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    false awakening

    False Awakening

    1. Strange accidental WILD...

      by , 06-04-2012 at 04:19 AM (RommiH's Dream Journal (entries are not dated correctly. i am slowly transferring my DJ from my computer, to the one on DV))
      I tried an OBE this morning. I tried to have an OBE but instead I had an accidental WILD. In fact, a very, very long one. It went like this:
      I wake up at seven. I did stuff till eight. I get back into bed and try an OBE. Eventually I become deeply relaxed and there is tons of hypnagogic imagery. It starts distant and unclear but it gets very vivid as time goes by. Then, my mind just explodes with hypnogonia. Visuals everywhere! I hear tons of voices. Then I see flashes of my room as if I can see through my eyelids. Then I see my laptop in front of me, and only that. By this time the voices are at their peak. They were completely understandable. I can hear word for word. Only there were so many voices I couldn't listen to them all. Then voices of two people I know started talking to me. They started calling out my name over and over. I get the feeling that their frustrated at me for not replying. At some point I also heard a huge BOOM/BANG! I think, Ahmed has gotten these bang sounds before! After that VIBRATIONS, never ending vibrations. I get two small waves like when I had my first OBE. I have that thought while its happening. But then a third wave comes and it does not end. It keeps going and going. Im thinking, When is this gonna end? All of a sudden I'm in sleep paralysis. I try to separate, but I fail. Then I open my eyes. I see my room and I am lost for words. The first thing I noticed was the color. I won't try to describe the colors. The next thing I noticed was how the door wasn't where it is normally. But then I saw another door where it always was. There were two. There was a huge window across from my bed. It was like a replication of my room on some alien star ship. Everything was sooooo different yet the same. It spooked me a bit, the way it looked; it was dark and alien-ly sinister. Then I thought, shadow beings? There were none. Then I started to get dragged from my bed. I thought, whatever, just go with the flow. I was then pulled into the space between my bed and my bedside table/drawer thing. I felt my body curl up into the space. I then close my eyes. I try to separate but fail. I open my eyes again I see the same room and everything that happened before happens again. Only this time I am pulled into the wall closest to me. All I see is a strange green-grey. I am unable to move or separate. Seeing no progress will be made now, I want to wake up. This way I'll at least be able to remember all this clearly and write it down, or as I am now, typing it. I try so hard to move. I cant, no matter how hard I try. I think back to what Nicholas Newport said. I try breathing fast and hard. It works; I wake up. I sit in bed and start to think about everything that just happened. I suddenly realize that all of this was not a failed OBE. In fact, I had achieved a WILD without realizing it. I was aware the whole time but I thought I was going through a failing OBE. I failed to tell the difference between an OBE and a lucid dream. It was all a dream starting from the vibrations. I was aware make no mistake, but I had treated everything as if I was on the path to an OBE. I get out of bed wondering how much time has passed. I change my shirt because the one I was wearing smelled.( In waking life it really did smell) I take a moment to decide which shirt I will wear. Whether it'll be the one that I had over my eyes or something else. I then walk out of the room. On my way I look out the window and notice it's dark. This confuses me. I wonder, How long have I been here? I walk into the living room and see my mom and my sister on the couch. Nothing new here. I exchange a few words with my mom but didn’t pay attention to what she was saying. My focus was on the leather coffee table next to us. There was something moving inside of it. I go, Oh! That’s where the mice are living. I hope my mom doesn’t notice. She does and I wake up. For real this time. I think back and realize I had experienced a false awakening. But the conclusions I made in my false awakening about the WILD and how I treated it like an OBE remained true.

    2. Through the Mirror

      by , 06-03-2012 at 02:07 PM
      This one's actually from yesterday. Let's hope it works.

      Rough night to begin with, but it ended well after all. I got up at 5 AM to do a WBTB, except I couldn't get back to sleep. After trying for a while, I got up again at 7 AM. I got something to eat, watched TV for a while, and got some business out of the way. When I started feeling drowsy, I went back to bed.

      I'm sitting on my sister's bed as she talks. She's complaining about the landline not working because the company hooking up the phones has no idea what they're doing, so we have to stick around until they send someone to fix it. I randomly start telling her about the Sodastream I bought a while back. She asks if it adds sugar to drinks. I try explaining that it depends on the drink mix and they make sugar-free ones, but she repeats her question about sugar as if she doesn't hear me. I lay down on her bed and tune her out as I start doze off.

      Then I feel skin brushing against mine. I opened my eyes to see that I'm naked under the sheets, and that there's someone else in bed with me. At first, it looks like my long-term boyfriend, though he seems quite a bit pudgier than usual. Oh, and he's naked, too. I scoot a little closer, but then it hits me that my sister's bedroom is really weird place for the two of us to get it on. I start thinking back to the weird conversation with my sister and realize that this has to be a dream.

      I sit up, but now I'm in my parents' bed. Worse, my dad is entering the room and screaming about catching me with my boyfriend, who quickly vanishes. And I'm still naked! This seems like it's quickly turning into a nightmare, but at least I maintain lucidity instead of panicking. I remember the task of the month and spot the small mirrored detailing on the headboard. I try to push through one of the tiny mirrors and get rejected -- not that I could put more than a finger through it anyway.

      I jump out of bed and run to the nearest place I can hide, which turns out to be Dad's closet. He follows me and continues to yell. I need to get out of this situation. Opposite the closet entrance is bathroom vanity with a sink. Above the sink, there's a mirror. I'm still a little cautious after my last experience with a mirror, so I want to test it. I grab a jar off the counter and throw it. I'm expecting the mirror to shatter, but instead, the jar bounces off like a rubber ball hitting concrete. I take a running leap and dive headfirst into the mirror.

      Passing through the mirror is much easier than I expected. I find myself falling through blackness at first, but then there's a lot of light. I land in the waters just off the beach of a tropical island. It looks so beautiful, like it came out of a picture postcard. My sweetie appears next to me, floating on an inflatable raft with his sunglasses on and a tropical drink in his hand. He smiles at me and says that he's been waiting for me, but he knew he wouldn't have to wait long. He had faith that I'd be able to do it.
    3. WILD w/ two successful teleportations

      by , 06-03-2012 at 10:57 AM (WILD Dream Journal)
      6/3 - WILD w/ two successful teleportations

      The last couple nights I've been struggling with WILD after having two quick successes I was beginning to lose confidence. Last night instead of my normal WBTB I calculated when my REM cycles started based off when I would naturally wake up every night. I entered an alarm targeting my second REM cycle because I usually have fairly vivid and long dreams during that period.

      I found myself awake with a very odd sensation. At the time I thought my alarm had brought me to waking state and I had very strong imagery. I decided to start WILD right away and about 5 minutes into the technique my alarm shocked me awake. I became wide awake and unable to sleep for about an hour.
      The entire hour I was trying to fall asleep but I was unable to become relaxed. Finally I felt my body enter SP and I began attempting WILD.

      Soon after I found myself falling into my dream. I became very excited because of how much I have been struggling the past couple days. I felt myself waking up and I quickly attempted to stabilize. My stabilization worked and I found myself in a black void. I closed my dream eyes and began visualizing my room. After visualizing I opened my eyes and found myself right where I envisioned. I was quite surprised and began walking around my house. After exploring I walked back into the room that my GF was in and she began talking to me while she was sleeping. I got the feeling she was trying to convince me this was a dream so I sprinted through the door and went into the bathroom.

      At this point I began thinking about what I had planned for my next dream. I wanted to use the bathroom mirror to teleport into a land that would begin all of my dreams. I remember staring in the mirror and having a surprisingly vivid image of myself staring back at me. After observing the image I pushed my arms into the mirror. My arms went through the mirror like water. I began visualizing a wooded scene where I wanted to begin my dream. After thinking about trees and sunlight and buildings I pushed my way through the mirror and found myself placed in a valley surrounded by trees. I quickly took in my surroundings and turned to my right and there I found a old building with a wooden door covered in vines. I walked over to the door and tried to visualize a new area inside.

      Upon opening the door I found myself in a room with a dirt floor, in the center of the room there was a small door. I walked over to it, opened it and there was about two inches of dug up earth below it. I turned away from the door and noticed there were no walls behind me. I walked outside the building and noticed quite a few abandoned homes that had missing walls and some that were complete with damaged air conditioners in the windows.

      As I walked down the path I noticed a playground on the right side of the path. There were 3 dream characters playing on a swing set. As I approached them I said "This is a dream, you are within my dream" They tried to tell me this wasn't a dream and I replied by saying "If this was reality would I do this?" and I followed by ripping off all of my clothing.

      I do not recall how the dream scene ended but soon after I found myself back within my room. At this point I was unsure if I was inside a dream. I walked into my bathroom and pressed hard on the mirror. My finger pushed slightly into the mirror and I recall thinking how crafty my mind was trying to make me think I was dreaming again. As I pushed my finger through the mirror I noticed my dog running over to me. I began floating and pushed myself into the next room. I recall interacting with my dog and shortly after I woke up.
      false awakening , lucid
    4. Dream Drug OBEs, Lucid Fragment Again, Creepy Party, Changing Rooms, Lucid Nonsense

      by , 06-03-2012 at 10:48 AM
      #1 - Dream Drug OBEs [Non-Lucid]

      My dad and I each smoked some weed laced with synthetic cannabinoids, at least a good few and including JWH-420, and we ended up having heavy out-of-body experience trips for a while. I don't really remember what happened other than a few flashes of color. When I finally started calming down and come back to "reality", I noticed that my dad was still pretty out of it. I went to my bed to lie down and turned off the lights, and then I woke up in my real bed.

      Dream Fragment - There was a family party going on but I can't remember where, some swimming occurred, our family friend DE and my cousin GA were there and GA had apparently just come out of the closet, or something... and finally there was talk about going off to college, but I can't even recall who it was about.

      #2 - Lucid Fragment Again [DILD]

      All I remember is that I became lucid and I told myself I had to keep focus. And that's it. :T *sigh*

      #3 - Creepy Party [Non-Lucid]

      There was some really bizarre party going on with a bunch of people there, and I don't really remember much about it other than being scared and deciding to leave with O. We walked out to a parking lot and decided to meet up at my house, and when I got in my car I noticed that I was really high, and I felt it was off of a synthetic cannabinoid. I felt cautious about driving, but noticed it barely took me a second to be at some highway intersection. Soon after that I woke up.

      #4 - Changing Rooms [Non-Lucid]

      I was in some kind of clothing store and lost in what I wrote in my notes as a "matrix of rooms and bathrooms." Basically I was looking for a changing room, and there were rows and columns of hallways with rooms in between each intersection, mostly consisting of bathrooms and changing rooms that were too revealing, and occasionally just an actual hallway. I was walking around in a pink one-piece bathing suit and carrying lots of different clothes, and at one point I walked past a group of women just standing around and changing out in the open. They chuckled at me as I walked by distressed, I guess because I wasn't as willing to change in the open as them lol.

      #5 - Lucid Nonsense [DILD]

      No memory of when I was non-lucid, but I do know a good amount of things happened. I became lucid at my house and flew to the laundry room where some random guy was standing. I tried to punch him and it went in a sort of slow motion and he dodged it. I turned around and saw another guy standing in the kitchen, so I flew up to him and this time he tried to punch me, again in slow motion, but as he did I grabbed his arm and directed it towards the other guy, hitting him this time and seeing my face in the microwave door as I passed by it. My memory gets a little hazy at this point, but I talked to my dad to make sure it was still a dream, and then I touched some stuff to stabilize. I randomly decided to grab a bottle of mustard that was sitting on the kitchen counter and pour it on to the floor, but nothing came out despite there being a squirting sound. I told myself that the mustard must have covered the whole outside world! And when I looked outside everything had some mustard on it. I didn't really get to explore it, though. My vision got weird and I started seeing my arms resting in front of me like in a bed, and I started thinking that I must've been waking up and my eyes were opening. I fought it but eventually I just gave in.

      False Awakening - I started typing up my dream and got a little less than half way through, but then I fully woke up and luckily didn't lose too much.
    5. Mandy Stars

      by , 06-02-2012 at 12:29 PM (School 2)
      Dream; Semi-Lucid; Lucid; Memorable; 1-4 My Recollection;

      I rested well, woke at 5:30am.

      ..I think I stirred in my room, I headed downstairs.
      4; I seemed to have been in an understanding. I was running along a few LD's I recalled' as I went out the basement door. "Is this getting boring?" I asked. (I seemed to think I had been lucid for a good number of dreams.) LOL, I ran along in the dark pulling the stars down until they where visible. I rubbed my hands to avoid an FA. The dream blurred between a few concerts and the mall.

      ..I was on top of a few shelves and Mandy was sitting against the wall. I went over a few values with her in a brief storiyline.

      ..Previously I flew up on a balcony to see my brother.
      I was flying along the streets, but it was dark so I headed back to find people. There where cute girls in the apartment.

      Updated 06-05-2012 at 12:46 PM by 25261

      Tags: flight, mandy, night, space
      lucid , false awakening
    6. why are you up so early?

      by , 06-02-2012 at 02:22 AM
      (i was at my friends house sleeping over, i got to sleep on the couch) in my dream, i wake up and stand up from the couch, walk up the stairs and meet my friends mom who instantly asks my why am awake so early, (the dream fades away and my eyes open, as i remember the dream i walk upstairs and brush my teeth, i ask my friends mom if there is any toothpaste i can use and she directs me to it before asking my why i am up so early, [it was 6:00].)
    7. Couldn't sleep (29th May 2012)

      by , 05-31-2012 at 06:57 PM
      {Curly brace & blue} .... Relevent waking life details before entry, if appropriate

      Black .... Dream body/narative text

      (Standard braces & dark green, bold) .... Dream notes, lucidity, time. method etc

      ************************************************** ***********************************

      {This one is from two nights ago.... 29 may 2012
      Waking life I've been trying to WILD, and have been getting quite close.
      So I went to bed at my normal time, with the intention to get 4hrs+ REALLY GOOD sleep,
      so that I should easily WILD when I've taken my early morning 3.30 to 4am pee}


      I dreamed that I couldn't sleep for most of the night & that I was tossing and turning..
      .. Though the night seemed to pass by quite quickly.. it was soon really light outside,
      and eventually was that not far off my normal alarm waking time in waking life
      .. I was worried that my lack of sleep would wreck my chances of a WILD.

      I even at one point, picked up my mobile in the dream, and browsed a few of pages on the subject of sleep

      (I know it was a dream, because...
      1) The web pages I browsed on my phone in the night weren't in the browser history
      2) On recollection in the morning, it felt 'dreamlike'
      3) I 'woke up' when my alarm went off in waking life, without feeling like I hadn't slept
    8. A new assignment classified...TOP SECRET.

      by , 05-30-2012 at 10:19 PM (My Dream Records)
      Black means non lucid
      Orange means semi lucid
      Blue means lucid
      Red means dream characters talking
      Purple means possible shared dreaming person
      Green means notes

      Got it? Great! Now enjoy reading my dreams.

      Ok, now it seems that i've gotten back into the swing of things with this dream of mine. Although, if i get called on a new job opportunity soon, that may reduce my chances of dreaming like i use too. Soo, what i am going to do is, try and do weekend dreaming.

      I'll just save my dreams onto my computer file, and post them whenever i can. Been doing more reality checks with my totem too, so it has appeared quite a few times in my dream i had. Looks like im back on board...for now that is.

      Lol, ok enough talking..here are my dreams!

      Dream #1 Making moves.

      Spoiler for Theme Of The Dream:

      Im in my 2nd home packing up some items in my suitcase. I notice that i see my hawk coin totem on the kitchen counter and put it in my pocket. (What a missed reality check there) I go to the den and start putting some clothes in the suitcase, and trying to hurry up. I go back into my room and my celphone rings and its Natalia. She tells me..

      (Natalia talking)

      "Don't forget to stop at your 1st home, we need those files."
      I tell her ok, and start looking around to see if im forgetting anything. I hear a cab blowing outside of my house, and head out the door with my suitcase.

      Dream #2 How to take care of business.

      Im in a hotel projected as Natalie Raitano for some reason. Its night time, and im holding a guy off of the edge of a balcony telling him to give me all of the information, or else i will drop him. The guy is screaming and yelling as im holding him by his ankles. I notice Blaze is with me too. She says something about we can always moniter his calls or something like that.

      "Oh yea, that is true huh?"
      We pull the man up and i grab him by his collar and tell him to make the call now. He starts calling someone, and thats all i remember there.

      Dream #3 Getting closer.

      Im still projected as Natalie Raitano, and im creeping thru a long hallway.

      There are corners that i stop at, and peep around while holding a silencer. I see a few men waiting by different doors and i shoot at each one of them. I now make my way thru one of the doors, and find a huge table with a list of names on it. I become lucid right here though only briefly, a man enters the door and asks me if i can help him search for someone. I told him who was it, and he mentioned his daughter. I leave the room and ended up walking with this old man, and started losing lucidity here. The man starts talking about how he wishes he could go fishing, or some shit like that..and i ended up waking up because of that.

      Dream #4 Top Secret.

      Im in a room with this dude in a dim lit room, and he starts telling me stuff about the goverment is out to get him. I try and tell him to relax and not be so paranoid, but he says that it is true and wants to show me something. We head downstairs to this basement and there are a bunch of people in capsules, and people hooked up to machines and shit.
      I become lucid seeing all of this, and reach in my pocket staring at everthing and rubbing my hawk coin totem. I asked the guy what was his name and he told me he wishes to remain anonymous due to potential possiblities of him being watched or something like that. I then ask him..

      "So how did we find eachother?"

      "Na bro, you found me!"
      I start becoming even more lucid to the point i began talking with him about stuff like wars, and poverty, and religion. He starts telling me that its all a set up from the jump or something like that, and that he only wishes that more people would wake up. I asked him how can i find him again and he says..

      "Shit, you the dream navigator. I don't know how to navigate dreams like that man."
      "How did you know that about me?"
      "Cause they told me about you."

      The door upstairs is kicked in and he starts talking to me in code, and giving me certain numbers if i ever need to look for him again or something like that. I try and repeat the numbers, but he insists that we will meet again. He tells me to keep teaching people thru their dreams so we can build our nation back to the way it use to be and to be safe. He sits in a chair, and straps himself in with a device hooked up to him, and dissapears.
      I hear men upstairs talking and footsteps coming towards the upstairs basement door.
      I start running thru the basement looking for a way out, but find no exit. I decide to fall backwards.

      False awakening

      I wake up in my 2nd home on the basement couch, and trying to remember the last dream i had. It hits me..I don't live here anymore, ans i better wake up before i forget the rest of the dream. I wake up for real, and record the dream.

      Final dream. Building a team.

      Im in my 2nd home in the basement talking to a bunch of different people about dreams. (Don't become semi lucid or lucid) I start handed out totems to everybody and giving each of them a homework assignment on reality checks with their totems. Thats all i remember and wake up.
    9. New Job / Hallucinogen Gas

      by , 05-28-2012 at 05:56 PM (Is it a dream ?)
      I have to say that the day that I had this dream I was visiting my family, so I was sleeping in the room that I slept since I was a kid to 2 years ago when I moved to the city that I'm living now.

      Non-Lucid part:
      I'm somewhere with my mom and my best friend D.
      I'm going to an interview for a job related to psychology in few minutes.
      My mom complains about my clothes because they are wrinkled.
      I am using a gold social shirt, that I don't actually have.
      I fix the shirt and go to the factory, I'm there. I'm in the entry of the hangar where I should answer to a questionary.
      From the gate I see one woman inside the building and she tells me that there is a door in the right side of the building.
      I do how she said and enter in the building. There is a computer inside of it where I have to answer the questions and I start.
      I remember of answering some idiot questions like "What is the origin of your name in your opinion ?".
      One cousin of mine appears next to me and start to disturb me and I get worried about don't having enough time to finish my questionary. I tease him calling him "big-headed" but stop doing that because his dad is near. I think "why didn't I come early ?" but I get to finish it and go out from that hangar.
      I go to a square near from there and meet some friends, including D and an aunt of mine. They are near to a bush breathing (not voluntarily or not knowing what was that) a gas that is coming from beneath of the bush that causes visual and olfactory hallucinations. They are all saying things like "what a crazy smell" and "I'm high".
      I knew that was the gas that was causing all of that things, but for some reason I didn't tell anyone and I couldn't feel the effects like them.
      I start flying around like crazy asking why I couldn't feel it.
      It's not the first time that I have this behavion in non-lucids when I get angry.
      D calls me and says "Come here that I will show you why you can't feel it" and goes start to go to outside the square running, I go beside him flying.

      Lucid Part:
      I find myself in a street not too near from that square. I'm lucid that I'm dreaming.
      It was not a high lucidity level.
      I start floating around the streets with not much altitude and the dream starts to fade. I stabilize it.
      I want to go to the top of a building and want to do it by jumping, I jump once but not too high, jump again and almost get it, but before falling to the floor I start swiming and get to the terrace of the building.
      I'm always repeating "It's a dream, It's a dream" this time.
      Over the building the dream fades out very fast and I start spining my body when I couldn't see anything but darkness. It leads me to a FA.

      I wake up in the room of my house feeling "a little of SP", my hand is feeling weird and a big part of my body is dorment.
      Some seconds after I wake for real in a completely different position.

      PS: After writing the dream in my DJ I realized that the square of the dream is very alike to one square wich is in the way of the bus I used to go to work everyday.

      Dream Stats:
      Went to sleep: 00:10am
      Duration: ~30min (25 non-lucid / 5 lucid)
      Woke up at: 4:30 am

      Updated 06-07-2012 at 09:04 PM by 54816

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    10. 28th May 2012 - Fourth Lucid Dream [Most Vivid Yet]

      by , 05-28-2012 at 04:30 PM
      Italic Text = Personal Thoughts
      Normal Text = Non-Lucid Segment
      Purple Text = Lucid Segment

      I had initially slipped out of a dream and into a false awakening, which I managed to pick up on and immediately woke after realising it was a dream. I wanted to get up anyway and write down the dream I just had as this night I had only recalled one dream, but I decided to take a chance, sacrifice remembering that dream and DEILDed back into the false awakening.

      I was initially sure I wasn't in a dream as I didn't feel myself fall asleep from the DEILD, but I performed a reality check anyway and realised that I was in fact dreaming!

      I pulled myself up from the bed and everything was blurry and spinning around me. This time though, unlike my other lucid dreams, I remembered to perform stabilisation techniques. I rubbed my hands together and spun around but it didn't seem to be working at first. It felt like I was looking at the world through a fisheye lens that was incredibly zoomed out. It was really disorientating.

      I blinked after performing a lot of stabilisation, and after the blink things became the most vivid they have been in any of my lucid dreams. I walked out of my door and to my stairs, where my Dad was standing at the bottom. He begins walking up the stairs as I'm walking down them, and I decide to just push him back off the stairs so I can get by, just to see his reaction. He kind of stumbles, looks at me funny, and then walks away.

      I walk into the living room, it's dark in here but I walk through into my kitchen area. I get annoyed at the darkness so I try to use powers to turn on the light, but nothing seems to be happen. I flick the light switch and the light starts flickering dimly but I still can't get it to turn on.

      I decide to walk outside, when I open the door I notice that it's actually daytime outside, roughly mid-morning. As I'm walking I notice that I don't have any shoes or socks on and get worried that the discomfort of walking on the rough ground with bare feet would wake me up. I look away from my feet and conjure some shoes and I become excited when it actually works as this was my first conjuration. Though, despite this, I'm still feeling the rough ground as if I was bare foot.

      I remember that I could just fly into the air, I jump up and still don't seem to have full control over flying as I can't sustain it for long and land back down on the grass. I try again and this time manage to float up to about as high as the roof of my house and stop briefly to decide what to do next. I decide I want to go exploring and when I fly up to get a view of my surroundings I seemingly uncontrollably begin shooting up into the sky at high speed until I'm above the clouds. I look around and notice an interesting looking area, with bright red roads and tall buildings. I fly down to it and look around the area, it seemed to be a school of magic or something, there were students inside the buildings brewing potions and practicing spells. Still not having full control over flying, I'm kind of "drifting" as I turn corners and can't quite get the hang of stopping when I want to. I stop briefly to try and find to find a balance before flying back over this school building and to my house.

      Upon landing, I remember my dream objectives list and the top one being to try some dream food. I hold my hands out and look away, trying to conjure a plate with a sandwich on, only I don't get the sandwich and just end up with a plate. As I continue trying to conjure the sandwich onto this plate, the plate seems to develop a life of its own and it's jumping out of my hands and gradually growing in size with each attempt I make.

      I turn around and see my mum glaring at me, I'm kind of disturbed because of how aggressive she looked. I walk up to her and she immediately lashes out, grabbing the plate and trying to pull it from my hands. I resist for some reason, and then think "If I can't conjure myself a sandwich, maybe I should just ask a dream character to make it for me?". I asked her and her aggressive attitude immediately changes to a smile as she says "Sure!". I let her have the plate and she begins walking back into the house and I'm following her, when the dream quickly fades to black. I try stabilisation techniques but it's too late and I woke up.

      Funnily, I awoke precisely 3 minutes before my alarm would be going off. It never ceases to amaze me how precise the body clock can be.
    11. 5/28/12 DILD: A Party of Sorts

      by , 05-28-2012 at 03:07 PM (Sydney's Nightly Adventures)
      Type: DILD (FA)
      Clarity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      I was in a dream. I remember it having some sort of red theme to it. All of a sudden, a thought sprung through my mind. "Wait, is this a dream? I could be dreaming!" Excitement rushed through me. But then the dream started to fade, every time I would blink I would see my room, illuminated by the morning sun. And then, the dream was gone.

      "No!" I thought. I layed there for a second where I awoke, staring at the wall. But then somehow, a pixelated line ran across my line of vision. "What the heck?" I thought. "Wait... what if this was a false awakening?"

      I did the nose RC and I was lucid!
      From where I was laying, I sat up and tried to get out of bed as slowly as possible. I stood up in my room. It wasn't as vivid as I had hoped.

      I wanted to stabilize. But I forgot to do the crawling technique. So I just looked up at the ceiling and shouted, "Give me more vividness!" Nothing. So I tried again. "Vividness, now!" Then I tried, "Clarity, now!" Nothing.

      I don't remember doing much in my room, or how I got outside. But I remember walking up through the grassy field, not really looking at anything but trying to find my Dream Guide. I felt that I wanted to fly just a little. So I pushed off the ground as hard as I could, but I didn't really get anywhere. It was just like jumping on a trampoline really. So I tried again, this time with more gusto. While in midair, I closed my eyes and imagined me floating. Sure enough, when I opened my eyes, I was hovering about 2-3 feet above ground. "Pretty cool," I thought. But then again, I've always done this in dreams. I glided a bit up the field, then landed.

      I saw a group of people inside what looked like a plastic space ship looking thing. I entered it, and yep, there were indeed some people dining. I saw a group of people and decided to go talk to them.

      I approached them. They all looked at me. I can't remember what I asked them, but I think it was something about my Dream Guide. They shook their heads. I also asked them about one of my fears and how it could be solved. One of them sighed (a fairly skinny lady with brown hair, and wore a red dress with dangly earrings to match), and mumbled something. I don't remember what it was.

      The dream sped forward again and I was at my school, still lucid. The same woman in the red dress was here, but she had a sour look on her face. She didn't like me for some reason.

      There was a ton of people on one of our soccer fields, probably having a party. I saw a group of people and I walked up to them and see if they would tell me something. I don't remember the things they said to me, though.

      I remember running up to the soccer goal, and a soccer ball was in front of me. I yelled, "Soccer!" and I tried to kick the ball as hard as I could. But something stopped me.

      I then lost lucidity. I thought that I had woken up at my school. "Darn it!" I yelled; unaware of the people still around me.

      I never regained my lucidity, and woke up.

      Updated 05-28-2012 at 03:11 PM by 32984

      lucid , false awakening , memorable
    12. Lucid on the train and the obvious attempt to pull me back into the dream

      by , 05-26-2012 at 02:26 PM (The Erratic dreams of StaySharp)
      At the start of the dream I was entering a train, there was this old man saying something about my family name and a (not actually existent) precursor. Somewhere along these lines I got lucid but the man was tempting me to fall back into the story of the dream, but I kind of refused and started to think what I wanted to do now, due to me having a false awakening without success though.

      I was in the back of a car, it was night and my mother was driving. She had some problems with the keys and we weren't exactly driving safe but otherwise nothing happened until I woke up.

      Spoiler for Improvement Notes:

      Updated 06-18-2012 at 02:35 PM by 48127

      lucid , non-lucid , false awakening
    13. Enjoying a Lucid Dream I haven't enjoyed for awhile.

      by , 05-25-2012 at 05:00 PM (It's all about Awareness.)
      Well, I have woken up from a dream in my bed. Everything looks pretty odd. I thought I was having a false awakening at first. So I had my eyes closed for a few minutes to see if I was awake or dreaming. I closed my eyes and I did the nose plug reality check. The reality check worked, so I knew I was dreaming. But I wasn't aware I was dreaming so I did it AGAIN and I noticed I was dreaming the second time. When I did the reality check the second time the reality check failed but when I did it the first time it worked so I had a hitch I was dreaming. I did it a third time and it worked so I realize I was dreaming. So I began to stabilize the dream.

      Then the next thing you know, suddenly I was too scared to get up out of bed when I stabilized the dream because I have had bad experiences with dream characters in the past. I just got some confidence in me and I got out of bed and began to walk out of the house. I heard my brothers voice and he was yelling at me like he was pissed and hes about to kill me. I have then ran out of the house and decided to jump from the door when It was open. I got out and went in the front yard. I kept hearing my brothers voice from within the house so I just ignored him and the voice went away. I saw a car with no driver in it and I just stood there in front of it because the car was going to try to run me over. I saw the car with out a driver like I said and I told him I'm not afraid of you.

      This dream was a blurry I could barely remember it but I'm trying my best. I told the dream car. I'm not afraid of you. Your not keeping me from not having a lucid dream so back of, etc. It got pissed so I summoned a driver inside the car, I realized the driver in the car was invisible. So he showed up. And a bunch of other dream characters were around me and they kept giving me weird looks. I said, What should I do now. So I summoned Chuck Norris to fight this guy in the car trying to hit me, I told him that the guy was trying to kill me and Chuck Norris got mad and he said I would take care of him for you. So the dream characters were watching Chuck Norris beating the hell out of the guy in the car, he drugged him out of it. And they began to fight. I felt really excited when I had my lucid dream when I woken from it. I enjoyed the experience I had from the Lucid Dream.
      lucid , false awakening
    14. "You here again ?"

      by , 05-25-2012 at 03:01 PM (Is it a dream ?)
      I'm going up through a hill. I enter in a place that looks like a university with a lot of people going in and out of it.
      I see that it was not the way I wanted to go and go outside of the university to continue going up.
      When I was in almost the top of the mountain I met a guy with orange clothes (like a postsman) and talk to him:
      _You here again ?
      _I think so. - He said while continuing his path.
      After that I realized that I had 2 dreams before in that same hill and saw that same guy before, I was lucid now.

      The dream started to fade out and I remembered to stabilize.
      I started rubbing my hands and got on my knees to touch the ground with my hands. I said "Stabilize!" 2 times.
      The dream stabilized and I could feel the ground beneath my knees, the wind touching my skin and the gravity of earth pulling my down.
      When I got up a mucic started to play and the dream faded very suddenly :/

      I woke up in my bed about 00:30 am with my cellphone ringing and answered it cause my brother was sleeping next to me. When I say "Hello" I woke up for real :O
      Another FA :x
      lucid , false awakening
    15. Investigating in a school, spotting Link, Tea in New Zealand, and reading my dream records.

      by , 05-24-2012 at 12:27 AM (My Dream Records)
      Black means non lucid
      Orange means semi lucid
      Blue means lucid
      Red means dreamcharacters talking
      Purple means possible shared dreaming person
      Green means notes

      Got it? Great! Now enjoy reading my dreams.

      Dream #1 School investigation, and spotting Link.

      Im walking with two beautiful ladies. One is a black chic with long curly black hair and looks like Janet Jackson. The other is a white chic who reminds me of Julia Roberts. We are walking down a hall talking about investigating the school, because someone here is not doing there job correctly or something like that. I walk past a guy who looked just like Link, He was talking to this asian chic, and this black chic. Link had a blackpack on, and he was wearing some black pants, with some black and white sneakers, and a white shirt with buttons. His hair was cut, and he seemed to be telling them jokes about something.

      He had a very calm personality, and seem to be quite popular with a few people he left the class with. The women i was with were telling me that we have to find the teacher who is not doing his job right. I follow the women and the dream suddenly shifts.

      False Awakening.

      Im asleep in my 2nd house, and wake up from my chair and fix me something to eat. I decided i had a taste for some fried fish with a mango salad so i started to fix that. I suddenly feel like i am not supposed to be eating because it feels late?
      I question this a bit, and start looking for a clock. I hear my celphone alarm and wake up from the dream.

      5:30 - 5:50 am. Did plenty of subconscious training, and plenty of reality checks with my totem.

      Dream #2 Tea In New Zealand, and discussing dreams with a lady.

      Spoiler for Theme Of The Dream:

      Im walking with a lovely looking Aussie, who is showing me around her neighborhood. She looks to be in her early 30's, had curly reddish hair, she wore bergundy blouse, and black pants with tan open toe sandals. She invites me in to her home, and we sit down and talk about dreams. She heads to the kitchen table, and asks me...

      "Is it possible for us to meet again soon? I would love for you to meet my nephew, he is really interested in dreams."


      She comes back to the living room with two tea cups on a tray. She turns on the radio, and that song from the spoiler bar is playing.

      "I can rememeber playing this song when i was a little girl, and falling asleep to it."

      "Well i must admit, it is a very relaxing song.

      I sip my tea and we start talking about dreams, and being able to share dreams with other people. I mention to her has she ever used a totem before, and she says...

      "You see this necklace? I have my husbands initials imprinted on it. He died years ago."

      "Im sorry for your lost."

      She tells me that she uses that necklace as a totem. I reach in my pocket and grab my hawk coin totem. I show it to her, and explain to her how i became lucid in many of my dreams.

      "We seem to share a common interest in dreams."

      (She chuckles)

      "Goodness i know. Im glad you are here, you are such a nice guy."

      " Thank you. You are a very lovely woman yourself."

      We exchange smiles and we start arranging a meeting again with one another. and the dream fades and i wake up.

      Final dream Frag. Looking thru my dream records.

      Im in my current home looking thru my dream records, and writing notes down in my file.
      Thats all i can remember.
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