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    1. Night of Monday 10/23/23

      by , 10-24-2023 at 07:41 PM (Dreamlog)
      Went to bed at 11:00PM.

      There is a beach on a starry night. Galaxies are visible in the vast darkness of space.
      The beach itself reminds me of GP's bachelor party from a few years back.
      Donkey Kong and Diddy Kong are battling each other on the beach.

      Woke up at 6:45AM.

      Updated 10-25-2023 at 05:16 PM by 99808

      dream fragment
    2. Crashing

      by , 04-26-2023 at 11:24 PM
      Hi everyone, haven't had a lot of dreams as of late so haven't posted in a while, but here's my best attempt at piecing together last nights one:

      I'm walking around a beach late at night, and only very shortly from the shoreline is a lighthouse, illuminating the dark night air. There's a shallow mist around me, and after watching the waves for a short moment, I turn around and begin walking up these stairs that are surrounded by an immense amount of greenery. At the top there's a restaurant of some sort, but I stop halfway up and turn left to another path through the greenery. This leads me to a black room, where the walls seem to rhythmically pulsate a faint light. In the centre of the room I see a silhouette of two people, a man and a woman. I believe the man is my Dad, but I can't recognise the woman. I stare at them for a few short moments as the walls of the room grow brighter and dimmer around us, before exiting.

      I then end up in a town somewhere, reminiscent of where I lived as a small child. I'm walking down the streets before a friend of mine pulls up and tells me to get in their car. I freak out because they certainly don't know how to drive, but they assure me it's fine, and they seem kind of in a hurry anyways. I climb in the passengers side and ask what they're in a rush for, but I can't remember what they said. Suddenly, something urgent happens and they need me to take over driving for a sec, which freaks me out because I don't know how to drive either! I grab hold of the steering wheel and look over at my friend to see when they'll take over again, but when I look back there's a car in front of us and I swerve into a pole and crash.
      The car is ruined, and it takes a few minutes for me to come back to consciousness, because when I do I look over and my friend's not in the car anymore. I only faintly remember what happens after that, something about them laughing, something about a hot air balloon, I'm not too sure

      I think it's also worth mentioning I've had a few other dreams involving lighthouses as of late, but I don't remember enough to make a post about it. Do lighthouses symbolise anything or am I just a weirdo...
    3. WILD Success Again! Night of Friday 3/31/23

      by , 04-01-2023 at 06:04 PM (Dreamlog)

      I'm in a labyrinth maze. Viewpoint is from above.

      The Youtuber ProJared and somebody else is giving an apology speech on Distractible. It's a video, and Distractible is apparently a streaming platform like Spotify. I'm looking up what their policy is. My girlfriend SB says that they don't have a policy.


      Actually woke up moments before my alarm went off. That's pretty neat. I took my supplements, used the restroom, and wrote down this entry. I slept just about 5 hours and 45 minutes, so in theory I should be entering REM cycle 4 at its' end. Maybe unstable dreams then? Hope not. Maybe I can get into REM cycle 5 from the get go after that.

      I tossed and turned for quite a while. I was worried that I had wasted my time and the timing reset on the supplements (once a week for Galantamine if not using Piracetam). My phone goes off (who the hell is texting me at 7AM, savages) so I put it in airplane mode. That'll show 'em.

      Supplement Interaction Gone Wrong
      I'm tossing and turning in bed and I notice that I'm feeling nauseous. I fall over the side of my bed and struggle to get my vision into focus. Something must have gone wrong with the supplements and the alcohol. I feel drunk. SB is outside our room calling out to me.

      "I have four parents here!" she said.

      She probably wants some help hosting, I think.

      "Wait four? Are any of our friends there?" I ask.

      She replies in the negative. Great. So there are four people there that I probably don't know terribly well that I now need to entertain. And I feel drunk. I decide that the best thing I can do is try to sleep it off and then go help, so I get on the bed and rollback over.


      Thank god. I'm awake and I feel better. There hasn't been an alcohol-supplement interaction. Nobody is visiting us at 7AM. I can resume my WILD attempts. I'm very relieved about this so I relax easier. SB has gotten up to start the day so I have the whole bed to myself. REM cycle 5 here we go. Vibrations eventually show up.

      I start to see images slowly forming. I remember my past success visualizing my hands to 'grab' the dream, so I try to recreate that. I see a pinhole image at the end of the void. It looks like a beach. I start thinking about things I could grab onto. I see some streetlights. Perfect. I imagine the feeling of gripping the cold metal, and visualize my hands closing around them. I can already see my arms outstretched, and my right hand closing around the lamp.

      California Chaos
      I'm standing on a beach reminiscent of the California Boardwalk, holding onto a metal streetlight in my right hand. It's a beautiful sunny day. I've done it again! Successful WILD #2!

      Beachside Bars. Made with Holara AI.

      The first thing I do is approach a portly-looking man at a beachside bar and side down next to him. He vaguely looks like RR from work, or Carlos Mencia. I turn to him.

      "Hey man. What if I were to tell you that this was a dream?" I say.

      "WOAH. No way!" He casually dismisses the suggestion.

      "Oh yeah? Then what about THIS!?"

      I attempt to put my right index finger through my left palm to demonstrate a reality check, but I can't do it.

      To be fair, I've never actually done that before. But looking back this is pretty funny. In the moment, it was also pretty funny.

      "Okay forget that... then what about THIS?!"

      I hold up my hand and count the fingers on it...1-2-3-4-5...6-7-8!

      "WOAH. That's insane!" He exclaims.

      "I'm gonna go cause trouble if you wanna come with me?" I ask him.

      "Nah I'm good." He replies.

      I get up. It would've been cool to create chaos with a partner in crime. I forgot all about trying to summon Aeon (name I've given to the dream-guide from the Desert planet). I'm wanting to get her advice on the dream world and see if I can ask her to make me lucid whenever she sees me in a non-lucid dream. I wander down the Boardwalk and come up to some cute girls sitting at a high-top table. I figure, it's a dream I can do whatever I want.

      Spoiler for Spicy Content:

      Anyway, moving on. I continue walking along the Boardwalk and come up on a brick wall. I recognize that the texture would be good to help stabilize, so I start rubbing the wall like a weirdo for a bit. Can't recall if it did anything other than make me look like a weirdo.

      As I walked down the Boardwalk, I noticed that the dream started to fade to black. Instinctually, I started to focus on my arms, and gripping the dream. It is hard to describe, but I actively was resisting letting the dream fade. Miraculously, it worked. The dream was back, and I was still walking on that sunny day in the boardwalk.

      I come upon some stairs going down into a sewer-like structure down below. I think to myself:

      "Y'know, that seems like a great way to cause a nightmare...screw it! I'm going for it."

      The Tunnel and the Stairs. Made with Holara AI.

      I start to descend the stairs. As I go down, I think to try and summon KF from high-school. Sure enough, when I get to the bottom of the stairs, I see her but her face is obscured. The bottom of the stairs reminds me of the bottom of the wells from the Forest Temple in The Legend of Zelda Ocarina of Time. KF walks by me quickly and she seems upset about something so I don't bother her. I try to project comfort and warmness her way and say:

      "Hey K, I'm going exploring, do you want to come with?" I ask.

      I don't get a reply, but she does stop and turn, and then turned back and walked away. I decide to move on.

      I find some more stairs going up at the end of the sewer tunnel. There is a great big door. I think:

      "Ah! I can use this to get to that elven forest I've been trying to get to!"

      Which actually is one of my goals and has been for some time now. Really great memories of waking life in this dream. I focus on what I want the elven forest to look like (tall grey trees as far as the eye can see, fog) and open the door.

      Sunny neighborhood cul-de-sac. Nope. Not what I want. I close the door and try again.

      Again with the neighborhood. Come on man...I try one more time.

      Still the neighborhood. Well, damn it. I guess we're going to the neighborhood. I step out of the sewer door and into the neighborhood. There actually is a grassy knoll with the great big door leading into a sewer behind me, so I give my brain consistency points for that one. Maybe that's why it wouldn't give me the elven forest, because it couldn't find a way to drop a sewer into it.

      I'm walking up to the circular end street of the homes and enjoying the sun. I have another blackout-recovery episode and save the dream. Maybe I am getting close to waking. I look around and find no DCs or areas of interest. I decide to fly. I put my arms out in front of me Superman-style and takeoff. The feeling of flight doesn't feel as robust as it normally does. More like a light pickup on the wind. The dream starts to fade shortly after I am in the air, and I don't save it this time.

      Pixar VR Concert
      I'm standing in a central plaza. It makes me think of the Nintendo Wii U game Nintendo Land. It's all in virtual reality which is pretty darn cool. There are a bunch of concerts going on, maybe six that you can walk to. Each has an assortment of characters from famous franchises from Pixar or Disney or whatever. I can't remember specifics except for Mr. Hippo from Five Nights at Freddy's. Obviously he must be the main attraction here because his monologues are bomb as fuck. Some time later there is a tank of water and I'm helping clean it up. One of the characters is awkwardly making a pass at me but I don't recall details.

      All things accounted for, I'm pretty happy with this night of dreaming. I interacted with multiple dream characters, successfully saved the dream from fading several times, summoned a DC, had some great recall for goals, and performed a teleport (although it didn't take me where I wanted, that's still progress). That also makes 5 uses of the Yuschak Primary Trigger, after which the author suggests that the reader has enough experience to try out other supplements. I'm not sure I will, but it is something to consider.

      2 drinks of alcohol
      No workout, unhealthy dinner
      5hr45m/10m WBTB
      5th Yuschak Primary Trigger Attempt (8Mg Galantamine, 250Mg Choline Bitartrate)
    4. 19 Jan: Ronaldo hitting on me and I try to meet Avalokiteshvara lucid

      by , 01-19-2023 at 09:10 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Walking up an alley of a park with a younger sister or cousin. On arriving at a terrace where there is a restaurant, we are cut off by barriers and cannot pass, because Ronaldo has booked it to have a private lunch there and no one can go throughit. I am upset and try to go around, but then he arrives by car and also blocks my way. I try to just ignore and move on, but something happens and he ends up also taking a walk in the park, almost side by side to us. As I reminisce to my companion about this place and some memories from my childhood, I notice he is listening and curious to know more. He asks me something about a street ahead and I suddenly remember stuff about it and drag him along in my revisitation of the place. I stayed there in a pension for some time and as I remember more details, I basically offer him a tour to this small town. He totally abandons his lunch plans and just joins us for good. Then we pass by a small place I mention has great veggie food, very basic but delicious and I invite him to have lunch there with us. He makes a bit of a snarky comment because of the veggie food, but then is really surprised to see that it is a very simple place with locals and not some fancy modern joint and I see curiosity won. I swear to him he will not forget about this place, either he likes the food or not, just because it is so authentic. By chance my dad is there with my aunt Ana and other people. They are waiting in line because there are no seats. I join them waiting in line and Ronaldo says we don't have to because of who he is, certainly they'll get us some table. Of course people recognize him when he enters and talk about it and some are very welcoming to him, but those that are sitting and eating with friends and family aren't bulging for him to get a seat and the fact is there really are no tables. What people do is they rearrange the tables so we have an area where we can sit on the floor if we want. I am ok with it, but he is not and so we just leave and continue our tour outside.
      My dad reminded me that not only we spent some vacation on this town, but that we own an old house on this street. I am surprised and can't remember that at all, but he says it is that small property that appears mentioned on the IRS form and somehow it makes sense to me. He says it's just a couple blocks away, so I go look for it. Spot some folks building up a new house in the place where I thought was ours, can't figure out which one it is, so then we return and keep waiting for a table at the restaurant. By now Ronaldo is definitely feeling the hots for me and he grabs me by the waist and grabs my ass and pushes me against a wall, about to kiss me. But then my dad suddenly appears and ruins the moment. Ronaldo goes get some air for a minute and my dad comes talk to me. I guess he must be really proud that I am snatching such a rich famous guy and indeed he is, but also makes some comment about his manners and I have to agree that he is not exactly being a gentleman with me. I am not sure how I feel about it.

      Walking by a boardwalk by the sea, recognizing some places. Seeing them with so much detail and thinking I don't wanna go there, because it is a place from another dream I had one day and nothing good came out of it.
      Then realize I am dreaming and it is a very stable lucid. The first thing that comes to my mind is to summon Avalokiteshvara. I really don't know why that was my first thought, but I did. Unfortunately, I immediately get surrounded by a pack of menacing growling dogs like dobbermans and rotweillers and I have to climb over a wall to protect myself. They keep jumping at me, viciously trying to attack me and I realize they are the protection mechanism or agents that always come if you try to liberate yourself, or meet those who can help you with that. I hadn't met them in a while. Then I remember that they have no power over me unless I give it to them, so I point the palm of my hands at them and slowly push them away with a kind of force field that makes me untouchable. One by one, the dogs step down and leave. I keep walking down the boardwalk while repeating mantras and continue to call for the deity. Don't see it anywhere but some lady approaches me offering me t-shirts. I say no and she insists that I follow her. I feel she is up to no good and accuse her of trying to distract me. After insisting a couple times, she walks away but I keep an eye on her as she walks towards the ocean and stays on the sand at the beach nearby. Wonder if she may be a manifeststion of the deity inviting me to come along and I rejected her, but I don't feel it. She passes by me again and leaves a box on the sand. Some girl says this is a gift to me but I am still suspicious of her intentions, so I don't touch it. The box opens by itself and contains gold statuettes of what initially also look like deities, so for a while I think this might be a sign. But as I look closer, the statuettes represent just common people in sex acts, like one lady going down on another and a threesome where someone is banging another from behind. Don't know what all of it means, but I think this is just Mara tempting me with distractions. Then I wake up.
    5. Winter Competition, 12.2.2022

      by , 12-02-2022 at 10:00 PM
      Killer Whales

      Walking along a beach. There are lots of people around, apparently getting ready for a festival. It is like a regatta, with lots of boats, but apparently there are killer whales involved. I think the boats are going out to fish for the whales, or something. There is a ring of buoys marking off an area near the shore, beyond which are the boats, I think. I wonder if the buoys are marking off a safe place for people to swim. People are out in the water, some of them swimming after the boats. I think to myself that I wouldn’t want to be out there among the killer whales...

      I feel like the following was a separate dream from "Killer Whales", but since I'm not sure and the setting is similar I will only count this as one dream for the competition.

      Walking along a beach with my brother. We are in Florida, or some place. We are also naked. There might be more than the two of us. There is something about the sand – I might be noticing how nice the sand feels on my feet or something. We come across a rock outcropping that we start to climb. Some other people are walking along the beach, and I hope to climb far enough up that they won’t notice that I’m naked. I get up to a high spot, but then get kind of nervous about being up so high and climb down a little. The dream transitions into a third person account of people on a climbing trip. They are climbing back down, but in order to do so properly they are supposed to trust their guide to lift them part of the way down. The rock outcropping seems more like a house at this point.

      Aunt J’s

      At Aunt J’s. My family is there. This might have been related to an earlier part in which I’m with the family in a hotel (for the sake of this account I’ll assume that it was). We are in this hotel place, at breakfast. The family is sitting around the table, and I go to get some food. There is also some coffee available, in carafes in a separate nook...At some point I decide to walk over to my cousin’s house. At about the same time as I walk in, she comes in another door. I think she might be a little disturbed to find me prowling around the house while she was gone, so I explain that I just walked in. After a bit of talking, I learn that her three dogs (which she doesn’t have in waking life) have gone missing. We aren’t too worried, it just seems like they went outside and haven’t come back yet. We go out and I think I call for the dogs. At this point, either her dogs come back or someone else’s dog comes running in. There is something about the dog seeming vicious, but me trying to get along with it. Then the dream changes into a couple of people including myself carrying heavy doors into a garage. Two of them carry a set of two doors, and I carry one by myself, playfully bragging about being able to do it on my own. I think one of the other two people is my brother, who makes some kind of retort.

      At Aunt J’s, I think. I go upstairs to use the bathroom. For some reason I’m there for longer than I want to be – I think people have come back from somewhere and I’m concerned about seeming to be in the bathroom so long (or something). Anyway, I go to get dressed and go downstairs. There is a bit of trouble standing up somehow, involving pulling myself up by a railing and getting urine on a towel or something. Then when I pull my pants up and start going downstairs I find that I had a large bag of loose-leaf tea in my pants that has ripped open. The tea leaves are spilling out and making a mess, further delaying me from going downstairs to see the people who have come along.

      At some point a girl I know is talking about coming back to the other place with us to spend the night.

      Not sure if this was the same dream or a different dream:

      At Aunt J’s? There is a device that someone (my grandfather?) is using to siphon water into a jar for me to take with me when I go somewhere. They fill the jar with water, and another jar (at least, another jar comes from somewhere). We put these into a plastic bag along with some other items, and now I have the challenge of carrying the bag without spilling the water.

      Restroom privacy issues

      Going to a public restroom. I’m in one stall, but people keep coming into the restroom and for some reason that bothers me so I decide to find a different stall. There is one a couple of stalls down. I walk into this one. It is fairly large. At first I notice a mannequin set up inside the door, which is positioned so that it’s staring at the toilet. I guess that’s OK. But then I notice that there is a security guard sitting next to the toilet, along with a kid (his son, I think). I don’t really want these people watching me while I use the toilet, so I give up.


      A chipmunk or a small squirrel in my kitchen.
    6. Demanding Roller Coaster Woman

      by , 09-03-2022 at 09:22 PM

      Updated 09-07-2024 at 01:41 AM by 99032

    7. Monday, May 16

      by , 05-26-2022 at 01:27 AM
      I’m at a beach with what seems like some of the family. It is definitely a beach on the ocean coast. It looks like Hawaii or the California coast. The sand is long and also very deep, sloping down to reach the water. The waves come in large but not violently. It is dim out but the scene seems to be lit with some glow, maybe twilight or moonlight. I’m in the water now, with Dad and Stella. Stella swims after something - a toy?, not an animal. She dives down quite a ways after it. I’m apprehensive at first but then relax when I see how well she’s doing.
    8. On the beach

      by , 04-19-2022 at 10:09 AM
      I am in the sea, swimming, there is someone on the shore, he warns me that there may be a big shark, I think I see it, I am a little scared, but I control myself and swim gently towards the shore so as not to stir up the water and call the attention of the shark, it seems that I control the situation, when I am reaching the shore I see something in the water that looks like the shark but later it turns out that it is a kind of cylinder that floats in the water, it looks like a bomb, and I don't know if it is active or dangerous, I get out of the water and walk through a rocky area, I look around me to observe the details, they are an interesting color, I have the feeling that I am in control and I know that I am in a special place, I think I am semi -lucid and about to realize it's a dream.
    9. 14 Apr: Everything moving backward except me and vertigo during a lucid

      by , 04-14-2022 at 08:50 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      Riverstone is driving, he enters a roundabout but instead of moving forward, starts moving backwards. I wonder what's going on, but he also starts talking backwards. Everything is moving and happening backwards and then it starts moving faster and faster until it all becomes a blur and I lose consciousness.

      At a beach house with Riverstone. There are four cute white kittens in the house. I go around checking for more and find a disgusting bathroom. Besides the kittens, I am starting to regret these vacations. But then we meet a couple friends who are also vacationing at the next house and they bring along his friend, none other than Joseph Gordon-Levitt and I no longer regret coming. We have lots of fun, I try to casually get a selfie with him.
      Then there is also Angelina Jolie and for some reason she is upset with me.

      I start getting lucid. I don't know what I did to piss Angelina, but just for fun I engage with her and try to apologize, which makes her even more pissed. I get bored, decide to drop it and go outside. I find myself in some city streets, wonder what to do and decide not to waste any more time with frivolities. I wanna meet face to face with Vajrasattva. But where? I feel like I should be at some proper place before summoning the buddha. Then I spot a bridge with a 50 mt tower somewhere in the middle of it and I decide I'll do it at the top of it. I get to its base and look up. Then look down to the bridge railings and I feel vertigo. I tell myself it is not dangerous as I can even fly and be in control, but as soon as a lift off a few meters up, I feel to scared to continue. Everything looks too real and the vertigo just gets worse. So I wake up.
    10. Some Fun Dream Fragments

      by , 03-08-2022 at 12:43 AM (The Dream Adventures of MadMonkey)
      Over the past week I have had a lot of dream fragments that I hadn't journaled. Some of them were even lucid. Two of them stand out as worth sharing.

      Going witht the Flow (Non-Lucid)

      I am at the beach with my girlfriend. I go out in the water to were the waves begin to break. A big wave comes up and I body surf it to the shore. There is an overweight man standing in the water and the wave carries me close to him. I shout out sorry. Just then a horizontal current pushes me around and past him. I find such a wave improbable but I continue to body surf with the current. Now I am back out in the deeper section and another horizontal wave comes going the opposite direction. I end up in a circular current that takes me around in one big surf for several cycles. It's really fun!

      Graduation Break Dance (DEILD)

      I have several short dreams about various topics and then wake up. When I fall back to sleep, visuals of being in a line in a corridor appears. At the end of the corridor there are stage lights so I assume there is also a stage and audience. I remember I just woke up so I do a nose pinch reality check. I hear an announcer reading off names and I'm wearing a cap and gown so I know this is a graduation ceremony. When I get out on stage I do another nose pinch rc just to be sure I am not going to embarrass myself in a real life situation. With that out of the way I decide to have some fun.

      First I purposefully trip to the surprise of the audience! Then I start break dancing. (poorly) After a little while of this, two men escort me off stage and the dream transitions back into more non lucid fragments.
    11. 8 Feb: Meeting my teacher and going by van to the beach

      by , 02-08-2022 at 09:47 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      My teacher and others are visiting some place, could be Germany by the looks of it, but it is warm and there is a beach nearby, so I don't know. We are all in a house. It is an apartment but bigh enough to accomodate them and all the students. The group of students is maybe 20 people. I haven't yet seen my teacher, but I accidentaly step into a room where I disturb OTR and another teacher who are talking. I make a discrete turn around and leave. Anyway they see me, but I think they are more entertained than upset.
      Then I am told we should gather in a specific room as our teacher is coming. For some reason I have to get fully naked and my teacher paints me in red. I have a tear falling down my right cheek as he paints my face. I am a bit embarassed from being naked in front of the others but they also seem embarassed and looking down to avoid eye contact.
      Later on, we are told to get ready as we are being taken to the beach. I go get food from a fridge, specifically 4 green pears, and then join the others on a subterranean parking lot where a big van arrives, supposedly to take us. But our teacher cuts through, followed by an entourage and I am convinced they take most of the seats. But actually the van is really big and has like 4 rows of seats and we all fit in. My teacher is on the first row and I am on the third, but he still can see me through the rear mirror, Riverstone is also sitting on the same row as I am. To my surprise, my teacher turns around and starts speaking portuguese-brazilian with Riverstone. I am confused as I had no idea he could speak PT, yet Riverstone apparently did know, because he doesn't flinch and immediately replies. I wonder if he understands original portuguese and surprisingly he also does.
    12. 4 Feb: Future exoplanet war, WILD and lucid meditation, then chased by a demon and lost in backrooms

      by , 02-04-2022 at 09:55 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      At a future scenario that feels a lot like a Myizaki's movie. We have colonies in distant planets but there are also vintage looking people and cities on Earth. One of those planets looks similar to one I know from a sci-fi book I read as a kid. It has big whale like animals that swim in the atmosphere. For some reason a rebel faction starts a war and someone shoots at these animals accidentally. This plays on the news and everyone is shocked.
      This rebel group turned ludite and wants to destroy our civilization, but everyone else is pacifist and doesn't want this war at all.
      I am on this planet and I receive a notification that we're in danger and we need to gather at a sports stadium nearby that also doubles down as an evacution site. People sit on floating cocoons that serve as private balconies to watch the games, when there are sports events, but which are also emergency pods that can close and leave the planet to one of our colonies on other planets. While we wait for developments, they keep us entertained by projecting holographically a game that happened on some previous occasion. It is undistinguishable from reality. One of the persons in our coccoon is a kid that lived with the ludites but is pacifist so he left them. He doesn't know our tech, so he keeps asking questions. He asks how do we distingiuish something real from an hologram. I explain it isn't easy and it is almost like telling th difference between a dream and waking life, some people just have that ability and others have to train to recognize it. I am one of those with the natural ability. I also have heightened senses and can hear what other people can't. And as I say this, I do hear something dangerous approaching. I warn others and we fly the coccoons above the stadium and see a fleet of rebels attacking one of our ships and coming towards the stadium. Luckily there are guardian drones that sit on the perifery and shoot anything getting too close. But any way, our pods close and take off immediately. The drones recognize our pods and don't shoot us, instead they make a formation to protect us from any incoming threat and clear a path so we can leave the planet safely.

      With my dad's family side and my mom, all gathered at some house. It looks like my grandma's house but it is also different. The kitchen looks pretty much unaltered, but in the place of the pantry, there is a cabinet with a TV and a VCR and I am rewinding some tapes looking for some shows I supposedly recorded, but I can't find them. My uncle Fernando comes in and tells me to quit. My two aunts are sitting there, just observing me and say to him that this is important to me. But eventually I give up and we all gather in a living room. It looks like the dining and living room of my grandma's together, but on the wrong side of the hallway. People are all sitting around the room on chairs and sofas sitting against the walls. My cousin Cris is also there, but so are other people I never met. I feel like my current self, but I am myself as a kid and I am on the floor playing with dolls. I think my mom told the family that I am autistic, so they are all observing me and not asking me questions or mocking me as usual. But I also find strange that they don't ask any questions about the autism. I also brought my present cats along, so then I freak out when I notice someone leaving a window open. I go around checking all the windows and asking people to please keep the windows shut. I then spot a cat, that could be Ginga but looks different, jumping to a ledge of a window through which some family member is talking to someone outside. Fortunately the cat is wearing a vest and I manage to grab her by the vest on time and pull her back in. Then back in the living room by uncle Carlos also keeps a window just slightly open and I explain to him the cats can still escape through there and he gets pissed when I close it. Then I do another tour and check the bathroom. All is fine.
      My mom then comes by and says they are announcing on the news that the Health Minister is dead with covid19 and I am shocked. But my mom is even more shocked and I wonder if this will get her to finally go vaccinate.
      Then I follow an unknown lady going to a balcony on the back of the house, where I believe she is going to smoke and certainly open a window. Actually when we arrive there, the window is already open. I take a peak outside, we are strangely located on like a 10th floor and I see on a roof down below a black cat and a black and white cat which I can't tell if they are dead or alive. The black one looks like Cuscus, so I call for him and he gets up. Both cats are alive but stuck on that roof. He immediately tries to jump up, but it's too high, so I wonder what is he doing. Then I see there is a metal structure on the wall for putting little pots for plants and it forms some sort of ladder that is climbable. So he climbs it and when he is close enough he jumps into my arms. The other cat also managed to get out of the roof in the meantime. So I take the black cat inside, not even yet sure if it is Cuscus, but I go look if there is another black cat in the house just to be sure. Then confusion ensues when some other guest arrives bringing some 3 other cats. I lose count of the cats.

      I tried to do a WILD. I focused on being aware as I fell sleep and almost immediately felt the rush of falling into sleep and the metallic noises of hypnagogia. When I open my dream eyes, I am in some scenario that looks like a hospital and I am meeting a friend who works there and another one who is being released or something. It feels like they are very familiar, like Riverstone and Nighthawk, but not looking like anyone I know and instead look like some american boys in their twenties. I also have a different look. And there is another girl in the group. I think the boys are a gay couple but I also love one of them. Anyway, once the one being discharged is with us, we all go walk down the street and I have kept my awareness all the way through, but just been watching everything unfold. The boy on the lead says something like "Where are we going?" or what is going on, and I use the chance to say that we are all dreaming and none of this is real. They react calmly and accepting. I suggest we just try to be mindful and rest in that awareness. So we all just sit on the floor and we meditate together. Whenever I feel the awareness fading, I focus on them and it really helps that they also look calm and focuse. I almost fall out of the dream a couple times, but I conjure some tokens with mantras and Buddha images and put them in front of us, saying we can look and touch them as a way to revive lucidity whenever it is starting to fail, and it works for some time, maybe more than I ever managed to stay lucid meditating. But eventually the dream fades and I feel my waking body. I don't move and I focus on getting back. I do go back but this time I land on a beach in what seems like ancient Mexico. There are some native ladies in their long skirts tending to some bonfires. I try to get back to my friends, but all that happens is that, like a mirage, a wall and a room within a room, appear to my right, where I can see the place we had just been sitting together, but I don't see them. I try to teleport there by just snapping my fingers and for a few seconds it works, but then I fall back to the beach. Tried again, wemt there a few more seconds and then fell bavk to the beach and the image of the wall and rooms disappear entirely and I can't seem able to summom it anymore. Then some kind of demon appears on the beach from behind the bonfires. It looks like an old womam with crazy hair walking on all fours and all the native ladies run away in fear. But the demon is after me. First I hide behind some shelter made with twigs sticking out from a pit in the sand. But she will eventually find me, so I decide to fight back instead. I fly a bit above the ground and wait for her to come. She has a kind of ax made of bones and I hope to snatch it from her and use it against her, but when we clash, in the middle of the struggle I just grab something else and hit her with it. Not sure what happened to the demon, because she dissapears and in her place come dozens of cave men figures running from all directions. Again I the mirage of wall with a door and I manage to cross it, landing on some backroom shit kind of place. that I feel I've seen before. It actually looks like a really nice office, but I sense a dark presence and know this is not a safe place. I try to cross it quickly, but all it's doors and windows just lead to more rooms. Until I spot a window to outside and focus strongly on it staying that way as I open it. And it does and I manage to reach the outside. Then I enter some normal dream in the time of Portuguese King Carlos I and the story is that he went on a balloon trip and had an accident due to bad weather and is lost in the countryside for 8 days until he gets back .
    13. New dream at the beach with a beautiful girl

      by , 09-30-2021 at 02:54 AM
      I had another dream set at the beach last night. What I remember most about this dream was this beautiful blonde who was probably in her early 20's.

      When the dream began, I was walking from the pool area to the beach looking for my friends. I couldn't find my friends anywhere but while I was walking around looking for them I bumped into this beautiful girl who was also looking for some of her friends. We started talking and soon we both forgot that we were separated from our groups and we were flirting with each other. As we continued to talk, I was trying to find out more about her like where she was from and how much longer she would be at the beach.

      We were suddenly interrupted when my sister showed-up and told me I needed to go with her because she and mom were ready to go and I needed to go with them. I remember feeling humiliated both that my sister had interrupted my conversation with the girl I was into and that she had announced to the girl that I was riding home with my sister and my mom.

      I then follow my sister through a beach access beside the resort to the parking lot where the Reliant was parked. When I saw we would all 3 have to ride up front, I tired to get my sister to get in first and scoot over to the middle, but she reminded me I was not supposed to be riding back with them so I needed to get in the middle. I went ahead and got in and scooted over to the middle and buckled up and then my sister got in the passenger seat and closed her door and buckled.

      While me and my sister were waiting for mom, I heard my sister say here comes your girlfriend, and then saw the blonde I had been taking two walking from the front entrance of the resort out to the parking lot. I was staring at her as she walked by and hoping that she didn't notice me and my sister waiting in the old reliant. I watched and she walked over to a red Ferrari and got a bag out of it and then walked back to the resort. I remember thinking not only was she hot, but she must also be really rich.

      As I was watching the girl walk into the resort, I saw my mom pass her on the front steps and then walk towards us while the girl disappeared into the resort.

      When my mom got into the Reliant as usual she could not get it to start. After spending several minutes trying to get it started, she got out to look under the hood and while she was out of the car, I saw the girl and a really muscular guy walking out of the resort and towards the Ferrari. I was thankful that that got into the Ferrari while my mom was still looking under the hood and that they did not notice me in the middle seat waiting for mom to get done and get back in.

      When mom finally got back in and began trying to start the car, I noticed the guy who had been with the girl walking back into the resort. I turned my head and saw the girl was waiting by the passenger side of the Ferrari. As mom kept turning the key trying to get the Reliant started, I kept looking over towards her hoping that she did not notice my situation.

      I woke up from the dream while my mom was still trying to start the car and my sister poked me in the ribs and told me my girlfriend was heading our way. I woke up right as she was walking in front of the Relaint and turned her head when she her mom trying to start it to see me in the middle of the front seat between my mother and younger sister.
    14. Another car dream set at the beach where I tried to order a drink

      by , 09-29-2021 at 01:19 AM
      I had another dream with my mother, sister, and the Reliant set at the beach last night. The main thing I remember about this dream was that at the beginning I went to the Cabana Bar by the pools and tried to order a frozen margarita. The girl working the bar asked to see my ID and when I showed it to her, she laughed and told me "better try again next summer". I think based on this, I was 21 in the dream.

      When I turned away from the bar, my sister was waiting and told me she and mom where ready to go and I needed to ride with them since my friends had already gone home. I then followed her out to the Reliant and reluctantly scooted over to the middle seat and buckled the tan lap belt around my waist when she threatened to tell mom I had tried to order a drink from the Cabana Bar. We then had to wait in the Reliant for several minutes while my mom checked out of the resort, and I had to keep listening to my sisters threaten to tell mom I had tried to order a drink.

      When my mom finally got to the Reliant and got into the driver seat to my left, she spent several minutes trying to get it started but could never get the engine to fire-up. I remember she eventually though it may need some gas and me and my sister waited in the car for several minutes while my mom walked to a gas station down the road and then came back with a big red gas can.

      I remember my mom then seemed to take forever putting gas in the car and I was humiliated that everyone who walked past knew I was stuck riding between two females. When my mother got done putting the gas in the car, me and my sister had to wait again for her to take the gas can back to the gas station and then get back to the car.

      When my mom finally got back in the car she started trying to get it started again, but putting the gas in the car did not do any good. I woke up from the dream while she was trying to get the car started and getting increasingly frustrated that it wasn't starting up.
    15. 12 Sep: Spaceships evacuating Earth, Earth collapses, I create a new Earth

      by , 09-12-2021 at 08:23 PM (Lucid-schizo-dreamer)
      non-dream dream semi-lucid lucid FA / AP

      With mom at a beach. We hear spaceships launching nearby. We've been trying to sneak into the space launches. People who got tickets are being evacuated from the planet. But they move the launching site around, so every day we make a run to try to catch it. One day we manage to get there and we sneak into a line of passengers. Unfortunately they are asking them to show the tickets at the entrnace of the ship. We don't have any. But they don't kick us out, they assume we already had to show them at the maim door, so they send us to a ticket booth to get a reprint of the tickets. But if we go there, they'll find out. I claim that if we go there, we will miss the flight. They reply we can always get on the next one the next day. But as we are about to leave, someone calls us and says we're ok to go if we want. First we're excited, but as I walk to the ship I burst into tears and tell mom I don't wanna go. I remember I somehow left my pets behind on the farm with dad and that I"d rather stay and die with them. She agrees. Then everything starts falling apart, the building collapses like under enormous pressure, but in an orderly fashion, geometrically breaking up and being swallowed up into itself. I tell mom we need to jump through a slit to outside, but we fall into a void. The landscape outside is falling into itself too and disappearing rapidly under our feet. So we fall as if from high above in the sky. Mom is panicking, but I hold her hands and manage to stop us from falling. We are just levitating in the air and we see the earth disappearing, as if into a blackhole. But I decide to stop it by prpjecting a new reality. I tell mom we will land safely on land again and slowly I make us descend onto a new Earth, onto a street of cobbled stones and colorful houses. Not sure if this new reality is a pure illusory one or some paralell universe that we jumped to, but it looks like the one we came from.

      So I created a new earth and all the spaceships that had been evacuating come back and join us. I learn that a friend of mine, who also has superpowers, had been cooperating in a secret project to create a giant antenna in space to guide all spaceships to their new destination, a space station somewhere. It was based on his telepathic powers somehow. Once he realized I had created a new Earth, he guided them all back home. They all meet to work on some new plan to repopulate the Earth. I want to be part of it, so I join the meeting. Turns out there is a team who fears we might need to evacuate again and they want to establish a colony on Mars. My friend is part of this group and he is debating some advanced physics. They ask what I do or know and I say I am a biologist and they say I might come in handy if they find life there or when we bring life into it. Then definitely a biologist will be useful. But my friend Zilla is also in the group and when she hears this, she comes to tell about her skills and I feel afraid they might chose her instead. She knows a lot about Martian geology for some reason.
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