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    1. Luna was very sick :(

      by , 12-24-2014 at 06:40 AM
      (Copied from dream interpretation forum)

      This actually happened two nights ago, but I only got around to posting it now. I don't remember what I dreamed last night, so . . .

      *Important Background Information*
      I am a teenager. I live with my parents, younger brothers, two cousins, aunt, uncle and grandparents. The only people in this dream, however, were Aunt Beth and my cousin Isabel who is 4 years older than me. I live on a farm, and I have 12 goats and a sheep in the front of the house. On the side there are horses, chickens, 2 guinea hens, 2 geese, and some rabbits, but the only relevant animals are the goats and horses in this dream. At the moment there are some court issues over my brother and I feel like the adults aren't telling me enough, which could be part of the meaning of this dream. Luna is my favorite goat and she gets Polio sometimes due to a weak immune system; I know how to tell when she in in the very early stages of it so she hasn't been close to death for at least a year.

      *Actual Dream*
      I was at home, and my house actually looked like my house which is unusual in my dreams. I was inside and I don't know what I was doing when Isabel came up to me. She told me Luna was dead! I felt very stressed and grief-stricken, and I asked her why I hadn't been told she had Polio. Isabel just shrugged, like it didn't matter! I think she was a bit embarrassed too though. I asked her, "Seriously, why wasn't I told?" and she shrugged again! So I ran outside to the goats, except the goats were right by the horses which is not where they are in real life. Also, I didn't recognize any of the goats except Luna. She wasn't dead, but very near death. Aunt Beth said she was going to euthanize Luna (put her to sleep.) I told her, "NO. I believe it is wrong to euthanize animals, ever." It's true, I do believe that. I should add we do NOT have the needle or anything; we would have to go to the vet to euthanize an animal. When Aunt Beth tried to do it anyway, I pushed her hand away and told her we couldn't do it. Luna might be very sick but there was no way we would end any chance she might have of surviving. After that I don't remember much of my dream; only that she was getting a little bit better. I don't even remember whether she died or not. I do remember that this morning when I woke up and went to let the goats out of their stalls, I was VERY relieved that Luna was okay; the dream was very vivid and I thought it might be real.
      non-lucid , nightmare , memorable
    2. Eh

      by , 12-24-2014 at 05:23 AM
      I honestly don't remember, but I felt truly rested when I woke. It felt fantastic, I'd been having nightmares, fragments and broken sleep for months it seems. I slept so deeply that I was confused by the annoying sound coming from underneath my pillow, and when I realized it was my alarm I couldn't remember why I had set it.

      I might have dreamed about being off of work, or not having to go in. I think it had something to do with Constantine, but I was just editing my previous entry so I can't be sure if I really had another Constantine dream or what.

      Oh, night before last I had trouble falling asleep but I was working up to a lucid dream. Something about leaving work, the building didn't have a roof and the aisles were like walls in a maze, I was running toward the service road and the vestiges of non-lucid limb heaviness were falling away---
      ...then my boyfriend came into the room and woke me up. I couldn't get back to sleep for an hour after that =/
    3. Fight and Attempting to Fly (LD #16)

      by , 12-24-2014 at 05:05 AM (Sharpshoey's Lucid Journey)
      From the Morning of December 20, 2014.

      Woke: 6:30

      I am walking down the street from the YMCA. My dad is in his truck circling around the area. I keep walking along the sidewalk and all of a sudden I realize that I'm dreaming! I turn around and I can see my dad's truck parked against the curb, but my dad isn't by the car...it's a different guy. I walk toward him and I realize he wants to fight as he runs toward me. I smile at this, as this would be my first dream fight ever. I get a little nervous though as I see him jump several feet into the air to come down and slam a monster punch into me. I jump without thinking and join him in the air, throwing a punch. We both miss and when I land I quickly spin around throwing another punch. But this time it feels like my arm is super heavy, and my punch is being thrown very slow. He grabs my arm and throws it out of the way. I try throwing another punch and it is also slow.

      Then I am in my house in the living room and luckily still lucid. I rub my hands together and tell myself that this is my dream body, my physical body is in bed so I can do anything. I am trying to fly which I have failed to do in the past so I needed to reaffirm to myself that I was just dreaming. I remember that I fell asleep in a chair sitting on it the opposite way, so this was indeed my dream body. (That was a false memory, as I was in bed) I remembered it was easier to fly if you jumped off something. I ran upstairs to my balcony and got a running start and jumped off. I stuck my arms out in front of me and was able to float but not fly. I crashed into the floor at the end and while it didn't "hurt" I felt a little pressure on my head where it hit the floor and it was more uncomfortable than it hurt. I zoomed back up the stairs (literally zoomed...like ran at superhuman speed) and tried again...and got the same result. My dad stepped into the house and I got an idea. Maybe if I left the door open I could just pick up speed and fly out. So I put the door on its magnetic door holder and went back upstairs. I jumped off again but the same thing happened. Then I decided I should find a girl. (I always do this if I can't complete something ) I decided I would create a false memory of them moving to my neighborhood and I walked outside. I picked a house across the street for them to move into, but decided that a house farther down the street would do better because IWL people were actually moving out. I "remembered" that a hot chick had just moved in and I visualized it. I started walking down the street and looked over at the front of the house across from me. Detective Lassiter from Psych was at the doorway, and some girl with red eyes and who was demonic was on her knees talking to him. I got worried because I was afraid that seeing the demonic chick would cause bad things to happen. She turned around and stared at me, so I quickened my walking pace down the street. I got a couple steps along before I woke up...

      Next time I have decided that when I fly, I need a bigger space. Not a cramped area like my house. I also need to jump from a higher platform. Mostly I just need the space though because that way I would be able to fly up instead of having to direct my flight downwards. I think having to fly down was the cause for me not being able to fly because I would hit the ground.

      Updated 12-24-2014 at 05:10 AM by 70090

    4. Lost belongings

      by , 12-24-2014 at 04:31 AM
      I fall asleep and have a dream about playing videogames with some friends. I wake up, go to the toilet and back to bed.

      This dream I remember being in class, I see my friends and this girl I like. I talk to her and she goes away. When going home I get distracted talking to some classmates and I realize I forgot my backpack and my car. Going back I discover my car has been stolen and my things with it. The rest of the dream was me feeling awful while trying to find my stuff.
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