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    1. 16-07-27 Mine Escape, Making Out With Lara Croft

      by , 07-27-2016 at 02:45 PM
      My earliest memory is in what I think was some kind of mine. I think I was supposed to work there. There was a man I had to work with (he was also forced), a tall, buff black man. At some point I was hiding behind a rock, doing something. Maybe I had found something, or was planning something - I don't remember. Either way, a supervisor caught me, but I managed to talk my way out of it. I told him a story involving my partner, and led the supervisor to him. When we got to him, I wordlessly made it clear he had to corroborate my story and play ball. I also recall hiding something in the mine cart my partner was working with? This was still in the previous cavern, before I got caught. Anyway, at some point I was swinging on a rope by a wall - and I could see the supervisor looking at me from a balcony. Suddenly, his expression changed completely. It was as if color drained from his face, and he looked like he was seething with anger, but somehow remained emotionless at the same time. I realized the he must have found out I'd betrayed him. He stepped backwards, and disappeared. I used the rope to leap at a ledge across an artificial pool of water (the rope was above the water, roughly between the balcony and the ledge), but didn't go far enough, missed and plunged into the water below. I think most buildings and structures around me were made of wood. At some point I recall looking at a corridor adjacent to the balcony, and seeing a bunch of henchmen (and possibly supervisors) walking hurriedly towards something. I knew they were mobilizing to catch me. Now for the *ahem*, fun part. At some point I was back on land (I'd climbed out of the water). I think I was seated on the ground, leaning against a wall. Lara Croft (the "Rise of the Tomb Raider" one) was in my arms, making out with me. Which was a lot of fun. At some point she suddenly had strange-looking makeup on, which I didn't like (kissing a girl who wears thick lipstick disgusts me a little). I also tried kissing her bare boobies, but she didn't like that. Oh, well.

      I have vague memories of a general store, and some weird/creepy stuff happening.
    2. [23-05-2015]

      by , 05-23-2015 at 05:29 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was inside an abandoned secret research facility. It was dark and quiet. The darkness was somehow sinister and overwhelming, but there were a few lit areas. I had a sawed-off shotgun in my hands and I was ready to shoot. I walked down the corridor, getting closer to a corner.

      I sneaked closer to the corner, and jumped from behind it. It seemed that I entered a room with cells for live specimens. There was a bit rotten human body of a girl, lying in a puddle of dried out blood. I came closer to examine the body, but suddenly it has awakened.

      The undead girl scratched me with her claws a few times, but I managed to shoot her head off with one shotgun blast. I went into a dark corridor again, and stumbled upon an object I couldn't see. I dropped the shotgun, and ran, afraid of monsters.

      Out of a corridor I ran into a dark street. My mother and two sisters appeared, and we just went through the sinister, overwhelming and somehow heavy darkness. We were worried as we had no reflective bands. I took a phone out of my pocket and tried to lit the way, but mother told me to lit the area behind us.

      We walked straight a dark road, into a small city. Suddenly a police officer appeared and talked with my relatives about a punishment for not having a reflective band. I covered behind a car standing nearby, but he somehow sensed my presence and called me out.

      When I came closer to him, I teleported back into of the research facility. I tried to find that corridor again, but I ran into another undead girl that killed me. I changed into a disembodied spectator. I watched scientists getting eaten by creatures similar to shamblers from Quake game. I watched it from a distance, and couldn't move my body, just stand and watch. Once I took the perspective of a monster eating a scientist alive. Then my vision turned red.

      I got teleported again. I watched Lara Croft from Tomb Raider series running up the stairs in the facility. I moved closer to her, and suddenly she stopped and looked back, as if she was looking at me. She seemed somehow familiar, I realised that she is a girl I knew.
    3. Monday, August 16, 2010

      by , 08-16-2010 at 07:05 PM (LiveInTheDream's DJ v2.5)
      I'm actually kind of glad I didn't go lucid last night. I probably would have done something other than go through this totally awesome dream I had. It was super vivid and realistic...I seriously felt like I was there. And honestly, I might have been just a tad bit aware that I was dreaming, due to the car thing...but I'll just tell you what happened now.

      It was a pretty normal day...to begin with. I had one of my video jobs to do that day, and it required a team of people driving from place to place all day long. We had it all organized and figured out, though, so it wasn't stressful or anything; just another thing to have to do for the day.

      The first three film locations were easy and went smoothly. I got all the footage I needed, and everybody did what they were supposed to and did it well. We stopped back at the hotel we were staying in for lunch and planned out the remainder of the day--still normal. But when we were about to leave again, I went to the bathroom and on my way out discovered that everyone had left without me! I gathered up all my equipment as fast as possible and tried to run after the car, but they were already way too far off to hear me call, and it was impossible to run while carrying all that stuff.

      Fortunately, a friend was driving by just then and he stopped to ask if I needed a ride. I got in his car (which was unnaturally small, and which I observed without gaining full lucidity, if any) and he took me where I needed to go. However, once at this final location, things would go anything but as planned...

      I caught up with my team by nightfall. They were gathered in a dark alley, all of them evidently very scared.

      "What the heck was that!?" I shouted. "Why did you guys just leave me back there with all the..."

      "SHHH!!!" They all replied desperately.

      Then I saw what their problem was. A few feet away from me, out of the pitch blackness, a light turned on, and I heard the familiar sound of a Geth. Within moments, a million other similar lights turned on all around us, the same sound of communication echoed through the walls, and we knew we'd be dead in a few moments if we didn't get the heck out of there.

      "Hey! In here!" I heard one of my team members shout.

      We all turned around to see him at an elevator on the outside of one of the buildings. We got in as fast as was possible and rode it to the top floor, hoping to escape. But on our way up, we heard the chilling roar of a zombie, and soon witnessed several jumping down onto the glass roof of the elevator. Fortunately they were not too bright, and when they collided with it, they simply were thrown off from impact...but there were more where they came from.

      We got to the roof and instantly looked for a door to get us inside and away from harm. We found one, but halfway there, I stopped everyone.

      "No." I said. "We have to finish this!"

      I clamped together the tripod legs on the camera I was carrying and tightened the camera itself so that it wouldn't budge from its position. It was a metal camera, and I figured it would make a great club.

      "We can take them."

      My friends got the point and hurriedly threw together some makeshift weapons. Then we waited. Before long, zombies and Geth and headcrabs and other such creatures began climbing up the side of the building and trying to attack us. With a loud war cry, I swung the camera and tripod through the air, doing a spin move, and landed the camera right on the head of a zombie. It was thrown back over the side of the building and burst into pieces when it hit the ground (it was probably an 80-story fall).

      It was a huge battle. We had to stop each and every creature from climbing onto the roof, or if they made it all the way up, we had to knock them off the edge immediately. My group and I were doing well, but it was only a few of us against millions of them. Even with my camera-club (which was by far the best weapon we had) and crazy attack moves we were slowly being pushed back.

      I hurled my whole body against an oncoming zombie and threw him over the edge. The effort made me stumble and land on my knees right on the edge of the building just as another zombie was reaching up to pull himself to the top. I remember his face...skin totally white and rotted from death. His hands and arms had no skin left, just a bloody mess of muscles and bones. As I sat and watched this monster approach me, I thought for sure he would grab me and throw me over the edge before I would have a chance to do anything about it. And then...

      The Indiana Jones theme began to play as the man himself burst out of the door behind us and start pulling off awesome moves with his whip and gun. Shortly after that, Lara Croft, Luke Skywalker, and Jake Sully (in his Avatar) showed up, too! We had a chance now, and with my renewed hope, I grabbed the face of the zombie with my bare left hand, ignoring how disgusting it was, and then bashed it in with the butt of my tripod. The creature screamed and then fell, defeated.

      After that, the fight was an easy victory. The last thing I remember is peering over the edge and looking at all the bodies in piles below...

      and then I woke up. But here's a funny little sidenote: all the moves I did in the dream with the tripod I can now do IRL! Hmm...
    4. #13. Third Person Narration

      by , 06-14-2010 at 03:44 AM (Things to Run Away From Really Fast)
      Game. Tree. Spy. Babysitting.

      It feels like I might be playing a video game. There are two characters: the main character is following a mentor archtype through a forest filled with ruins and caves leading deep below the surface. I'm not sure if I'm the mentor or the MC; I might be both. We're searching for a series of gemstones or charms, consulting witches on the way. On some level, I know the MC won't go for the mentor's final goal. It's far too diabolical.

      There are something like four dimensional levels of this tree, and we're exploring them all. I recall at least two characters (though I'm sure there were more): the theoretical expert, and the practical one. Again, I think I'm both characters. Somehow, climbing the tree leads to different dimensional gateways, though I don't remember where they were all located. Dimensions below the surface still had branches and a fall that would probably kill you. I remember that TE is very well protected via anchors and harnesses and carabiners, presumably because the various dimensions can be so disorienting. I remember being the TE, and being left on one of the explored levels, then being the PE and actually exploring a deeper one. When we get to the final level, we find another gateway. We go back to the surface to recoup.

      Spying is involved. A guy of about my age may have information that our organization desperately needs. Me and another female friend get ourselves invited to... watch movies or something in a group. We're sitting in a basement on a bunch of couches. Then everything is flooding. I stay behind to grab all of my things that are scattered below the water (seems to be my swimming stuff and a coil-bound notebook containing instructions). An older man, maybe the other guy's dad, is back for me, scolding me for not evacuating and leaving my stuff behind - is it really worth my life? Considering how incriminating that notebook is, it very well could be.

      I think I'm found out later, anyway.

      "If we're babysitting tonight, why are we here in the morning?" Apparently the parents don't actually need us until 9PM. I resolve to put the brats to bed VERY early, and enjoy the party in the meantime.

      Third Person Narration. Scare Factor: 2. It's annoying for dream recall.