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    1. Spring Competition 2024 Night 7

      by , 04-05-2024 at 04:47 PM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      I had two long semi-lucids. I did my best to get points but I waited over an hour before journaling so I hope I didn't forget about any tasks I completed.

      Spring Competition 2024 Night 7 (DILD) 04.05.2024

      I am in school and I open my textbook to find notes from a prior student that are all about some sort of fantasy world parallel to our own.I become lucid from this and start reading the notes. The teacher tells me to focus on the class but I don't. (I could have gone with my goal to get a good grade in dream school but I wasn't lucid enough to remember that.) The dream transitions to me being part of a super hero team. I show them the notes and they dismiss it as unimportant.

      I feel a bit more lucid and feel like doing a reality check so I use telekinesis on a rock and make it fly into my right hand. It is a shiny red stone. I learn from the text book a bunch of new powers that I want to try. I summon a star wars speader and the dream transitions to that one Mos Eisley map from the original Star Wars Battlefront 2. The other super heros are disagreeing with me using my new powers. I wake up.

      I laid in bed trying to remmeber my dream form about half an hour before WILDing back into the dream in Mos Eisley.

      After the dream forms I teleport to the parallel world. At some point I summoned a lightsaber. Man I wish I could remember more but that's all I got!
    2. Virtual Forest with Billboards

      by , 09-24-2023 at 09:12 PM
      Partway through a dream I entered a sort of virtual world, green like a woodland or jungle that someone had modelled (possibly as an academic project) and added lots of billboards all along it with floral and artistic designs and possibly some jokey / advert ones. It turned out my school friend J [DREAM SIGN: school / school colleagues] was walking along in the environment with me and he told me there was a hidden model of a military leader in an area of dense trees between two paths. I looked there and it was like a really giant statue.

      Around this point he told me he was having a lucid dream. I fairly matter-of-factly told him that I must be having one too then. (SEMI-LUCID / PSEUDO LUCID or LUCID DREAM?)
      We started climbing up something pretty close to where the statue had been but it was almost like a giant beanstalk though I wasn't paying a lot of attention to it. Instead I was asking him about how he kept from waking up or maybe was asking whether what we were doing would help to keep us from waking up.

      I think at that point the dream abruptly changed scene into us climbing up some kind of slightly cramped, gloomy, industrial or urban looking staircase (spiral or rotating flights of stairs) in ISTR either concrete or maybe red painted metal. I think in the back of my mind the idea of pronlonging the dream or avoiding waking up was still there and the dream seemed to literally fragment like these little rounded bits of glass or bits of an image with ISTR blackness maybe between. I possibly have a very vague memory of an outdoor concrete scene with white metal railings on a fence (like a school car park or something, maybe with a school or library building to the left) [though this could be a fragment from another dream].

      Then it faded to nothing and I tried to see if I could get back into another dream but I just woke up after a few moments.

      I'm going to call this one a PSEUDO-LUCID simply because I didn't get to exercise any interesting conscious control, act on or think of any dream goals (other than an attempt at dream prolonging / dream duration control), or do any reality checks.
    3. Rat Demon

      by , 05-06-2023 at 06:05 PM
      Type: WILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      This was a brief false awakening that resulted from a non-WBTB WILD.
      I was lying on my side in bed, and the bedroom was very dark. I rolled onto my back with an uncannily small amount of effort that made me feel weightless, and then, I saw a shadowed figure sitting beside me, looking down at me. It was so cloaked in shadow that I couldn't see any details including its face; all I could see was a dark, person-shaped entity. It unsettled me and I didn't want the dream to go in a nightmare direction, so I reached out to put my hand on its shoulder and casually said, "hey, how's it going?". It smiled, revealing a mouth full of teeth that were very long and ratlike. Its teeth were the only thing I could see within the darkness of its face, and while the smile didn't seem malicious, the teeth made me even more unsettled than before. Despite my discomfort, the dream still felt like it couldn't decide whether it wanted to become a nightmare or stay neutral. The dream ended.

      NOTICE: this is my first dream journal entry upon returning to Dreamviews after an 11-year hiatus. All the dream journal entries earlier than this were published in 2012 and earlier, and will have markedly different writing quality and narrative style.

      Updated 05-15-2023 at 11:30 PM by 28408

      lucid , false awakening
    4. Nightmare and the Bandroom Jungle Cruise (Thursday Night)

      by , 03-03-2023 at 06:15 PM (Dreamlog)
      I'm checking doors to make sure they're locked. It's cold and rainy outside. I realize that I might have forgotten to lock the backdoor after I took the trash out earlier. I go over and confirm it isn't locked. Suddenly, it bursts open, rainfall flooding in. My brother is there with a knife, stabbing at me. I slam the door shut and try to hold it but he is pushing back and stabbing wildly at the openings of the door. I hear myself making moaning sounds. I'm trying to scream through sleep paralysis. I heard myself because GF is waking me up.

      I'm in band class. My GF and I are near the front of the room, surrounded by a bunch of percussion instruments. There's a stack of symbols, and I carefully try to maneuver out of the center of them, and I dodge the first bunch. I sarcastically brag about it and then knock over a different one on accident. GF sighs. I make my way to my instrument case. I'm wanting to go warm up and get past being embarrassed.
      Some time later, I'm eating some sugary chocolate ice cream drink while wading through a pool. Apparently I'm on the Jungle Cruise in Disneyland, but in pool form. The group of band people is on the other side of a bar sitting and watching me wade across this pool expectantly. It seems like a positive experience, where the staff is encouraging me. The ice cream was actually pretty tasty. I make it to the end, and everybody cheers.

      I get up about 4:30AM and perform a WBTB (planned this time, no supplements). I stayed up for about 20-30 minutes. I fail to perform a WILD, and I don't have any recall after the WBTB. I'm thinking this may have been too long to stay awake for me.

      Updated 03-08-2023 at 05:33 PM by 99808

      non-lucid , nightmare
    5. Barking Dog WBTB

      by , 01-12-2023 at 02:14 PM

      Updated 09-21-2024 at 04:56 AM by 99032

      Tags: barking, dog, wbtb
    6. Look at me Alyssa Millano!

      by , 11-08-2020 at 04:31 PM (Xanous' Dream Journal)
      #543 - DEILD (2x chain) - 4:30AM

      I took 400mcg Huperzine-A with 600mg Choline during WBTB

      I tried I WILD and catch myself after having dosed off. I relax into the vibrations and then roll out of my body. I am blind and I make my way out the back door. The air feels cool but I still cant see so I crawl around. Then my dream eyes actually open but I am fooled into a sort of FA. I am starting at some grass growing in the driveway and I think I am actually sleepwalking. I feel embarrassed and look around to see if the neighbors noticed me. I heading inside and see both my dogs are running around lose so I let them in the house. I lay back down in bed and my wifes family show up. I'm like wtf guys I'm sleeping. They just got back from a trip and want to show my wife stuff they bought. I am super pissed off that they are ruining my sleep. I am trying to lucid dream and it's 3am and they have the light on just talking loud. I say some really meant things until they finally leave. I start to worry that I made them too mad. I said I should have just taken what happened and been calm about it. Then I remember it's ok because none of this really happened. I remember this is actually a typical dream after WBTB and LDS. That thought wakes me a bit.

      I DEILD again. Vibrations. This time I shoot straight up like a rocket. I enjoy floating in the darkness for a second then I ground myself. My dream eyes open again. I see a green field with trees but its a low res video game. I think I must be looking at a TV screen in waking life. Maybe I actually opened my eyes. I close them.Then I remember the last dream. I remember that sometimes opening my eyes in the dream state feels physical but its not. Plus its getting me out of the darkness. I open my eyes again noting how how physical is seems but I trust myself and just do it. I am back in the video game. I start walking forward. Since I am in a video game I decide to look at my hand like I do in VR. They look dark and undefined. Ok whatever. There are some hooded figures that look like they are casting spells at me. None of this scene is particularly interesting so I just rush forward until it all goes away. I don't even notice the scene fading out.

      I am in a large open area but it really dark. There is a floating female head in front of me (think Gorn). Her face is attractive so I kiss her quickly on the lips. She smiles. Then another appears more on my left. I kiss her too but then she bites my chin. I am shocked and pull her bottom jaw open. Her jaw splits in two. I say eew and toss it away. The first head moves to my right side and now I am standing in a restaurant. I see Alyssa Millano sitting at a table having a conversation. She wont look at me so I do something to get her attention. I see an empty dinner plate on the table. I notice its a deep blue color. I put it on my head and balance it. I say look I am balancing a plate on my head look. Alyssa continues to ignore. The floating head laughs. The plate falls off on a table full with a group of people on my right. The plate rolls of and hits the window but nothing breaks. Alyssa ignore me still so I sit next to her and put my arm around her. Nothing. She is just talking way to some woman across the table. I poke her ribs. She jumps a bit and her voice cuts off for second but she still continues to ignore me. I poke her a few more times noticing how real it all feels. She still wont even look at me so I grab her face with both hands and force her to look at me. I ask her something I don't recall. Her answer is gibberish but I feel satisfied I got some response. I move on. The floating head now a permanent companion follows me.

      I see something strange on a mans table. I ask the floating head what is THAT? It look like octopus tentacle with bits of blue and green. When I get closer is changes to some sort of raw meat that doesn't look all that odd. It's package like it was just purchased from a grocery store but its warm and looks like it's going bad. I apologize to the man and tell him it looked like he had something crazy on his plate. I wake up.

      I make a DJ entry and use the bathroom. I WILD a few times but at soon as I latch onto the start of the dream I lose it all. I finally give up and sleep the rest of the morning uneventfully.
    7. 20190220: Ld #138 (WILD!)

      , 02-20-2019 at 05:35 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      WBTB when F left for work. As I got back in bed I thought briefly about LDing but didn't MILD or anything. I relaxed and drifted, but right before I slipped out of consciousness I snapped back into awareness and began to feel the waves of vibrations. I was having the transparent eyelids effect and could see I was in a replica of my room. I had some expectation of SP/RA since I've had a few pretty spooky instances of that lately when I've MILDed (or sometimes when awaking from a DILD). However none came, and I started drifting up and to the right. I relaxed and let myself go.

      Slowly I floated over to one of the walls and when I felt my dream body was free, I pushed off the wall onto the floor and walked down the hallway. I said "lights" and hoped that would work but it rarely does and didn't. I decided to do the thing that almost always fucks up my WILDs and phase through my window, hoping that that would be more successful than walking through my almost pitch-black apartment. This time instead of trying to phase through the curtains (which I always do for some reason), I pulled back the curtains and phased through the glass. It was double-paned with about six inches of separation between the two, so I thought I may have trouble getting through, but I decided to expect it to work, and it did.

      Outside seemed like my apartment grounds at first, but it became clear that I was in the quad of my old college campus. I floated down (my whole body was engaged, it was a nice and quite physical dream, with some light gravity). I aimed my fall and landed on a nice bush, grabbing it with my hands and balancing myself on it with my feet, before I dropped to the ground. It was still night, and everything was lit by tall streetlamps along the path. One of them had its box cracked open, with the plastic exposing lots of thin red and blue wires. I walked along for a bit and then woke up.
      Tags: college, wbtb, wild
      memorable , lucid
    8. Quick lucid after along dry spell!!!!!!

      by , 02-01-2019 at 07:15 AM
      Ok.... I havent had a lucid dream for about a month... I went from having about 1-2 a week to ZERO!!! During Christmas and new years my focus on dreaming started shifting towards another hobby.. I bought a Nintendo switch some time before Christmas, and u know me, I'm a tryhard personality. I have a full-time job and a hobby and a wife and a dog, so adding lucid dreaming on top of that, I used my last extra energy on lucid dreaming. The Nintendo switch kinda took up the extra energy I feel..... I still have had VIVID af dreams, but lucidity never occurred. Well tonight it did, so I guess I'm back on track ?!?!

      Before the becoming lucid I had 2 normal dreams.in the first dream u was in a room with my wife and we were playing a computer game together. The next dream I was driving a car through an old neighborhood I once lived in. And saw 5 people gang up on this one guy. They one guy keeps saying that "the guy in that car will come and fuck u guys up!". I told them I certainly would. I parked the car, normally (in daily life) when I park my car, I leave the car I 1st gear and turn it off. However in this case, I left the car in first gear, stepped out and then reached back into the car to pull the handbrake. Werid I thought to myself... I started taking my jacket off so it would be easier to fight these guys lol... While taking off my jacket I started thinking back to what I did before bumping in to these guys. I couldn't remember lol. I got lucid!!!!!! Mother fkin yeeeesss!!! I remembered I had these two dreams before this one. I reality checked, and certainly enough to, I was dreaming.
      I wanted to find one of my friends, so I tried asking the guys infront of me. But they started fighting so I didn't get an answer. I looked around, and to my surprise, my friend was standing on top of building with a psir of binoculars overlooking us. I shot webs to the building like Spiderman would, and swang to the building. I said hi to my friend and woke up....

      Success!!!!!! At last lol!!!! My wife woke up at 5 am and couldn't sleep, so I woke up to. It was after this wbtb that I had this lucid!!! Thanks wife lol 👍 I also fell asleep doing my mild preps, so that might have helped me get lucid.
      Lucid dream was withing 5:30 and 6:50
    9. Lucid - Finally Had A Lightsaber Fight! - September 30

      , 09-30-2018 at 07:41 PM (ZAD's DJ)
      Sep 30 2018

      (3 dreams, 2 lucids)

      pre-star wars interstate/table in front yard, F's car - why are the keys on a table in the front yard? they can be stolen! have to get her car back, getting angry

      lucid/semi-lucid star wars dream* (badass)

      wbtb (lasted for 3 hours)

      lucid with D and 8, and roach antenae then hopping away like a deer, short, got lucid halfway through

      space station dream getting a delivery, we were running out, boss says forget about the reeses puffs and then they give us twice the delivery (everyone mad "we could have been getting twice this whole time? we didn't even get any reeses puffs") and guards and cutting ribbon lines (dad, w/ gun or broom) and other stuff (transformed into noir music video at end); remember the black slats on the divider vividly, and the floor; like an arcade! vivid, long

      lots of HI and feeling for dream scene, but no successful WILDs
      feeling for a white tennis shoe
      feeling for a white metal corner with slats on it

      *Star Wars dream:
      I'm in the office of 9. My best friend (A) and his previous long-time girlfriend (T) are there. There's also another girl from the previous dream who has orange hair (we'll call her O; I had a feeling she might have been a manifestation of my guide). A has a hooked nose unlike in real life, and he's standing next to the bookcase in the far left corner comforting T. O is sitting in a chair looking at me. It's a persecution-style dream, someone is going to eradicate us. I think I had to kill someone in the office, someone was a traitor. I become lucid but decide that instead of pursuing goals I'll let the dream take me wherever it was intending to go. I have a lightsaber and there was someone else there (my dad or F?) who had one, so I offered the group mine thinking that the other person and I could take them with just one lightsaber. They declined and I decided against it anyway, I would need it. So instead I give them a purplish greenish small box of parts to make their own. The dream shifts and I'm in the front yard in the passenger seat of the van. My sister and F are across the street selling pumpkins (as a disguise/to make it seem normal that we're there and that we have nothing to hide). They need to close up so we can go. In the car with me is O, and my dad and possibly mom are near the car. [I say something to someone.] Sister brings me a pumpkin in F's WL purse, it's ripping, I tell them to stop messing around, there's danger. Eventually the scene transitions and the pumpkin stand disappears, it's darker outside, I can tell Sith are coming. I think I told the van to drive away but I can't remember now.

      I walk to the curb and it's much darker like a storm's coming, dust blows by me dramatically and I see two white Hutts at the very end of the street. I remember now that I had told them in the van not to fire their blasters unless they had to, because if they did the others would know where they were. For this reason I don't draw my lightsaber yet (it's probably about 6 houses until the end of the street so I have some distance to cross). When I reach about halfway I notice three more Sith, they looked like Tuscan raiders. Unexpectedly one of the Hutts charged me! It was much faster than I expected because instead of slithering towards me it floated/levitated towards me at an alarming rate. It also held its red lightsaber in a fully forward way, arms up and forward at the chest. It was very intimidating. It also had force lightning. By this point, I had succumbed to the dream's validity to the point where I was still lucid in awareness, but it was more like an elevated state of consciousness and control of my own actions, not control of the dream. In any case I didn't think to use dream powers but was limited to the constraints of the universe, so because I had a blue lightsaber, I only had force push, and becuase they had red, they also had force lightning. So essentially we would circle around each other while facing each other, him sending lightning at me and me pushing or lightsabering it away. This was very intense and I was still only facing one of them. Once I had sen that the van was gone, I decided to flee as I couldn't face them all. I think I may have killed one of the Tuscan raiders first? I ran to a kid's bicycle and as I boarded it, one of the raiders had come up behind me on a Star Wars bike. I used the force to lift the bike up and start flying. The raider and I get into a contest of side-swiping and I dismount him. I have to pull up because there's a white fence/gate at the end of my street.

      Now the sky had gone from storm-blue with dust in it to full-on apocalypse brown. I was flying past twisted trees and power lines, turning sideways to dodge them. At some point
      the dream faded.

      Most of these dreams came from day residue; the SW part came from listening to an episode of MBMBAM discussing naming a kid Anakin; we recently got a new end table by our front door where we leave our everyday carried items, and it's next to a window with blinds so I recently thought "what if they can see through those?"; the arcade-themed space station was due to seeing a Dave and Busters-themed scene in the show F was watching (I think Once Upon a Time). Anyway the lightsaber fighting was badass, even though it wasn't as conscious as it could have been; but it probably would have been much shorter if I had been fully lucid the whole time, so I'm in part glad that the dream and the threats it posed felt 100% real.

      Interesting note: At the end of the SW dream, I was in an FA with the layout of my room being slightly different and although my eyes were closed, I could see a thin strip of light in front of me (in reality, this would have been to the right of me). I sat recalling my dreams and had a brief visualization/WILD attempt within the FA! Then I woke up. For some reason I wrote in my DJ that it's possible I had the SW dream stemming from visualizations during my FA? Interesting but I don't remember about the FA to say for sure now.
    10. WBTB Lucid Dream - Coach Station, Kids, Gloves

      by , 11-18-2017 at 08:15 AM
      #WBTB Method

      I was woken up by my daughter who's not feeling well. I attended to her and then returned to the kitchen where I thought about stacking the dishwasher. I picked up some random items and stood there for a while ...


      I ate a banana, cos I was kind of hungry and thought about whether to get up or go back to bed.

      It was 4am.

      I was planning to be up between 5 and 6, so going back to bed risked oversleeping. And I wasn't feeling tired.

      I got back into bed to tinker with my new old mobile phone and go back to sleep. I downloaded some apps, including Instagram and Twitter, which is where I ended up. Read some tweets and then tweeted about #wbtb and then read some more. Twitter didn't work properly on the phone.

      Finally, the light and tapping noises seemed to be disturbing my wife's sleep, so I set the device aside and lay down.

      I focused on relaxing and staying aware of how I was feeling.

      I counted every breath.

      I was surprised to find that I was feeling very, very, very relaxed, with my body feeling heavy and almost paralysed, but still aware. I was surprised because I'm normally asleep before noticing this.

      I reached 12 before losing count and being immersed in a pleasurable slumber. It felt like being aware of being asleep. Not aware of dreaming. Is lucid sleeping a thing? Just being asleep and aware of being asleep.

      I could feel the mattress and the blanket and my body. I'm not sure if I couldn't move or didn't want to. It was peaceful and safe; moving was the last thing on my mind.

      Everything was very dark grey and close, like the world was soft around me. I was looking around, so I figured that I was in a dream now. I suppose I was in a kind of doorway to the dream, because there was only sensation. Nothing to see at all except very dark grey.

      I heard my daughter in the kitchen then and she called to me, so I prepared to go to her, disappointed to be roused from bed again ... except I was standing up, leaning against a chest of drawers.

      I walked very carefully across the dark room and considered whether I was sleeping because I had been lying down under the covers earlier and I didn't remember standing up.

      Caution seemed wise. I went out into the kitchen, but the kitchen wasn't there. It was a coach station.


      The key things that I think contributed to lucidity:

      Not being tired
      Eating a banana - at the time, I thought it might help with lucid dreaming. I imagine the thought was more powerful than the banana.
      Reading, looking after daughter, doing something for 30 mins instead of going straight back to sleep.
      Reading about dreams
      Tweeting about lucid dreaming


      In the dream, I'm thinking about what to post on Twitter.

      Focus Dean!

      I'm sure there was something I was meant to do in my next lucid dream...

      Now I'm holding two samurai swords. I spin them round a little bit, but it seems to obvious. I think I should explore a bit.

      A coach is reversing over grey concrete, performing a laborious three-point turn.

      At the end of the coach station that is nearest me, two teachers are sitting at cluttered desks. They call some young students over. A boy who is clearly not interested in being here comes over and collects a drawing from the male teacher. The drawing contains his results for his exam.

      He walks off with it without even looking at it.

      "Hey," I say. "Can I see that? I'm interested."

      He hands it over, looking like he's expecting to fail.

      I'd like to tell him that he's done well, but I can't understand this evaluation at all. It just looks like a kid's drawing. It's not even a good one.

      "Well done, kid," I say. "It'll be okay." And I hand it back to him.

      He takes it and just looks at me. He doesn't even shrug. Then he walks away, sort of swallowed by darkness.

      I catch the eye of the male teacher. He doesn't say anything either, but he looks at me as if to say: "You see? This is what we're dealing with here on a daily basis."

      I lose the dream here for a while, but I remember thinking about flying or doing a super jump, but again, I didn't want to do anything obvious.

      I end up outside with my wife who is gardening. I was thinking about gardening in waking life earlier and I make the connection in the dream.

      A friend arrives. She's brought us gardening gloves. I smile at her, delighted, but she avoids my gaze. At first, I think she's being modest about her gift, but then I think that maybe I've misconstrued the situation.

      I start to suspect that these are not gifts but only a loan.

      As I have the thought, she glances at me, as if she heard it and is agreeing.

      Under my gaze, the gloves degenerate; holes appear in the fingers and palms.

      I'm aware of my body in bed and I shift to get more comfortable. I'm still in the dream, but it closes on me and again it goes dark grey. There is no up or down, just comfort and gentle floating.

      In the darkness I hear my wife getting out of bed.

      The light comes on.
      Tags: banana, lucid, wbtb
      lucid , false awakening , side notes
    11. 4th LD Flying above the mischievous teens

      by , 03-13-2017 at 10:40 PM
      I tell the whole story in my handwritten journal so I won't recount it all here. But the big picture was that teenagers were causing mischief around the house. I was hiding from them, and had the thought that this might be a dream. I did the RC, realized it was a dream and then for some reason wanted to continue the storyline a bit, but just change how I was participating. I wanted to fly, of course. I just love flying in LD.

      So I flew around sabotaging more marauding teens and men. The lands morphed from my parent's neighborhood to Mexico or India. I had some of them chase me, fire weapons at me and then I found and recovered my baby that I had been searching for earlier in the dream. Then I became mentally exhausted when I got back to the house and didn't want to face more mischievous teens, so I decided to just wake up and end the dream.

      I did have the thought to stop and do one of the tasks of the month, like make some tea, but that just seemed so opposite to what was already happening in the dream, I just let myself get caught up in the storyline.

      Updated 03-13-2017 at 10:57 PM by 26328

      Tags: chasing, flying, wbtb
    12. Totm's - Tail manifesting and body swap

      by , 09-07-2016 at 03:51 PM
      Bed around 10 after listening to Dream Yoga audio for 20mins and fall asleep with mantra's like - ' Tonight I lucid dream' and similar

      Woke up around 12.30 with first dream and then stayed awake for ages - did my best to keep mind focusing regularly on dream stuff...finally fell asleep

      Wake around 4.50am sit up and listen to Daniel Love's Wbtb audio for my Wbtb.
      Lay down with the audio finishing probably around 5.10am

      Get lucid with dild some time between 5.30 and 7am - I am pretty sure I get lucid while walking down the road .... I am remembering things and looking at where I am thinking
      ' is this for real?...Could I be dreaming?' ...it felt very much like real life but I dare to test the surroundings by pushing my hand through wall a wall I am walking next to - it softly and gently pushes it's way through the wall like putty - great " I am dreaming!'
      I carry on within the dream frame and speak to one the the DC's about this being a dream- I look around and see I am at a large depo/bus stop,lots of folk waiting for different buses. Remembering the task I move close to a middle age lady - I tell her I am about to come into her body and see what it feels like and she could switch to mine...she is a bit defensive and not up for it initially- I carry on and move into her body. I can sense her agitation as I feel how it feels in her shoes. After the initial awkwardness she relaxes and seems to move out or relax enough for me to get comfortable in there

      I am sure I am in her body but struck with how comfortable it is ...it's still me ...I am not sure if she went into my body or not as I look around for my body I can't see it. I get on the bus when it comes and soon move on with my lucid

      Does that mean the task is done or not?

      Ok I am sitting lucid on the train and remember the ' grow a tail ' task. I tell the gentleman next to me that I am about to grow a tail for the totm. He is intruiged and watches my back side in anticipation

      . I put my hand there and feel around - I am aware I havnt manifested anything like this before in a lucid so it's gonna be good - I am excited! I keep my hand just above my butt on my lower back feeling for movement ...Yes! I feel movement from within

      - soon a little stub of a tail grows out! I start to laugh and show the man - he is as surprised as me and we both watch as it keeps growing until it's about half a meter long...it's thin and grissely but it's deffinatelly a tail - I am delighted.

      I stay on the train for a while - I am laying down on a seat and pushing first my hand, then my feet into the wall - pushing gently in and out sometimes pulling the structure of the wall out and playing with with it reminding myself this is a dream - my dream - test myself see the surroundings and test them - I do this by walking into and through walls etc as I mentioned.

      I am sure I awoke a few times and Dield back in gently - there was more but I dont remember all - just know it was awesome to be aware in my dreams again!

      Updated 09-07-2016 at 03:55 PM by 87274

      Tags: audio, dild, tail, walls, wbtb
      lucid , task of the month
    13. Experiments with a singsong😊

      by , 09-01-2016 at 09:29 PM
      Just spent ages writting it up and went back to check something and it all disappeared

      So a short write up

      Deilds about 4 I think - after a good long wbtb around 3.30am till 5ish. Had things on my mind but sat long enough to clear and get dozy - great !

      During some lucid dreams this morning I remember to change the colour of object and have some fun with that~

      I see a couch chair I turn from its original brown to blue. I see an object on the side like a plate or something and turn it yellow. I look at a DC's face and turn it blue and another's green.

      Did a lucid dance to keep me in the dream and sang a song something like

      " I am lucid in my dream hahaha hehehe" again and again

      Homed in on object to keep the story going and keep from waking as I felt very close to waking a lot of the time

      Great fun ✨ and realy happy about the experiments

      Updated 09-08-2016 at 09:02 PM by 87274

    14. SpellBee Comp my first night

      by , 08-01-2016 at 12:04 AM
      SpellBee Comp my first night of trying.

      I was in what appeared to be a group home setting. One of the
      male staff was taking a special interest in me, in an intimate
      He kept flirting with me. I became lucid due to the fact
      that this raised a moral flag to me & also due in fact that I was
      in a home as a child & there was a sense of familiarity of a rehab
      I was in multiple times as an adult in my 20's.

      I woke up & kept my eyes mostly closed to go pee. And laid back
      in bed to try & continue this dream as a WBTB method & WILD.

      I fell right back into the dream. Unfortunatley the content was
      too overwhelming for me to conciously start preforming the task
      of the competition yet my dream continued from the get go fully lucid!

      Completely lucid from the start now. I am realizing that the
      other staff & young women living here are taking notice to this
      situation that's unfolding. I look around & am no longer thinking
      this is a group home. It's more of a rehab which in my actual
      experiences is close to the same thing yet on an adult level. But
      of course my reciprocating actions by flirting back & feeling
      much affection towards this man is conforting & mutual from a
      sexual view... I am in my bed & there are other women, not girls
      around me in their beds but we are all watching tv but I'm not
      paying attention to it, only that I notice it's a movie & the
      lights are low. The bedroom scenerio is bothering me so I change
      it to a living room setting which has sectional couches. This
      wasn't a hard reach for me because I had a point of reference
      from when I was in a similar setting in a rehab minus this
      particular man. (I'll explain later) I am cuddling with him & am
      enjoying the intimacy. We pull the covers over our head & we can
      see the light through it from the big tv & can hear others
      wispering. I feel I know him very well. I lay my head on his chest
      & I can feel he is getting an erection & I'm also feeling aroused.
      I realize why I feel like this. He's my husband. My real life
      husband. I decide I need to wake up now because he may still be
      in our bed & I need to be in the waking world.

      This dream has representation's of things merged into this weird
      dream. For one, I was in a group home when I was a teenager, two,
      I was in a rehab in my twenties multiple times. One of those
      times like other times I also entered on the domestic violence
      side & actually did have an affair with a male staff member. I
      was an adult at that time. And the reason my husband is represented
      like this is because in December I had a hysterectomy which made
      it difficult for us to start having sex until right before my
      son came back for the summer from college. Due to him being here
      we haven't been able to be intimate so obviously I'm missing my
      husband & can't wait for my son to go back for his 5th yr of

      SpellBee Comp Points: (If I get anything wrong plz feel free mods
      to correct me.)

      1/2 pt: 1/2 non-lucid fragment
      10pts: First wild of the night
      2 pts: WBTB
      2 pts: Interact with a DC
      10 pts: Advanced Object changing (beds to couches)
      Total: 22 1/2

      (I changed a whole room so if there is a point system number for
      that that I have overlooked, plz someone let me know. I wasn't
      sure if it would count as full transformation.)

      Side Notes-Purple
      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
      Competition Notes-Teal

      Updated 08-01-2016 at 10:16 PM by 90317 (Need to copy to paste for contest)

      lucid , non-lucid , dream fragment , side notes
    15. Family Trip

      by , 07-13-2016 at 09:16 PM
      Non-Lucid to Lucid: My family was going on a vacation on a big river or lake somewhere. There came this big rain & some of us had tents that were right next to the water & had to try to find other places to sleep. Things were just so surreal at this point so I knew I had to be dreaming & became lucid so knowing my family I wanted to see what else was to come that I could amp up on steroids through lucidty. But for now I was seeing where we were walking along & it was going well under the circumstances so I was just waiting for my "in". Then we were going down the dock on our way to get the the buffet that was supposed to be available but went right past it cuz it was just this one little cart. So we were disappointed. It was time to go look for other things to do but Mike called & ruined it!

      Oddly enough it reminded me of another dream I had years ago on a lake. It just popped in my head & that was pretty cool in itself... I'd say this dream was probably about me being overwhelmed & wanting to do some positive things with my family where I don't have to think about the stressful things for a while. It's all about time management. But this weekend is about Mike. He needs to take a vacation day for himself & not just use them for shit that needs to get done so maybe next week or weekend. I also want to get back to doing a little wbtb stuff next week & hopefully some chaining. Setting an alarm helps a lot.... I also had a failed v-mild which I was using a mirror but not gonnna elaborate cuz it's a little personal.

      Side Notes-Purple
      Astral Projection/AP-Brown
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