Title is in regards to the lucid. Went to sleep at 11:45, a little later than usual because my brother's explosive fart startled me awake as I was drifting off. Also, happy Mother's Day! Dream #1 (Fragment; Non-Lucid) Spoiler for self-harm: I don't remember why, but I cut up both my arms from my shoulders to my wrists. After I "came to," I was shocked at my stupidity. How was I going to hide this from my mom? I think I spent the rest of the dream wearing a jacket and praying she wouldn't notice the cut peeking out from under the sleeve. Dream #2 (Non-Lucid) I was in J and L's car. Their mom was driving us to the school so they could sign up for something called "NASSER." [We're learning about him in history but in the dream it was just some program.] I was thinking about joining as well until I realized it was a cheering thing. Eventually the plot changed and I was going to a bunch of side characters' houses (that's actually how I thought of them in the dream). I knocked on one door and a young, straight couple answered. I stared at the man's face, making sure I recognized him. He smiled awkwardly down at where I was, for some reason, crouching. "Uh, do we know you?" "Yes!" I exclaimed. "I'm the one who came to your doorstep crying earlier, like this!" I mimicked a wailing sound, hoping it would be more funny than weird. Not sure if that event actually happened or if it was a false memory. Either way, it seemed to jog their memory, and they let me in. I sat down at their table and watched them. The gf was scolding the guy for not taking care of their little cat-child. [Not a neko-person—a literal cat, which was somehow their child.] He held up his hands and tried to laugh it off. Some time later, a bunch of weird battles happened. We'd get in a giant heart-shaped balloon and fight other balloon-creatures. It was pretty cool, but eventually we got overpowered and had to flee. A bonafide car-chase ensued, complete with suave spy music and everything. A keychain was sticking out from the napkin holder, and the dad pulled it out, revealing his cat-child! "Oh, thank God, thank goodness, [gf's name]..." Apparently she had put it there. It nuzzled against his fingers and we continued driving. We passed by a giant Mr. Krabs in his own balloon, and I wanted to fight, even though I knew it wasn't a good idea. We got out and into our giant heart-balloon, and I started to have regrets... Then I woke up. ——— It was 5:30, which was pretty distressing for me since I usually wake up for the first time at 3:00-4:00. I jotted down some quick dream notes but didn't fall asleep till after my 6:15 alarm went off. ——— Dream #3 (Lucid): I was dropped off at my school, I guess for orientation or something. These two blond girls got out of the car in front of me, one with the appearance of a 1st grader, the other a 5th grader. I think they were supposed to be freshmen. The older one took the little one's hands and said sympathetically, "[Name], I'm so sorry that you won't be having as many dreams now that school is starting." The little one responded solemnly, "No, [name], I'm sorry that you won't be a natural lucid dreamer anymore." That's not how it works, why would she say that? I didn't think it with words, but it's how I felt. The OG looked troubled and dropped her hands. I was excited to hear people talking about lucid dreaming, so I kept my eyes on them as we walked toward the school. The OG was still talking about it and doing a series of reality checks. I was a bit surprised she knew about/performed them despite being a natural LDer. Uncharacteristically, I approached them in the middle of their conversation. "Do you wanna know the best reality check?" The LG stared up at me with a neutral expression, but the OG jolted away and shrieked in disgust. "Get away, don't touch me!!" I wasn't touching her in the first place but I backed up, thinking, What's her problem? I tried to play off my wounded ego by continuing: "Okay, okay, gosh... but do you really not want to know?" It didn't seem like she did, and she still looked disgusted, but she said, "Fine. What is it?" "The nose plug RC! You just plug your nose and try to breathe through it." For a few seconds she just looked at me with an inexplicable expression. Finally, she said slowly, "I've tried that in a dream before. It didn't work." "Oh, really? Ahahaha, okay..." Now I felt stupid. "I've also had some failed RCs, they were all finger-through-palm ones, though... Anyway, I've only had 15 LDs so far but I think it's really cool that you're a natural! Okay, bye!" I turned to flee, but the school doors were right in front of us, so I held them open (with some difficulty) for the two girls. When I turned around, though, they were gone. This big brawny kid was trying to get in, but I practically looked through him, croaking out pathetic sounds of confusion. Then I had a false awakening. As I often do, I was thinking about the dream without knowing it was a dream yet. Sitting up, I thought, I should've added that if the nose-plug doesn't work at first, you could try moving your tongue so that only the tip is touching the roof of your mouth. [I wonder if this would actually help...] Eventually I realized it was just a dream and I needed to do an RC now. A weird wave-feeling rushed through my head; I assumed it was the excitement of possibly being lucid, and that one could wake up from it if they weren't careful. I plugged my nose and breathed. Nothing happened at first, but when I paid really close attention, it did seem like a little air was getting through. I couldn't believe it! I was really dreaming! Okay, I should make the floor light up as I walk, even if dream control is harder in FAs... should I try to find an unusual pet instead? I considered my options as I climbed down from my bed, but as soon as my feet touched the floor, HALF OF MY VISION WENT AWAY!!! The left half this time! I tried to ignore it and walk out of the room, but in a matter of seconds the scene dissolved and I was awake, my eyes trained upwards. ——— This is the third time this has happened... I can only assume that I'm opening one eye in real life. It doesn't happen all the time, though... maybe only when I'm nearing the end of a dream. It was 7:20 when I finished writing, but I went back to sleep because I could. ——— Dream #4 (Non-Lucid): My memories of this dream are pretty fragmented, but I understand the gist of it. I was with J in my neighborhood, and we were trying to get to school. She had a map but couldn't read it. Eventually I noticed that not only was she holding it upside down, but it wasn't a map to the school in the first place! "Isn't that a world map?" I asked, laughing. I don't remember her response, but she gave up and we started walking. I noticed a wrestler-looking guy trailing behind us and took J behind a fence. As expected, he found us. I stepped in front of J and demanded to know why he was following us. "Do you know The Phoenix?" he grumbled menacingly. I had no idea who that was, but just to mess with him I said, "Do you mean... THE Phoenix?!" "SO YOU DO KNOW!" he roared, and the ground exploded, a wrestling ring rising up from the earth and surrounding us. I thought it was hilarious, until a flying tiger jumped into the ring. Then I grabbed J and ran, leaving them to fight each other. Later the main character became a girl who was sharing a lucid dream with her friend. There was a whole backstory I don't remember, but at one point she was watching these AoT characters reel in a broken piece of the dock from a bay? I don't know what was going on anymore, but it was pretty epic in the dream. Then she woke up, did DEILD by forming a glowing golden ball in her hands and absorbing it into her chest. She did this multiple times, but I don't remember any other specific breaks. Now she was in a port city and had a DC friend who was both jealous and money-grubbing. The MC could form giant metal Mecha suits of armor around herself and used it to fight evil. She was able to incorporate the DC friend into the armor as well, but chose not to this one time. For the rest of the dream the DC friend was being a sulky brat about it, until the MC sat down in my house's kitchen, waiting to wake up. She was using a voice recorder, intending to bring it back to the real world to see what the transition between sleep and waking sounded like. Other people were also able to hear through it. It was here that she half-became me, and the DC friend became my friend A. She was dressed in her handmade black dress and was teary-eyed. "A, why are you crying? Just because I didn't include you in one fight? It's not like it'll always-" Something cut me off, not sure what. "What do you even want?" She pouted at me, before saying, "...You." "What?!" I yelled. "A! You know we're being recorded right now?!" I shoved the recorder in her face. "You're too cheesy—stop saying things that can be misunderstood!" She burst into tears. "I don't care! I just want you to love me again!" I had no idea what she was talking about, and before I could figure out how to placate her, I woke up for real at 9:45. ——— This entry is probably of lower quality compared to my others, my brain isn't working today. Oh, but the day after my chain of semi-lucids, I had a semi-semi-lucid where I successfully managed to teleport! Nice Here are some pics of the dream scenes: (That flower is so annoying, it's on every other page.)
Okay, so the first half of last night was fairly disappointing. I awoke from a nice dream and started going over it in my head, still tired. Somewhere along the way I got the impression that I had recorded the dream in my phone rather than DJ so I didn't need to write it down, and now I don't remember it at all ;v; Don't worry though, it gets better. Dream #1 (Fragment, Non-Lucid): I was in my ESS classroom, in a miserable mood and maybe trying to take a nap. I talked to this guy named Jason and turned an assignment in. It was pretty vivid so it's a shame I don't remember anything else. Dream #2 (Non-Lucid): First thing I remember is that there was some random family in my house—a father, mother, and little boy. The mom in particular was very vivid to me. She was skinny, wearing an off-the-shoulder dress, with freckles splattered all across her shoulders and face. Her dirty-blond hair was tied in a half-up, half-down style, and she had a freaky smile and wide-open reddish eyes. [Now that I'm awake, her appearance reminds me of a character named Roselia from the most recent chapter of King's Maker.] I did not like her. They were talking about something gross, don't remember the particulars, when the little boy asked what would happen if the dad died. He responded that the mom would have to get pregnant to one of his two older brothers (one of which was Sunny from OMORI)?! The mom didn't say anything, just cuddled up to her husband and smiled her creepy smile, nodding at everything he said. I was so disgusted that I ran away screaming. They chased me, and I fumbled to unlock the front door. As soon as I was out, I got dizzy and the plotline was forgotten. My vision wasn't aligning properly with where I was looking and I could barely move my body. It was like trying to play a PC game that needs a mouse with your keyboard touchpad. The door was ajar and I worried that Nile (dog) would escape, so I tried really hard to turn around and adjust my vision. I managed to do it, just in time to see Nile dash out of the house. I attempted to pounce on him, but my arms just flapped pathetically in his direction. A moment later a tigress followed; she was very overprotective of Nile. I had recovered just enough to grab her by the scruff, although unlike last time I could not muster the strength to grab her face and shove her back in. [In the dream I knew this had happened twice before, but now I think they were false memories rather than previous dreams or a replay of events.] She struggled against me, demanding that I let her go. I thought she might bite me, but I was not very scared. In the most confident and authoritarian voice I could muster, I said, "[Name]! Did you not learn anything from the previous two times?! You running out to find him just overcomplicates things! My mother and I are perfectly capable of finding him ourselves, so stop freaking out. Why do you always insist on making a nuisance of yourself?" I actually managed to convince her, and she went back inside. Then my mom came out and yelled at me for letting Nile escape. I told her that my vision wasn't that good right now. Ms. F [math teacher] was in the back and implied that I had the same eye-related disease that she did [she's colorblind in real life but in the dream it was something much more serious]. I interrupted her and said, "No, it's just something that makes me dizzy from time to time, it's already going away." And it was. I could see and move properly now. I was uncomfortable because I didn't want my mom to freak out or interrogate me, so when she started asking a question I ran off to find Nile. I don't think the dizziness happened again, but I felt extremely tired and had to stop in the middle of the road. There was a young boy nearby and I wondered what would happen if I fainted in front of him. I started thinking about naps and a Wikipedia-esque hologram appeared, listing off the different types of naps. There was "a light nap," "a good, refreshing nap," "an overextended nap," maybe a couple others, and "an Endless Nap." (Far in the back of my mind I was reminded of an OMORI fan-song called Endless Dreaming.) They all had descriptions and that one's was something like, "A slumber with no conclusion; a lifetime doomed to interminable rest." I thought, So like a coma? An alternative definition was, "A student sleeping through exam day. They sleep through test after test, hyperbolically deemed a series of endless naps." I eventually turned back to my house and saw my mom beckoning Nile with a treat, him running to meet her. I woke up after that. ——— I woke up some minutes before my 6:15 alarm and wrote down my dream. I didn't have to go to school in the morning because the freshmen were taking some test, so I wrote down my dream and tried to do WILD. It took over an hour to fall back asleep, but it was not for naught! ——— Dream #3 (Lucid): I had a false awakening in my bed and heard my dad playing with Nile downstairs. It seemed to be a really intense game and I could hear Nile hyperventilating from how much he was exerting himself. I was a bit concerned about his health, but figured it was fine since he's a dog. (I was also disappointed that my WILD attempt had failed and wanted to try again.) When my dad finished playing, he came up to my room (even though I had been hoping he wouldn't) and tried to wake me up. I told him that I didn't have school this morning and he left dejectedly, saying something about how the house was so quiet and lonely. Even in the dream I knew it was out of character for him, and was thinking about the ruckus he had been making with Nile not five minutes ago. I looked at my clock and saw it was 10:01. Oh no, I thought, I was supposed to meet J at the library at 10:00 today [true]! Better hurry. I climbed down from my bunk bed and went to my drawer. There was what seemed to be a really horrible Miku costume on the ground, and I wondered if my mom had made it. It was extremely small and discolored, made out of some gross wrinkly material, so there was no way anyone could wear it. Then I opened my drawer and saw a bunch of frilly, flamboyant clothing that I would never wear. I felt threatened, but only for a moment. I considered the possibility that my mom had replaced all my clothes because she wanted me to wear these instead. But it was still strange, so I decided to do a reality check. The first one, finger-through-palm, didn't work. Then I tried the nose-plug RC, and it also didn't work, but I kept trying. Something was not right about this. After a full five seconds of paying close attention, my breath shakily started coming through! "Yes!" I smiled and wondered if it had taken so long because I was exhaling in real life until that point, and was relieved that my intense inhaling hadn't roused me. I was pretty clear-headed and remembered my goals immediately. I looked at my open bedroom door and tried to summon a dream guide. A faint shadow appeared to walk in, but it wasn't efficient enough. I imagined someone behind me, hands on my shoulders, but it just gave me a sensation of warmth. I sighed and moved to leave the room, nearly bumping into a young lady, 21-ish, if I had to guess). I looked her over. She had light-pink skin and oddly realistic—as opposed to anime—blue eyes rimmed in eyeshadow. There were black dots on her upper cheeks and nose, but they weren't freckles; maybe makeup or something alien. She had a small, smirking, red-painted mouth and a pink bun with two tassel hairpins going through it. She was wearing a colorful, kimono-like dress, maybe sandals too, and her nails were dyed a deeper pink than her skin. A little dumbfounded, I asked, "Are you my dream guide?" "Is that what you really want?" she responded, and I wasn't sure what to say. Then she ran past me and jumped out the window. "Hey, wait!" I yelled, rushing to the window, being careful to avoid the glass shards. She was already on the ground running away. It did not really occur to me to chase her, and I went downstairs. My brothers were home, playing video games. I briefly wondered why since they didn't have off this morning, but didn't think too hard about it. They were judging me for some reason, I could tell. Then I stepped into the living room and BAM, half my vision went away just like in my ten-second lucid. It wasn't quite as unstable as that time, though. I rubbed my hands together, and although the sensation was vivid, it wasn't doing much. So I held a hand over my blind eye (it didn't look like I was staring into darkness, but rather a wall of skin), and some of my vision came back, but it was extremely distorted. I tried everything to stabilize it! Focused on smell, all I smelled was air; focused on sound, my brother was playing a shooting game on a tablet, which helped a bit I think. I stomped my feet and listened to the thuds, and yelled, "One of you talk to me!" to which my dad responded from behind. (Don't remember with what.) I thought about closing my eyes and trying to teleport but was worried that when I opened them I'd be awake (like last time). I guess I could've spun around or fallen backward, but I didn't think of it. Alas, despite my best efforts, my surroundings were gradually replaced with that of my bed. I was awake. ——— It was 8:40 when I woke up. This will be the last entry in my current (physical) dream journal, since I've run out of space. That's something of an achievement, to fill up a DJ, right? And this LD is a nice way to end it off Here are some quick sketches of the dream scenes:
FINALLY a lucidity-related dream after more than a week! Went to sleep at 11:30 as usual. Dream #1 (Non-Lucid): I was swimming against an AI version of myself, not in a pool but in a flooded sidewalk-moat around my neighborhood. I think there was another AI watching us from the sidelines. AI-Me slowed down to compute something and I actually put in effort to win, swimming as hard as my tired body could and feeling the ache in my muscles. Eventually I reached the finish line (the parking lot in front of S's house) and celebrated with a little victory dance and whooping. I was well aware that it was out of character for me. The two AI bots watched in an almost friendly manner. Next thing I knew I was walking toward my house with S, when a ton of bees appeared in our path. I drew a chalk-shield like in The Secret of Kells to keep them out and took S in the opposite direction. But then a bunch of flying white worms appeared in our path, and this time S was scared. I hooked them under my arm and flew away, straight through the worms, but they were whimpering and squirming and freaking out so I said, "Can you calm down? I know what I'm doing, look," and showed them a decoy worm that I was apparently using to deceive the real ones. S finally relaxed and I looked around for a safe place to hide. We touched down at the gap between S's house and another, and I was thinking, Ah, this is where that dream tree is at, probably a safe place to be. [I've had two dreams about a magical tree in this area and I am SO MIFFED THAT I DIDN'T BECOME LUCID FROM THIS THOUGHT.] There were a bunch of people practicing gymnastics on either side of us and it made me a little uneasy. "Why are they doing gymnastics this late at night...?" I wondered aloud, but decided to brush off the feeling and dragged S to the group on our left. A coach came over and amiably challenged me, asking doubtfully whether I could do gymnastics or not. I played along, saying, "Of course I can, I was enrolled in gymnastics for two years when I was four years old, you know!" [I was actually around six or seven, just said four to make it sillier.] Then I turned to a girl named Avery who did swim team with me a long time ago and said, "Avery, we used to do cartwheels and handstands and stuff together on swim team, right?" She said, "Yeah, at swim team." "Oh yeah, 'at.'" [Even now I'm confused about which is correct...] Then I attempted a front walkover, telling them it had been years so as to lower expectations, and fell on my butt. They praised me for getting the first part right. I pumped myself up, getting back into position and telling someone to move because "I got a good feeling about this one." But as soon as I said that the good feeling went away and I regretted it. I managed to do a successful, albeit wobbly, front walkover and was a bit disappointed, but figured it was fine since they couldn't be expecting much anyway. They applauded me just as they did the first time and we all got along from that point forward, except for S. While I took pictures of the group, S sulked in a corner by themselves. I'm pretty sure this was a false memory, but I had the sense that this had happened before and I had gone back in time (as I do in some of my dreams). I told S to join us and they made it in for the last couple photographs. I said to them, "I'm relieved, because in the previous timeline I was looking at these pictures and found it unfortunate that you weren't in any of them." ——— I actually don't know when this dream occurred because I kept waking up without writing it down, instead going over it in my head so that I would remember. This led to at least two dreams of recording it in my dream journal, and when I sat up to write it down at 8:30-ish I was annoyed that they hadn't been real. I was mad at myself for not trying harder to perform WILD during the night, frustrated that I hadn't had a lucid dream for a while. I was still a little tired, so I decided to give it one more go. I lay down and repeated "do a reality check" over and over in my head, trying to relax my body. Eventually some auditory hypnagogia kicked in, one of which was my brother's voice chanting along with me. My daydreams started to gain a life of their own, and I followed them, dropping the RC mantra and instead focusing on the fact that they were dreams. Dream #2 (Lucid Daydream+Lucid): In one of these daydreams, a bunch of people were sitting on a bed having a meeting of some sort. I focused on one guy and could sort of feel what he was feeling, but not really. In another, I was standing next to three or four teens and threw a rock in front of us. It changed into a boulder midair and flew into the sky. One kid had a camera and snapped a pic—I think he was a reporter of some sort. I flew in front of his camera and boasted, "Hahaha, you know why that's possible? Because this is a dream!" He or the maybe-nonexistent fourth kid mumbled, "And what are we supposed to do about that...?" Another said fearfully, "Is it like ChatGPT?!" [lmao] And the one farthest left asked, "Does that mean none of this matters?" "Of course not," I assured him. "It's still part of my mind and I can come back whenever I want (once I have the ability). All my dreams are one universe and that universe is just as real to my brain as reality itself, okay?" Then I left, thinking to myself, Perhaps DCs' eyes should turn gold once they become lucid... but then so many would have the same eye color, and what about those with naturally golden eyes? Maybe they'll be naturally lucid as well... Hmm, maybe the eyes can be either black or gold? Ah, whatever. I climbed the trunk of a tree in front of my house, like I was just clinging onto the trunk with my legs and arms. It was at this point that I felt ready to "actively enter the dream," and focused on touching the bark with my fingers... 'lo and behold, it worked! I had successfully entered my dream body and could now see and feel the tree as if it were real life. But I don't think my brain had properly formed the size of the trunk, because it kept changing and wobbling. I tried to adjust it, but I wasn't sure how big it should be either. [The problem was that if it was too big it would be unrealistic for me to be wrapped around it, but in real life it's a pretty big tree so I was confused.] I tried to stabilize the dream by focusing on sensations, making noises, paying attention to visuals, but I could feel it falling apart. I couldn't drop off the tree or make any sudden movements because I knew I would immediately wake up. Soon it was like my vision split in half, and a couple seconds later the trunk turned into my blanket. I realized my eyes were open in real life. I quickly closed them, seeing nothing but blackness. My body was numb, but I was sure I could move it if I wanted to. I tried to summon up the image of the tree again, and it kinda worked, booting up like a weird simulation, but it wasn't clear enough and I wasn't tired enough so I gave up. Well, I'm just glad I managed to have another lucid, no matter how short it was Here's a pic of the tree: