Day 4 Fragments as dictated to voice recorder …/The closed door and I cannot get back into my place/… …/The theme about <incomprehensible> from day before got into the dream/… …/I see guys are wearing suits from 60’s~70’s/… While WBTB I’m able to remember more details about the dreams while drifting back into dreamland. In that moment I think to myself that I will remember about those details. Then I get lost back into some other dream and forget them all Day 5 Fragments …/I’m collecting flags or something similar and putting them on sort of wooden towers. It’s a very Assassins Creed like sequence. It’s day. I’m in a big country house. There’s a lot of people around. There’s a wooden structure in the middle of a yard. I climb to put the flag on the top. I’m wandering around. There’s an Asian fat guy wearing only white trousers. He’s about to take a shower. I wonder how is he doing to get hot water if his heating system is off. I want to take a shower too, I think I might use his shower and let people blame him for using the heater because of it should be off/… …/I’m getting to the side of U’s house in the middle of a field. It’s all covered under snow, it gets to my knees [competition theme related]I have to pick a bike that lays to the side of the road next to the house. S and N are already on their way. I have to hurry to get where they are. I’m in a hurry and distracted playing with a small purple/pink doll of gum. It’s like a key hanger. I have to be careful not to let some of its small parts fall on the snow, they might get lost there, it’s very deep/… …/Sh brought some started joints and puts them on the table. He gives me one as I ask for a present. His girlfriend gets into the room. I cover the stuff with a shirt and pretend I’m folding clothing. She asks for a jacket that I see close to my right. I say I have no idea where is it and choose to ignore her/… …/I get out of one of my recurrent graveyards and turn to the left heading back to my grand parents house. I see two guys talking. I wear my headphones and try to play some music with my mp3 player. It’s not working and it starts getting more and more complicated as I try to connect the headphones with the player, I stop paying attention to the place/… It’s a recurrent dreamscape Day 6 …/I’m taking part of some kind of Muppet Show sequence. I see Animal with a big monster bird standing on his arm in front of me. He gets scared the hell out of a dove that is standing on my back/… Days 7 - 8 *Black Out* Day 9 Fragments …/I’m in the first place I rented. I see ER and we have a nice talk on the bed, I’m glad to meet her again. She lays first then I lay too close that she starts feeling uncomfortable. I try to explain her about somebody I know who reminds me to her. I pay too much attention on her body. I’m visiting for short. I didn’t set all of the stuff for the transport. There are two beds and one of my closets. There’re other friends from school CaMa is there and we let some Legos on the bed. RU comes around with somebody else, it has something to deal with black metal or music. While I’m going downstairs to do something I meet the old woman who leases the house. She’s angry because of some plants where hidden under the stairs. She’s complaining about it because of the plants will rot and stink the whole place. I try to explain I wasn’t that person. She goes on arguing telling if it’s like that then she will have to get a new tenant. I don’t care/… …/Some other people is waiting outside of the room on the roof. They want to get in to make some reparations on the water pipes/… …/There’s some celebration day around. I see there are new stores on the street. A lot of things have changed. I try to find which was the small store I knew. It’s confusing, I want to buy something, may be a Coca-Cola. Somebody says that the people from this house buy their Cokes in a small store and points somewhere between two big business. I’m bit nervous about talking with new people. There’s some integration with the sellers/… …/The doors of the house that lead to the garage are partially opened to let light come in, otherwise it’s impossible to see something. The lady had covered all of the open spots, I don’t find something I put on an empty oil barrel/… At this moment other dreams get mixed while recalling, it’s another recurrent dreamscape. I tend to dream on the times before the last move so far. Sometimes I’m in a hurry or about to miss the flight Day 10 I was playing Assassins Creed with one of my daughters the whole night just dreamed more smashed sequences of the game Day 11 *Black Out* Day 12 Fragment …/I’m near a Main Street I used to walk very often during my school days. I see big trucks [competition theme related] crashing with each other. A white one loses control and crashes straight against the wall of a house that cuts the street. I’m arranging sort of cassettes close to the street, near a park of my childhood. Somebody comes and asks for help, The driver got hurt we must help! He says, I have to stop what I’m doing/… Day 13 - 14 *Black Out*
I'm with a friend and some others on the mountain skiing. I don't know why I'm skiing rather than snowboarding but I'm keeping up with everyone just fine anyways. We try getting some air off a side hit and it works pretty well. After navigating through a difficult part of the slope, we take a break. Someone asks me about my skis and I tell them how I haven't skied in over a decade now but it's just like riding a bike coming back to it. I remark to my friend how I should go put some sunscreen on as I can fell my face starting to burn.
I’m about to leave from work for home. Mom calls me to say it’s going to take an extra hour. She doesn’t specify, but I become exasperated, knowing it’s traffic. I just want to be home. I head out now, on a bike, and it looks like I’m downtown. I think I see some patches of snow, but there really isn’t any traffic. On the ride, I discover that the bike’s seat is too high for me, causing some awkwardness. I arrive home now, which is a large, empty feeling house. Mom and Makayla are here. Mom has bought me a bunch of NA beer, a kind I’ve never seen before. I try one and it’s not great. I’m in the kitchen of some house (it feels similar to Mom’s). Looking through the window above the sink, the view is of a partially sunlit hill. It is tall and steep, slightly rocky, yet lushly green. The illuminated portions (it seems like a sun that’s close to setting) are vibrant and awe-inspiring. Maggie and Stella are out in the yard (which just seems like open space) and I think about calling them in.
A very long, completely non-linear, nonsensical dream. I won't try and make any story out of it, just writing as I remember things... It was around Christmas time and millions of people had gathered to see a Christmas play in a theater. All of the people, including myself, were large nesting doll type things. I was much older, maybe 40-50, and had a husband. The line to the theater was inside a dimly lit hallway, and was so long it seemed to stretch out forever. By the time we got to the theater, the play was ending. We were the last to leave, the stage and hallway so eerily empty now. At the door to the exit a receptionist told us we needed a key to leave, which would have been given to us during the show. I tried explaining to her that we'd got in late and weren't given a key. The three of us talked like old friends for a while before my husband pulled out a key and placed it in it's lock, and we left the theater. Then, I was in a shop that had tables and chairs set up like a classroom. Outside it had been snowing heavily, and I was covered head to toe in winter gear. I was also my own age again, human, and had no husband. I'd wanted to go out to ski, but didn't have any skis. At the entrance to the shop was a row of pigeonholes with different footwear in each hole. As I thought about stealing a pair of skis, my inner monologue in the form of a pink fairy flew around me and told me not to, but I did it anyways. Then I went outside and skied up and down a large hill of snow for a while. When I reached the bottom of the hill for the last time, I walked into white light. Now I was in a shopping mall at night, putting on an interpretive dance performance. The mall was covered in a faint purple glow. At some point in the dance, I had a flashback. In the flashback, there was a large green hill above a small town. At the top of the hill was a giant oak tree. Under the tree, I saw hundreds of bubbles, every bubble containing a moment in someone's life. In one particular bubble, I saw a young girl asleep at her schooldesk. Underneath all the bubbles is a field of roses covered in thick thorns. I had the knowledge that the girl could either return to her life at her desk and wake up, or remain asleep and pop the bubble, falling into the endless field of thorns. Then I was in a bustling street, and it was the middle of summer. At an intersection in the street a famous band was performing, and thousands of people were packed tightly around them to watch. I was with a friend and wearing a shirt that had a quote from one of the band members on it. The person in front of me turned around, revealing to be the member of the band that said the quote. He saw my shirt and laughed. After the show was over, everyone dispersed into the city. I was walking along a row of shops with my friend and realised I was wearing shorts, even though I hate wearing shorts in public. We went into a clothes shop and I asked my friend to buy me a pair of pants as I went to hide in a changing room. At the back of the shop where the change rooms are, I saw a row of stalls and 2 bathrooms, each with very specific signs above them. The signs had strange requirements like "for very smart women" or "for hat people". I decided to go into a few of them to see what could set them apart. In each of the stalls, every surface had a fullbody funhouse-like mirror that reflected different versions of myself depending on the sign outside. I saw myself with long blonde hair and a purple dress. There weren't any bathrooms or stalls labeled explicitly for men, so I went into the bathroom labeled "for very smart women". Inside, instead of mirrors there were screens. As I sat down on the lid of the toilet the screens lit up and started to tell me facts about myself. My star sign, my favourite foods, how likely I am to do certain things than other people in my lifetime. When I stood up, the tiles under my feet lit up. The screen told me my height and weight: 4 grams. When I left the bathroom my friend gave me a pair of pink leggings, and we left without paying. And then I woke up.
I'm coming off of about 2 months break from journaling to record this dream and more moving forward, since Summer Comp is about to begin Cold Visit I'm at my sister's apartment, but I'm not welcome. There is a party happening with video games on the main living room TV. There are a lot of people there easily crowding the tiny apartment. Nobody explicitly tells me so, but I know that I've shown up uninvited. Some time later I'm walking outside to see N. It's night and winter-time. The scene reminds me of my brother's college campus from years ago. Snow is falling and it looks pretty against the street lamps. I don't feel cold, though. He's upset with me which reminds me of the last time we spoke in waking life. He seems to have cooled a bit since that discussion, but the result of the discussion is the same as before. Progress isn't made.
Updated 05-31-2023 at 09:44 PM by 99808 (Color code)
Pre-WBTB No recall. Post-WBTB I'm up after about 6 hours, not ideal but timing restraints around the Easter holiday are constraining me. I've gotten up and taken my usual supplements. I'm now incubating what lucid dream I'd like to have. Shooting for these goals: 1. Visit the Elven Forest. Doesn't have to be super specific, just want to go somewhere wildly different than my usual dreams. 2. Apply meditation practice results. I want to sense my body to stabilize, and test out my new focus capabilities from listening practice in waking life. 3. Meet a dream guide. This entails actually confirming with the DC that they are my guide, not just assuming as much. 4. Eat cake or any delicious food. Currently dieting, so would be nice to have good food with zero consequences. I'm imagining that I can go to the forest through a door like I tried previously, or try to go there directly from the WILD transition. From there, I can try to find the guide and ground myself. Then food! Back to bed, here we go. I lie down and eventually feel the vibrations. I have a very short thought that getting flash banged and then shot during war would suck, and subsequently hope that I don't dream about that. Luckily, I didn't. I did realize though that going to Narnia through a wardrobe would be a great way to fulfil the goals I laid out here. Find a wardrobe, find the winter scene on the other side (Elven Forest), find Mr. Tumnus (Dream Guide), and have food with him (Delicious Food). I decided that this was what I would do. I don't get to WILD this time, but I eventually doze off. Not Quite Narnia, But Not Bad Either I wake up in my bed, but do a nose RC out of habit. I can breathe! I'm lucid. I immediately remember that I want to stabilize, so I think about feeling my body from the feet up and say "feeling my feet, feeling my legs..." all the way up to my head. I'm rubbing my hands together too. I have several false awakenings that start this way, so I suppose it didn't stabilize very well. One time (or two), I wake up in my Grandma M's old place from my childhood. I'm not 100% lucid here, but I do remember my old Doberman, Champ, and I false-awoke with my head resting on him. He seemed big and strong. He was a good boy. I have another false awakening where my living room looks very different. It reminds me of my girlfriend S' grandpa's house. In the sitting room specifically. I see my dad, except he has black hair instead of the usual grey. His hair is still pretty short though. I'm exploring around this modified version of my house, one area looks like Grandma P's old dining room from the apartment, when I remembered that I want to go to Narnia. Maybe that meditation practice is helping me remember? I recall that my dad was standing in front of a wardrobe. I get excited. I can use that to get to Narnia! Maybe my dream put it there for that purpose, or it was coincidence. Convenient regardless. I open the wardrobe, and discover that it has a bunch of drawers inside. Not a walk-in. Less convenient. Turns out my brain is a troll. I close it and start to look for other doorways. I go down a hall that isn't normally in my house and I see my girlfriend S sitting in bed at the end of it. She's looking pretty hot, and seems to be beckoning to me, but I am on a mission! I regret this choice a bit now. I see a bathroom through an open door in the hallway, and then another door next to it. I open it. It's a walk-in closet with a bunch of clothes in it. Perfect. I work myself into the clothes and start pushing. Just like Lucy in "The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe". This is taking awhile and the clothes are pretty tough to push. I start to worry that I'm just going to wake up before I emerge anywhere, and just then I finally push through. mountain. Dang it. My brain really doesn't like to give me fantasy scenes, it seems. This time there isn't an obvious doorway where I came from, like the sewer pipe door from the last lucid. I seem to have just emerged out of thin air. So it isn't trivial to try for Narnia again. Oh well. I decide to explore this new environment. It is still cool! Just not what I'm after. Notably, I don't feel cold despite the snow and the wind. It seems like a little German-themed town, sort of like Frankenmuth, with a main street lined with shops and tourists. I start walking up a cobblestone path that leads up a hill. I'm still stabilizing using my body technique, and I reflect: "Well, at least I sorta got one of my goals..." Wait. Goals. Plural. There were others. What were the others?! I strain my brain a bit and then callout to the universe: "DREAM GUIDE!!! Where are you?! I want to meet you!?" I look around and nothing happens and then: "Yo, wassup?" A slightly overweight (but not unattractive) woman around my age saunters into view from over my shoulder. I recognize her as a version of the pink-haired girl from a few lucids ago. I was right. She WAS the dream guide. Her hair was a more natural color now, but I can't remember which. Also, she's still wearing the skimpy-leather outfit she was before, despite the fact that we are out in the snow. I guess that checks out, with my brain. "Hi! What's your name?" I say. "Hm..." she looks off into the distance and doesn't answer me. I ask again. "..." she doesn't seem to want to answer, or understand the question. "I'm going to call you Leather," I say. "Hm...sure I guess," she replies. Then, of course, my brain goes down the typical path. Spoiler for Spicy Content: "So, Leather, you're looking pretty hot. We could probably get away with some stuff before I wake up, if you want," I suggest casually. "Hm... I wouldn't be opposed," she replies. Right in the middle of the snowy street, she gets on top of me in missionary position. Before I can really feel anything I start to wake up. I wake up fully shortly after. After doing a series of RC's to verify, I rush to record this dream before it fades. Notes Pretty happy with this! I would've liked to try some food, or otherwise do more exciting things in the lucid. I feel like I didn't time the WBTB quite right, but for a limited time-schedule that's alright. I'm super happy to have confirmed a dream guide! Although I'll have to verify a name...I'm not sure 'Leather' makes the most sense as a name. Probably wasn't the most lucid at that moment. Looking forward to adding some AI images to this post. Been practicing it and getting familiar with new tools so we'll see what I can come up with. I'm thinking at least the snowy mountain deserves so cool art. Maybe Leather can get a portrait? Don't want to be too much of a goon with that though. Just like, out of respect y'know. She's my dream guide after all. Conditions 1/2 drink of alcohol Big workout early in the day, healthy dinner but cookies later. 6hr0m/10m WBTB 6th Yuschak Primary Trigger Usage (8Mg Galantamine, 250Mg Choline Bitartrate)
Updated 09-05-2023 at 08:06 PM by 99808
It is snowing. I am outside with Julia and possibly someone else, and it feels like we’re at work even though we’re outside on the side of a road. It is dark out, though the snow is producing some glow from the reflected light. I think it’s the first of the season, and it’s really coating everything nicely. I then get excited and ask Julia if I can take a ten minute break. She says yes, she knows this is my favorite. I start walking up the road, wearing a long sleeve with the sleeves rolled, conscious that most would be wearing a lot more than this. This area looks like Dad’s neighborhood. I’m starting to hike up the hill, and I think I pass through a house. What I’m walking on now transitions into a dark wood staircase. At one of the landings there is a box of Nature Valley granola bars. I take and start eating one. I feel pretty out of shape
I've tried to create a clay figure and give it life but have not even been able to remember my dreams some nights. I think it is because I've played a lot of games and that I dream about playing games which I more easily forget. I'm by a garage with dad and some other people. They talk about some kind of snowboard course that I should go to. They have some yellow walkie talkies that they show us and tell me that I am going to use and listen on the instructions they give me when I ride down the snow. They test them out but they are really bad. They stand about 6 meters from each other and the walkie talkies starts to give out static sounds. Notes: I had the second risk education for the driving licens some days ago. They had some walkie talkies they used to give us instructions when we rode on slippery material. I'm walking in a big snow tunnel underground with some partners. My feelings are overflowing with passion for these men and the mission we have. Some kind of gigantic monster rips the snow roof open and chases us. We decide to split up and try to escape. Notes: The dream was actually much longer but I could not recall it all. This gives me inspiration to try to get better recall because I would give much just to be able to experience the dream again.
21st January 2021 Dream: (not the earliest point I can recall in the dream) I'm in a dark and sooty room at the apex of a pyramid. I don't remember seeing the outside, I just have this knowledge intuitively. There's also a bottomless square pit. The soot is dark brown and seems to have an increased build up the further up it is on the inner apex. I don't know how I'm able to see, there's no light source but things look just bright enough. There's some kind of machine near the middle of the room. By the looks of it, it should be fixed down to the ground but it isn't. It has a main moving part, a piston or pushrod of some kind. It jerks around out of control indefinitely. I think something but the recall is gone. The scene changes a bit and a white lady with light curly hair appears? She starts speaking like she's in a documentary, she mentions the machine but then there is a focus on a puppy that appears in the room. The puppy is an integral part of the room, I feel or she explains, and an integral part of whatever purpose the machine is supposed to serve. She explains that someone has to come and feed the puppy every day, but that otherwise it must always remain her. I touch the dog, it's a gold labrador at first? I say something aloud about it being unfair for the dog, or something. (recall gap) In a Japanese town, but it just looks like any town in Britain or the USA, it has more "room" like the latter. I think to myself it's odd that it's a Japanese town. All the people I see around are distant from me and I can't tell what their ethnicity actually is, making me suspect it's not really a Japanese town. But I don't investigate my suspicions further, some kind of dream plot drags me around the town; I'm being chased, or someone else is, and I'm following. A man, he was being chased. We arrive at a house that's also a restaurant or inn. A pub, effectively? There's a flagpole outside on the garden, I notice the ground is covered in snow. For some reason I fear this man is going to defecate on his own snowy lawn. He doesn't. The flag flying on that pole is one like that for India, I notice. Three horizontal stripes, top to bottom; green, white, red or orange. With a stylised black sun in the middle. The man invites me inside. Seemingly the chase is up. (recall gap) I'm shown some kind of machine. H is with me. The man leaves for a while; he said he'd like us to fix this machine for him. It looks like it's bare, i.e. no aesthetic coverings, etc. It has some kind of plastic platters. Looks like many random bits off CD players, tape machines, etc. But the size of the parts is different from what it would be in those machines. H tries to adjust something and the large top platters ping off towards the back left side. We are annoyed, but conclude it probably helps us anyway. (rest of recall is too vague) Notes: - The machine at the pyramid's apex looked like it was some random thing cobbled together from different bits of wood and maybe some metal. It looked very crude and it was equally crude in behaviour. - This pyramid's apex felt almost like the mix between a loft and the inside of a regularly used chimney. -- The room and its contents felt like they had some strong symbolic associations. Could be an interesting place to try doing some dreamwork. - When I questioned the town's Japanese-ness, my awareness of the dream overall increased but I was instinctively taken by the dream plot before I could really think about it further. I realise now I could have thought about it further while running but I didn't.
I'm in a snowy place and I am looking up a hill. There are my Norwegian cousins. There is a man that I don't know who is about to slide down the snow hill with only his skiing boots on. He succeeds and is very happy with himself because of his old age (he is about 45 years old). I have skies on me and ski with Tobias. I walk into a hut but my vision is getting darker and I can't control my legs properly. I fall down on the ground and look up. There is a small girl about 13 years old that is caring for me. She lies next to me and is kind of petting me. I think it is awkward to lie so close to her and that if someone sees they might get the wrong idea. I still like her company because I havn't got any power to stand up. I see Stefan but he likes that she cares for me.
I am on a walk. I notice someone coming up behind me so I step side to let them pass. I then notice an old couple coming up quickly and wait for them too. I overhear the man tell the woman that it’s time to start their cardio. I think that’s great for them, given their age. I notice how thin his legs are and how thin she is. They pass me on a footbridge that’s probably 30 feet or so long, winding, with some snow left on it. Getting behind them, I say “mind if I try to keep up with you guys? It might be good for me” as they’re starting to jog. I don’t think they mind even though I’m not sure they say anything and I keep following even though I know it’s weird what I just did. We do end up talking about different hiking areas. The man mentions somewhere in Orange County, as if it’s close, and then a spot that actually is nearby. He points when he talks, but I focus more on the woman (maybe because she is closer?). He says ‘hello’ to get my attention and then looks irritated when I look up after it’s already too late. They are both nice and kind of blunt. We’re on a straightaway of an old dirt road among some pines. To my left there is a small field. In the field there is what looks like the trunk of a Baobab tree. It is topped with flags of different countries? that are currently swelling in the breeze. It seems abandoned or otherwise has some creepy element about it. I take a picture to send to Melissa, thinking of Midsommar. For a second I think I probably shouldn’t be this close to this couple with the virus going around. Looking at her, I think it would probably kill her if she got it. They don’t seem to be concerned though. We are now near the top of a hill and I’m not sure I’ve been this far. There is a good view of the city behind us (very similar to the actual view) and there is another hill to the left that I think I have walked down before. I think I’m in a school or classroom. I have to go to the bathroom and I see that the ‘bathroom’ is two stalls right next to what looks like a teacher’s desk. The one further from the desk looks slightly larger than the other. The whole setup is awkward. I go different times, each time a different scenario of people at the desk and in the stalls or not. I think at one point HR Rosy is at the desk. I line the toilet seat with the thin toilet paper, conscious of everyone being able to hear what I’m doing in here.
Went back to a half sleep after waking in the morning. Had a small moment of lucidity, the first one for quite some time. Made note of as much as I could before I had to get up to help with something. Dream Fragment: The only dream I can vaguely remember before my first awakening. Something about a character that walks around some snowy place, finds something and goes back to the past in a pretty stereotypical UFO. Lands at the same place and stumbles on the snow and becomes sort of blue? I expect him to meet himself again but he doesn't, instead meeting an old man. They talk. They have a discussion about time travel and the past. The man is skeptical but then the other character says something that convinces him and the man states "it's 1976" and the other one says "I came from 2070" or a similar year. He tells the man about how in the future the knowledge of the past, after a certain point, is just unknown. He tries to convince the old man of this by stating facts about history, going back, up to the point where he simply didn't know anything else. Dream: As I fell back asleep slowly, the dream seemed to progress quickly. I was half aware of my real body at a few points and the clarity of the visuals varied quite a bit. I was with H somewhere. There was this guy and his dad, they weren't very happy with each other. The son was dating a teacher, a woman, at his school. Then she found out that his dad was married and that mattered for some reason. I remember walking outside, near these people. They sort of became part of the background of what was going on and I notice the area is by a large river, or sea. There are quays and the area looks like a port or dock. It's sunny and there are a few large white clouds in the distance. Me and H, we walk towards a building closer to the dock area. I don't remember walking in, but we're inside. It's a large room, much darker than being outside but there are bits of sunlight here and there, but I don't notice where they come through. There are quite a few people here, this feels like a lobby, or waiting room, for departures? On the right-hand wall, there's a massive hole and strange rocky formation. I approach it and notice how smooth it is. I look inside, it looks perfectly smooth and the rock is a yellowed off-white but there are tinges of green here and there. There are smaller but perfectly smooth and rounded holes on the rock. It reminds me of pumice and it made me think that lava made this hole. I visualise that happening? Not sure. I walk outside, as there is a door or passageway next to the hole. This wall of the building was actually some sort of dark tinted glass, and I could already see from inside that this side was some sort of canyon. There are paths along either side, but there are no connections between these paths except for the lobby place. The rock is all the same as the one from the "volcanic hole". I remember looking at the cliff tops higher than us and noticing the sky looks green-ish. But as I walk here, I realise, wait, how was that hole there? It just wasn't right. I half realise I'm dreaming and at this point I feel my real body more, but in the dream I check my hands. Although they appear normal, there seems to be little detail and I realise I'm dreaming. The realisation is quickly overpowered by a bunch of random actions, my level of lucidity actually being very low. As if it were a game, I start placing a prop over and over again, along the canyon path I'm on. The prop is a study desk with drawers, with a chair too. H then tells me we don't need them for some reason. My dream awareness starts to go again at this point. I start smashing the chairs against the edge of the cliff and throwing the stuff down the ravine. It all hits the ground too quickly for how deep this place looks and I complain out loud to H "this is a dream, that's a deep canyon, the chairs shouldn't be dropping a metre and then smashing, that's too quick!", half with the expectation that something would change about it, but nothing did. We keep smashing and throwing the furniture for a while, after which I've lost any amount of awareness I had left and we return to the dream plot. At the end of the path is a similar building. We go in, and it's dark. Again it also had an entrance on the other side of the canyon where the second path was. Inside it looks like someone's private office. Well decorated and tidy, the walls had a mix of plasterwork and floral motif patterned wallpaper. The wall at the other end of the room, behind a desk and so on, seemed solid, but as we approached, it smashed or crumbled. On the other side is a lobby full of people, at a lower height, but not much. I talk to H, but don't remember what we said exactly, except that I expressed some concerns about dealing with these people. They were university students. There were a bunch of signs and notices in the room, mostly about events? I decide that we can proceed and I step over the rubble and walk down a small ramp made by the rubble. A girl, not much younger than me, sees me and when I comment something to H she says "well we don't want you here anyway, you look like a scary punk!". I feel complimented and somehow her comment made me feel more confident. I approach her and put my hands on her shoulders and smile, in a half attempt to scare her a bit more and in a half attempt to thank her. I then walk away towards a corridor that took a right turn on the opposite side of the room, but I don't remember any more details. No notes for now, quite tired.
Remembered this fragment much more clearly earlier on but wasn't able to write it until now. Dream Fragment: Was in Wintergrasp from WoW; I remember the snow on the ground felt a bit "real" and I think the atmosphere was a bit more blue-ish than it probably ever was in reality. The battle was going to begin in just over a minute and the place was more deserted than I expected; but as the timer finished the place was crowded. For some reason I got teleported to a cave like the starting cave from AV and likewise there was a large metal gate in the same style. I could clearly see outside was still WG however, and I was going to be defending. I remember the gate opening but some details are missing now between this part and the next. The next part I remember is next to one of the east walls of the fortress. I remember fighting outside the walls for a bit but can't remember exactly what class I was playing; either a warrior or a death knight with a two-handed weapon. I got on one of the rocket turrets mounted along the east wall and pointed it quite directly at a few enemy players fighting some of ours on the ground below. I was mostly aiming at one of the sloped areas, where most of the fighting was taking place. I don't remember seeing the siege vehicles at this point. I can remember seeing the characters in much clearer detail than would be possible in-game, especially when this area was current content - I think there was a mix of horde and alliance in the enemy forces. I remember during the dream I was feeling a bit of allure (pre-lucid?) towards the player characters in general as I could see them in quite clear detail. Edit, some side notes: Back in WLK I did play death knight, warrior and paladin classes a lot, the latter two especially compared to the previous expansion and the original game where I mostly just played rogue. Though the snow had a more real quality to it, as I could sort of feel it crunch like it would if it was fairly deep, nothing else about the environment seemed more realistic. The focus I took on the player character models is not uncharacteristic of something I would do when actually playing anyway, as I always liked seeing the different equipment on all the characters, but in this case it felt different because the characters I took more note of felt like they were “zoomed in”, in terms of detail. I remember I had felt it was odd/different.
Updated 01-26-2020 at 03:24 AM by 95293
Melissa’s mom has died. I think she went into the hospital for something simple and then did not make it out. Right now, I am seeing Melissa, Alex, and their dad walking along a snow covered hill. It just doesn’t look or feel right, and it is hard to fathom that this is how it’s going to look now. Now, I am in their house. Carlos is on the couch; he turns his head and I think that he looks pretty rough.
I'm with Tay K and another rapper we were with in chicago got shot and killed not far from us. I became lucid for a brief moment and knew I was dreaming. I then lost lucidity while walking around the block in the snow. So I decided to direct him to a near by store telling him how much of a mistake it was to bring him here. That's when we started chilling at the store looking at random stuff. A girl then approach me and we began talking. I pulled out my phone to get her number and to keep her as a contact. I then became lucid again and realize that I had to be dreaming. I wonder where Tay K was and had a false awakening afterwards.