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    1. The Bed Nook in the Sky and Vacation Time

      by , 05-19-2016 at 12:59 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      Something about someone, some TV star, I want to say the guy who plays Dr. Karev on Grey's, jumping from the hangar of a huge plane on some sort of board. I am not sure what the goal of this was, but I saw it happening from behind the guy. It was sunny and bright out, and remains so throughout the dream.

      At some point, I saw myself in a two piece bathing suit, looking sooooooooo thin and pre-baby (god I miss that!).

      I was having a flashback. I was up in the air, going toward the foot of this long, huge bed with a dark, royal red comforter that was in the sky inside some sort of aircraft. I climbed onto the big bed and into the aircraft. As I entered, I heard my voice say
      "Isn't it a cute little nook?"
      Inside, I saw myself all cuddled up watching TV in this huge bed. It was indeed a cute little nook and it looked perfectly cute and comfy. I was pre-baby and pre-marriage. I was so happy and smiling, cuddling with a blanket that I had when I was little, though in the dream I was definitely in my 20's. I feel like it was supposed to be shortly before getting married, maybe a year or so. I looked so relaxed and happy. I knew I was on vacation at the beach.

      There was more to this one, but this is all I remember.


      I was with my mom and some others, maybe my sister-in-law. I think we were all on vacation. We were inside somewhere, but I didn't want to be there because my shows were about to all come on TV in a block. I took one of the cars we drove to wherever we were back to the (hotel?). I was in a room with either one or two beds facing a television. It resembled a hotel room we had on vacation when I was a kid once. Once there, I was talking to some blonde guy that was around my age about whoever he had a crush on. He was sitting on the bed. I thought maybe he liked me, as I thought he was quite cute, but it wouldn't devastate me if he wasn't into me. He was also giving my something, some sort of furniture that had a lot of his things in it. He told me as soon as it was cleaned out I could have it. I was going through some of the things.

      We were then walking towards a beach I believe. It was sunny and bright. He was in front of me. He was wearing swim trunks. I was guessing his crush, and I guessed two guy names, the first Justin, the second Kyle, both guys I worked with IWL. I thought maybe he seemed kinda offended that I had mentioned men, though to be honest, I could only see him shake his head when I mentioned the men, and I couldn't figure out why I had mentioned men myself. I then mentioned Jessica. He said something about her, though not sure what.

      I then saw him in a pool with some other people.

      I then saw myself in a full-length mirror in a bathing suit, another two-piece, this time with higher-waisted bottoms and my body was definitely post-baby. I didn't think I looked as bad as I imagined I would. At some point, I saw myself wet in the maternity bathing suit I bought IWL, though there were some differences in design and color.

      I realized then that I had not watched the first one of my shows, some reality show (trash TV I don't watch IWL). My mom was somehow asking me about what happened, because she followed the show herself, but couldn't watch it since she was out. I don't remember what I told her. I was back at the hotel at some point, possibly getting ready to watch the remaining shows in the block.

      Updated 05-19-2016 at 01:12 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment
    2. Plastic Oven for Sale

      by , 04-10-2015 at 01:32 AM
      I'm in a house with several young guys in their 20s and 30s - I think they're my cousins. All are good looking and have lots of money. I change into a bathing suit and miss my younger body! My sisters and a couple of nieces are there. Then, I'm driving down the street and I see a big, plastic oven for sale for $17 - I forget who wants one - I think my sister Kathy, so I pull over and go in - it's the same house I was in in the beginning of the dream with the same guys. I tell them I'd like to buy the oven. I didn't bring any money in because I didn't really think they'd make me pay but no one says that so I say I'll go get the money and I'll be right back. I go outside and my white car is down the street. I wonder why it's so far away.
    3. The Perfect Girl

      by , 09-15-2012 at 12:37 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)
      The Perfect Girl

      7:00 AM: I was with some guys in my old, yellow Lincoln. I don't know where we were going, but we saw some people in another car. I saw a gorgeous girl in the car and everyone knew I liked her.

      They were telling me I should talk to her, but I'm shy and afraid of rejection, so I told them that I couldn't. Eventually, we saw those people pull off into a parking lot and get out. They were going to a club. The girl took of a layer of clothes and now she was in a black bikini. Her curves were incredible.

      I was thinking about her for the rest of my dream. I dropped my friends off at another party. I hung around for a while outside of where I dropped off my friends.

      Dream skip

      There is a segment where I'm walking around. There is some kind of plug like a cigarette lighter that plugs in outside as though it were a DC plug. I saw someone else take one to keep and I wanted one too, but I was having a hard time getting it without being caught.

      I ended up at another building where I had some stress about finding some place, hanging out with my car, switching my car for another one...just a bunch of weird, random shit. Finally, here comes the party of people with that hot girl.

      I kind of ignore her because somehow I knew I couldn't have her. We were sitting outside in like a covered garage. Everyone except the girl I liked left, and we were left to our own devices. I showed her that I had picked up her pants when she took them off and threw them in the parking lot, and now I was wearing them. They had a suede leather belt like one I used to have. She couldn't believe I was wearing them.

      She started singing and doing her thing. I was trying to hear the song that was playing on her boom box. The band was Excel or Excelsior or something (a made up band), but I started listening more closely and I heard "Institutionalized" playing. I got really excited and talked to the girl. I said, "The Suicidal Tendencies? I used to listen to this in my room and stage dive on my sofa!"

      Then we started thrashing and looking for a place to stage dive. We found a grave yard and we thought about stage diving onto a grave, but decided against it. We never actually found a place, but we got together and started walking back to our chairs. We were getting along great!

      I really liked this girl. She was taking off her shoes, and I knew something was going to happen. I told her that I had no problem being with her and that I wasn't afraid, but I couldn't kiss her because of some issue, and that was the end of that.
      I was very upset.

      The End
    4. Naughty!

      by , 09-09-2012 at 02:37 PM (* The Sandman's Dream Journal o/***)

      I was with several ladies. I was close to one. We were watching T.V. and the show was sexual. I decided to make a move on the person I was with. She was in a one-piece bathing suit. She had way too much bush, but I still enjoyed feeling her up.

      Great dream
      Tags: bathing suit, sex
      non-lucid , memorable