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    1. First Entry: An Old Dream

      by , 11-11-2013 at 06:16 AM
      My first journal entry and I actually have no new dreams to report. I guess I've been complaining so much about wanting a break from dream recall that my subconscious actually gave me a break. I've been dreaming but it's fuzzy when I wake up.
      I know that sounds a little arrogant doesn't it? Complaining about dream recall. I apologize. I know most people on here WANT to remember their dreams. I've been remembering mine every night since I can remember so a night without remembering them would be a godsend. Most of them are very action/monsters/aliens/fighting so they can be emotionally exhausting. There have been many nights I've woken up shaking. Even though I may remember my dreams naturally, after reading posts and DJs I realize I haven't done a lot to control my dreams. Super powers yeah, but actually affecting the people and creatures and environment. That is something I've never really focused on. I'll try to start doing that. It might actually help the dream content.

      Since this is my first post though I did want to write about a dream. There are many that have stuck with me for one reason or another, so I wanted to talk about one of those.

      Hmmmm...ok here is a less depressing one.

      I was on a space station, with my choir class of all things. This dream was from at least 5 years ago. There were three species on board and each had its own quarters. There were humans, some human-looking species except they were all breathtakingly beautiful, and an amphibious species (think monster of the deep lagoon, but tall, trim, and sassy.) I was running down one of the corridors and saw one of the amphibians walking my way. I couldn't tell the sex. It was a forest green in color and wearing a neon pink speedo. The reason for this was because, like frogs, their skin secreted a mucus and so they didn't wear clothes, except for neon speedos apparently. Also, if humans touched their skin it would give us a rash so I tried dodging past the sashaying (and literally he/she was working it) amphibian but accidentally bumped arms.

      I fell into a duct and rolled down into a compartment of some sort. I had a little red rash on my arm but no further damage.

      Dream skip.

      The next thing I knew I was in the "gorgeous humanoids" part of the ship. It reminded me of an old English countryside with a big manor, except we were in a ship. (Size is trivial I suppose.) They were all dressed to the nines and having some kind of party. Perhaps a tea party? One of the males caught sight of me and wanted to have me. (A pet? A wife? I couldn't tell.) So the rest of the dream was me trying to get away from him. XD The worst part was my best friend, who was in the dream, had a crush on him. It was a horrible love triangle awkwardness thing with me running from him and he running from my friend. I think back on it now and it was pretty funny.
    2. Wizard of Oz Tornado

      by , 10-27-2012 at 04:04 AM
      Long time ago when I was about 4 or 5 years old as I went to bed after watching the wizard of Oz

      Dreamed that I began to spin wildly and was lifted out through the window of my bedroom. I shook myself awake and told my Mom what had happened. It was scary.
    3. 2/11/12 (First of many kind of old dreams I have decided to submit)

      by , 05-14-2012 at 12:50 AM
      This one is fragmented, mainly because it's from a few months ago, but also because I never recalled the majority of the dream in the first place. I was in a neigborhood that doesn't exist, but seems to be a fusion of the neighborhood I live in now, and one that goes in kind of a circle around a small pond (in the dream the curve was very exaggerated, and the whole dream had a very curvy and off feel to it. Everything was warped far to the left, except my friend and I). So I was with someone I was friends with at the time, and we were just walking around the neighborhood. Something that I do a lot with my friends in waking life. The houses looked very big and expensive (and these houses reminded me of yet another neighborhood that a different friend lives in). In my dream journal, I mentioned something about that dream somehow being related to DreamViews, but I have no clue how. I don't remember such a thing. That's about it. Not very detailed, but I feel like entering some memorable old dreams will stimulate/improve my recall.
    4. Old Dream: Aquatic Hamsters

      by , 09-03-2003 at 03:56 AM
      Sept. 2, 2003:
      I had this dream that my uncle had a fish-tank, only instead of fish there were hamsters swimming around in it. When I asked, "Aren't you worried they're gonna drown?" and he was like "No, they've lived in water all their life, they fell in there when they were babies". Then I dreamed I was in an office doing secretary work. There was some other stuff, but I've forgotten it already.

      Sept. 4, 2003:
      I had a dream, but I don't remember very much. My alarm clock went off and I hit the snooze button. Then I had a very realistic dream that mom called me on my cell phone, and the reception was really really bad, but I woke up halfway through the dream (so I know it was a dream).

      I've had weird dreams, and I haven't been sleeping well... I don't know why I feel so ill but I just can't sleep. I reached that state of overtiredness that isn't caused by a lack of sleep, so much as too much stress. I mean that state where you're actually almost hallucinating, and you're paranoid because you're jumping at stuff that you see out of the corner of your eye, but isn't actually there. And all of the freaky dreams don't help either.

      I mean, aside from the hamster-fishtank dream, I had a dream I was talking with Mom on the cell phone, but I had a nightmare too. I had a dream that I woke up and somebody was standing in my bedroom, but then I dreamed that I fell asleep again, or something. I know there wasn't anybody in my room, for several reasons. The first: my door was locked. I always lock and close my door when I go to sleep. Second, none of my roommates are like 6'3 or 6'4" tall and male. Third, it had that nice, surreal quality that makes you think "Hmm, I'm dreaming."
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