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    1. cccxc. The dark entity and waking up post-apocalypse

      by , 06-24-2022 at 01:52 PM
      2022 May 31st

      Dream (DFLN):

      I'm in Netherstorm, in Outland. It is an entirely dream-generated version of it but thematically consistent. I think about how it looks different with "the revamp" and I see people talk about it on a chat too. I go down a long path on a floating island with a downwards tilt, which seems to get steeper. The path curves around and goes into a cavernous area. There's an artificial pit that goes deep into the void and there's a presence here, who speaks. The structure in the pit here is very much like something right out of Icecrown Citadel, just sort of inverse.

      There's an ominous feel, though I do not feel worried myself. I think we discuss something about the world. Eventually, I leave, back up the same path.

      Then, I wake up as a white woman, in a bed in a room that's somewhat exposed to the outside. Some kind of global event has taken place that froze the vast majority of people in the world, who then, like me, wake up seven years later. I find out by talking to someone I think that all of us who had this happen, have become undead. More is explained to me (but I lost recall of it) and there's something about a king Henry. At several points, I question this a little, because I can't really tell that we are undead at all. And eventually my body is different/changes again. (but I don't realise while dreaming)

      Eventually, wandering the streets of this city, I come upon a group of people. They're beyond a wall slightly shorter than I am tall, but the wall also isn't that short (dream weirdness); the group of people is chanting as a group and they all look like cultist hobos. I pass through the wall like a ghost and they are surprised, and then I start shaking a pepper grinder ritualistically and they become very frightful of me and what I'm doing. I walk slowly towards them, and I comment out loud, almost laughing, "this is superstitious non-sense!" and they eventually run away in complete fear.

      Just nearby in this small street, which could be Japanese for how tight it is and some of the styling/layout, I meet Patrick Stewart by the entrance to a house. Patrick seems annoyed by what I did, but is apparently not holding it against me. We talk about something. I get the impression that he is not undead like me.


      - Writing this nearly a month later, the visuals are still pretty good, fairly memorable dream.

      - I made a sketch of the ICC pit shortly after having had this dream.

      - The undeath seemed to be like that which happens in the Souls universe.
    2. cccii. Ice asteroid field, Strange ravine in Minecraft

      by , 07-15-2021 at 06:17 PM
      13th July 2021


      In space, Freelancer setting. I'm in a beautiful looking system, but fairly simple and generic. One white star? An ice asteroid field in the distance which I think I'm approaching. I'm with someone else, who's in a different ship, maybe T? Or an NPC like Juni. We're sneaking or getting away from something and we're taking unmapped/unknown travel routes, the type pirates and bounty hunters and freelancers use. This dream might have been from when my alarm went off, I don't remember resetting it.


      Some interactions with other people. There's a context of survival and maybe one of servitude too (slavery? maybe not though). Most of this dream takes place in an indoors setting and it's daytime outside. There's an overcast characteristic to lighting. I recall some bit where I'm helping someone, they pass me a long-ish cardboard box which doesn't look so strong. As I take hold of it, it's bottom half sort of drops off from the upper lid section. A glass or metal thing drops out, it sounds like glass smashing.

      It's an electron valve or something? But I don't remember looking. The person that was passing me the box, a lady, gets upset with me, but we quickly get over it and we do something else.

      (recall gap?)

      Now I'm on Minecraft. I've just spawned in a new world. It's an unusual ravine locale. I am near and sort of under a 5x5 pillar and then I look around and up. The pillar goes up, a hundred or so blocks, as do other similar ones in the ravine area. Over this pillar is a railroad track laid on top of oak planks going from one side of the chasm to the other.

      The natural stone pillar has decorative stone bricks at the corners in a semi-random fashion and the other pillars are similar. The chasm or ravine is longer than it is wide but seems to mostly be rectangular. I don't recall noticing any ore at all. For some reason, I just fly up and look around. On the rail track, minecarts are going around. They have loot chests on them and I quickly inspect contents as they go past. They seem reasonably OK.

      I think there's another track that runs carts in the opposite direction, just nearby. To either end of the chasm, in terms of longitude, there are these sort of old West mineshaft entrances, which half look like a barn or house. They are built into the natural rock walls. My dream knowledge of the area makes it feel like a classic DOOM map, like actually behind the stone walls there's nothing, as if they are just set dressing.

      I go into one of these mine entrances and it has more loot chests which I inspect. I hear zombies nearby, but ignore them. Then I feel like I hear our doorbell but I start going into a dark stairwell made with oak plank stair blocks. On some level I start to question the reality of this and wake up and ask H if the doorbell had really rang, but no.


      - The Freelancer dream was nice even if a lot of recall went. I always enjoy those dreams because of the way space always looks more realistic than the game did but it still looks more fantastic than space would actually look like anyway. The system was a bit like some Sigma or Tau systems but "felt" closer to core systems.
      -- The dream plot was a generic story/campaign plot, as far as I can recall. I don't recall what my ship was like.

      - I think I haven't had lucid thoughts very much until that dream where the doorbell noise manifested. Notably, the dream entry that follows for the 15th also had a lucidity cue.

      - I would like to think about the symbolism of situation surrounding the smashing object in the second fragment but a bit too tired to think about it, hopefully come back to it at some point.
    3. cclvii. City of cathedrals, Investigation, Concrete sewers and undead rabbits

      by , 04-23-2021 at 09:57 PM
      23rd April 2021


      I'm in a city, with H or maybe a friend, possibly a dream character. It's built out of full-sized cathedrals which in turn also basically make up a lot of the surrounding landscape. Either way, I'm on a public footpath of some kind and with a non-conscious impression of being somewhere quite high up. There are many other people around, I remember seeing people going in either direction with backpacks on.

      The public path is built on top and as part of some cathedrals' rooves, which are partially flat. These bits have sections of tempered and thick (more than an inch) stained glass that allow pedestrians to walk over them and see inside the cathedrals that are below them.

      (recall gap)

      Something about a police investigation? I'm helping investigating or something.


      A concrete room underground. Related to sewers or some similar water processing facility? It's wet and there's some very deep water, which I can't see into very well but I'm not trying to look. There are platforms, this room has a feel of being like some kind of puzzle or challenge room.

      At some point, I'm now in the water. In the water, there are dozens or perhaps hundreds of undead and rotting rabbits. Their fur is green and patchy. The visible flesh is a pale violet or purple. The ones that have eyes, possibly glow. The undead rabbits swim mindlessly at the surface of the water. The water does not look unclean, despite their presence. In fact, it's kind of clear, even if I can't see very far into it.

      The room has a cold and dim light or ambience.


      Spoiler for Notes spoilered to keep DJ entry less lengthy:

      Updated 04-23-2021 at 09:58 PM by 95293 (grammar)

      dream fragment , side notes , non-lucid
    4. clxxvi. Leading ghouls and having base destroyed, Facing an ettin and dying; reincarnation

      by , 10-10-2020 at 12:25 PM
      5th October 2020


      Dream about Warcraft 3 and some special game mode where you would get cash injections every so often, instead of being able to mine gold. You also started out with a single worker.

      I think I was playing this with my siblings, but it was mixed in with reality and the locations were based on my old town?

      I was playing as Undead and got some groups of ghouls going after having made some basic buildings (a ziggurat or two and a necropolis?). I went out from the base, leading the ghouls, mix of myself and a hero unit. At some point while away from the base, another player showed up at the base and destroyed mostly everything. I remember trying to get the acolyte worker away.

      7th October 2020


      - Bit in a dark hallway. Expected Diablo to be at the end. Instead there was an ettin. There were other creatures on the way there. Died at the end.
      - Reincarnated? Somewhere else after that.
      - BL items with modified look.
      - Going around with a group of other people who were also reincarnates, I am surprised about having memories of my past life (direct memory of the previous dream sections). In the dream, I think of posting about this on DV.
      - At the end of the dream, something about a group masturbation event with the rest of the reincarnates? We were surrounding a naked black man who was in his room. He was posing for us.
    5. cxxiii.

      by , 07-25-2020 at 06:00 PM
      21st May

      Bits from one or two dreams? Didn't make notes in the morning, was too tired.

      Dream Fragment:

      I was in a desert or barren canyon type of place. I was driving some kind of motorbike, called the "MotorBeast" or something to that effect. I remember accelerating with my right hand and making note of the extremely loud roar from the exhaust. I did some acrobatics or was in some high speed sequence?

      Next thing I remember, different place, but related in some way. There was a dream character, he was simultaneously my teacher and an avatar of Anubis. But we had to fight and so he was like a boss of some sort. I remember chasing him through this dark and ancient Egyptian temple/crypt place. There was a dark red tint to everything and even though daylight broke through the ceiling in certain parts, it was still dark, like the exposure made dark places appear brighter but bright places appear much darker.

      I remember the character taunted me from behind a half wall and pillars. I couldn't reach him but shot him with a Torgue grenade launcher set to sticky mode. I remember the feeling of holding the weapon with only my right hand and the feeling of pointing it. It felt intuitive, but in retrospect it seemed far too light for what it was. After emptying my clip, the explosives went off in sequence, causing him heavy damage. He was nearly dead (I knew through some interface display?) but he was able to run very fast through a narrow hall crowded with unknown dream characters, which were his minions. I believe they looked like mummies.

      Eventually I caught up to him, finding him in a small room around a corner, where he was using some kind of self-bandaging ability (like in WoW). I tried shooting him to interrupt it, but I think something happened right after I did that, and the dream ended.

      - The bit where the Anubis character ran away at high speed when on low health now reminds me that some boss in Killing Floor did something similar.
      - The Torgue weapon was notable because I'd recently been playing BL3 and I always loved the Torgue shotguns in BL2; it should have been a somewhat obvious dream-sign here since it was somewhat out of place in the rest of the dream's context.
      - Though I didn't think of this at the time of this dream, I now feel as though there is a bit of a link between the motorbike and the Torgue gun since those guns are typically modelled after big engines and the like. The dream felt more randomly put together at the time but I feel like I could unpick it better now in terms of contextual/schematic associations.
    6. [09-02-2018]

      by , 02-09-2018 at 07:00 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Narrow escape

      I was some woods. The weather was extremely foggy, all the trees in the forest had no leaves and it was cold, probably a mid-autumn day. It was a deciduous forest composed mostly of beech and hornbeam trees. I was there with a group of people, we were trying to get inside a rundown shed. I thought that it was a horrible idea to seek shelter in that ruin, but I wasn't exactly sure if that was our goal. We were attacked by undead, a group of zombies ran at us and we had to fight them. We had only knives at our disposal but backing up each other we managed to defend ourselves. Curiously, the undead attacked only a moving person. Undead seemed somewhat oblivious of my presence. Suddenly a carriage appeared behind us and several trees disappeared, opening a path to leave the forest. I jumped up on it with two other travellers that weren't a part of our group. Two knights, they were arguing. One called another a cancer. We drove out of the forest.

      Game Engine Test

      I launched a game engine and appeared on a test level as a game character. It was dark, but thinking about how I should've disabled several broken effects I brought back lights. The room I was in was covered with shiny metal plates. Suddenly the engine test turned into "Half-Life" game. I received a crossbow and sneaked around, trying to shoot down alien grunts.


      I was at some party and was about to leave. All the people were formally dressed. I've met several people I haven't seen in a long while, one of my pals asked me if I had time to help her with something. I thought "As usual...", and said that I won't be able to help her this time. I left the entry hall and moved to another room, where I met my old teacher. She asked me something which I couldn't quite make out, she seemed really angry. "Excuse me, what?" - I asked, she smiled and said that I've made a lot of progress since the last time we met.
    7. [06-02-2017: Undead settlement, Fragmented dream]

      by , 02-06-2017 at 11:36 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Undead settlement

      I was driving through a countryside, on a forest road. I was driving with my pal in his car, it was a red painted sports car. It was a road surrounded by trees and going up to some fields. My pal was controlling the car, though at first he didn't do anything and I had to rescue us from incoming truck, then reminded him that he is driving. We passed by some old buildings, both waving goodbye to ghosts living there. We continued on the road until something pulled us off to the fields and our car got an extension like combine harvester. We drove through wheat fields, harvesting everything. The cut wheat grain landed in a nearby tall farmhouse with a windmill-tower. After we drove through whole wheat the car broke and people left farmhouse. I recall a young, blonde woman with long hair in a white dress. There were other people, angry for the wheat. We said sorry and asked if they couldn't repair our car, but they wanted a lot of money for the wheat first. Seeing that this won't do, I decided to leave and wandered out to a hill behind the farmhouse. It was getting dark, I reached ruins of a village. I knocked to doors of a house that looked inhabited and a corpse of woman opened them. Upon seeing me, she said that I should see a corpse named Pendalion, living in a place close to where my parents lie. I continued trudging between old and creepy houses until I reached another inhabited area. There were some guardians there that immediately rushed to attack me as soon as they saw me. Somehow I opened up a command console and used a "set_fight 0" command to stop them, then entered one of houses. There was another corpse woman in long, brown robe. There was a little box with name over her head "Henande". I saw some strange, small machinery powered by deep blue crystal. She said that it's her project of "resotrative crystal". I left the house and met guardians again. I used console command again, but more of them appeared. They started fighting between each other and those that won let me pass. I took stuff of the fallen and went back to previous part of village. It was dusk, I opened some big arched doors and a intriguing tune started playing somewhere in the background. I entered some ruined palace, through another big doors I entered some great dining hall. Glasses with alcohols were still on a table. I saw some fireplace and sat down beside it.

      Fragmented dream

      This one was highly annoying, I dreamt that I was lying in bed, having troubles with sleeping, and fragments of dreams coming time after time. First "dream" was that some two fat and suspicious women were invited to our house by one of our friends. I seen them take some stuff, so i outright warned them that I'll call police should they take some of my stuff. They didn't cared. We all moved to streets to meet with pal and his family, when suddenly those fat women called thugs with knives. With sister we ran back to house, calling police immediately. We reached our backyard where we warned father and then grabbed anythig we could defend ourselves with. Sister took some shovel, father had an axe and I took a pickaxe. People gathered on our backyard, fath women came with thugs. I replaced pickaxe with some enormous pitchfork and started fighting with them. Then I woke up in my bed and "tried to fall asleep" again. After a while I found myself in some cliffside mansion made of white marble. I went through it and found myself at my backyard, it was an evening, just after rain. I went to the backside of my house and behind barn I saw fields of mushrooms going on all along the horizon. Some of them were the size of younger trees. Again bed fragment. Then I saw a fragment in which I shot from a tank, rockets breaking into fireworks as they flied. Next I was lying in my bed, it was dark all around. I thought about lucid dreaming, but that idea seemed curiously boring at the time. Then I found myself at some military station built on a swamp, going to barracks to take my clothes as it was a free day next day.
    8. [11-05-2016]

      by , 05-11-2016 at 03:09 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)

      I recall several nightmare fragments. I was sneaking around abandoned and haunted buildings, dark corridoors infested with undead. I was defenseless, trying to stealthily follow a wraith in blood-red cloak.


      It was in some kind of a ruined fortress filled with undead monstrosities. With group of other people I tried to battle my way through trenches and reach a lair of a hag. Skeletons were shooting with their bows from afar, trying to kill us. Avoiding their arrows, I've run up the trenches and up a hill to fortress' entrance. I tried to destroy a force field surrounding a hag sleeping in her bed, but I couldn't break through.

      Suddenly I found myself in a dark room with few dudes from my class. They were grinning strangely. I had a weird thought that it's a lucid dream, what's more - a multiple one.

      Then I was back at the fortress, fighting my way to a hut of a sage where I found a rod that shot with blue, spiral beam. I used it to destroy the force field and kill the hag.
    9. [06-03-2016]

      by , 03-06-2016 at 10:29 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was laying in my bed and watching tv. I tried to find anything interesting and I found an animated movie about a goblin fighting undead like skeletons, our skeletons with metal bones. He fought with a war hammer.
    10. [03-03-2016]

      by , 03-03-2016 at 06:26 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)

      I was in my backyard. Father took our cat out of garage and told me to drive somewhere with him. I was the driver.

      MILD - shapeshifting, bonus TotM

      I was in a forest with some DC's and my dog. It was dark and cold winter night. We were escaping from some kind of danger. We ran until we got closer to a mansion of some kind. It reminded me my neighbors house. We climbed up a huge rock just in time. A group of rotting undead attacked us. I knew that owner of the mansion set them free to kill us and take my dog. There was only one way of escape - electricity lines just above the rock. I slid down on the cable to courtyard, and ran the hell out of there. I realised that I'm in my home town, close to neighbors house. I looked back and saw my dog playing with wolves.

      I decided to run away along the street. I thought that I should run quicker. I realised that it's a dream. Everything became more detailed and vivid. Time has changed, it was no longer a cold and dark winter night, but rather a bright and warm summer day. I ran into a huge farm complex that had enormous wheat fields, mechanics workshops, garages with tractors and combine harvesters and huge warehouses. There were many DCs walking around I though about a girl from my class, and she appeared nearby. I told her that it's a dream, and rushed inside one of the combines - a big, red combine harvester. She did the same. We drove around the complex smashing everything on our way, all while I was telling about possibilities that lucid dreams give. I drove into a dead end, where I couldn't drive back nor any further. I left the machine and ran back to garages and fields. I though about bike, and found one nearby. It had modifications that allowed using it at fields. I tried riding it, but I couldn't hold my balance. I left it and ran back to combine harvesters, but before I took another one, I recalled a bonus ToTM. I moved my left hand back, thinking about creating fire. Suddenly I felt a strong pain going quickly from fingers up my hand. Everything went black, I still felt the pain, but I could move my body. I moved back my right hand and though about creating ice. I felt really strong frostbite coming from fingers up my hand. I managed to stay lucid (spoiler).

      Spoiler for Shapeshifting:
    11. [26-01-2016]

      by , 01-26-2016 at 05:06 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was a knight. I was in ruins of a huge settlement. Everything was burning, there were clouds of smoke and ash and I could smell sulphur. I took full plate armor and a steel mace, and rushed into action. There were many foul demons to smite down, zombies and other kinds of undead monstrosities. I moved carefully through burning houses and ruined buildings, chasing all the enemies until I cleared my path to dark dungeon. Inside the evil lessened until I reached a big chamber full of demonspawn. During my travel I learned many skills and improved my mace fighting.
    12. Hag and undead fish

      by , 08-18-2015 at 02:44 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was in a backyard of my house. I saw a weird old woman that my older sister called a hag before, holding bag full of skeletons and dead fish bodies. She was emptying it. I thought that I should take some skeletons to my aquarium, and came closer to skeletons. Suddenly one of them started to move, and then fly. I was escaping from a flying fish skeleton.
      non-lucid , nightmare
    13. Escaping from undead

      by , 07-31-2015 at 10:14 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was a wizard, escaping from undead armies led by a fearsome necromancer. Many times it nearly catched me, though I fooled it by sending some troops as a distraction. When I thought that I finally found a safe place - abandoned ruins, the necromancer jumped out from behind the corner.
    14. [23-05-2015]

      by , 05-23-2015 at 05:29 PM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      I was inside an abandoned secret research facility. It was dark and quiet. The darkness was somehow sinister and overwhelming, but there were a few lit areas. I had a sawed-off shotgun in my hands and I was ready to shoot. I walked down the corridor, getting closer to a corner.

      I sneaked closer to the corner, and jumped from behind it. It seemed that I entered a room with cells for live specimens. There was a bit rotten human body of a girl, lying in a puddle of dried out blood. I came closer to examine the body, but suddenly it has awakened.

      The undead girl scratched me with her claws a few times, but I managed to shoot her head off with one shotgun blast. I went into a dark corridor again, and stumbled upon an object I couldn't see. I dropped the shotgun, and ran, afraid of monsters.

      Out of a corridor I ran into a dark street. My mother and two sisters appeared, and we just went through the sinister, overwhelming and somehow heavy darkness. We were worried as we had no reflective bands. I took a phone out of my pocket and tried to lit the way, but mother told me to lit the area behind us.

      We walked straight a dark road, into a small city. Suddenly a police officer appeared and talked with my relatives about a punishment for not having a reflective band. I covered behind a car standing nearby, but he somehow sensed my presence and called me out.

      When I came closer to him, I teleported back into of the research facility. I tried to find that corridor again, but I ran into another undead girl that killed me. I changed into a disembodied spectator. I watched scientists getting eaten by creatures similar to shamblers from Quake game. I watched it from a distance, and couldn't move my body, just stand and watch. Once I took the perspective of a monster eating a scientist alive. Then my vision turned red.

      I got teleported again. I watched Lara Croft from Tomb Raider series running up the stairs in the facility. I moved closer to her, and suddenly she stopped and looked back, as if she was looking at me. She seemed somehow familiar, I realised that she is a girl I knew.
    15. [04-05-2015]

      by , 05-04-2015 at 08:52 AM (Snehk's Dreamlands)
      Meeting of wizards

      I was standing on top of a platform, high above the ground. I was a powerful necromancer, meeting with a conjurer and elementalist.

      Running away from the police

      I went out of my home. I walked for a while, and found myself in an industrial street from VIII century. Suddenly I saw a minimap on the left bottom corner of my vision, and a star indicating that police is looking for me.

      I decided to run away. I saw that they already surrounded the area. The policemen were wearing blue uniforms with strange hats. As I ran away, they shot at me. Luckily none of their shots were succesfull. I saw an old Ford car, but decided to leave it there.

      Running towards an alley leading into slums, I found a gun lying on the ground, and took it. It was getting dark. I ran towards junkyard, and found a shelter that one of the homeless built before his death. I've hiddent there, preparing for a sudden attack.

      Suddenly I saw someone coming. He was wearing black suit, and holding a suitcase full of money. When I looked at him, text saying "russian drug dealer" appeared above his head. I panicked and shot at him, but somehow the bullet haven't hit him.

      Luckily, he just ignored me. After a short while of waiting, a soldier jumped on a parachute and landed close to me. He told me that he is a great general, and that if I want to live, I must accept his offer. He told me that I'm going to be a "Head Director Paladin".

      Dark Lord

      With group of my teachers we went inside some kind of crypt, buried underneath the school. It was dark inside, and there were many skeletons lying on the ground. Suddenly I recalled that I was there before, fighting with the undead. There were skeletons with huge swords, cloaked skeletons summoning other undead, and the dark lord himself.

      The dark lord was a skeleton, surrounded by field of strong, pale blue energy. Despite having no tissue or skin, it had long, dark curly hair. Trying to survive the encounter, I fought every way possible. I ran towards small chamber, leaving most of the undead on a corridor. They had to run towards the chamber, which let me fight them one by one.

      I took a huge sword out of my backpack, and slashed my way out. There was only the dark lord left. I knew that this particular undead is too strong to kill it with a mere sword. I focused and cast a "destroy undead" spell. Then my vision returned back to the school.

      I told teachers that I was there before, but none of them listened to me. They just wanted to take any valuables from there, and seal it from the world. I estimated that all the junk they took was worth two thousand dollars.

      When they went away to sell it, I entered the crypt. Suddenly I traveled back in time, and saw that it was a school cloakroom before. I looked around, and between closets I saw a girl sitting on a bench. She went out a while later.

      I looked again, and saw that there were some cats running around. I realised that the horror had something to do with the cats. Suddenly a horrifying music started to play. For a long time I chased those cats and freed them. When there were only two of them, a weird man appeared.

      It was an old, bald man with long, white beard. He was wearing grey suit. I took another cat, and went closer to him. He was holding a carving knife, and there was a cat sitting on the table. I asked "What's with this knife?" And the man stabbed the cat to death.

      This angered me. I let the cat that I was holding before go away. I found a cleaver lying nearby. I made a long, horrifying howl and threwn it at the man. It made an arc and hit him in the foot, cutting it in half. The man started to scream in pain.

      Then I realised, that I was responsible for all the foul ongoings there, as truly I was the Dark Lord.

      FA - in home

      I was sitting in an armchair. It was dark. I looked around and saw that my relatives were sitting nearby, and looking at me. Suddenly I heard a phone ringing. I took the phone - it belonged to my younger sister, and went back to my relatives. I gave the phone to my sister.
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