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    1. More Fragments *sigh*

      by , 11-03-2014 at 06:00 AM
      What's worse: complex nightmare plots, or fragments for weeks? I swear, lately all I've had are fragments. And they are so mundane and boring. For instance, I had one where I was in my kitchen making a cup of coffee. I realized after it already began pouring that I had not put coffee in the filter, so my cup was full of water, and like a moron I still put creamer in it. Then I was annoyed that I had wasted the creamer on a cup of water. Then I threw it out.

      Something about a bathroom?

      Something with an unlikely action...? I don't really remember what it was about. I took care of a situation using violence, it felt comfortable for two seconds, then I thought "This is odd, I've never punched anything in my life..."

      ...something about having broken up with my boyfriend and then asking him for sex advice. Good plan, subconscious. Let's do that.

      I suppose I'll always find something to complain about.
    2. Highest Recall Rate Yet!

      by , 11-03-2014 at 04:14 AM (Sharpshoey's Lucid Journey)
      I woke up a lot of times last night and I was really happy with the recall that I had. I was sure I'd get an LD from all the MILDs I did while going back to sleep, but I'm still happy even though I didn't LD. Maybe it was because I was really tired so I was able to MILD for only like 5 seconds before my mind drifted off.

      Dream 1
      I am in the NFL and I am a superstar running back. I kept on evading tackle after tackle.

      Dream 2
      I am in this house and there are these monster type things going around killing people. There was a scene where a security guard was looking at something, and a monster snuck up behind him and stabbed him. I was standing in a bedroom and someone asked me something and I was sure that I knew who did it, because I was the best detective ever.

      Dream 3
      I was in my teacher's classroom with one of my friends, who isn't in that class IWl. It had something to do with basketball too.

      Dream 4
      I stop my car at a stop sign by my old Elementary School. I am going to Open Gym for Basketball.

      Dream 5
      My mom thought someone stole a red towel that she had, so we all got in the car and drove around looking for it. I saw a house with a red towel hanging out to dry and I thought that was it, but then I saw another house with a red towel. I then realized that all the houses had a red towel hanging out to dry and I was wondering how we were going to figure out which one was ours.

      Dream 6
      I have a bible study at my house because the person who's house we usually go to has something else to do. B pulls up in my driveway in a silver car. The driveway goes right up to my front door, instead of having a sidewalk like IWL. I look around and the house is really messy and disorganized. I make a mental note to apologize when the people come in. I know my mom will be mad because the house is dirty and people are coming over and she doesn't know about it.

      Dream 7
      My mom suddenly knew how to speak Spanish and was teaching me different words and we were having some mini conversations. I had chicken nuggets in the over and I took them out to eat. I was wondering what time I should eat the chicken nuggets at.

      Dream 8
      I am in a class at my school...it's not an actual class I have. There are some people in there from my church who are the kids of the church staff. We get to go home early that day and they have to go directly to church to help clean up and I feel bad for them because that would be a total waste of the rest of the day. I am then in the band room of the middle school I went to. There are pictures and videos of nude people dancing and some of my teachers are in them. I am sickened by the sight of that.

      Dream 9
      I am sitting in a circle of chairs in the library talking about how many computers you should own and which computers are the best.

      Dream 10
      I am outside another kid's house. His neighborhood is a really long street and there are a bunch of houses on each side, with perfectly green lawns. M, E, J, and another kid are having are playing football. E is in a white shirt and it for some reason got soaking wet. She is really hot and I stare at her chest. The other kid is now just in his underwear, and the other's comment on how he always does that. He was looking around for his clothes. I see about four little kids playing football behind my car which is parked in the driveway. I exclaim that I recognize one of the kids from a basketball camp. I then say that we are best friends. I go on my Ipod and look on Instagram, nobody has liked the pictures I've posted and I feel bad about that. I think that my next post should be of me at open gym, but I think that may be a bit stupid and won't get any likes, so I decide not to. I then try to decide if I should get Twitter.
    3. scouting for something in the sky

      by , 11-03-2014 at 03:59 AM
      i had a lucid last night at about 1am went to sleep early... anyway someone i know was there i knew it was his presence at least... i felt like i was scouting for what i dont know in the sky. i got woken up by this dog in my neighborhood so i couldnt finish the dream... i hope i can remedy this problem with the right kind of earplugs for me...
    4. Sophie, Chemical Plant, Lucid

      by , 11-03-2014 at 02:32 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was inside of some kind of building, not really sure where or what it was, and I was with my friend Dylan. I saw a group of girls not far ahead of me, and they were all sitting down just chilling. "Dude lets go talk to these girls" I told Dylan. "What the hell is your problem Cory?" he replied, as if I had just committed some kind of crime. With this I walked up to the girls and sat down next to one of them. "Hey, my name's Cory, hows it going?" I asked. "Pretty good, what about you?" one girl replied. I don't remember the rest of the conversation, but I remember narrowing my conversation down to one girl that I thought was pretty. We ended up talking for a while too. She ended up having to leave to go somewhere, and so did I, but before she left I got her number.
      "Hey, your really cool, give me your number so we can chill later" I said. "Ok, my number is *** *** ****" she replied. I forgot her number obviously, so I couldn't put it in. In the dream though, I didn't get my phone out in time and I ended up not getting her entire number down. "Wait tell me it again, I didn't get all of that" I told her (lolol). Now she had to leave immediately so she did so, and I didn't get her entire number(actually I may have, but I don't remember). She did tell me though that her name was Sophie. Before she left my friend Dylan asked me, "Dude how did you get her number so easily?". Sophie overheard him ask me this and she told him, "Because he's really confident, and at the same time also really chill."
      With this she got up and walked away to catch up with her other girlfriends. Later on throughout the rest of the dream I saw her multiple times, but we would always be busy doing something so we couldn't talk.

      2. I was inside of some sort of indoor party place when all of a sudden something weird happened and I thought to myself, "Wait, that's pretty weird, and that would probably mean this is a dream, oh wait, this is a dream!". With that I became Lucid, but I don't remember anything that I did because I hadn't been caught up with my recall lately.

      3. I was right next to the bottom section of a ditch where all the water was. It was night time and the moon was out. I was just wandering around near the bottom of this ditch when I came up to a fence made of wood and rope. I touched this rope and started messing around with it when I suddenly heard a noise far behind me. I looked back and saw up the ditch(it was like a steep hill) and at the top there was a thick forest. In the forest I could see many flashlights moving around, and I could tell that people were holding them, but I wasn't sure what they were doing.
      Out of no where a loud alarm sounded, "This is an S-2 Emergency, all workers get into safety immediately". I looked around and on the road to the right of the ditch I(which was far away) I saw chemical plant workers in hazmat suits sprinting away from the plant. Directly behind me where the other chemical plant workers had flashlights, there was a safety station with safety equipment. All of the workers were running here to get safety things, so I ran up to the station as well to get myself equipped for whatever was going on.
      Once I got there, I encountered two chemical plant workers. They both got their bag of safety equipment and sprinted into the chemical plant. There was only a few safety equipment bags left, so I grabbed one and sprinted after the workers that were ahead of me. I followed them into the plant, where, once we got inside, we went to the very back of the plant and went into a room. Inside of this plant many things such as walls and huge equipment were glowing a bright neon orange. Many other workers came into the room we were in, and we all just waited.
      Suddenly I heard a popping noise. "Gas, Gas!!" yelled one of the workers ahead of me. Immediately everyone opened up their safety equipment bags and got out a gas mask. I opened mine up as well and got out my gas mask. Quickly a poisonous gas started filling the room. Everyone else already had their gas mask on except for me, I was struggling because I had never put one on before. The gas got to me before I got my mask fully on. I held my breath while I continued trying to put on my mask. Eventually I couldn't hold my breath any longer and I opened up to take a breath and breathed in some of the poisonous gas. I felt a really strong burning sensation in my lungs. Just then, a second later, I got my mask fully on and started to breathe purified air which the mask filtered.
      Now the poisonous gas had filled the entire room, and all of the workers as well as myself stayed in the room and waited, we had no idea where to go. Out of no where I heard the sound of flames spreading extremely fast. We all looked to the main entrance to the room where were waiting in and not far from the door there was 3 workers that looked different from us, and they were all in green hazmat suits with gas masks, one thing sent us all in chaos, they had flamethrowers. These foreign workers walked into the room we were in and started spraying fire everywhere.
      I wasn't about to just stand and watch myself die, so I ran out of the room through a side exit. Once I got out of the room I ran down a corridor and through another room. To my side I could see more green hazmat guys with flamethrowers. I ran through yet another room and suddenly found myself inside of a mall. Everything was peaceful now, I was just in the mall. It wasn't very well lit in this mall either, everything seemed rather dark. I looked ahead and a bit to my left and saw a restroom. I didn't need to go to the restroom, but I walked over to it.
      Once I walked into, I almost immediately encountered a weird guy. "I'm about to scam some people, watch this" he told me. I then stood behind something out of sight and watched him scam this guy as he walked in. This guy was black and his hairline was messed up. "Sir, do you mind if I -blah blah blah-?" he asked. The black man replied, "I know my hairline is messed up, but does that mean that yours isn"t?" (What does that even mean). I decided that I was bored and walked out of the restroom. I continued down the mall and walked into a conference room. I sat down in a chair and a weird man sat down next to me.
      As the conference started, he started touching me. I told him "Dude I'm not gay, get your fucking hands off of me", but he still continued to touch me. I then got up and walked out of the conference room, and he followed me. I started running and then I lost him.
    5. 11/02/2014

      by , 11-03-2014 at 01:43 AM
      At a glance, today’s results seem so lacking after the wonderful thing I went through yesterday. That said, I’m reminding myself that yesterday was likely more a stroke of luck than anything. After how much I’ve slacked on everything lately, today’s results are much more similar to what I should be expecting for the first few days back.

      Just a few scattered dreams. Nothing more. On the bright side, I’m reality checking very often without having to even think much about it. Even at home, which had been hard for me before yesterday’s lucid dream. A little encouragement goes a long way, I suppose.


      I remember nothing about my first dream except that there was some girl, and there was something about pictures of her that were really old. Yeah, that’s it.


      The next dream, oddly enough, had me hanging out with Angry Joe in a very clean-looking living room. There was light colored furniture with a glass coffee table, and lots of lights coming in through large glass windows. Don’t recall what we were doing or talking about.

      Somewhere in the dream it became apparent that I had stopped doing something that was important for me to be doing (no idea what it was). Also somewhere along the line some person who I can’t remember started to make threats against me. Serious threats, though we didn’t seem to take them serious. Nostalgic Critic was there soon after that, and he was trying to figure out why I’d stopped doing my important thing. He theorized that something was stressing me out and keeping me from doing it. He then concluded that the threats I was getting might have been the cause of the stress.

      I find this dream interesting because I feel like it was my mind directly reflecting on how I’d stopped the reality checks and dream journaling, and working itself through whatever stress was causing me to do that. The threats I was receiving I can’t quite figure out, though.

      And I woke up from this one hearing Animals by Maroon 5 in my head.


      In the last dream I was in my grandmother’s house with Willow. We were getting ready for some sort of gathering, and Willow was making food in the kitchen. It’s not clear to me if we were living there or just using the house, but it seems that Maw had passed away. The first part I really remember from it was me coming out of the bathroom and very quickly walking back up the hall into the kitchen with her, because I found the back area of the house incredibly haunting/scary.

      She felt the same and we started to talk about how spooky the house seemed. We talked about how we keep the doors to the back rooms of the house closed and locked at all times ‘cause it makes us feel safer, yet despite the locks we found ourselves constantly feeling anxious that we’d hear one of the doors open. One time during the dream there was some odd noise that Willow thought was one of them opening and it scared her.

      After that convo I went into the room adjacent to the side door and was putting on my boots, and joked with her about how I definitely preferred it when she was between me and the back of the house. She laughed with me, though we both still felt really uneasy.

      We theorized that maybe the house had a slow, sloth-like energy to it that was sapping all the positive and clean energy from the house, which was generating the anxiety we felt. We then debated on if slow energy really would devour “fast” energy, or if it wouldn’t be the other way around.


      Work On:
      –Write down every dream the moment I wake from it. Every time.
      –Dream check more at home. Make it a habit at all places, at all times of the day. Not just at work.

      Current Dream Signs:
      –Amy and Andy’s House (Perhaps Amy and Andy themselves as well? Unsure.)
      –Yylvis, The Fox
    6. Intimidating a pensioner

      by , 11-03-2014 at 01:20 AM
      First dream:

      I am on a night out with pretty much everyone I have ever known. We are in a local nightclub, and I feel bad about ignoring a young woman I work with when she was standing alone. But instead of chatting to her, I leave and head towards a corridor filled with lockers. I put my backpack in a locker (why I took my backpack on a night out, I don't know).

      I head outside into the street where some other people I know are, and I start to get paranoid about my bag. I decide to go back in and check on it, and this is where I became lucid.

      In the locker room, I see an old woman I used to work with until she retired. I never liked her very much. She says something to me, and I decide to respond in gibberish - completely random words - just to see how she reacts. She responds like I said something that made sense, which I found strange.

      I decide to see if I can damage her somehow with my mind, since this is my dream. I advance on her, projecting "malevolent energy", hoping to tear a hole through her.

      It doesn't work. She just backs away and laughs nervously. I decide to turn around and leave before my aggression wakes me up, but I did wake up.

      I performed a WBTB for 10 minutes, then went back to sleep for my second lucid dream.

      Second dream:

      I'm in a similar building, not sure if it is the same one, but it looks alike. For some reason, I am aware that I am starting a masters degree in Fashion, and I am questioning the wisdom of this move.

      I became lucid shortly after this. This is when I saw an attractive woman in the building. I talk to her, then guide her into a private room where we could take things further. There is a single bed in this small, cluttered room, and I tell her to sit down.

      Just as I am about to make my next move, some other woman I know bursts into the room for no apparent reason. So I guide her onto the bed next to the other DC, and just as I am thinking about where to take this next, I wake up.

      Third dream:

      I think I DEILDed straight into a third lucid dream. I am outside in my area at night, and there is a big Halloween party going on in the street. Everyone is drunk. All I did was wander around, lucid, until I woke up again.

      I can't remember if I actually woke up, or if I went straight into a false awakening, because I remember dreaming about waking up in a strange place in public. There was a procession of women in pink walking past me. It was short-lived, and I wasn't even lucid.

      Updated 11-03-2014 at 02:07 AM by 64993

      lucid , false awakening
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