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    1. Rotting Corpse and My Acting Career!

      by , 04-16-2023 at 02:22 PM
      Had two dreams the other night, one non lucid and one lucid! It's been a veeery long time since I've had a proper memorable lucid dream, I only wish this one was as fun as all my others have been.

      Non Lucid:
      Not really a lot happened in this dream, but it was disturbing nonetheless. I'm sitting on my bed, shirtless, looking down at myself. I notice a few faint bruises forming along my torso, and wonder what I'd done to myself. I shrug it off as me being clumsy, as I do easily bruise all the time, until I look back down again. The bruises are getting darker and larger in real time, going from pale brown patches to dark, almost black, purple bruises that cover majority of my body. I can't do anything but stare in horror as the black trauma on my skin is slowly beginning to become indents, as if it was loose. Then, I'm watching as the skin is rotting off of my body. I'm becoming a corpse before my very eyes, and all I can do is watch.

      As soon as I fall asleep, I'm thrown into a sterile white corridor, surrounded by a team of people. Some of them are carrying clipboards and wearing all kinds of equipment, while a few others have stage makeup on, like they're straight out of an action movie. We're walking quickly down the corridor and everyone's talking as if something important's going on. Instantly, I know I'm dreaming, but I'm completely freaked out by the fact that I'm in a place I don't recognise, surrounded by people I've never met who are all acting like I'm important. Not only that, but I look down and realise I'm not in my own body. I suss out the situation and, as I'm listening to what the people around me are saying, figure out I'm in the body of an actor who's got a very climactic scene to shoot in about 5 minutes.
      As we continue walking down the corridor, I grab another actor who's in the same scene as me and try my hardest not to sound crazy. I'm trying to explain to her that I'm not the actor they're looking for and instead someone who's asleep, who got mixed up in the situation, and that I need her help. And for some reason, she believes me! Either that or the person I'm pretending to be has got a sense of humour. She tells me no one else on the team will believe me, so I've just got to play along, but she'll help me to the best of her ability.

      We then enter a room, with the producers walking off leaving just the other actors and I by ourselves to do a last minute run through of the script before the big scene. I remember trying my hardest to concentrate to change the dream, because at this point I'm so unbelievably stressed out over the fact I'm not myself and I'm about to ruin the biggest moment of this tv show because I have no idea what's going on. Usually trying to switch to another dream works, but this time I just find myself stuck. I go up to the woman who I was previously talking with and start begging her for the script, because if I'm going to bomb this I might as well make an effort to look like an actor. Another actor overhears me and comes up to me confused, telling me that I should definitely not need the script by now because we're just about to get on set. The woman makes up an excuse for me and goes and quickly gets a script for me to read my lines from, but as the two of us are looking at it, she tells me this is an old version of the scene. All I remember is freaking out, before waking up. I never got to get on set.

      The first dream honestly did not bother me like I now think it should have. When I first woke up after it I didn't even bat an eye, but after writing it out I realise it's a lot more gruesome than I gave it credit for. And in the second, it's honestly kind of pathetic that I spent my first long lucid dream in the past few months stressing over an imaginary problem that I knew was happening in a dream, before waking myself up from the amount of stress I was in. I've really got to do counselling or something....

      Updated 04-16-2023 at 02:25 PM by 99949

      lucid , memorable
    2. Ambiguous Boat Ride

      by , 04-30-2017 at 10:30 AM
      Morning of April 30, 2017. Sunday.

      I presently have a cold, and when this happens, my preconscious band expands into wider, unfamiliar patterns, likely external (as it always was with Zsuzsanna before I met her). This preconscious shift sometimes transforms the emergent consciousness precursor into a completely unknown identity as here (which may be a biological factor relating to being in need of more threads from the collective unconscious due to illness), though likely also based on all the news about North Korea.

      I am on a ship (a common water induction beginning, water symbolizing sleep and its dynamics in real time as it has for over fifty years for me on a day to day basis) which seems to be a North Korean cargo ship (or so I assume from recent thoughts).

      There is some sort of situation which I am not directly involved in. It is something about an unknown male following a female around (and curiously, they are both Caucasian), even into the shower area (water induction within water induction - but not fully a dream within a dream, only composite distortion of the ship seeming bilocated with a house on land and my dream being vivified by the additional association). She seems annoyed but the matter does not concern me.

      I look in a mirror and see that the right side of my face is bruised very badly, from my forehead down to my chin, mostly red and purple. I consider that it may relate to my illness and something related to blood circulation. It is mostly covering only the left side of my face (possibly a greatly exaggerated subliminal thread of sleeping on one side).

      Again, because I have a cold in real life, my preconscious band is skewed. When I look in a mirror, I am a Korean girl of about sixteen, without the slightest awareness that I am an older man. I am focused on my face quite clearly and consider telling someone about my medical condition though I do not fully recall it as being a cold.

      Updated 09-08-2019 at 05:53 PM by 1390

    3. Ocean Breastfeeding Frag and the Tallest Ladder

      by , 05-26-2016 at 01:22 PM (Krista's Dream Journal)
      Dream - Lucid

      I was looking at the ocean. There was a big boat with my friend Tara on it. I needed to breastfeed my baby, and she did it for me? Not with her own milk but with mine? I then saw a note in front of my eyes saying "breastfed this cycle". I then saw myself in the ocean, topless, with relieved, unengorged breasts. I made a joke with Tara saying it couldn't have been the baby who relieved my breasts, so it must have been her. She was not at all amused by this joke; she got super pissed.


      I was at an amusement part, Disney World I believe. I wanted to go on all the rides, but knew I couldn't go on any crazy roller coasters since I'm pregnant. I thought maybe I could go on some milder coasters or simulators instead.

      Dream skip. I was outside with this GIANT ladder. It was super tall and had a platform to stand on and look out on the top. I was carrying this ladder. I put it down. Something about my dad and me climbing it. I had gotten to the top at some point.

      I then remember being at the bottom and feeling a little bruise on my butt. I pulled my pants down to look, and I had a HUGE dark bruise between my right buttcheek and leg. I "remembered" it was from falling from the ladder at some point.

      I then remember seeing it snow. It had stopped earlier after a dusting, but started again; I saw it sticking to the roads. The sky was grey.

      I then was alone in the snow with the ladder. I was putting it down to climb it. I was afraid I wouldn't be able to put it down and have it stay steady for me to climb. I was sinking it into the snow-covered ground, hoping I could sink it in enough to hold it in place. I kept feeling like it wasn't steady enough, and couldn't tell if I just had it sunk into the snow, or if it was sunk in the ground. The bottom rung was covered in snow, and some guy made a comment about it, like I wasn't supposed to skip that rung. There wasn't much I could do though, as it was snowing. I started to climb. I was terrified, but I did it anyway (IWL not a fan of heights). It felt steady enough. I kept going higher and higher. At some point, I remember starting to climb down.

      Updated 05-26-2016 at 01:32 PM by 32059

      non-lucid , dream fragment