There was a shoot out happening in the parking lot and as I was ducking for cover. I see a woman with a shotgun and was not facing my direction. So I tackle her and through trying to get the shotgun out of her hands I became lucid. I got up and started seeing the dream setting begin to change. I told myself I should begin to explore. As I did so I ran into one of my former co-workers from the past and he explained to me about how he is trying to get promoted. I told him I think out of all of them he could do it and we had a long conversation about how. At some point during this conversation, I had lost lucidity.
A dream scene where a kid was running around seeming crazy while kicking a soccer ball ended and switched to me waking up in a bed at the old townhouse I used to live in. When I got up I was greeted by a former co-worker in the past and his friend. I said hello and asked him what he is doing here? He told me that he was trying to reunite co-workers again that he enjoyed working with. He and his friend wanted to go find more co-workers and ask me if I wanted to join him and I agreed. As I am walking out to the front door with them it started to dawn on me how odd this situation is. I also realize that I was taller than I previously was because I now had to duck down my head to walk through doors. I realize I am dreaming and attempted to phase through the window but it wasn't working. I then remember that I was planning to lucid dream today because I wanted to meditate in my dreams. I sat down and crossed my legs to begin meditating. I started to hear an intense ring and heavy vibrations flowing within my head. Unfortunately the vibrations and intense ringing got so intense that it was painful and I began to scream about my head hurting. I had failed, I tried my best to wake up but it just seemed the dream faded and I was only in darkness with a few blurred lights coming in. That's when another dream began to form and I found myself in a bed again to soon realize it was a false awakening. I attempted to wake up and found myself in another false awakening only this time I was not lucid.
Updated 01-18-2023 at 03:17 AM by 67903
I had to wake up a bit early in my rest because of something that needed to be taken care of. Once I returned after a few hours I got back in my bed and laid there with my thoughts. An idea after 10 minutes of laying in my bed attempting to sleep came to me. I decided if I needed some guidance in my life what better than to visit my dreams. I decided I wanted to lucid dream and try to find some answers. I close my eyes and could feel my brainwaves change, a couple of random images came in to my mind as it became difficult to stay aware. Soon one image felt so strong it surrounded my entire view and I soon found myself in a warehouse. I look around and a man was talking to me about co-workers and how they can be annoying. I said yea I know and proceeded to walk more wondering it must have work. I tried to get some alone time to process the environment to make sure I am fully self aware. However the other co-worker began to follow me wondering what I was up to. I started to run through the factory and avoided him. I then look around and thought my brain really memorize the environment of this place a little too well. It looks just like how it would in waking life. I felt very awake and stable so I knew I had some time. I look outside the window and saw how colorful and crisp everything look as if I could sense the life from it. I kept walking down the hallway leaving the warehouse behind in to a very quiet and voided of people area. I then heard a voice saying alone constantly in the background as I marvel of the detail of what I was seeing. The voice got louder and I began to feel a presence. My body froze and I was no longer able to move. I said hello before the dream environment change in to this grey void. I thought I was going to wake up but instead I only saw grey all around, I tried to my open my eyes to wake up but I could only feel my physical eyes for a second in a failed attempt to open up. I look around and tried to move feeling a weightless leg and arm. I soon felt a pressure in my neck start to choke me as I tried to wake up again. I was in a lot of pain and finally felt the grip around my neck disappear. Only to have images come in to my thoughts against my will of places and people I knew nothing of. I then saw darkness and could feel my physical body again and knew I was awake.
Updated 04-13-2022 at 05:02 AM by 67903
I was at my job working and they gather us all up to tell us that we will be leaving early. As we all got in to two lines, I was standing next to another co-worker. She began to hold my hand from the other side which I thought was off. I then felt her hand clench mine and soon everything was dark. I couldn't see anything but I could still feel her hand holding mine tightly. I began to hold her hand even tighter to hold on to the dream. At some point with in that I knew I was dreaming but there was now no dream just the darkness that surrounded me. I could still feel her hand but now the feeling had change to a weird sensation all over my body. I got out the darkness and could see my actual self laying in the bed but from a different angle. My brain was making such a huge buzzing sound that I began to panic. My body was feeling odd and to be honest felt like it was dying. I knew that I was in between transitions from the waking world and the dreamworld. Overall my panic made me unable to transition back in to the dreamworld and I began to move my physical body as I had now control over it.
I found myself in a warehouse where I usually work in waking life. I was talking to a co-worker and he tried to show me this paper. As I took it from him and tried to focus my eyes on it, I realize my vision was very blurry. I thought this was odd due to the fact that I wear contacts. I remember looking around and realize everything around me was very blurry. Almost to total darkness. I started to pick at my eyeball to remove the contacts. That's when everything went in to total darkness as I started to realize I was lucid dreaming. I could still feel my dream body but then even that went away and I could feel my physical body laying in bed. I made sure my eyes were close and my body was still unable to move. With in a few short seconds I felt consciousness zap back in to the dream world. My dream body felt like it was in tremendous pain. I could feel myself getting up from the floor. As I look around I notice I was in outer space inside a space ship. I couldn't believe it lol. This is the first time I am in outer space lucid anyway. I went up to the large window and saw the stars and the colored gas around me. It was amazing, I then went through some odd technology that got me to the other parts of the ship. This ship was huge inside, had many places with a lot of zig zag like passages. I continue walking as I saw an eye of ra sign stamp on one of the windows. I then finally saw people and I could now tell the dream scene change to me being outside and no longer in space. I walk through a couple of people and didn't bother talking to any of them. I then approach these 3 very tall women and told them they seem odd. They didn't like what I said and sent two goons that came out of no where. Once I saw this I began to laugh and start running. They follow me to this gate where I decided to use some dream control and made float up to the gate and glue them on there. I then started climbing a rope to see how far I could get up top the house without feeling physically fatigue. I then saw the guys break free of their confinement and began chasing me again. I jogged through grass feeling great. I felt I could stay in this dream for a very long time. I then continue jogging in till I saw another co-worker of mine. I began talking to her after we greeted each up and I was just stunned that she appeared exactly as a replica in waking life. I had to assure myself that I was indeed dreaming. She sounded the same too and I explore the dream world with and explain to her what this was. Since I know in waking life she likes to question everything. Soon my brother came along and talk to me. After that I wanted to wake up and made myself awaken.
09.01.2016The Annoying Dog & Co-Worker (DILD) NON-DREAM DREAM LUCID I'm driving a vehicle akin to the old Mazda vehicle I use in waking life. I'm on my way to park near the uphill driveway, and as I'm heading out, I turn my back and noticed that 30-50 feet away from me is a Dalmatian that coincidentally turns its head around as well. It doesn’t seem threatening, but it has a neutral look on its visage that makes me want to take precaution. I see that it’s coming towards me, and I quickly go back into the driver’s seat, and closed the door. I lock the vehicle just in case, and the dog is still around moving about on the left hand side still. So, I wind down the window a little bit, and started flapping my left hand around, and subsequently making “Shoo! Get!” professions hoping that the dog will want to get away. I noticed that the dream itself seems to have that atmospheric overlay akin to waking life, even though some parts were a bit blurry; mostly due to peripheral vision, I guess. I started to grasp the vividness of the dream when I tried to open the door slightly, and the dog wanted to come in via putting its mouth through the small gap, but it wasn’t intended to bite me. I wasn’t hearing any barking or growling, and saw that it was mostly panting. I saw its teeth, and fixated on looking at my feet, and noticed the clarity behind the texture of the flooring of the car. I can see I’m wearing brown shoes, khaki pants, and probably a cool colored shirt (light blue). I’m moving my feet around in a frenzy while trying to close the door, and eventually proceeded to take my left foot to deter it away from me. Somehow, the dog is on the other side once more, and just as I’m trying to get out of the vehicle, someone that looks like a co-worker of mien is next to that dog. Let’s describe the guy as dark skin, big lips, and has a haircut as well that starts with the name “D.” He’s wearing a red hoodie with some dark blue jeans, and brown shoes. He turns around, and has his lips puckered up a bit with his eyes squinting for a bit, and he comes to me to ask a question on some vague concept with rapping, or something. I immediately responded, for some odd reason: “Darius is that way,” as I’m pointing my right hand diagonally to the right of the location the guy was at, albeit a bit further than that. The dog is still there, but it looks at me with its googly eyes, and I presume the person is their owner. After that, I just head back into the house, and it’s most likely just navigating through an empty area.
Hey guys! Been a little while, but I'm kicking myself back into it to make sure I don't get out of practice like usual. I've remembered quite a few dreams in the past month, but none written down, sadly, or I would document them here. So, this dream was from two nights ago. It was very short, mind you, but also very vivid, and it led to a weird sensation. I was in my room, except with my co-worker for some odd reason. He pointed out to me two dudes who were lying under my girlfriend's bed, writhing about on the floor and dancing. All I could see of them were their limbs, and I could hear upbeat techno music playing in a muffled sort of way, as if I was hearing it from a distance. My co-worker and I started dancing to the music, and everything felt happy. However, things took a very eerie turn when we looked up from our dance and noticed that the two dudes who were under the bed were now standing beside it, looking at us like we were crazy. If the two dudes weren't under the bed anymore...then why whose limbs were still writhing around under the bed...? As soon as we came to this creepy realization, I heard a loud cracking noise, and a bright light engulfed all of us. It felt almost as if a bomb was going off. I fell on top of my bed, my ears ringing, and my body tingling. And as soon as I hit the bed... I woke up, slowly rising from my real life bed, while still feeling the ringing in my ears and the tingling sensation in my body. It went away in a few seconds, and everything was back to normal, but wow was that a weird and unsettling end to a dream.
#417 - DILD - 8:30AM This lucid is hardy worth counting or posting a detailed account but I should make note of it. Perhaps I should start stabilizing as habit. I am leaving work. There is some confusion about the time of day and shift I am working. John is there with a colorful case of canned drinks. I thought maybe it was alcohol but he says it energy drinks. I get a strong need for an energy drink. I walk to a store and look but I don't think I ever buy anything. I area turns into walmart and I have a handful of lucky charms that I brought along with me in my pockets. I munch on it as I walk around. I see they have changed the layout of the store and the spot were we were living has been discovered and dismantled (WTF? ). I begin to worry that Walmart will think I am stealing the cereal I was eating so I wonder off in another direction. I hear some ominous page on the intercom and see a manager with a walkie on his belt stop, look up, then respond on the walkie. I worry it's about me so I decide to hide in a restroom. I see some blue sign and head there. There is a narrow hallway and the light flash and I hear some low siren sound. The hallway starts to constrict and I am barely able to squeeze my way out the way I came in. I turn to look at the doorway and see a sign that reads 'Offices'. Oops. I turn around and see the blue restroom sign again next to some elevator doors. I look closely and see the man and woman symbol and the number eight under it. I find this odd, but go for it. There are only two buttons marked '10' and '2'. I wonder if I am supposed to somehow do subtraction to get eight. I push the 10 first then the 2 and the doors open. I get and and feel the elevator quickly shoot and while the ceiling gets uncomfortably low. Low ceiling? Then I get vertigo and turn upside down. I see my reflection in the mirror. I am in just my underwear and a t-shirt. The shirt is falling to my face and I pull the shirt down to cover my skibs. I begin to feel really uncomfortable and panic as I feel my neck is being jammed in an awkward position from being thrown upside down. Then suddenly, I remember this is only a dream and fully relax though it take some effort. I recall that I was lucid earlier and wonder how I lost lucidity for so long. The elevator turns right side up and the doors open. I step out, but the dream glitches at this point. My vision is distorted and I find my stepping out as vibrating repetition like in a video game glitch (hard to describe). I try to focus and clear the dream up, but I feel at a lose as to how. After a few seconds I give up and relax. I have a super brief FA where I open my eyes and see a realistic version of this dude from Bleach leaning over the bed next to me and in my face. He's saying something rude about lucid dreaming and the elevator mishap. I quickly wake up.
Dec 17th 2014, 4:38AM I am in a version of my old high school in Texas. I realize that I have 3 books from the previous year in my locker. I take them out and see Christy from work what to do. She says to just take them to the front desk. I drop them off without saying anything and think I want to go find Jason B. and tell him about my girlfriend. As I walk into a random area I realize that I haven't talked to her all summer. I'm not even sure she is my girlfriend. Ah, I better wait. I turn around and walk back to the first area where Christy was. I scratch my beard. Hmm. I'm the only guy in high school with a beard. How old am I? Hell, Im a 34 year old high schooler. Why am I still here? As I walk I slowly become lucid. Ah this is a dream. I have this one a lot. Elements of the dream quickly drop away until I am in the void and I wake up.
Pre-Bed MD 2020 Woke to WBTB at 3:30 but I had a headache and just wanted to sleep. I thought I could at least set my intentions and do MILD but never got that far. I ended up with a random DILD anyway. I think I was barely lucid in this one as my mind wasn't very critical of the dream. Catfish? 4:40AM - DILD I am walking around in some familiar woods. (I think this is one of those locations that exist in only in dreams but I visit often) I am enjoying the peaceful quite and time to myself. I start thinking about some youth minister that was here before doing some cool tricks and claiming it was the power of God. I start doing the same tricks on my own power. I start hovering and walking up trees. Every one in a while a strong wind would lift me up like a kite. Something was very familiar about all of this but I don't get it yet. Then, while walking up a tree I think that he must have had a line attached to him. Then I wonder how I am doing it with out a line and I slowly become lucid. I fly up and over a small river. Flying is difficult so I make swimming motions and that seems to work. I stay low to the ground to have some visual reference. *memory gap* Somehow I end up in some sort of enclosed dock. I am walking along and an old fisherman falls in the water but as soon as he does he turns into a very small skeleton of some sort of turtle like creature. I keep walking. There is a container of icyhot on the dock next to a boat. The boat is full of water and has little turtles in it swimming around. I kick the icyhot and a glob hits a turtle. There is a fizzing sound and the turtle turns all white and floats up on its back. I find this interesting so I do the same to the other turtles. I feel bad that I killed them all so knowing its a dream I use expectation to make them live again. They all flip over and swim away. I get in the boat. The water is gone now. I hear a kitten meowing desperately. I look next to me and see a fishing pole and a net. There is something in the net. I look closer and expect to see a fish but the meowing get louder. There is a kitten with a hook in it mouth. The line is connected to the pole. I start to pick the kitten up and take the hook out but I know it will freak out and scratch me. Even dream pain cad be bad. I pause and look at the kitten. I say, "I know this is a dream. And since this is a dream you will not scratch me. You will be still and let me take the hook out." I pick the kitten up and find the hook in its mouth. I feel so bad for the kitten and wonder how this even happened. I thought maybe the fisher man was using shrimp or something similar. This poor kitten was just hungry and got a hooked in the mouth. Luckily the hook wasn't very deep. I say, "OK. Now the hook will just easily come out without hurting this kitten." The hook falls out into my hand. I let the kitten go and look at the hook. Somehow I am outside of the dock building thing. I see CM from work. She is working outside with her husband who is splitting logs. CM says something. I float up and get ready to fly away. I ask her why she killed the fisherman. I don't remember her reply but I know it as an admission of guilt. We continue conversation that I can't remember. I basically said that I will have to tell the police. I know that will mean testifying in court and explaining why I was here. I'll have to try and explain lucid dreaming and everything. I am not looking forward to that.(I must have been losing lucidity some) I try to fly off but I feel stuck in the air. I kick off the building but barely move. I make swimming motions but it doesn't work this time. Then my lucidity come back stronger. I remember point to point flying. I focus on a tree far way for a few seconds and then ZOOM. I fly at an incredible speed. Before I reach the first tree I focus on another. My speed increases. And I focus on the next tree before I reach that. I continue switching focus to keep myself flying. I laugh and feel giddy. The speed is incredible but I quickly lose visual reference. All the tree become a blur. I try to focus on just one tree to stop. I am losing it. The dream is fading. I try to visualize a tree but it is too late. I find myself sitting at a dinning room table. J, my brother in law in to my left. He is being loud and looking at a TV. It sounds like some football game. I look to my left and see my wife next to me. I wonder how the hell I was just flying in a lucid dream while sitting at this table. I feel like I was hearing him the whole time in my dream. I think about it all of this and start to regain lucidity. Then, my wife loudly whispers in my ear. "I like it when they are drunk." For some reason this jolts me awake.
Updated 03-02-2013 at 12:26 PM by 5967
Last night, I had a dream that I recieved a weird and eerie message from an unknown sender instructing me to do a series of random things for reasons unknown. Such as, to go to this specific place. Or find that specific thing. Now that I'm awake, I don't remember directly being informed of any threats- but I knew that the thing that was leading me was supernatural, and I was aware of fatal consequence if I were to fail. Also, I was aware of the possibility that once I finished doing these things that I would confront the one giving instructions. I had an image in my head of a cloaked shadow-like mass and I knew that was the mystery transmitter's image for some reason. Unfortunetly I don't remember exactly what the tasks entailed, but I remember my family being around me telling me not to proceed, it was too dangerous. I made a decision to go along with it, not because I was being forced, but because I wanted to hunt this thing that seemed to have so much power over me and beat it. The two scenes I remember out of my search for it were both very cloudy and dim. I found a small abandoned house with old decaying furniture and other items filling it up. Like a house you would see on that show "Horders", but if the horder lived on a creepy coast line, then died- and left the house there for fifty years. Tons of cobwebs and annoying obstacles. I remember rummaging through them. I found a box, but don't remember what was in it. The other scene I remember, I was walking down a rocky edge of the coast that was right outside of that house. It was pretty, no sun was out and it was raining a bit. I eventually got to the end of the tasks, and I remember looking at my computer screen again. At the end, it turned out that I was welcomed into some sort of strange leading order of the dream realm by my tester. The person who secretly vouched for me to be tested was my sister Rose, so she knew what was going on the whole time. Back at my computer, the screen was at this website, dreamviews- with a few minor differences. And my name "Nerq" changed from it's orange color, to a weird purple color. Now... I know that it sounds really boring, a supernatural being made me go to a couple places and then accepted me into a dream order on... the internet. But it didn't seem so dull in the dream. I was so proud of myself for some reason. Ophelia, the staff member I talked to a while back on here was part of this weird dream order that sent the test. I thought that was kinda funny when I woke up. Later that night after my WBTB alarm, I had a second smaller dream. This one was less intense. I met my co-worker Jeremy at a burger place that he liked. A few of his friend's had come, I recognized them as if I had met them before and they recognized me the same even though I've never seen them before in my life. We were celebrating Jeremy's gay wedding that was coming up. I sat down and met his one of his new friends, and that guy went to get the food at the counter. I could tell Jeremy looked nervous, like he wasn't having a good time. It looked like he was unhappy about something, so I tried to calm his nervs about the huge changes going on. Talked a little about my own marriage and then I left. That was the end of the dream. This was also kind of funny because Jeremy isn't gay in real life.
I was getting ready to take a trip. At night I stashed my luggage in an alley because I didn't have anywhere else to put it. The next morning all of the stuff that was in it was gone. The suitcase was zipped back up by the thief. I was trying to call a co-worker (MB) to get some extra clothes. I was using his phone which was old and nearly dead. I wasn't getting through with him, finally finding out that he was away. Meanwhile, a middle aged woman was trying to hit on me at the bar. She was eating a strawberry. Later, my girlfriend was walking down the street with a co-worker who is also the mayor of his town. They were going to New York or Atlantic City and asking me when they should leave. I said, "NOW." Then me and my girlfriend began holding hands in front of him and you could tell he was disappointing that she was taken but he didn't get angry at me. I remember thinking in the dream that she would think it an honor to date the mayor; who am I compared to him?
I dreamed that I owned 40 acres on a high mountain plateau. I cleared the land and mined some of the rock for use in building a castle resort. The castle was finished and looked very nice, but then I woke up. The next dream I met John from work in some kind of store. There were shelves on both sides of me with stuff on them. I was talking to John asking how things are going and he was replying to me in his usual comic fashion. His hair wasn't right though, he had let it grow out and was almost shoulder length, which made him look weird. I recognised it wasn't right and he turned into a pretty blond woman right in front of me. It seemed that this wasn't really John anymore so I ended up kissing her. She had nice full lips and was a good kisser, it lasted a couple minutes before I woke up. I went back to sleep again, this time I am a woman and I'm driving in a car. As I'm traveling I start recognizing the area as a place I have been before. I slow down and pull off the highway and into this old time country store which looked like it was made from rough cut wood in the pioneer era. I parked in the gravel lot and entered the store. It seems so familiar, like I have had a dream of being here before but I don't remember the dream, only the setting. Although it was something of a bookstore, they sold music too, and other miscellaneous stuff. It was a nice size store and there were more than a few DCs inside. There was this good looking guy over near the right wall and I tried to get his attention by dropping a paper I had written some things down on. He ignored me so I went to the back wall where I looked at some posters on the wall about dinosaurs. When I had turned around, I seen some other guy pick up my paper and left with it, but I didn't care. I went back over to the guy I liked and started talking and flirting with him. Although he didn't make a move on me, the dream scene changed and we were in a living room where we found some recliners to sit in and talk to each other.
Good morning, everybody. Dream #1 A kind of short, cocky-looking Latino guy with kind of tall, wavy hair was walking through a door. The guy was wearing a military jacket and no shirt. He had a girl on either arm. He was kind of giggling to himself. The guy seemed to be walking into some huge mansion, which was probably his. The idea seemed to be that the guy had gotten rich somehow, possibly through rap music. He was really gloating about his success, which was really pissing me off. I wondered why the assholes were always the successful ones. The man was followed by another guy, who I assumed was the guy's brother. The brother looked a lot like the man, except that he looked a lot more gentle-mannered and worn-out. He may have been partly bald. The brother also entered with two people, possibly family members. The brother was then followed by a lot of other family members. I thought it was at least good that the man was letting his whole family in on his wealth. But now it was like the group of people was some kind of tour, taking a walk through Beyonce's mansion. The group was mostly young adults and older kids. Everybody, walking through the mansion, had the feeling that they would be able to make money like this, too, someday. I was following the people through the mansion from a backward view, like I was facing people and looking through a dolly-camera as it tracked through the rooms. Each room of the mansion had different colors for the walls. There was one room with yellow walls and another room with sea-green walls. In the room with sea-green walls a young, white woman was looking at a bunch of empty picture frames that hung on the wall. I had turned around to face forward and look at the woman. The woman asked me, "How do they get the money for the models for these things?" I didn't know how to respond to that. Apparently the woman thought the picture frames had all been made to order or built by hand, instead of just bought. I walked into another room, which was mostly dark. It was a really big room, almost like a ballroom. But most of the room couldn't be seen in the darkness. I stood in the light of the room I had just left. Obscured from my view by some tall potted plants like palms was a table. Two people stood at the table. At first I thought it was Jay-Z and Beyonce. But then I realized it was Beyonce and some other woman. At first I thought the woman was white. But as I creeped around the plants, I saw that she was black. Beyonce said something to the woman about giving the woman advice, from one mother to another. Dream #2 I was in some place like a locker room with a group of people like business people. The business people were all smarter and more put-together than I was. But they all liked me anyway, for some reason. We had just finished up something. We were now hanging around and laughing with each other. Then some sports team came into the room. They were like a soccer team at first. It was also like they were somehow a part of our group. But then they were some other group of people. They started getting really loud and rowdy, kind of to bully the rest of us and make us feel uncomfortable. Then the group of people became a whole bunch of black guys. They were all kind of skinny and grizzled-looking. One had a long, skinny, grey beard. They all wore really nice golfing clothes, with pale beige golfing sweaters. They'd all just come in from the links. They threw their golf bags all over the floor. For some reason I was laying on the floor. One guy saw me on the floor and threw his golf bag so it landed on my right leg. It didn't hurt very much. But I knew he'd done it out of disrespect. I stood up instantly and was right in the guy's face. I may even have been standing on his feet. The guy seemed passive, but not really afraid. I was yelling at the guy and doing something physical to him, to try to hurt him. I got madder and madder. Suddenly I was out on a beach. The beach felt small, almost fake. I couldn't see the water. There seemed to be a couple dunes of sand on either end of a small, flat area of beach. I stood near one of the dunes with a young woman. The woman knew, but wasn't quite telling me, that I'd gotten so mad just a moment ago that I'd committed some kind of really violent act on a group of people. I'd probably killed a few people. The bodies were now gone, but there were still small traces of blood here and there. I couldn't remember anything about the violent act, and the woman wouldn't tell me anything about it. She didn't even tell me outright that I'd done it. All I could figure was that I'd killed that group of black men in the locker room. Something about that thought brought the black man before me again. I was filled with rage. But for some reason I was now just flying over the sand. In the places where the dunes had been, or maybe just before the dunes, were two intricate sand sculptures, each of a city. The cities looked almost like Middle Eastern cities. Dream #3 There was some kind of big tract of land with a house on it. The house was at the bottom of a kind of steep hill. The hill had a flower garden on it. At the base of the hill, along the side of the house, was a stone path which may almost have felt like a trench in places. At some point in the trench area was a door that led into some dark, cellar-like room. This was apparently a woman's quarters. The room also held a bathroom. The woman who lived in the quarters was probably Irish, pale-skinned, tallish, fat, with red-brown hair. She wore a dress of coarse, plain fabric, probably denim-blue and tan. She was probably a little grouchy, lazy, and mean. My sister now stood before me and a few other family members in a kitchen. My sister was very young, maybe nine or ten years old. She wore a pale blue skirt and some long, white stockings with blue designs on them. My sister was complaining about having gone down into the bathroom in the woman's quarters. She had opened the door while a woman -- probably not the woman who lived there -- was in the bathroom. My sister told us, "I'm not a lesbian. So I wouldn't try to see a woman naked. But when I opened up the bathroom door the woman did this." My sister grabbed her chest and made gestures indicating big breasts. My sister said, "Then she said, 'I'm married with kids, so don't get any ideas!' Like she thought I was coming into the bathroom to have sex with her!"
Good morning, everybody. Dream #1 I may have been in a meeting with people from one of my previous jobs. I had walked out of that meeting. I was now walking into something like a kitchen area for a restaurant, or maybe for something like the cafeteria of an elementary school or nursery. The kitchen was busy with people, and it was possibly humid and warm. Most of the people in the kitchen were kids. They seemed to be engaged in some project, like they were cooking together for some confidence-building exercise. Most of the kids seemed to be washing dishes, though, or playing around in the sink. There was a big set of wire-rack shelves right before the door, on the wall opposite the door. Before the racks, a higher-up woman from one of my old jobs, PD, was bending over, reaching for a plastic container of some kind of powdered food. PD looked a bit shorter and thinner, though she was still overweight. Her face also looked a bit too pale and dry. I feel like at this point all the kids may have gathered around me. They thought I was a fun guy to hang out with. I may have interacted with them a little more enthusiastically than I would otherwise have, though, since PD was around. I'd always kind of admired PD, so I wanted her to think highly of me. I thought she'd be impressed if she saw how good I was with kids. Somehow, though, I now needed to lead the kids out of the kitchen and through the next room, which was either like a classroom or a lobby in some school building. Although I was technically "leading" the kids, I was really in the middle of the crowd, surrounded by all the kids. I got the idea to get the kids started on a march. We would march and give a marching chant. The chant had the cadence of the "I don't know but I've been told" chant stereotypical of military marches. But I thought it would be funny to make a chant encouraging the children to misbehave. I would say the line, then the kids would repeat it. We chanted as we marched up toward the back, left corner of the room. I chanted, "These are the things that I do." The kids repeated, "These are the things that I do." "When I want to -----" (Go and play? Go outside? Go away?) "When I want to -----" "Fighting." "Fighting." "Whining." "Whining." "Running away." "Running away." At this moment, two of the older girls (maybe 11 or 12 years old) ran off to the left, just as we were approaching the door to the classroom. The girls seemed to run past a bookshelf, behind which stood two adult women. I decided I needed to follow the girls and bring them back. This may have been because I didn't want them to set a bad example for the class. But I think I also wanted to follow them because I was sexually attracted to them, and I wanted them to stay around me. I broke away from the rest of the group and followed the path of the girls. I ended up in some room where two slightly overweight, Latina women were sitting on couches. They were both discussing their bills and their debt. I may have felt like the women were similar to PD somehow. I saw one of the women's checks. The name on the check was Kerolos. Something about the name didn't make sense to me. Later on I saw another check. It seemed to have come to the woman from some business man. The name on this check was Carolos. This made more sense to me.