I’m with Melissa and taking Stella to a pool. It feels like the pool at our complex but a little different. It seems we’re approaching it the same way as we really would, but there is no fence. Right away I notice two guys (one in the regular at work, Blair) and their black and white border collie in the water. Stella doesn’t react to it. Now I feel alone or just separate from them. In the pool, which looks like a long oval with a skinny section in the middle that also seems to be a hot tub, I swim and submerge myself. Someone? asks if I’m doing it to get away from everyone. I think to myself that she’s not entirely wrong.
I am with Julia and maybe some others. We’re walking along a rocky creek bed. The rocks are dark gray, smooth, and large enough to create a few feet of space between us and the water below. I end up climbing down to the water. Julia reacts as if I shouldn’t be doing this, but I think it’s fine. I continue further, eventually submerging and then surfacing in a large, circular pool. The walls seem to be stone, though possibly with windows around towards the top, like a cross between a natural space and an aquarium. There are several sea animals swimming in here with me. Jon is here also and I think I jump into the water once or twice. I am walking outside when I pass by someone’s yard. The path seems to go right next to the chain link fence. The yard is fairly large and at a slight incline. There’s a large rock right by the fence; I climb up onto it. There are two dogs here and I am impressed as one climbs onto the steep side of the rock. I’m not sure if the dogs are coming over to be protective, but I end up playing with them. A younger middle aged lesbian couple come out of the house through its back door and start to apologize for the dogs, but I don’t mind at all. I throw a ball for the dogs. I also sense the couple is tired and trying to go to bed.
I’m at a beach with what seems like some of the family. It is definitely a beach on the ocean coast. It looks like Hawaii or the California coast. The sand is long and also very deep, sloping down to reach the water. The waves come in large but not violently. It is dim out but the scene seems to be lit with some glow, maybe twilight or moonlight. I’m in the water now, with Dad and Stella. Stella swims after something - a toy?, not an animal. She dives down quite a ways after it. I’m apprehensive at first but then relax when I see how well she’s doing.
non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP The big news is that it was made a first successful human head transplant and it was made by switching the heads of two persons. My mom tells me this could be good for Riverstone because they can just switch him to a new body. I am wonderding if he'd do it and struggle with the idea of having my head severed and plugged with tubes and being attached to a replacement body. At home with Riverstone and I am butt naked when I spot my dad through the window, bringing someone else with him. I look around for a robe to wear and find nothing. Riverstone is already at the door to open it, so I can't sneak out to my room, because I'd have to come near the door. I have a very long t-shirt and a cardigan in my office, so I put those on. But I am not entirely comfortable as I am wearing no underwear. My dad comes in and finds something strange in my attitude, then I see my uncle Fernando is the person he brought along and I rejoice seeing him as I never got so say goodye when he died. Then I see Rui and I am over the top thrilled. He looks younger and healthier than when I also last saw him and I hug him tight. I ask him to join me outside while my dad and uncle talk. He holds my hand and I take him through a door which instead of taking us outside, takes us into a sequence of surreal rooms and storages, until we get to a small room with victorian decor and a velvet green sofa. We lock the doors on both ends and we kiss and make out sitting on that sofa. But when I stop kissing him for a while, he turns into some girl with black hair. She is cute and all but not whom I was engaged with, so I let her go and leave to the surreal corridor behind the door. I start being chased by a ghost. I can feel it and sometimes even see it as it creates a distortion in the background. I grab a stiletto shoe I see on a shelf and start hitting it when it comes too close. It is invisible but has mass when I hit it. It gives up hiding and appears in a visible form. It is a very big frog and it was just trying to protect something and not attack me. I look behind it and I see what seems like a shop with everything related to frogs. I find it absurd. Then I look around and see now that I am at some huge mall. There are people entering a big supermarket, there is a floor with just cinemas, there are many shops... I don't know what triggers me, but I feel upset with the mindless consumerism that I see, so I raise my hands in the air to destroy some billboard or screen with telekinesis power and I watch people freaking out and panic. I become lucid and know I won't hurt any real people, so I start making everything collapse into dust. Then outside I see other big buildings, cars and machines and I turn them all to dust. I want to experience a world where none of this exists anymore amd soon I am walking around in an idylic paradise. Looks like the garden of Eden, food grows in beautiful gardens full of flowers, lambs lay down in the middle of the flowers, people are sitting everywhere in the grass and around lakes, just enjoying themselves and the sun and beauty of the world. Seems wonderful and after a while also quite boring. Nobody does anything but contemplate. The weather is fantastic, food is provided abundantly, no one has to do anything which is great, but then I think maybe a couple cinemas and other entertainment here and there would not be so bad after all, if people kept a healthy balance. Anyway, I decide to jump to some other random place/dream so I use a puddle of water as a portal. I plunge into it and as I do, I remember some friend had asked me if I had ever swimmed under water in dreams and how it felt, and I think I did but here is a good chance to try again. Instead of coming out on some dry place, I just dwell on this water and swim away. It becomes an ocean and I see corals and sea urchins and I concentrate on the sensations I am feeling, like breathing under water and the sensation of water in my hands as I push it. It does not feel exactly like the real thing. It feels much more like I am actually flying over the water and what I feel around my body is thicker air and not really water. But I plunge deeper and manage to get a more realistic sensation. I even hold my breath to better simulate the experience.
I'm flying over a city but I don't feel happy about it. Notes: I was able to fly because my mind was clear when I went to bed. I'm hunting a business man. He jumps into the water and starts to swim away. I swim faster and I'm able to drag him underwater with me. We exchange some punches but it doesn't hurt. I try to keep him under water as I go up to get more air but he is able to go up too. He has a whistle and starts to blow in it so that a high pitch very loud sound is coming out. I know that I am done for it now but I drag him underwater and struggle with him some more. I am able to breath under water and I almost acknowledge that it's a dream. Notes: My past dreams have had water in them. Either a boat on a sea or just water.
I am on what seems to be a speed boat. The boat also seems very long and flat. We seem to be going rather fast over the open water (the ocean?) We are not too far away from the shore though. There is something about us being on the way to see Dead and Company and/or John Mayer driving the boat. I think about how I’ve seen Dead and Co in the middle of the desert and will now see them out in the middle of water, impressed by this. (I’m envisioning a scene of them set up out in the sand - by Las Vegas? - with no stage or crowd). I’ve been standing on this boat, and there’s a guy standing next to me. I wait until we’ve arrived to strike up conversation. I ask if he’s ever surfed? In an English accent he says ‘just now’ or something similar. Now, I am swimming.
I'm in a big hall with a water pool. There are many other kids there and we have competitions. You are supposed to swim as fast as you can. I am the best. There are some time for free games at the end and the leader asks us what we want to do. I say that I like to swim but that Walter (A small DC that I have never seen before) can get my game request. Tuva N is holding him. I think to myself and regret that I didn't say that we could have a flying competition. I am being more lucid but the dream ends. Notes: I haven't seen Tuva in a long time. I'm walking in the woods with dad and it's dark. We have reach a place where Daniel S and many people I know from church are resting. I start to croon a meme song and as I hum more and more people that are sleeping join me. Everyone is crooning and I am happy. Notes: I have seen Daniel S pretty frequently for the past weeks. I'm on some kind of school trip and we are viewing different things. There is some kind of rank requirement. The worst rank is stingray two and the best is stingray nine. I didn't write down my dreams in my tag book when I woke up this night. I wanted to focus on my homework this day.
Morning of September 8, 2020. Tuesday. Dream #: 19,622-02. Reading time: 4 min 18 sec. I instinctually summon imaginary kinaesthesia to vivify and sustain my dreaming experience. It is crucial to comprehend that this process is not symbolic, interpretable, or influenced by waking life but is a deliberate attempt to become more immersed in my dream. (Summoning imaginary kinaesthesia means instinctually directing the vestibular system ambiguity resulting from the lack of viable discernment of my physical body and its orientation while in dream sleep to favor the inward illusory side of this ambiguity to increase the illusion of movement and momentum. I have indulged in this practice since I was a toddler.) I am also instinctually aware of Zsuzsanna sleeping close to me on my left. As a result, in my dream, she is sitting on my left in what first seems like a small open train but soon becomes a car on a roller coaster. There are no other roller coaster cars or people. (Meanwhile, Zsuzsanna is dreaming of being on a train, intimating we are in the same stage of dreaming, not necessarily transpersonal as it is a fundamental process.) My dream vivifies with realistic movement (correlating with my imaginary physicality) as we ride the roller coaster. I see its unusual structures ahead, but I remain unconcerned, and our ride is smooth. The landscape is similar to that along West Avenue North in La Crosse. I realize that the ride will take us to a resort that features a beach. This factor is an instinctual summoning of melatonin mediation. Water exemplifies the illusory essence and nuances of sleep. (Meanwhile, Zsuzsanna continues in the same dreaming stage. However, in her dream, she remains on the train. Rain starts to come in because of a leak in the roof.) At the unfamiliar resort, the beach is suddenly an indoor feature after the typical indoor-outdoor ambiguity of this dreaming mode begins but favors the indoor factor. It is now more like a big indoor swimming pool. Our oldest son is now with us (even though he did not travel here with us), but he is only about ten years old. (There is no recall of our other four children at this point.) He cheerfully jumps into the water. Several other people are swimming while I sit with my legs hanging over the edge of the pool and sarcastically complain about there being no beach. At this point, because of sustained virtual melatonin mediation, I become aware our son is not resurfacing. I soon see him below the water’s surface and pull him up, and he seems to be unconscious (instinctual awareness I am sleeping). He recovers and complains about a man grabbing him underwater and doing something to his face. Zsuzsanna, our son, and I walk down a hall as I complain about the place and the man who may have hurt our son. A sleep-wake manager (also the manager of the resort) comes to us with another unknown male and states how he removed a small stick from our son’s nose and also intended to bring him up to the surface. Even so, I am annoyed that such a business would allow debris where people are swimming. In the next scene, Zsuzsanna, our son, and I are in a small room with windows encompassing three sides and benches attached to three walls. We watch an unrealistically large shark swimming around, though it does not bump the glass or pose a threat. The height of its head is higher than the windows when it is closest. (This scene was directly influenced by “Underwater” from 2020, though in the movie, it was people watching a giant fictitious oceanic creature through a window. Despite the influence, it correlates with precursory liminality that I informally call wall mediation, instinctual awareness of the concurrent division between imaginary dream space and potential waking space.) At a service counter, I become annoyed when the manager gives us complimentary bowls of ice cream. I knock them to the floor, as I do not want to spend any more time here, and end up leaving on my own with less of my waking-life identity. I climb up the roller coaster and attempt to ride a car back home (mistakenly perceived as Northside La Crosse, where I have not been in waking life since 1994). Even though my dream exponentially vivifies at this point, it also transitions to the emergence side of physicality and kinaesthesia. It now seems I am on a mechanic’s creeper (instead of a roller coaster car) and trying to move through a small wooden tunnel, feet first while on my back. (This type of dream state process occurs when precursory liminality becomes predominant in that I am then liminally aware of my physical body being immobile and beyond my control while sleeping. At this point, I am also instinctually aware of my sleeping position, which is mostly on my back.) I think about the unusual restrictions of the design and consider how men of a bigger size than me could not use the transportation at all. Even so, it seems likely that I will not be able to continue comfortably. I decide to teleport (with only vague myoclonus). I am suddenly in an unknown outdoor location in Northside La Crosse. Two people are present; an unfamiliar man and a woman (quantum model of Zsuzsanna). I tell the man that I teleported here. He seems puzzled and incredulous. I prove it to him by teleporting about six feet to the left of my present position with the sense of quickly blinking and becoming more aware of the dream state’s essence again. He cheerfully holds up his cell phone to film me in a conspiratorial manner, but I turn so that my face is out of range. I cause his cell phone to stop working. The screen cracks, and it displays what looks like an analogue television on an empty channel. I explain that whatever I say happens. I summon somatosensory dynamics (to augment my dream self’s sense of touch), but with big diamonds rather than eggs or coins. I open my hand to reveal an unrealistically large diamond that I give to the man. I tell him it is only worth about $30,000.00. Other diamonds appear in my hand. I give the woman one. In the last scene, she happily approaches me as I am leaving to remind me I had already given her a diamond on a previous day. She opens her hand to show me two large diamonds.
Awake|Dreaming|Lucid I remembered much more when I woke up but ended up doing other things. Now I just remember this. I'm with some people that are friendly. There is water and there is a leader telling us we have two different options. I chose the one that includes swimming so I jump into the water and start swimming. Notes: I remember the feeling of jumping into the water. I swam in the sea with my cousins some days ago, that's why I dreamt this.
Dream 1: I was on a month-long road trip with my brother, around the U.S. Every night, we would stop in a different town and get dinner. In one town, there was a giant party going on, and I saw some guy dancing on the outside edge of a banister on the second story of a strip club before he promptly fell off. Clearly he was drunk, because despite falling 15 feet to the ground, he got right back up and continued dancing. A few nights later, we met up with our parents who were also on a trip. My Mom had decided to invite my ex-girlfriend to go with them. Very awkward, considering I had invited my girlfriend to meet me there. I forgot exactly what had happened, but I don't think there was a giant confrontation. After me and my brother got home, I made a remark about "surviving for an entire month in the wilderness" and he said, "Yeah, except I bought us dinner almost every night." Dream 2 - fragment: In my backyard at my house, we have a new pool. It's huge, and takes up basically the entire yard. There's a hot tub too, however it's half of the total pool area, so it's extremely big for a hot tub.
I am driving with Makayla and have parked in some small, exposed, and slightly elevated lot. The low walls around are tan and look to be adobe or stucco. I am going to go into a store while she waits in the car. This ‘store’ looks antiquated and like it’s from a different country. It’s made of the same material. It has dirt floors and apparently not much else. I am carrying some sort of red, woven material that folds like a windshield sun screen. It seems worn and is slightly torn in the middle. I think I’ll pick up a case of beer while I’m here. I have now ended up out on the street. It’s busier out here and looks like it might be India. I’m looking for somewhere and can’t find it, when I run into Aly. We look at the map on my phone as she tells me directions. It’s right by where I came from, so I’m not sure how I missed it. This area and its few buildings are built into a slight hill. There’s also a fairly large river running besides and under the streets. Brenton is swimming in it. I think Kassidy is here too. I get into the river too. It is wide and seems very deep. It is not exactly clear, but it doesn’t feel or look dirty. It has a fairly strong current and only a few inches between it and the road it flows under. Brenton easily flows with it, but when I get in, the current and small space to pass through almost catch me off guard. I then relax and start floating. The underside of the road looks more like a small cavern. I am now on the other side and start climbing up a dark stone carving of a gargoyle I think. It’s sloped, but I manage to hang on. I then jump off and bounce on the water a few times and never actually go under. Kat comments on it from above.
I am with Melissa at Harry’s house (it doesn’t really look like his house, but it is large and opulent). We’re going to stay the night here. Melissa leans close to me and tells me she wants to take a bath. It does sound nice. I tell her there is a hot tub outside. Rocio now comes over and says that the bath here is not good - that it’s dirty or something (I’m not sure if she heard us or if it was coincidence). I’m now thinking about where we’re going to sleep. There’s a huge tan couch in this room and a large, empty bed in another room. I wonder if we’ll have to sleep separately, but don’t think so. I think I’m going to ask somebody about the sleeping arrangements, but it’s late enough to not really matter because probably no one else will show up here, and everyone who is here will be asleep now or shortly. I do pass a room and see Rocio and Jim Fry sitting in the large, tall bed. Jim is fixing or moving her shirt by her left breast. In another room, Dad and Harry are sitting in a vast bed, both texting. I notice a TV high up on a wall that is turned on. Marilyn is in a wooden chair against a wall a ways back from the TV. She is facing it, but it looks like she might be asleep. Mom is driving me (and maybe also Melissa) to the place where she grew up. This two lane highway leads to a lush and rocky coastal point. I think we go past it and come back or something else unnecessary. We are here now, by some docks and a small building or two. I start swimming. I then pull myself up onto the dock; it’s slightly difficult. Tylar is doing the same and having the same struggle. Now Mom goes into a men’s bathroom after two guys come out of it. I see the women’s bathroom door is closed; this must be why she isn’t using it. I, after waiting a little bit, am about to go use the bathroom, then remember that she went in there. I am with Melissa in what seems to be a building with a very high ceiling. We are climbing up very steep steps/stairs on the side of a huge refrigerator? Others are doing the same thing; we start climbing faster towards the top and are the first to summit. I am now halfway back down, but over the floor, suspended by a rope? There are ready to eat pizzas set out down there. John Blomquist is down there and I’m trying to get him to get a pizza up to me. He doesn’t, and I end up on the ground anyway. We start talking, and he seems a little intoxicated. I imagine things from his state right now. There is a shelf of alcohol here there are little tear shaped bottles of wine with plastic labels over the whole bottle. I see they are 19% alcohol and think it’s a fairly large portion for that ABV.
Awake, Non-lucid dream, Lucid dream, [Commentary made while awake] [For the second lucid in a row, I'm actually aware of the dream beginning, and it begins the same way as the last one - a visual scene emerges out of a blank nothingness, and I focus on it until it expands from a few little circles to fill my entire field of vision. This time,] I'm out in front of a big, old, two-story wooden house where some Toastmasters meetings are going to take place. I go inside to attend them, and some of my real-life Toastmasters friends are there, too. There are also visitors there, whom they are trying to recruit to Toastmasters. While I'm standing around and talking with the group, I demonstrate my ability to fly from the ground floor of the house up to the upstairs balcony. I compare it to "lifting myself by the seat of my pants" [shoutout to Dr. Seuss!] because, I notice on this particular occasion, that's roughly what it feels like when I bring my concentration to bear on the task of actuating that ability. It feels like I'm using my mental concentration to lift myself up from the small of my back and propel myself through the air. I say to the assembled DCs: "I used to be very secretive about my flying, but now I'm very open about it. I think everyone should be able to enjoy it." [And I do.] After the meetings are over, I walk out of the house onto the street, except where one would expect there to be a street, there is instead a big, shallow swimming pool. It is surrounded by tropical plants, and its edges go in a series of curves so that the overall shape of the pool is a big, amoeba-like blob with lots of curving pockets sticking out every which way. I walk around to one side of the pool, sit down on the edge, put my feet in the water, and think: "I wonder if I can change my clothes just by thinking about it?" I close my eyes and concentrate on what I want to happen - namely, I want to be wearing a swimsuit. I can actually feel the swimsuit form around me. When I open my eyes, I'm wearing a tankini with tribal-looking geometric patterns on it in raspberry, burgundy, and many other colors. I exclaim out loud, "Holy $#!*, I did it!" [It was a super cute swimsuit, but certainly not one I would ever choose for myself in real life. Upon reflecting afterwards, I realized that my dream body doesn't have stretch marks - or if it does, they're much less noticeable than they are in real life, since I don't remember noticing them - and it's also less fat than my real one, though not dramatically so.] I notice that the regular clothes I had just been wearing - jeans, button-down shirt and white sneakers - are now floating on the surface of the pool, around me. I get the rest of the way into the pool. There are two other people enjoying the pool, two guys and another woman. I realize that while my swimsuit top has shoulder straps, it also has a part that's supposed to tie together across my back, just at the bottom of my shoulder blades, and it's untied. I approach the woman (the pool is shallow enough to walk in easily) and say, "Trade you ties?" We tie the ties on each other's swimsuits, as I had just requested. She is some type of POC [most likely South Asian? I couldn't say for sure] and very pretty, and her name is Kim. After swimming and lounging around for a bit, the two guys, Kim, and I all get out of the pool, down at the far end of the 'street,' away from the house I had just been in. Another dream character is standing there, a petite, definitely East Asian woman [she reminds me of a younger Agent May from the "Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D." TV series]. She asks me and the two guys to come with her; she is recruiting us for some kind of spy-adventure-type mission. [I have no idea why she ignored Kim completely, but she did.] We follow her, but I turn to say goodbye to Kim, who is now standing on the edge of the pool, as I go. The two guys and I follow Young Agent May into an area that looks like an ancient temple courtyard, all dusty dirt floors and high, light-yellow-tan-colored walls of rough-hewn stone that stand open to the sky. There are lots of wall segments forming corners, but there is a space off to the left that's more than big enough for a dark-brown, equally-roughly-hewn wooden table with two people sitting behind it. This is the check-in desk for the adventure/mission. Young Agent May goes over to check us in, and I look around the courtyard while the two guys start to explore. As I'm looking around, a brochure printed on unbleached brown paper appears in my hand. The title, printed in a curved swoop across the center in big, yellow letters, reads "Dole Presents: Adventures in Dole Whip." [Or something like that. Interestingly enough, I could read the whole thing perfectly fine. I can't remember all of it, but I'll reproduce the text I do remember.] The brochure goes on to say: "This dreamer is about to earn her title! Next Task: Create a tiny, consensually-dressed, applesauce humanoid." There's even an illustration of this little humanoid figure I'm apparently supposed to create out of applesauce. [Don't ask me what "consensually-dressed" is supposed to mean. Presumably "dressed in an outfit of its own choosing," with an undertone of "modestly dressed."] I wake up to the sensation of my left arm being asleep. I've fallen asleep on my left side, something I rarely do. [Cool! New ability! This is the first time I've ever changed my clothing at will. I guess that counts as changing my appearance, although I really meant changing an aspect of my physical body.]
Updated 10-25-2018 at 11:11 AM by 37356
There is a lake, fairly small but very long. The scenery is like that of Frenchmans lake. I am swimming and swimming faster than is humanly possible. I make it to the far side of the lake. There are what seem like the cargo compartments of semi trucks? that I climb on top of. It seems they’re at the end of an ocean? (it seems really calm). It seems to be twilight. I think I’m going to jump into the water.
Dream: I'm on the plant floor at work playing soccer with DR and his kids. We're using tiny yellow balls. I try to put it through DR's legs to no avail. Dream: I enter an outdoor food plaza. The boardwalk is made of wood and so are the stores. I walk past a few places and stop at the burrito store. I was wet and hungry. Without making notice, the outdoor plaza transforms into an indoor plaza, yet still made of sanded wood planks. I get in line and notice a cute girl with red hair and she orders a bag of different things to fill her burrito with. I order a vegan wrap. The girl working the counter had black hair and a down-to-earth attitude. I asked if I could have both asparagus and curry tofu in the burrito. She gave the impression that my request was an inconvenience and that it would get her in trouble with her boss so I told her it wasn't a big deal if she wanted to withhold the asparagus. She was irritated but kept the asparagus on anyways in spite of my consideration. As I got my sandwich I went to say something to the cute, curly, red-headed girl but I was too quiet and she didn't hear me so I pretended like I was coughing because I was nervous. She walked behind me to speak with the cashier and asked if she could have her burrito made there. Now I spoke up (about what I can't remember) and we flirted for a bit. We walked into a seating area with Japanese aesthetic, but before I had the chance to do anything, the chef of the restaurant leaned around the corner and asked someone what the size limit was for recyclable Kombucha bottles. I spoke up and said "2L" although I had no reason to. She thanked me and disappeared behind the wall. Next, myself and the red-head went swimming in many different pools, all which had the Japanese aesthetic. She was running ahead of me so I happily followed her. She would take a dip in the pool and so I did as well. We arrived at, and dived into, a pool which rested near the edge of a cliff. There was a thin layer of fog obscuring the view off the edge, which rolled in between the wooden braces supporting the wooden ceiling. She asked me if I wanted to swim and I agreed. We embraced one another and swam, kicking our feet in synchronicity. She push away from, got out of the pool and playfully gestured for me to chase her. I happily obliged and we left from under the covered pool into the open ones. She dived into a very deep pool, which had a wooden plank on an axis. I leaped for the end of the plank and my weight drove the plank to the bottom of the pool. I noticed there was a man rock-climbing a blue wall in the water. The red-head was swimming gracefully. Suddenly a thick liquid hit me from above in the water. It's black and I assume it's a bird's dropping. I see a bird appear in front of me which I instinctively push away. The black liquid becomes thick and it becomes hard to swim. It spreads down from my hand to my shoulder and here the dream ends... Dream: The dream has a cartoonish, picasso-esque appearance. There is a king, being carried by four men on a litter (man-powered vehicle without wheels). He can only reach his destination so long as he has no apples on his litter. Myself and others are tossing apples onto the litter and the king's servant is eating each one. Eventually the servant becomes exhausted and full, but continues to eat the mass of apples. We've stopped for the night and are sitting around a fire... Dream: I'm walking to a building with the dogs (my friend group) and I notice a group of female lions approaching and I yell to the dogs to climb on top of the building. I get out and I see most of my friends make it. A few get scratches and bite on their legs or arms. BB gets fully bitten in the torso by one lion. We all free him from it and bring him to the roof. His heart was hanging from a gaping hole in his chest and was white and the size of a brussel sprout. My friends are pressuring me to save him. I have no idea how to sow a heart back together and I tell all my screaming friends so. They tell me to just do it so I do. I turn over the tiny white heart, which spurts a misty gas which smells horrible. I put it back in his chest and sew his skin back together. He gets up immediately as though he was never injured... Total Dream Sign Count Inner Awareness = 4 Action = 4 Form = 11 Context = 5 Total LD's/Dream = 0/7 = 0% Please comment and let me know if you think I missed some dream sign classifications in the journal entry! P.S: During the day I remember trying to persuade people not to inconvenience themselves. At work I was doing a time study and the worker told me he needed a weld tech and which point I told him not to worry about it, and that it wouldn't effect the study, but mostly to convey that I didn't really care and he could work without feeling pressured to be efficient. This mirrors the moment with the cashier and the burrito. This is the second dream (not included in my journals) where I have seen my friend BB who was been chomped by some animal on the chest. The first dream, he was crushed by the jaws of a massive crocodile but I was too distraught to do anything but cry. This dream, with the lions, I chose to do something about it.