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    1. Failed Gravity

      by , 05-17-2020 at 12:44 PM
      Bed time routine: screens off at 10, in bed by 10:30. Drank honey and MCT oil mixture with tea brewed from Calea Z, mugwort, damiana, bobinsana, blue lotus. No galantamine or DreamLeaf supplements this time (wanted to see how the herbs alone afffected me). Mindfulness meditation just before sleep.

      I'm in a house with some strangers in an unfamiliar city. Someone was coming for us,but right as they arrived I slipped out, walking right by them and acting natural. They come for me, and I cannot escape. They threaten me, I don't know why. I wake up, 1:55 AM
      I am with my sisters, Lisa and Tina. They are taking me somewhere, even though I am tired. I sleep in the backseat of the car. We arrive at a swimming pool, they jump in without me. I jump in next, but I jump too far and am above the concrete on the other side; I float back to the center, and am not falling into the water, so I push from the ceiling into the pool. When I climb out, there are other people in the pool, and I'm self concious of the way they look at my scars. I remember I had my tattoos in this dream.
      I tell Tina that the gravity above the pool wasn't working right, and that I had to check to make sure this was in fact real. I look at my hands.
      OH! LOOK HOW MANY FINGERS! This is in fact, a dream! Tina doesn't seem excited by this revelation. I tell Lisa, she thinks I'm being weird. "Thats why the gravity didn't work! And thats why YOU (Lisa) aren't pregnant right now! None of this is real! My right eye closes, and the dream starts going dim. I ask Tina to lead me back to the car because I can't see. On the way to the car, my vision is replaced with a 3DS screen map, showing my location and movement. I try to explain this to my uninterested sister as we step into the car. Except now its a train car, its WWII era, many men and women sit in the car with us. Everything is so vivid. To my right, a very young and handsome Steve Rogers orders some food from the lady with the trolly. He turns to me and smiles. I know dream are all about expectations, so I try very hard to believe that he will kiss me. The dream fades and I wake up. 5:54 am.
      Back in the dream, I immediately look at my hands. Too many fingers. I'm at the pool again, but as I leave it is now a restaraunt.I am old, and make a scene so that we will get kicked out. I lose lucidity as I follow the dream plot. We leave and are now shopping for shirts. I have to pick something for my husband, he is helpless. Also younger. I am now myself, in line to buy a shirt. A young boy is in line ahead of me, trying to use a credit card. The cashier asks for ID, and he shows her a picture of an ID on a tablet. She asks again if this is really his card. He admits its a joke, but she pushes a button and an alarm goes off. We are now waiting for the police. The people behind me are crowding, and I ask them to back off. An attractive girl with turquise braces and several tattoos apologizes. I compliment her tats, we have a conversation about them. I tell her I love the little peace sign she has, that I want something similar, that I want it to be a reminder for me to Smile and Breathe. I wake up (6:55), and draw the peace sign on my hand. I've been trying to figure out what symbol to use for this reminder, and the dream has just given me the perfect idea.
    2. Watching series with my cousin

      by , 05-17-2020 at 07:37 AM (DJ of lucid goals and how it goes)

      I'm about to fall asleep and I see a very detailed picture for just a fragment of time. It was an open risifrutti with a spoon in it. I couldn't have made that picture up myself I think. I think that I might succed in seeing some more pictures or HI since I haven't had any memorable experiences yet. There are waves of white coming sideway over my closed eyes after some time and my left arm is getting some big sensations, alsmost like itches all over my arm but more dull, but nothing spectacular.

      I'm with my little cousin David. We are hanging out and watching a serie. I'm not sure but I think I was in the action of an episode we were watching for some time. I know that it was a really long dream and I'm frustrated I can't remember more.

      Possible recurring elements: My cousins, TV

      Notes: I only slept three hours three nights ago so I had to stabilize my sleep scheme and havn't written since. I'm starting small with this little dream but tomorrow I will have much more to write! I also read Sageous WILD Session 1: Mental Prep Part A and did some reverse RC yesterday. I noticed that I always moved my tounge when I repeated my mantra a week ago and thought that it might disturb my WILD because you are supposed to relax your whole body. I have trained to think without moving my tounge since and I'm really getting better. I tried seing the text instead of moving my tounge but it's really hard. Is it just me having troubles with my tounge?

      Updated 05-17-2020 at 07:40 AM by 97565

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    3. Мой первый ОС. 1 ld.

      by , 05-17-2020 at 04:18 AM
      10 августа 2011
      Проснулся ночью. После сна некоторое время не мог заснуть. Вспомнил про метод прерываемого сна. Подумал, что теперь смогу увидеть ОС. Итак, я заснул.
      Нахожусь в какой-то комнате. Темно. Рядом висит автомобильное зеркало. Мельком увидел своё отражение, и понял, что я во сне. Решил осмотреть своё отражение, чтобы узнать отличаюсь ли я во сне от своего реального облика. Рассматриваю и думаю: "Да нет, вроде не отличаюсь. Только под правым глазом пятно какое-то". Когда проснулся, понял, что отражение всё равно чем-то отличалось. Далее я отодрал это зеркало, и поставил себе цель вернуться в предыдущий сон, точнее к людям того сна.
      Оказался на улице. Мне кто-то сказал, что нужные мне люди находятся в доме, в квартире. Я зашёл в дом. Поднимаюсь по ступенькам – тупик. Выше ещё ступеньки есть. Перелез туда – опять тупик. «Да, наяву такую архитектуру не построить». Пришлось подниматься по перилам, для того чтобы перепрыгнуть на верхние ступеньки. Вылез на площадку. На площадке было две квартиры. В одной была открыта дверь. Зашёл туда. Вижу стул. А на стуле свою одежду: шорты и футболка. Оказывается я голый. Одел их. Зеркало в моих руках изменило форму – стало круглым, и чуть больше ладони. Непонятно каким образом я его держал.
      Увидел в комнате мамину одежду. Стал искать маму. Зашёл в другую комнату. Там было темно. Сама комната превратилась в мою спальню. Я посмотрел в зеркало, перед тем, как выйти из комнаты. Увидел в отражении маму. Развернулся – никого нет. Попытался нащупать руками то место, где стояла мама – пусто.
      Выхожу в зал. За дверью у стенки вижу свою маму. Решил проверить её на зеркало. Но вместо того, чтобы смотреть через отражение, навёл зеркальной стороной на неё. Понял свою ошибку. Посмотрел в отражение. Увидел вместо мамы человекообразное тело. На самом теле была огромная непропорциональная голова в форме сердца с большими красными глазами. Заметив, что её разоблачили, она пошла на меня. Я как то сверху накрыл её зеркалом. Получился этакий зеркальный колпак, из которого она не смогла выбраться. После этого проснулся.

      1. Осознался с помощью техники прерванного сна.
      2. Зеркало - признак сна. Висело не понять на чём. Изменяло форму. Отражение немного отличалось. Зеркальный колпак на персонаже.
      3. Лестница - признак сна. Невозможная в реале архитектура.
      4. Одежда - признак сна. В начале сна был одетым. Потом оказался голым. Заново оделся.
      5. Персонаж мамы превратился в существо в форме сердца.
      6. Место действия: мой дом.
      7. Примерное время нахождения в ОСе 5 минут.

      August 10, 2011

      Woke up at night. After sleep, I could not fall asleep for some time. I remembered about the method of interrupted sleep. I thought that now I can see the LD. So, I fell asleep.
      I am in a room. Dark. Nearby is a car mirror. I caught a glimpse of my reflection, and realized that I was in a dream. I decided to examine my reflection in order to find out if I am different in a dream from my real appearance. I consider and think: “No, I don’t seem to be different. Only under the right eye there is some kind of stain.” When I woke up, I realized that the reflection was somehow different. Then I tore off this mirror, and set myself the goal of returning to the previous dream, or rather to the people of that dream.
      I appeared on the street. Someone told me that the people I need are in the house, in the apartment. I went into the house. Climbing the stairs - a dead end. There are still steps above. Climbed there - again a dead end. “Yes, it’s impossible to build such an architecture.” I had to climb the railing in order to jump to the upper steps. Crawled out to the site. There were two apartments on the site. One door was open. I went there. I see a chair. And on the chair his clothes: shorts and a T-shirt. It turns out I'm naked. I put them on. The mirror in my hands changed shape - it became round, and a little more than a palm. It is unclear how I held him.
      I saw my mother’s clothes in the room. I began to look for mom. I went into another room. It was dark there. The room itself turned into my bedroom. I looked in the mirror before leaving the room. I saw my mother in reflection. Turned around - no one. I tried to feel with my hands the place where my mother stood - empty.
      I go out into the hall. Behind the door by the wall I see my mother. I decided to check it on the mirror. But instead of looking through the reflection, I directed the mirror side at her. I understood my mistake. I looked in reflection. I saw a humanoid body instead of my mother. On the body itself was a huge disproportionate heart-shaped head with large red eyes. Noticing that she was exposed, she went to me. Somehow I covered her with a mirror from above. The result was a sort of mirror cover from which she could not get out. After that I woke up.

      1. Confessed using the technique of interrupted sleep.(dream).
      2. A mirror is a sign of sleep. Hanging did not understand what. Changed shape. The reflection was a little different. Mirror cap on the character.
      3. Stairs - a sign of sleep. Impossible architecture in real life.
      4. Clothing is a sign of sleep. At the beginning of sleep was dressed. Then I was naked. Dressed again.
      5. Mom’s character has become a heart-shaped creature.
      6. Location: my home.
      7. The approximate time spent in the OS 5 minutes.

      Updated 05-17-2020 at 05:15 AM by 90895
