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    1. Conspiratorial College

      by , 01-28-2015 at 07:28 AM
      Morning of January 28, 2015. Wednesday.

      This is mostly an impersonal dream of going to a college with unknown students with various personality types. I seem to be there almost as a token student who watches the class activities, though I feel somewhat like a teacher at times (but not that defined). There seems to be an odd underlying mood as if the college is a place for additional invasive government-related experiments of some kind, which are not shared with the public.

      One year has apparently already passed. There is one outdoor graduation ceremony where someone is killed (by an unknown sniper) and their shirt is covered with blood, which touches me as we are both on the ground at one point (though I am not hurt), a circle of people around us, some waving off others in the area. This scenario is not focused on for very long and there are several shifts.

      One room I am in at one point is reminiscent (in conscious afterthought only) of my middle school carpentry classroom, which also had leather-work in the year that followed. There are only about four students in the room (who I lightly converse with). There is one area that also vaguely reminds me of Eco 3 (factory) - though the area is not filled with old tires. There are remarks about nuclear physics. In fact, I make a few comments connecting the flavor and essence of coconut with work in nuclear physics. As nuclear physics and bombs are sometimes plays on sexuality, it makes sense in light of the fact that my wife had the scent of coconut soap on her prior to my dream, which was nice.

      Over time, however, I again sense a government involvement in the student being shot earlier. Each larger lab table (of which there are three longer ones in the room) has enclosed two-tiered shelves underneath, and for some reason I open one end to look in - and at this point it seems like one of the last days of school where people are cleaning out their belongings. A picobot, but more like a miniature robotic insect, rectangular and on at least six legs (instead of wheels), is discovered on the upper shelf behind something, but it immediately leaves the area upon being seen. This picobot was supposedly designed to both observe and somehow influence the physics students. (This is nothing new; I first dreamt of something very similar back in 1974 as well as the plot and detailed look of the Tom Selleck movie “Runaway” years before it came out.)

      I and the other students follow it down the hall. We eventually come to an open elevator shaft (which seems at least seven floors down) and the picobot deliberately walks into the area and over the edge and falls into the elevator shaft, to intentionally destroy itself, it seems (so that there is no evidence of its programming). It does not explode however. My dream loses cohesion after this.

      Updated 09-30-2015 at 11:45 AM by 1390

      Tags: piocbot
    2. Dreamer's Box

      by , 01-28-2015 at 05:47 AM
      I was driving an orange sports car from the passenger seat, while the owner of the car was chasing after me. She was quite a strange looking creature with her frizzy red hair, her leathery tan skin, and her layer of makeup that was plastered across her face like a blue and pink mask. She was my friend. We were off to search for the culprit of a murder we had just witnessed. I tried to make the car swerve in circles so that she could catch up to me, since I couldn't reach the brakes and stop the car. The car lost control and went into a deep pond that was on a golf course. I sunk like a stone and accidentally breathed in the water. I noticed that I could breathe and I realized that it was a dream. The world and my vision started to fade.

      I relaxed and told myself that I didn't have to wake up yet. The dream stabilized. I tried to swim up to the surface but I fell back down as though I was on the moon and the gravity was just weird. An electric eel swam by me and shocked my hand, Ow!

      I flew out of the water and then landed on the grass. It was night time and the moon was out. I asked out loud, "Where are you Dreamer?"
      She manifested in front of me from pink and white light, then immediately started to walk away as though she had somewhere else that she really needed to be. I told her, "Wait, I have something that I want to show you."
      She turned around and we locked eyes for a second. Then I made fireworks of all different colors explode across the sky, it was beautiful. Then I focused on making a soundtrack play in the dream to what we were doing. Beautiful music started playing from the heavens. I asked her, "Do you remember?"
      She smiled at me and then we decided to lie on the grass together. We stared into each other's eyes for a minute. We were about to kiss when I remembered that I needed to find and open Pandora's box. I asked Dreamer if she had it. She pointed to her belly and said, "I have it right here."
      I lifted up her shirt and prepared myself for the gruesome task of reaching into her tummy to find Pandora's box. She stopped me right as I touched her skin, laughed, and pulled the box out of a pocket that was in her shirt. I was QUITE relieved.

      The box was very tiny, maybe the size of my thumb. I hesitantly opened it, wincing, half expecting some evil and dark shit to fly out of it. Nothing flew out, the box was already empty. I guess that someone else got to it first. All that was left in it was a mostly eaten apple. I noticed that half of the core had been eaten as well. I thought to myself, how biblical. The box was huge on the inside, despite its tiny appearance on the outside. I noticed there were some white mushrooms and an orange and purple flower in there as well. I got really excited and wanted to write all of this down so I woke up.
      I could still hear the music that had been playing after I woke up.
    3. 27 Jan 2015: 1972 Oldsmobile Wagon.

      by , 01-28-2015 at 04:45 AM
      > A bit about me looking on the screen of a portable (and monochrome or set to monochrome) device showing a 1972 Oldsmobile Custom Cruiser (Clamshell) Wagon sitting around in a little valley without windows and with moss in it, but still drivable for a Demolition Derby. Some people stood nearby.

      I know there were more dreams.

      Updated 01-06-2016 at 04:29 PM by 61868

    4. Strange Things

      by , 01-28-2015 at 04:33 AM (One Up Seeker)
      1. I was driving my car on my way home when I looked to my left and saw the freeway completed stopped up. There was so much traffic that nobody was moving. Suddenly I hear sirens blaring and I see two firetrucks speed past some traffic and enter the freeway. My curiosity is heightened and I decide to follow the firetrucks to see what's going on. I turn onto the freeway and follow them. As I am doing so I realize just how bad the traffic is and also that I had made a really bad decision.
      I wasn't going to be able to turn back for a while now either, so I knew I was going to be sitting in traffic. Nevertheless I still trailed the firetrucks, but I didn't drive directly behind them. I drove in the lane to the left of one of them. I continued following them for a while, and at one point, one of the firetrucks suddenly merges into my lane. Everything goes into slow-motion and I see everything happening perfectly. As I brace for impact, I look to my right and see a car driving straight towards me on my right. Everything is still going in slow motion.
      The firetruck is now in front of me and I am still slamming on the breaks. The car that was driving directly at me T-bones me at full force and I can feel the impact.
      Suddenly I am shifted to a hospital scene and in front of me I see a guy that looks to be Asian, and he is completely disfigured. I realize now that he was the one that got t-boned, and I was just him for that time being. Now as I watch him from my own point of view, I see just how bad the accident was. This man looks so disfigured it looked like he shouldn't even be alive right now.
      Immediately I am shifted again into another scene, and now I appear to be in the Asian mans house, probably the time being a few weeks after the hospital scene. The man is standing up and is now able to walk and everything, but he still looks extremely disfigured. He starts arguing with an older woman, probably his mom, and they get into a heated argument. The man wants to work again, but his mom tells him, "No, you have to stay off of work or any physical activity for 6 years and 3 months. It seemed like a reasonable time considering how he didn't even look human anymore.
      Again I am shifted to another scene. I am still in the mans house, but it appears to be a few years into the future. Now the man looks alot different. I somehow gained the knowledge that he had gotten surgery where the surgeons had given him a new body, but it wasn't really new. The doctors had just sewed up every wounded part of his body, which was practically everything, and now his body looked like a home stitched doll or something.
      I am put into the dream now with my own body and I start talking to him. I ask him alot of questions and how his body feels. He tells me that he feels alot better. I remember feeling completely terrified this entire time I am talking to him. I am really afraid and in my mind I think to myself, "God please, don't let this ever happen to me."

      2. I was in some sort of building. I walk into the men's restroom of this building an immediately upon entering I see two women standing inside. That's quite odd. "Wait a second, is this the men's restroom or the ladies?" I ask them. "This is the men's" they replied. At the time I had a strong feeling to pee so doing a reality check was put off. I remember then walking into one of the stalls and as I opened the stall door, I looked down at the toilet seat and noticed that there was poop on it. "Wow" I thought to myself, "How is this even possible. That's gross."
      I decide to use a urinal, so I leave the stall and do just that. I take a pee and then zip up and go to the sink. A guy I know from school, Mark, walks into the restroom. He walks straight into the stall that I just left. Right as he walks in I hear him say, "What the f*ck? That's disgusting". He then walks out and goes to another stall. After he comes out and comes to wash his hands, we start talking.
      "Dude did you see that sh*t in the stall?" he asked me. "Yeah man, it's pretty sad honestly" I reply.

      3. I am outside, standing on a building that is halfway constructed. As I am standing, I pull out a snack and start eating it. After I finish it I pull out my wallet to see how much money I have. I count 120 dollars. "Wow, I can buy a few nice shirts with this" I think to myself. About a minute later, a middle-aged guy with brown spiked up hair comes up to me. "Are you alone" he asked. "Yeah" I tell him, realizing that this seemed a bit suspicious. He reaches to grab me, but I back up. I start running away from him, and he starts chasing me. I run to the edge of the building and I grab onto the ledge. I drop down story by story, grabbing onto the ledge of each floor.
      This guy is smart, and he continues to follow me. I eventually make it down to the bottom and I start running to where I would find some people. I run around to the front of the building where two ladies are standing. "Help! Help!" I yell, thinking that these women could do something. Lol how wrong was I. I run through the ladies and the guy chasing me just runs into them and pushes them to the ground.

      4. I am on the corner of my street with my mom and dad. I pull out my phone and realize that it is my old phone. Thinking that my mom has taken my real phone, I ask her, "Mom, what did you do with my phone?". "It's right here" she tells me as she pulls out my phone out of her purse. I take it from her hands and am satisfied.

      5. I am in a building and I become semi-lucid. "I need to do more reality checks in school" I say aloud to myself. I tell myself that I am going to work on doing just that.
    5. Freakin’ my Mom Out and Hangin’ with my Sisters- Jan 24, 2015

      by , 01-28-2015 at 03:14 AM
      I just finished a dream where I was cruising in a jeep that I use to own back in the early 90’s. Jeeps are really fun to drive, especially with the roof off, and windshield down! I gotta get another one! This dream was very vivid and I was on the verge of lucidity, but the dream ended just as I was figuring it out.

      After the dream ended, I was lying in bed consciously aware, but my body was asleep, and shortly thereafter I started to hear music playing, and then ‘the vibrations’ started! This is very exciting when this happens! I leaped out of my body and stood up beside my bed, and then I struggled (as usual), to peel off my blanket and CPAP. I was twisting, and turning, and tearing at my face to get all this crap off. When I was done, I looked down at the bedroom floor to see my CPAP mask, hose, blanket, CPAP machine, transformer, and power cable all twisted together in a heap beside the bed. My body lay right on the bed right where I left it, and I looked very much asleep. Music was still playing. There was a computer monitor and key board setup on a night stand, but there isn’t one there in waking life (at my parent’s house). Hmm let’s see what this is about.

      In the bottom left corner of the black, monitor screen was rectangular icon about 1.5 inches wide by .75 inches high. The icon was lightly shaded gold. On the right side of the icon was ancient, gold, balance scale, and on the left side were gold ‘Predator’ type symbols that were scrolling and continuously changing. It was very interesting. When I pushed some keys on the keyboard, the screen flashed something quickly, but it went back to a black screen with the icon in the corner. I started calling for my daughter to join me, and then I opened the bedroom door and headed out into the hallway.

      I saw somebody walk past me in the hallway, but the person were transparent, and there was a wash of bright blue light that flashed through them. Then a second transparent person came from the washroom, and they both walked into my parent’s bedroom, so I followed them. When I walked into my parent’s room, one of them walked right through me, like they couldn’t see me. Then my mother in-law, who passed 14 years ago, walked past me, touched my arm and smiled, then said something to me, but I couldn’t hear what she said, because I had my earplugs in. The clarity by this point was perfect, and I was able to identify one of the transparent figures as being my middle sister. I reached forward and grabbed her by the shoulder and I said, “Sister, can’t you see me?” She immediately became solid, and she said my name with surprise!

      I said, “Sister, you look so young! How old are you?” and she proudly replied, “I’m 17!” She had the biggest smile. Meanwhile, the second transparent figure became solid, and she was my mom. She also looked really young, like in her late 30’s. I said, “Mom, it’s me! You look so young! I’m now 50.” My mom had a total look of horror on her face and she immediately looked at the ground. I felt upset that I startled her, and then I was back in ‘the void’ again.

      The music immediately started playing again, followed by ‘the vibrations’, so I tried to OBE exit once again. I landed on the floor beside my bed, but I slipped on something, and landed on my butt! My arms went through the floor, and I started to struggle to get up, but it was like I was pushing against air, and I just couldn’t do it. I was too close to my body, and I was getting sucked back in, so I gave up, and ended back up in ‘the void’ yet again. I stayed there for what felt like a very long time, and I eventually lowered my consciousness level enough to enter into a dream, but I wasn’t lucid. I think I lost consciousness during the transition. It actually was a cool dream where I was talking to my oldest sister through an oval portal, and then I ended up throwing slippers at her jokingly.
    6. 1 hour DEILD chain parts 1-4

      by , 01-28-2015 at 02:28 AM (Cities in the Astral)
      01/26/15 I was in the hotel again and had lots of time for sleep. I set my alarm for 8 hours and planned on Alarm DEILD for the last hour.

      I succeeded at 6 DEILDs of 9 minutes each. The first 4 were not so special so I will lump them all together. Themes included finding myself asleep on a bed at Walmart and walking around. I found the deli and ate part of a breakfast burrito. Then went out into the parking lot. I found a DC of an old friend out there in a car and visited with him. In one I appeared in a park behind some odd building and another old friend DC showed up and asked if I recognized the place from real life. A rest room building like in a park appeared, and I sort of remembered that it must be the little tiny park across from my junior high, and the other building was the back side of the public pool. I walked with him around the restrooms and we were then on a board walk and I looked at the store front nearest me. Nothing exciting here. In another I appeared sitting on the hotel bed, but 3 other people were in the room. I saw a large squash sitting nearby and picked it up. It grew larger tahn a pumkin. I started joking with the DCs and held the squash up to my belly laughing that under my shirt it would make me look pregnant. They suggested I do that, but I thought that was kind of stupid to waste lucid time on. I could just become a pregnat woman after all (maybe, sound like a challenging morph). I decided to cut the squash up and cook it and then serve it to these DCs and see if I could make it taste good. It fell into slices without the need to do anything and a pot of boiling water appeared. I dropped a piece in and it swelled up like those sponge toys. I poked at it with a fork, finding the whole texture and general appearance novel and fun. One of the DC scooped off a chunk and said it was nasty. I messed around with it a bit more before the next DEILD. I also had one with limited recall that just involved interacting with DCs.

      I felt no need to fly or use super powers. I just had 4 fun 9 minute romps doing nothing worth while, but was completely fine with that. Then it got weird...
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