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    1. 5 ld. Выход в Астрал.

      by , 05-23-2020 at 09:27 AM
      5 ОС(ВТОС) Выход в Астрал (7 октября 2011).
      Сначала мне снился интересный сон. Я вышел на остановке у продовольственной базы и пошёл вниз по тропинке. Пока я шел, видел спрайт мужчины. Начало темнеть, я понял, что мне надо прийти домой. Тут приходит смс, и сразу же следом раздаётся звонок. В смс была написана фраза нормальными буквами: «Тебя видел мужчина 7 лет. Ты, что убица хочешь?» Дальше я говорю по телефону, и при этом иду обратно по тропинке на остановку. Разговаривал я один, но думал, что говорю маме. Я говорил, что по тропинке хотел срезать до дома, но не получилось. В это время снова посветлело и окружающая обстановка стала изменяться. Я говорю в телефон, что оказался ещё дальше от дома, чем был. Когда я дошёл до остановки понял что оказался в Ю.П. (Название реальной местности). Однако на реал эта местность не была похожа. Было видно две улицы. Мне запомнился один деревянный дом, хотя было видно и другие деревянные дома. Я сказал по телефону, что нахожусь на краю сновиденного пузыря, убрал телефон. Вспомнил, что читал на форуме: «чтобы выйти в астрал надо упасть на спину». Я стал падать на спину. Вокруг потемнело, и медленно я оказался в своей кровати.
      Думал, как теперь выйти в астрал, телом не шевелил, я сделал мысленный рывок и открыл внутренний взгляд. Увидел, что лежу спиной на кровати без одеяла, головой к столу. Я шевельнул своими астральными руками и увидел сразу несколько рук, будто я шевелю так быстро, что прошлые образы положения рук в пространстве не успевают исчезать. Я попробовал поставить ноги на пол, с ними было то же самое. Я испугался и решил вернуть своё астральное тело в физическое. Всё это время я чувствовал, что лежу на кровати, но при этом, когда я астральным телом стал на пол, то я почувствовал и его, но в меньшей степени. Как только я вернулся в тело - проснулся по- настоящему.

      1. Начала сна было полуосознанным. Окончательно я не понимал, что сплю, но при этом говорил про сон.
      2. В этот день я начал участвовать в эксперименте. Загадал число, и другой участник должен был через ОС узнать это число. В смс возраст мужчины 7 лет - это и было загаданное мной число. В Эксперименте число так и не было узнано. Были результаты 5=s, 1 и 4.
      3. Надпись в смс читалась нормально, буквы не менялись, но была орфографическая ошибка - убица.
      4. Разговаривал по телефону, хотя мне в ответ никто не отвечал.
      5. Падение на спину привело к тому, что я оказался в своей комнате.
      6. Решил, что попал в Астрал и вышел из тела. Полупрозрачные руки, и их мельтешение в воздухе - это подтверждало.
      7. А вот положение тела на кровати, и отсутствие дорожки на полу - опровергает, что это был внетелесный опыт. В реале я спал на животе, и головой лежал в другую сторону.
      8. Чувствовал два тела одновременно. (астральное и физическое).

      5 LD Exit to the Astral (October 7, 2011).

      At first I had an interesting dream. I got off at the stop at the food base and went down the path. As I walked, I saw a man’s sprite. It was getting dark, I realized that I needed to come home. Then an SMS arrives, and immediately the bell rings.
      The phrase was written in normal letters in SMS: “A man of 7 years old saw you. What do you want a killer? ”(Убица - This word was spelled incorrectly. Убийца - is a person who kills other people).
      Then I talk on the phone, and at the same time I go back along the path to the bus stop.
      I talked alone, but thought I was telling my mom.
      I said that I wanted to cut down the path to the house, but it did not work out. (Срезать - it means shorten the path).
      At this time, it brightened again and the environment began to change. I say on the phone that I was even further from home than I was. When I got to the stop I realized that I was in Yu.P. (Name of the real area). However, this area did not look like real.
      Two streets were visible. I remember one wooden house, although other wooden houses were visible. I said on the phone that I was on the edge of a dream bubble, removed the phone.

      I recalled that I read on the forum: "to get to the astral plane you have to fall on your back." I began to fall on my back. Around it darkened, and slowly I ended up in my bed.
      I thought how now to go to the astral plane, I didn’t move my body, I made a mental jerk and opened my inner gaze. I saw that I was lying with my back on the bed without a blanket, my head to the table. I moved my astral hands and saw several hands at once, as if I were moving so fast that past images of the position of the hands in space did not have time to disappear. I tried to put my feet on the floor, it was the same with them. I was scared and decided to return my astral body to the physical. All this time, I felt like I was lying on the bed, but at the same time, when I became an astral body on the floor, I felt it, but to a lesser extent. As soon as I returned to the body, I woke up for real.

      1. The beginning of dream was semi-conscious. Finally, I did not understand that I was dreaming, but at the same time I talked about dream.
      2. On this day, I began to participate in the experiment. I guessed a number, and another participant had to find out this number through the LD. In SMS, the age of a man is 7 years old - this was the number I had dreamed up. In the Experiment, the number was never recognized. There were results 5 = s, 1 and 4.
      3. The inscription in SMS was read normally, the letters did not change, but there was a spelling error - убица.
      4. Talked on the phone, although no one answered me.
      5. Falling on my back led me to find myself in my room.
      6. I Decided that I was in the Astral and out of the body. Translucent hands, and their flickering in the air - this confirmed.
      7. But the position of the body on the bed, and the lack of a track on the floor - refutes that it was an out-of-body experience. In real life, I was sleeping on my stomach, and my head lay in the other direction.
      8. Felt two bodies at the same time. (astral and physical).
    2. Why do I have a slug in my mouth?

      by , 05-23-2020 at 08:58 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)

      I had some sort of allergic reaction right before I went to bed and my throat started to become sore and I got all these itchy rashes. I think that made me sleep longer because I was so tired even tough my alarm woke me up after 9 hours of sleep. I slept one hour more and bounced out and in of many dreams. Including one of those experiences when you just feel like you fall when you wake up.

      I'm in some kind of big shower with many more people. I usually bother being naked in front of other people but I wasn't thinking about it in this dream. I'm not even sure I was naked now when I think about it. Suddenly there are two sea slugs on the floor. They are brownish and they made themselves ball like. I decide to wipe them into one place and after I have done so I notice that there are many other kinds of sea slugs too. They are in different colors, shapes and sizes. I have wiped them into a pile. I suddenly notice I have a small sea slug in my mouth and I spit it out into the pile. The people next to me have some kind of reaction.

      My dad has some kind of syringe and is about to teach us how anesthetic agents work in our kitchen. The syringe is not actually a syringe. It's a long very small, pointy tube inserted in a big glass tank. He inserts the syringe in his arm and some of the liquid from the tank goes into his arm. There is an instrument that shows you when you have gotten the right amount of liquid. He then moves on to the second phase and changes syringe. He then does the same process as before. It is our turn now and I decide to do the first step. I already have a tube inserted into my arm. It's difficult because the liquid from the tank is hard to adjust and I'm not sure if I'm taking blood from my arm or if I'm inserting the anesthetic into my arm. It hurts and after I'm done I decide not to do the second phase. Mostly because I am afraid of stinging myself with the syringe.

      I'm in a big arena and it's someones birthday. I have a friend next to me and much is happening. This was the dream with most action but I don't remember it.

      These are some of the dreams I bounced in and out from the last hour of sleep. I also had a lot of dream fragments I don't remember anymore. Mostly walking in my room.

      I'm outside and playing some activities outside with some people. There are two teams and I'm with the team that has ribbons. The activity leader tells the ribbon team to go to the other side and the other team to stay where we were. I am standing next to a tree pole.

      I'm climbing down my bed and I get incredible speed as I fall.

      Possible recurring elements: Showers, home, syringe, arenas.

      Notes: I dreamt about the slug because I saw the Harry Potter scene when Ron pukes big snails three days ago. I have no idéa why I dreamt about the syringe. Maybe because I had a reaction before I went to bed. I sometimes have dreams about arenas. It's one of my dream signs.

      Updated 09-05-2020 at 09:12 PM by 97565

      non-lucid , false awakening , dream fragment