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    1. Mzzkc's Mind Games

      by , 10-02-2010 at 04:39 AM (Mzzkc's Mind Games)
      ¡Single Sentence Sizzler!®

      All in an Afternoon Nap (DILD)

      Quote Originally Posted by Mzzkc View Post
      I evaded the Empire, joined the circus, and killed the source of all my fear; bits of black, rancid food, soaked in bile, showered down my body as I rent the thing in two.

      Updated 10-02-2010 at 04:42 AM by 25167

    2. Prison Break and Frozen House

      by , 08-10-2010 at 05:06 PM
      08/06/2010 -

      A group of 'bad guys' (juveniles/ teenagers in trouble possibly) and myself were locked up in a building. There was a small rectangular window, big enough for one person at a time to crawl through, which is what we did. Once outside, It was a lot like a prison yard - Plain, grass-covered lawn with large fences surrounding it. It was late afternoon, I think, and cloudy... kind of a dark grayish-brown sky.. very gloomy looking. I ran to the 15 ft fence and quickly scaled it and jumped down on the other side near a highway. The cars on the highway were going incredibly fast and I felt almost like Frogger trying to cross it, haha. Oh, and everyone else that was with me simply walked around the fence.. seeing as how it ended about five feet to the right of where I had climbed over it
      Once across the highway, the group and I came to a small wooden bridge with a guard (bouncer ) standing by it. He let us by with no problem. In the distance I saw a large Circus tent and knew that's where I was headed to.
      I'm in Kroger/My house and everything is VERY cold (AC was probably on fairly high in RL ). It was so cold, that everything had frozen with about three inches of ice covering all the surfaces. When I touched the ice I realized it was more like really old jello. I peeled off a slab of the jello from a counter top. The slab of jello came off no problem and held together perfectly... but then was actually a frozen towel..?? The frozen towel thawed instantly once I realized what it was, so I opened up an industrial sized freezer nearby and put it in there so it wouldn't thaw.
      After this I walked over to the AC controller and turned it off (it was broken and stuck on freezing temperatures). There were a few people with me, but they were no longer a group of "bad" kids. In fact, I think most of them were my friends, one of them in particular I remember to be a girl I had a crush on at my old high schoo,l named Danielle. At this point, they all left the room whilst I amused myself with a Gameboy I found on a small table. I played a Pokemon game for approx. 5 seconds, and then left the room to follow my friends into a bedroom. A girl in the group left the room to go shower and the rest of us, including Danielle, layed on a bed and watched T.V. The room was setup like a hotel room, btw.
      So, Danielle was irritated by a guy with her and ignored him to talk to me. We talked about Invisalign which I have and apparently she did too.
      The dream then skipped to an outdoor setting where we were all sitting in the stands in front of an abandoned stage ( looked like the Warped Tour stage setup I recently went to in Atlanta, GA ). Set up on the stage were 100's of small ceramic and glass figures, masks, vases, etc. that were were all throwing rocks at and breaking.. almost like a carnival game. I decided to get on stage in hopes of doing something to impress the crowd.. no idea what though. Instead, as soon as I stood up, a large man yelled at me to get down and threw a shoe at me. I had to walked a LONG way to get off the stage for some reason, and ended up having to walked through a large crowd of ethnic people who didn't like me. I found a person I knew in the crowd named Justin. I talked to him for a second and then was interrupted by a fat and somewhat blind guy who needed help finding a seat. I obliged and then the dream ended.
    3. Day in the Circus?

      by , 07-18-2010 at 04:17 PM

      Time fell asleep: 10:45 pm
      Time awoke: 9:00 am
      it started out me being in a line of girls who i supposedly "knew" though when i woke up i had no clue who they were. they were blond tan and gorgeous well most of them from what i remember. i also remember there being 3 including me. definitely a crowd i would hang out with even if i am brunette. but in the dream i fit in perfectly. I was second in a line. there was also a group of very handsome guys on the sides all being our boyfriends, i also had no reference in real life to who they are. there was also the ringmaster, who wasn't like the in cartoons (all chubby and cheery) instead he was skinny young and quite handsome. So anyways there was a wheel we were standing in front of that stood up straight it had handles going all around it. the ringmaster explained to us we had to get on it and spin around it while it was moving. we were suppose to be the "pretty girls" of the show. so we all practiced a little and seemed to all get the hang of it so we started the show. first went the blond in front of me as the ringmaster introduced her she got on the wheel smiled real big and spun around. then my turn came up i smiled and waved as the ringmaster introduced me to the crowd and hoped onto the wheel with ease. when i got off the girl b4 me was going to he next act when she supposedly "fake" flirted with the ringmaster. Now remember our Boyfriends have been watching the show so before u know it her boyfriend marches up, yells "get your hands off my girl!" and started a fight which soon many of the other guys got into. the show had to end and the mystery girl was mad at her boyfriend for stopping the show and broke up with him. we soon ended up ion a pool talking about it. thats about all i remember.
    4. Get Out Of My Town You... Travelling Circus Wrestlers?

      by , 07-07-2010 at 07:53 PM (exdreamer's Dream Journal)
      Key: Non-Lucid, Lucid, Commentary/Notes, Hypnagogic Hallucinations

      I was a kid again, about 10 years old and back at primary school. A girl who was a friend and my first love interest was there, C.

      Fast forward to sometime in the future and we're both adults -- I assume the same age I am presently. C is wearing a wedding dress and we're getting married.

      When I was a kid I always had this idea that I'd marry her when we were older. Heh, a little soppy for a young boy I know, but I always was a little weird like that.

      C and I were outside my old primary school. There was a mob of wrestlers and they looked angry. There was a circus tent off in the distance at the end of a dead-end street. I wasn't happy that these apparently travelling circus people who were also for some reason wrestlers were causing trouble. I was telling them they better leave, or else! Some of them were dressed as cowboys, and I think they all had beards. There must have been 20 - 30 of them, but I was determined to make them all leave, even if it had to get violent... I woke up before it did.
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