Lucid

      I decided the night before to relax and give lucid dreaming a break while I sorted out some stuff on my plate, I didn't want to overwhelm myself and kill my interest in lucid dreaming. Coincidentally I had my fourth lucid dream. I went to bed at about 2am, and I woke up 3ish hours later. I went toilet and had a drink of water from the tap, then went back to bed. As I was going back to sleep I decided I'd do some very short SSILD cycles, I did one cycle and then proceeded back to my usual day dreaming. Then 5 minutes later I did it again. I did this again another 5 minutes later, each time bringing myself back to an aware state of mind and not really with the intention of getting lucid. This probably is the reason why I got lucid.

      Dream 1 - Halloween
      I vaguely remember this dream, something about walking down the street, me and my friends go into a house and I decide I'd better go get some candy from the supermarket to give to kids that come for Halloween. I go outside and my friends are gone or something.

      Dream 2 - Graveyard Lucid Dream
      I was running around at night in a cemetery, being a rebel or something... The night passed by and I came back the following day, it's a nice and bright beautiful sunny day. I start free-running around the tombstones like Altair or something, jumping and climbing some huge grave pillars and stuff. I see a grave embedded in a wall of dirt about 2-3 metres tall, I run towards it planning on running up it and jumping on top of the ledge. I fail, and hang from the ledge lazily with one arm a few feet above the ground. I look at the tombstone in front of me now, it reads "102-312AD". This strikes as pretty weird. I let go of the ledge and land on the ground, I think to myself "Hmmm, is this a dream? Pffft.. It MUST be a dream, I'm in a friggin graveyard. But... is it?". I challenge myself to fly in order to test if it is a dream, and BOOM, I soar through the air like a pro, once again flying at the start of my lucid dream, like I've done in every single one I've ever had . I land on the ledge of a large 50m tall tomb. I had felt some strong tingling sensations from the wind as I was flying, I decide that it'd be a good idea to connect to the dream and stabilize as much as I can now that I'm lucid. I touch the wall of the tombstone, it's made from conglomerate rock. I notice the dream starts fading regardless of my attempts to stabilize, I start rubbing my hands together to stabilize, but the sensation is a bit dulled now. The dream fades away, but I can still feel the sensation of rubbing my hands together. I think to myself "I just need to open my eyes and see the dream world" but nope, I needed to lie still and do a DEILD if I wanted to regain the dream. Goofed. I screwed it up and lost the dream completely.

      I'm starting to understand how I should approach these situations a lot better now, after all it's only my 4th lucid, I'm not expecting myself to be an expert .
    3. the escape.

      by , 05-20-2014 at 11:02 AM
      ok, im brand new to this and have been dreaming better each day and just starting to remeber my dreams, i remember this one about half way through, here it is. its sort of like i was traing day and night with other people to get into some sort of squad but no one new that 5 people would go missing every night as they though that they where being deported, but what was acctually happening was them being gasses.. then a week later it was my turn to be 'deported' as they said. but i figured out and ran, i managed to get out of the site, using skills i never new i had, it almost felt like i was in control like it was happening, then i got a motorbike and escaped and realised the tracker on it so i ditched it in the ocean and went on foot, (this is all future time) i then started to see creatures about like giant bees, and some reason seals with giant teeth, it was like a fantasy land, as if we were not allowed to see, it. in my mind i had a voice telling me wat these creatures were and if they were dangerous, then i saw my gf sitting on an island, she said she was waiting. then she kissed me, after that she stroaked a giant bee, and before i new it and before she did, it had stung me, then i got knocked out from the sting. i woke up and my gf was gone and i was on the island in the same place and saw the city on the other side of the ocean, so i swam fast, i mean really fast to realise it was. i then got to the city and wen to a party i went to in real life 2 days ago. after that i was on my own, on the look out for people trying to catch me. then i realised i can hide my life and steal everything in order to survive. then i scaled a building, and then my dream went to third person and eneded..... i then woke up with a nose bleed. wierd right, what type of dream is this, and why. i liked it. it took me a few moments after to realise it was a dream.
    4. Passive Parkour

      by , 01-20-2011 at 01:53 AM (Alone With my Mind)
      Big Man, Small Town (lucid)
      I had exited a building, finding myself on a concrete field of nothing. I turned around, and the building is gone. I did a reality check and became lucid, but then the dream suddenly destabilizes. I rub my hands and try to observe the details of the nothing around me, and I see a city in the distance. I realize I have several tasks to do before the month is done. I decided to ignore the LPTC tasks and the DreamCatcher tasks, because they seemed to challenging for me right now. I settled on trying to do TOTM, but I couldn't seem to get a thunderstorm to come by, so I decided to do the Advanced task. I filled in the space in front of me with obstacles and ledges to free run on, as parkour could get me more focused. I swing around the bars and fly across the large gaps that my mind had auto-created, and I came across a busy city. It brought back nostalgic memories of when I lived in the city up in LA. I couldn't bring myself to grow 10 times larger for some reason, so another thought popped into my head.

      I walked away back to the concrete nothingness and simply spun around. When I focused again, the city was about the size of a sheet of paper. I trampled on it, leaving only a small area which looked like water behind. I dived into the city and it became normal sized again, and I landed in a pool.
      I seemed to lose most of my lucidity, as I realized all my friends were staring at me underneath some shading. Jenny and my brother had pistols and were running into my house, but they were caught and arrested. I climbed out of the pool too, and a pistol fell out of my back pocket, and I got caught too, but all I had to do was go inside my house. I checked the kitchen counter and noticed my brother's work was on there, with scribbles of "I shouldn't ever point a gun anywhere again." I wrote something on that paper and walked into my bedroom to go to sleep.

      I wake up, and realize, 'I'm still dreaming!' I run into the kitchen and my brother and my mom were discussing some sort of research topic. "Wanna hear what I'm researching, Mike?" "I already know, whatever, I gotta go!" I burst out the garage door and sprint down the street, trying to tear open a portal to get to somewhere. I dodge the cars and start yelling out location names while trying to rip open the air with my hands. "Apocalypse ship for 2012! Uh... Halo 3's Last Mission! No... Pyramids! A-" My mom stops me, "Hey! You're not dreaming anymore! You're wide awake!" "No, I'm-" "AWAKE!" she interrupts. "Really... Oh." I walk into one of the alleys in the street and I notice the moon is freakin huge on the horizon. I turn around and a man with a pigeon resting on his shoulder is muttering to himself. "It is pretty beautiful... It'll be even more amazing when the two moons combine... heh..." "Wha..?" I ask. "Look behind you." I turn around and there is a second smaller moon rising in front of the first one.

      Updated 01-21-2011 at 03:42 AM by 36383

      lucid , task of the month