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    1. Just a few deam fragments

      by , 12-19-2014 at 11:39 AM
      All I had were a few fragments again.
    2. Better Off 12/15/14

      by , 12-19-2014 at 07:41 AM
      My subconscious rarely tells me happy love stories. It was interesting though, and there were also moments where we heard each others thoughts.

      My character was not defined, I wasn't precisely myself, but I wasn't a character from the show. My love interest was actor Matt Ryan wearing the guise of John Constantine from the TV series. He wore his trademark white button-up, loosened tie and black slacks. I feel like there was more before this point and I just don't remember. Anyway. Constantine is lying supine on a flat elevated surface, in a barren living room with one large window and dull beige carpet. There are two other people in the house, a man and a woman. We are holed up here while we wait for some threat to descend, they hate John and me by association. The man comes into the room and hovers over John who is clearly unconscious.
      At first he only mutters insults under his breath but soon this abuse escalates to pinches and prods. I rush to his aid, yelling at the man to stop, hastily dropping to my knees beside Constantine's head as he stirs restlessly. He raises his head and shoulders wrongly convincing me that he's conscious. I cradle his head to my folded knees with one hand and grab the man's wrist with the other to stop him, but he proves too strong and wrests himself from my grip. He lands several blows to John's rib cage, growling at him.
      John's eyes snap open, fogged with confusion and enraged by the intrusion. In a moment of fast building tension, the man's aggression begins to peak, incensed by Constantine's own irritation. I know that if he lashes out he'll just regret it. I try turning his attention to me by speaking his name. He doesn't notice and just smacks weakly at his assailant telling him to bugger off. Jesus, he has the accent and everything. It's confusing, John recoils under a rain of shallow strikes, but once John is lucid, it's his acidic remarks that turn the man on his heels.
      "Hey, I'm sorry okay?" The apology turns his focus to me. "I tried to stop him, but he was too strong." I need him to know I wasn't just standing by while someone hurt him. My hair falls in a dark curtain past my shoulder as I lean over him, my palm to his cheek, fingers along his jaw. His expression is unusually...soft, unguarded, like he's not sure he's awake. It startles me because I'm not used to seeing him without his sardonic armor. I realize he has said something to me and I was too busy staring at him to hear it. "What?"
      Why are you looking at me like that? he thinks, saying "Is everything alright?"
      I notice also that one of his eyes is half green and half brown, split vertically. It's extraordinary. "Yes." I say, thinking I've never noticed your eye before...I brush my thumb across his cheekbone, he closes his eyes all the tension easing from his face. I know he would like me to believe that this attraction is one sided so I withdraw my hand and eventually he sits up and I leave him.

      The second part has a little WoW mixed in. There's a complex building, a dark warren of rooms and narrow halls. A young woman in our group was turned by a supposed ally and brought here by a cultist, to cast a spell that would serve the Rising Darkness. I slip into the hallway from the courtyard. The door at the other end stands open and I see one black-robed cultist raising her arms and chanting. In the first room to my left is an Ogre boss that I know I'll have to kill before going into the final room. I turn to fight. It shakes its weapon overhead, enraged at the sight of me. I seriously miscalculated, it wasn't alone and I died horribly, so I had to run back to my corpse like in the game. By the time I returned it was all over.
      The house suddenly feels busy, Constantine comes into the Ogre room through a broken window, followed by Chaz and several others. The daylight shines white behind him, outlining his frame in a glowing aura. His face is what strikes me though, his features are grimly worried and exhausted, with a thin sheen of sweat. His dark eyes glitter in the half light, and I hear his thought clearly. You're better off without me, love.
      But I'm not. I think.
      This has never happened to me before, it is not a sensation I'm familiar with even when awake so this was also particularly striking. An ache settled into my chest and arms with the absence of him. Never have I been so consumed with the need to embrace a person and I couldn't decide what was worse: the haunted way he was looking at me, or the negative space between us.
      I close the span between us and and whisper a word past the sudden knot in my throat, unable to articulate my feelings. It was unthinkable to leave him standing there alone, to leave this aching unattended. When did this longing become such a deep, unspoken part of our interactions? When did it become this?
      I knew then that he would have left without telling me and had instead came here to my rescue. I had, after all, charged off on my own. Our arms went fluidly around each other, two halves suddenly made whole. The malaise vanished. I could feel where his wrists crossed between my shoulder blades, unyielding as stone, he was solid. Real. I was short, like my waking self, so the top of my head only reached his shoulder. His shirt felt coarse against my cheek and ear where they pressed hard against his chest, I could feel the fine tremor that shook throughout his entirety. Because this hurt too, in a different way. I feel one of his hands move up and the pull of my hair on my scalp as his hand clenched into a fist in it before settling on the back of my neck. No, I wasn't better off at all.

      There's a lapse and I'm most definitely myself, in my kitchen, talking to my dad on the phone. This was a couple days after my first student showcase where I've been learning guitar, and I didn't invite my dad because he can be overly critical. He has heard about the showcase and called to ask why he didn't know about it until after. He has somehow seen a recording of it and starts in on my performance. I get really angry and start yelling at him, saying "THIS IS WHY YOU WEREN'T INVITED." I drop the phone, and people in the other room can hear my argument. Constantine thinks I've hung up and mentions loudly to someone nearby that he can't believe someone would treat their daughter this way and calls my dad an asshole. Because I'm actually still on the phone, I start talking loudly hoping my dad didn't hear any of that....and then I woke up.

      Apparently I like anti-heroes. *eye-roll*

      Post-edit 12/22/2014: Okay, so on the 12th I watched the most recent episode of Constantine. I borrowed a few elements, but I hadn't watched it closely because I was getting ready for work and I only just now really sat down to watch it.
      Spoiler for Vague Constantine Spoilers (Because I'm too lazy to go into exact detail):

      Certain lyrics from The Honey Trees songs, Golden Crown and Siren.

      Updated 11-20-2016 at 04:41 AM by 54746

    3. Reincarnation 12/05/2014

      by , 12-19-2014 at 07:13 AM
      The setting was damned confusing. It constantly shifted from one type to another. I saw some familiar DCs, but they also melded with other DCs to create new personalities. Anyway. Sometimes this place looked like a house, sometimes it was a beach, sometimes it was a warehouse or school hallway.
      I begin at the middle of a scene. I'm watching Wolf on the beach, he looks like a pirate captain. He knows he has very little time to complete his task, there's a boat close to shore with ghosts on it. He leaps from the beach to the boat, to disperse the ghosts with a kind of purple fire wrapped around his body, but he isn't quick enough and they escape. By escape, I mean disappear, because his window to 'disperse' them has closed. The deck's brittle surface collapses under his weight and I am suddenly him. I'm plunged underwater, fighting my way back to the shore. The water is thick, filled with sand. There's a man, Rook, trying to guide me back to the surface. I can hear him telling me I have to swim 'up' but I keep going at an angle, before I feel his hands under my arms, pulling me out.
      I separate from Wolf as Rook rolls him onto his back. The fire courses over his skin before flickering out. There's a thin wooden frame around his chest and abdomen.
      "What's wrong with him?" I asked, crawling to his side.
      "He's fighting it. I'm trying to help, but it's really up to him." Rook says. He has a hand on Wolf's chest, who looks distinctly unwell.
      I rest my hand on Wolf's side but he tenses and his skin breaks out in gooseflesh.
      "No, not you. It's better if you don't." Rook says, as I withdraw my hand. I already knew I couldn't help.

      There's a lapse. The beach has become a sort of dining hall with a concrete floor. It feels like an old house. The walls are white and worn thin, there's a double french door leading out. It all becomes confusing here. Toward the back of the hall there are what looks like an aisle from work at times, and at others it looks like lockers in a school. This is all jumbled now.

      I see a young woman with incredibly long, wavy, dirty blond hair, she's kneeling on the floor with her hands lifted in supplication. She's wearing a jean dress with a pink sweater underneath.

      I see another young woman, a version of the girl with long dirty blond hair. I mean that this is her current incarnation, where the other girl was her past life. She rises from the floor a different person, and goes to a three tiered rack at the end of the 'aisle' on the far side of the dining hall. She arranges identical 1 foot lengths of copper wire on the shelves, preparing them for the ritual.

      The room is dark. Rook stands in front of the woman. I know my purpose is to keep him distracted while she weaves the copper into his hair and prepares him for the Dance he will take with her...they are meant for each other. He looks like Cisco from The Flash. He is wearing a dangerous expression. I draw his attention to me, inserting my arm between them and gripping his shoulder. I pull him around so his back is to her. I just want to keep her safe, and she knows this, but his focus is turned to me and we dance. It's a tense, hard-handed dance. His grip on my hip and hand hurt, and I know that mine on his shoulder isn't pleasant. I see the girl over his shoulder, still twisting copper into his dark hair and the flashes of jealousy in her eyes. I feel like I've done her a disservice by interrupting, but I can't stop now.

      There's a lapse. I wake on the floor. It is daylight. Rook is gone and so is the girl. I know her name now, it's Kate. I wander down the hallway now filled with lockers, calling her name. There's a threatening presence behind me. I find her inside one of the lockers, she's been turned into a vampire. She won't talk to me, and won't accept my apology.

      There's a hierarchy within the building. Those that remember more of their past lives are part of the inner circle and have more power. The pinnacle of the hierarchy is a woman who claims to remember all her past lives. She has at her disposal three brothers, I witness a conversation where she berates them. She tells them that they mean nothing, and never have. Their mother in a past live gave this woman her three sons to pay off a debt, consigning them to her meant that they would never remember who they were before. It seems cruel.

      I find Kate by the door that goes out. She is hanging a sign by the door, it looks old. It has an Italian last name on it...Fantinelli or Ferrantelli, the faded white paint is cracked and mossy. The border is intricately carved vines, the middle is wooden.
      "This is beautiful." I say, touching the face of the sign.
      "Yes, I found it for him...but he went Out last night and I'm afraid he won't come back." she pauses, "It was from one of his other lives. I thought it would help him remember."
      "Don't worry. He'll come back..."

      Fragment 12/07/2014
      Disturbing fragments arranged like a tv show trailer. I see flashes of Will Graham from Hannibal, all the other characters are trying to figure out what happened to Will and where he went. He apparently went mad and began his own killing spree, and he was even more terrifying than Hannibal. The end of the trailer said: Now they'll see first hand what's become of Will.

      Fragment 12/08/2014
      My best friend who is a bisexual woman is in bed with me, she tells me it was a lie that she wasn't even a little attracted to me. It startles me, because I'm straight and don't know what to do with that information. She then turned into a man.
    4. It's The Beard

      by , 12-19-2014 at 04:14 AM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      Dec 17th 2014, 4:38AM

      I am in a version of my old high school in Texas. I realize that I have 3 books from the previous year in my locker. I take them out and see Christy from work what to do. She says to just take them to the front desk. I drop them off without saying anything and think I want to go find Jason B. and tell him about my girlfriend. As I walk into a random area I realize that I haven't talked to her all summer. I'm not even sure she is my girlfriend. Ah, I better wait. I turn around and walk back to the first area where Christy was. I scratch my beard. Hmm. I'm the only guy in high school with a beard. How old am I? Hell, Im a 34 year old high schooler. Why am I still here? As I walk I slowly become lucid. Ah this is a dream. I have this one a lot. Elements of the dream quickly drop away until I am in the void and I wake up.
    5. Annoying People

      by , 12-19-2014 at 02:23 AM
      Quick note:
      Iv'e decided to add another level of lucidity, primarily because I have experienced this a couple times but the dream I had last night brought it to mind. Basically it's me questioning whats going on in the dream but not becoming even semi-lucid.


      I was in the music room at my school and I seemed to be cooking something with a small group of classmates. I had a recipe on the table behind me and as I turned around a boy from the class beind me was drawing all over it. It was a really badly drawn face with a messy beard and one eye bigger than the other. I got annoyed with him and told him to get out. He got out of his chair and began to leave. I was halfway back to the kitchen when I turned around and saw the same boy at the recipe book. In my rage I snatched the book off of him and tore his drawing along with two brown pages out of the book. One of his friends appeard and told me that I no longer had a recipe to cook with. I hated the fact that he was right and I left the music room/kitchen in a bad mood. It went a bit vauge and I remember exploring the school for a little bit before coming back to my friend M and sitting next to him behind one of the classrooms. I closed my eyes and vividly picured a scoreboard of some sort. M seemed to notice this and asked me what it was, I had no idea. I opened my eyes and saw that I was in the primary sector of the school where the teacher was drawing a basketball court. He told us that Ariana Grande would be leading us in this class. (I have only seen one picture of Ariana Grande before and she looked nothing like that in the dream) I noticed that she looked a lot more like Nicki Minaj. She also had short, bright yellow hair with orange streaks in it. I was wondering who the person was before I woke up.

      I notice now that I become much more aware near the end of my dreams, maybe this is because I'm beginning to wake up? Whatever reason it is, I may be able to take advantage of it.
      - Have a Lucid Dream
      - Bend all 4 elements
      - Tell a DC I'm dreaming and see their reaction
      - Fly
      - Find my Dream Guide or have them find me
      non-lucid , side notes
    6. DEILD? DILD? "Phasework"

      by , 12-19-2014 at 01:29 AM (Threecat's Dreamtime)
      After resting aware for approximately an hour, roll over and decide to fall asleep. I wake up in darkness and decide to try some of Michael Raduga's tricks from "The Phase." I begin imagining my body spinning around and holy WTF I start spinning around! I spin myself faster and faster. I switch it up and change to imagining myself swimming. I swim and swim, then spin again. I feel I am spinning too fast, however (begin to feel sick), and drag my hand hard to come to a stop. A weird FA. I "wake up" in the dark room. My wife sits up in bed, and tells me I need to go to sleep, as I will be tired in the morning otherwise. I try to answer, but it is very hard for me to talk. I just motion and make some Chewbacca noises. I then say, "I love you," but it comes out like zombie talk. I wake up a moment later.

      Updated 12-20-2014 at 02:16 PM by 69552

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