Learning Indian I'm with an Indian family at a restaurant. It looks like Snakes and Lattes and we are in the corner we sat in for I's bachelor party some months back. But the table is oriented slightly differently. The dad is teaching my girlfriend and I how to speak Indian. He shows me a few words that sound like throat noises. He tells us that the meaning depends a lot on the pitch and speed of the sound. I tell him there is a word in my language like that, referring to fuck. The family knows what I mean, and busts out laughing. Grandma at the County Fair I'm at a country fair. My grandma is excited to be involved and she is running and jumping and dancing more than someone her age should be. Sometime later we are watching a video of her at the event at her home later in a closet or tight hallway. Fragment There is some kind of infiltration operation happening. Me and another person are approaching an abandoned looking home. Feels very dangerous. Sexy Rides It’s sunny out and I’m with my family. I’m married and I have kids. Im standing in front of a large black truck. It has been painted in non glossy coating and looks dope. Himawari from Boruto Next Generations is my daughter. She’s asking if me and mom are going to stay together. SG from WL shows up and I know she isnt my wife. She’s wearing a sexy black dress. She likes the car. I reflect on marriage and commitments.
Updated 06-15-2023 at 12:57 AM by 99808
Fragment I'm getting married. Scene is similar to SP and GP's wedding from last October. Grass is vivid green. I see who is meant to be the father in law up ahead, but I don't recognize him.
I'm in a cellar. I'm being hunted and decide to hide in some kind of big container in a public bathroom. There comes a green slime monster and it jumps into the container and dissolves into some kind of hidious green mixture. My vision is changed to outside the container and I see the mixture is moving disgustingly. There comes a new creature in the bathroom. It is a large man without a shirt that looks brain dead. He jumps into the container and all his body contents are being pushed out from his behind until there is only a loose skin of him. His contents are not intestines as you would expect. It is diarrhea! I am inside this container but my vision is from above and I see the mixture blending with the green slime. My senses of disgust is almost making me puke and I feel horrible. But this is not the end. Monster after monster comes in and I have this afraid feeling at the same time I have this disgusted feeling. All the monsters jump in and dissolve into diarrhea and I am somehow counting how many things have jumped in and dissolved. I counted to ten. New fragment I am at a beach with Olivia, Stefan and Gabriel. We walk inside a big cabin and it is pouring rain outside. I look at the water and the big waves outside. Gabriel shows me some kind of cylinder device with many holes in the bottom. There are four clays with distinct coulors. Blue, yellow, red and green. Gabriel shows me how the clays start to rise from the holes and that I am like the red clay. The red clay is superior and rises over the other clays. He says that this is how the different clays impact on the greenhouse effect. I am proud over it and says that is the way I am (I did not think about it in the dream but there were four people in the room and four clays. Maybe each colour represented each one of us). Olivia changes the subject and we talk about going out swimming but I say it is too cold. I think in my head how warm it would have to be for me to go and swim. I start with 19 degrees celsius but end up at 25 degrees celsius. Notes: I felt a bit stomach sick yesterday evening which may have resulted in the disgusting dream. When I woke up I was afraid to go to the bathroom because of the disgusting dream which makes it to a nightmare too. Yesterday I did some math and showed my family how we could have saved more than 1 million kr (113 000 USD) by only eating egg each day for the past 16 years. I told them it is nutritious, cheap and better for the environment than red meat. I am fighting for the environment and doesn't know why the dream me acted as if I didn't care. I tell my family in the dining room that I am allergic to eggs but wonder if they will know I lie because I ate eggs last week. Notes: That was weird. Why would I ever lie about that? I talked about my allergies with my friends four days ago when we ate at a restaurant. I have accidentally married with someone I don't like in our bathroom at home. I think dad is there too. It is a double marriage because another pair is also there to marry. My newly wedded wife and I walk into my old room next to the eating room. We talk and my sense of despair disappears because she is not that bad. I walk into my mother's and father's room and there are some naked people in there and I become somewhat lucid. I feel on my face and wonder if this is a dream. I don't quite come there and the dream disappears. Notes: In physics yesterday I wondered about how many of the girls in my class I would be okey marrying to. I didn't think anyone had the same life goals as I have and that almost none of them would enjoy 80 years with me. I thought about how our everyday life would look like and that my religion affects a lot. I tried to WILD 03.25 (woke up naturally) and had some kind of weird experience. I had my thoughts and knew I existed. I wake up and remember a whole dream but I didn't remember falling asleep.
Finally done with catch-up now. 8th September 2020 Fragment: Very long dream, poor recall because I had no chance to write about it until the evening. A small housing area. Modern-style appearance, cubical lots of white and concrete and glass, but low flats? Two, three story at most. Vague details of it, but the plot revolved around marriage and the dream characters were all fictitious. I was myself, but mostly only in a physical sense, my life here was its own life, created by the dream. The dream character I was supposed to marry was some girl, with odd hair or something? There was a Middle Eastern or Italian feel to her family. Maybe just Mediterranean in general. Her father was famous/infamous. I think he was especially notorious for what he would do when he disapproved of a groom. I remember at first I did meet with his approval but at some point I realised this wasn't due to last, for some reason. Then, when he did become disapproving, he did not treat me as cruelly as he had treated others in the past, but warned me that something bad was to happen? The girl became distant. Most of the dream's plot took place at their family flat. 11th September 2020 Fragment: Again long dream but recall faded, left it too long. I'm in some kind of fantasy action RPG. By the end, I entered some special hell area (very orangey) through a portal. The portal was framed by some sharp obsidian fang shapes? I remember dying in that area, a stupid and avoidable death I think. That made me lose a lot of progress, at least of everything I'd done in there, which I now couldn't recover for some reason. Interactions with some narrating npc? Fragment: Micro dream where I'm looking at erotic art on my PC. The explorer layout is not my usual one but in the dream I don't make special note of this. A lot of the art is greyscale or line art only. I think about tracing some of it for practice but I end up feeling aroused as I'm looking through the pieces. Some of them were real ones I know from waking life but I think many were simply dream-generated. Fragment: Another dream in which I returned to the context of the first one. I was some warrior class character and fighting waves of humans and dwarves equipped with dark-ish metal armours. Every so often when I killed enemies, red banners would prop up on a black pole, with semi-random frequency. I remember looting some items. Was too tired to make note of more and recall faded too much.
Very sad dream At first, I am a woman, I'm at my home. I might be going to a marriage or am already married. I want to go to my husband, but I hear that he doesn't have long to live, maybe because of cancer. I go to him and he's at a sort of private rollercoaster park, which seems to be very rusted and old, to have fun. Then suddenly I am the man and apparently I have a son that has only a bit of time to live. He's now at the rollercoaster park and I go to him. He also goes to play on the rollercoaster. He has only hours to live, it seems. I go to play with him. I sort of push his cart around and tell him that if anything happens while I play with him and he dies, he should know that I will always love him. I cry as I say it. He says that I of course will always love him, and so I am happy that he knows and always knew. Freaky dream It's night and I am at home. Suddenly, some sort of creepy dog creature approaches and I recognize it as some horror character. I wake up my mother and maybe my father and sort of run a few circles around my home, but then I tell them to go and grab knives. I go first and run to the cupboard, where there's a pile of knifes. At first I only see short knives, but then I see a long knife. I take it and stab the creature until it stops moving. Then, my father goes to sleep again or maybe was sleeping the whole time, but then a sort of puppet creature comes and I wake him up. I then stab it until it, too, stops moving and then he wakes up entirely and comes out of his room and asks what attacked me. I say it was Chucky. Then there's a sort of segment where I am in a sort of train-esque vehicle which could remind one of the train in Tomorrowland, unhappy about something, talking to someone. There's also a strange feeling. Blurry fragment A sort of blurry fragment, maybe about chemistry. That first one was sad.. wow. That second one was cool. I also tried a mantra when I woke up one time, but then I had to get up, sadly. Maybe I can recall that I have to do one when I first go to sleep next time.
I had some really vivid dreams last night..! The first one was set in a school. It seemed like an all-girl's school, where we were split into groups. Then had to work in pairs saying; "1 - 2 - 3 - 4, etc" back and forth for some reason. The girl who paired with me was really nervous, and was not physically sick, but she felt it. So the teacher (not any teacher from my real life school) told me to take her to the nurses office. I walked with her, and we somehow got lost..! (This wasn't any surprise, since I always seem to get lost in real life xD), all the other students found that highly amusing, and were chuckling..! Then I had a weird dream where a salamander was asking my boss, I guess it was supposed to be my work boss (but didn't recognise them), if he had permission to marry me..! It was very strange!
It started out at my local church, (which i thought was quite normal since I was there the night before) my friends were wearing suits and dresses confused I asked my friend what was going on, she told me it was Amy's wedding, however for some reason I felt bad or jealous, still I proceeded to meet her and congratulate her, as I was walking to the church and her parents (which I haven't met in real life) saw me, her father told me to go away as he said he has found a suitable guy for her and ordered the mother not to let me in the wedding, he went away after saying that then the mother looking concerned told me that the guy is really old and an abusive person and I am the only one that can save her, this really confused like why me? Why was the father annoyed with me? I entered the church like I normally did, however my church wasn't the same it had many floors (my church has a ground floor) and the setting looked like corridors from a school. I walked around getting weird stares from the people inside, then an older man saw me (I assumed it was Amy's fiance), he said something and chased me around the building angrily. The dream finally ended with me finding Amy's room where she was getting ready with my other friends helping her, she was in her wedding dress and she came really close to me, like as if she was about to kiss me and gazed at me, the dream ended when the fiance entered the room. (The girl (Amy) who is in my dream is a classmate, more of a friend sometimes we walk home together but I have never thought about her from crush point of view nor I had any sexual feelings for her, however I've always thought she quite beautiful and kinda cute also she is really introverted. I feel sometimes she has a thing for me because I catch her looking at me and she looks away embarrassed or smiles really awkwardly.)
Haven't posted any entries in 4 days, but rest assured, I'm ALIVE. Rather than not posting due to no recall, however, I didn't post the entries for the 1st and 2nd of September simply because they were extremely mundane dreams. Literally all they consisted of was me hanging out with my family and going about day to day business. Nothing really to write in depth about. The dream I had for the morning of the 3rd (or, yesterday, as of this time of writing) was an interesting one involving the concept of inception. My cousin was going to get married to this jerk of a guy, and I wasn't okay with it, so I decided to pull a Leonardo DiCaprio and delve into her dreams to perform inception. A dream about dreams, as it were. Deep. And then, this morning's. All of these dreams don't have a whole lot of detail recalled, but rather, specific plot points. One thing that has been improving though is my ability to recollect these things even after falling back asleep, as usually that's enough to simply wipe my memory of it if I didn't write it down. I was hanging out with this girl I used to know really well IRL (we haven't hung out in literal ages), and we were sitting on this outdoor park bench. Yet, half of the area was covered in what appeared to be a house. So it was like half outdoors, half house. I can't even find a good way to describe that, it was a sort of reality warp-ish type of dream scene, the kind your dream self can understand just fine, but in real life you're like 'wtf' Anyways, strange dream scene aside, we were sitting on this bench, a nice breeze blowing through, and just sort of happily people-watching. All of a sudden, she turns to me and nervously asks if I'd like to accompany her to her school's Snowball dance. Shocked, but pleasantly surprised, I happily accept. Almost immediately, in comes a lot of people I know and associate with this girl. They just begin walking by, mumbling their thoughts about that turn of events. Sorry if this one sounded bizarrely described, but that's cuz it really was sort of bizarre. It had a nice peaceful atmosphere, but a lot of weird stuff that you'd usually only notice upon waking (or maybe not, in the event of a successful DILD, which has yet to come. But that's okay!) Anyways, sorry for the radio silence, and happy dreaming.
My husband was seeing someone else. We were polyamorous but I was unhappy. He and a woman and some other friends went to comedy show without me. I was devastated. Walking down street trying to get to apt 4 at night. Raining? My best friend from high school [C] was my roommate but moving back to Europe with a grant to write something. We never talked although we lived together. I was at a class– Spelling? Woman with baby used buzzer instead if clapping for asking questions. My husband and his girlfriend were in class before me I told his gf how unhappy I was after I talked to my husband and asked him if it had to be this way. No one cared about my feelings. My dog was locked in a room. It had a glass window, like recording booth. I somehow got her out and she turned into a large grey spider. I wanted her to change back, so I held onto her. Someone else there saw her and recognized bug as a 'world burther.' Thought I saw my husband in a red [unreadable] with a baby going, to a show in a crowd of people. I ran up and hugged him but it wasn't him. A strange man told me to come to the show to watch out for my husband. I began thinking I might divorce him. I thought about asking my parents if I could move in with them. I thought about how I was a burden to my parents.
Okay, I was married to someone (Jasper? I'm not sure), and some other woman was trying to come between our marriage. She was beautiful, but I don't remember much from her appearance except that she had blonde curls. For some reason it was "required" that she come and live with us, stay at our vacation homes, etc.--so we let her, even though I knew what she was up to. I can't remember if my husband was suspicious or not, but I did my best to keep a close watch on her. So, we went to a vacation resort. Perhaps that place was an island, I'm not sure, but there was a lot of land and water, and several pathways that clearly hadn't been explored. To try to paint a clearer picture, there was the town that everyone (local and vacationer) stayed at, but you could go into the woods of the town to have a real adventure. If you went far enough in the woods you would come to a clearing of sorts, and then you would be able to walk through the field, left or right, and look at several other pathways. At some point my husband and I, when exploring that field, realized that the other woman was nowhere near us. We--and especially he--became worried that she had gotten lost in one of the other pathways and was injured or dead. We began looking for her, and he almost went through one of the pathways before I stopped him. I told him that it would be better for us if we actually went to the town first, so that we could check the places that she probably was, before we started checking place where we don't even know she had gone near. So, we followed the field along until we came more to the town's western end. I remember that the post office was just to our left, and I decided that we should check their first. Almost as soon as we opened the door is when we seen her, holding a letter that would go off to someone. My husband and I were both relieved, and we stopped to talk to her a bit. Then the three of us went to a party. There was a new thing that kept going around, that people with different sun signs were able to enjoy different sweets that were catered to them especially. It was revealed that the woman was a journalist, and so at the party she was talking to people about that, and about their food. One Scorpio woman told her that they were "very traditional" when it came to their food--in other words, every year at that party they would bring their links, their burgers, their cake, their French fries, and every year they would not care at all about anything else (and in any case, you could tell that woman didn't like the idea of "Scorpio cookies"). I sat down and thought about the poverty of the town we were in, and also our own poverty that my husband and I lived in. When the party was over, the three of us left. Maybe the dream just skipped forward into the future, or maybe I just can't remember, but suddenly my husband and I were trapped in a small dark room--possibly even a closet. It was clear that she had done this, and neither of us were able to figure out how to get out. The point of view switched from first person to third person, went out the door and down the hallway. As the POV was travelling I noticed wires upon wires, with a few machines here and there. The hall almost looked like a cave (but I was pretty sure we weren't in a cave). Finally, after a considerable distance, the woman was there, as was another man. They were wearing all black and were discussing my husband's and my demise. I can't remember exactly why they were going to kill us--either it was for our money (what money) or because they were assassins and it was their job to. Either way, she had not been able to "come between our marriage" like she had wanted to.
A deal has fallen through. Sort of. I've got a prince in my debt, but that's pointless - what I needed was for him to eventually become a king, so that a little further down the timeline, he'll be able to ask another king for a favor. But the princess I'd intended him to marry has now been burned and beheaded due to a minor demonic possession incident, so now he's useless to me. I find another kingdom that will work, a desert. Two daughters. In the throne room, I meet the younger daughter, but that timeline doesn't interest me. The eldest is locked in the dungeon, and I take the prince to meet her instead. I recognize her, though she doesn't recognize me - I'd met a version of her in another world. She'd been a he at the time. The prince had known her in that world too, and I think that could work out either very well or very badly. She's a lot angrier this time around, something of a freedom fighter, turned against her own father. This is promising.
Updated 01-26-2016 at 09:30 PM by 64691
There are a series of beautiful houses and construction sites. My dad is doing work on his own house. I'm a child walking with Wednesday and Pugsley Addams. I forgot my sunglasses, so hold up my hands and say "Accio, glasses." "That should only work if you say 'sunglasses,'" points out Wednesday. "I knew what I meant," I shrug. The cast of the Addams Family now fused with the whole crew of lovingly dysfunctional people who raised me. It's weird. Now it's the finale of this version of the series, and there's a wooden automaton that accepts that it's "his time." He sits in the mud bath and waits to fall apart. (Except that this was all part of his plan, and the reason that he has bad eyesight is because his real eyes are hanging from the earrings of the trickster god who has been working "with" the bad guys. He has one last chance to take the band of bloodthirsty pirates out before he moves on to the next world...) Wednesday and I are adults now, and we're talking about getting married. I'm in my teenage home. I realize that I'm dreaming, and spend some time looking at how weird some of the angles and perspective are in this dream.
Morning of August 25, 2015. Tuesday. Notes: It always gives me an extraordinary sense of fulfillment when I get a continuous flow of insight and am able to more fully decode certain patterns in dreams over a lifetime since earliest memory. I am very grateful for the technology that has allowed me to do this; that is, type faster and with continuous editing potential (rather than writing and correcting and rewriting and correcting when I was little), put documents all together in one place, and have a listing and potential day to day timeline of my lifetime from around age four (with sparse family references and records since my birth date in 1960) as well as having access to resources that are able to validate and enhance so many of my earlier records. Not only will I be able to, in about ten years (only an optimistic estimate of course), bring all of my dream records and notes together as I want them, I will also have the ability to do extensive searches with a fair amount of precision. This dream, as odd and unlikely as it seems (even to me at first - I did not expect the flashes of realization when working with it), gave me the required focus somehow to unravel a small and isolated set of dream metaphors and associations going back to 1968 as well as relating to the path to my beautiful soulmate. There are too many layers to get into in this entry (and one would have to understand hundreds of summarized pages of my personal back story to “get” any of it anyway). I can only loosely touch upon some of it. Obviously, there are still limitations to my personal symbols and metaphors being fully decoded. This is mainly because some symbolic associations are rather sparse and fairly rare even at my present age. Still, I feel very happy today with another new breakthrough. Sewing Machine Bulldozer: I am mournfully back as I was when I was in my twenties and working for the Onalaska Street Department (not that I was sad at that time - it is just that something seems to be “missing” somehow in-dream). My job at this time was picking up large pieces of eroded embankment (on a fairly difficult inclination) and placing them on the roadside - placing them directly in front of the bulldozer. This was very difficult work and not many could do it for very long. Over time, I begin to be annoyed and tired over why I am even doing this. (It does not dawn on me that I am no longer this age, and do not even live in America anymore.) I am concerned about the speed of the other workers. The bulldozer even bumps me a few times, though not in any harmful way. I grow impatient and realize that I may have missed pieces a far distance back and think that the stretch will have to be worked over again. I do some of the work incorrectly, that is, I bend over to pick up a heavy piece instead of squatting and flinging back. Any sense of weariness of course, is an illusion in-dream. I start to ask myself what I am doing here. Is this where I am supposed to be? I absentmindedly turn about and put my foot against the blade of the bulldozer. This results in a very strange event. The blade and push frame begin to wobble and very small “plates” fall off the front (reminding me vaguely of “Bathtub with Grill” from June 26, 2015). The exhaust pipe stack begins to move up and down like a “giant” sewing machine needle. It is almost like the tension building up in a cartoon (but not cartoon-like in any way). When I look down, I see that the bulldozer’s blade has actually transformed into an oversized antique sewing machine’s treadle (with floral scroll design), though at an angle and somewhat elevated. My leg is automatically working it to create (and actually sew together, apparently) some sort of clothing within the bulldozer’s cab. It is some sort of gossamer white lacy material flowing out from the side. Around this time there is a very strange mechanical sound behind me and when I dare look, it is a downward rolling “wave” suggesting a ghostly staircase. Soon, it is a luminescent staircase (recurring feature mostly from early 1991 to early 1994). My wife (as she was when we first made contact) in a glowing wedding dress and some sort of oversized tiara (somewhat like a crown) is standing there with a bouquet of flowers. I can see a blue layer of light just under her skin. “I’m not going to be late, am I?” I ask. “I never intended to be la…” (My dream is swept away.) Connections: Bulldozer history: I have found some links I did not really fully put together before. “The Dead One” dream (February 13, 1971, age ten - that is, first version of it) had a bulldozer run over Brenda W when I was taking flowers to her late at night on the eve of Valentine’s Day (so that only her hand is seen emerged from the soil and I feel a terrible sense of loss), yet she was resurrected (not in a zombie sense) near the end of my dream, yet “I could not yet have her”. (There were several dreams where she was resurrected, none of them relevant to any zombie lore - more in a divine “ascension” sense.) Brenda was the fully confirmed “stand-in” for my wife-to-be and also appeared in composite forms (such as “The Bad Witch” from March 18, 1978, which had a recurrence on March 23rd - the same date I got my first letter from my wife-to-be in 1991). Other layers - my sister died on February 13th (though the 14th from my perspective at one point in Australia as we are about a day ahead) and my father also died on the 14th of February. I have often associated the bulldozer with mortality and loss as such. Thus, there is very odd synchronicity with only a 1 in 365 chance it would be relevant as such - though it is - and all through my life extremely unlikely synchronicity continued with almost every event and association. The origins of this (that is, the very seed) may or may not be related to the tree I used to spend time near at primary school. One of my friends used to take palmetto sticks and push sand off the concrete bench, chanting “bulldozer bulldozer”. This was the “same” bench that Brenda was seated in most versions of “Bridge Over a Prehistoric World” (though she also appeared in distorted composites associated with the “dream girl” or “mystery girl” as I preferred). At any rate, from here, I made somewhat of a breakthrough in one very early version of the “divine staircase”. However, the features are quite different. It turns out to be my “Rocket Science” dream from July 2, 1976. This is not the first version of the implied “soulmate staircase” by any stretch. One of the oldest appears in “The Ghost Marriage” dream from October 16, 1971. I am linking only to the “Rocket Science” dream because of a few odd parallels. Firstly, the white sheet of paper that makes the “staircase” is like a miniature implication of the one in this latest dream (which I never even began to note before for whatever absentminded reason) as well as the commonly recurring ones as already mentioned above. It moved exactly the same way; that is, like a diagonal wave that suggested a complete “pure” or “divine” staircase (phantom or not). Aside from that, there is also the shared “whirligig” element and the strange “impossible” technology, the “whirligig” obviously being a Merkaba form, but I am not sure what the sewing machine needle and fictional helicopter rotary design “pumping” relates to (well, on a spiritual level that is - some sort of spiritual “motor” or cosmic mechanism perhaps). As most of this had already come about in 1994, it is more like a decoding breakthrough than anything relevant to what may come.
I'm walking through the basement of a tower, grey stone walls. There's some kind of chaos going on on the main floors above me, a distraction while I was taking care of something in the dungeon on the next floor down - but now that it's time to go, I want to avoid getting caught in whatever's happening on the main level. There's two people waiting for me with two different escape routes - neither of them knows exactly what I was doing here, neither of them knows me personally, and neither them knows about the other. There's a person I work with who'd arranged for a man to meet me by the stairs up to the main floors, but I'm having second thoughts about trusting him. And there's a woman waiting by a wooden door that leads elsewhere; she's not involved at all, she just wants to escape whatever's going on upstairs and is willing to take me with her, recognizing me as a friend of a friend. I believe she would be more sympathetic to what I was doing here, if it came out. Deciding to go with that woman at the wooden door, I'm doubling back, passing by the stairs leading down to the dungeon. I debate whether I have time to go back down there - there had been something else I'd wanted to look into down there, though it's not a priority. I start down those steps, but it becomes so dark I can't see, and I have a vague impression of massive chains. I can hear a woman's voice crying. I decide I don't have time to be fumbling around in the dark, and I head back up the stairs. (Woke up. Back to sleep.) A man is looking at a wall recently painted green in an attempt to emulate some other place, and talking to someone about a man he knows, saying that while he wasn't looking, the man went and got married to people so unsuited - people, plural, meaning both the wife and the stepkids - people he'll have to keep secrets from. I'm watching light play over the features of the man in question in an interesting way. He's looking at a signet ring with an image of a rose, which he's just removed from a hiding place in the base of a lamp. I'm hearing a kind of tinkling sound like a music box repeating a single measure over and over again.
In some small early 20th century village, I'm the youngest in a family of three sons, and for years now it's been expected that I'll marry the neighbor's youngest daughter when we grow up - we've always been good friends. In the previous scene we'd all been sitting around my family's dinner table; now I've gone to meet her down by the river, which is so full of plants it gives the impression you could walk across them like a bridge. The girl's here waiting, but before I go to meet her, I'm distracted by another girl, a stranger, standing in the center of the river. The observer side of me thinks, I have to remember this. Her hair is probably blonde, but it's so matted and dirty that it's hard to tell. She's dressed in old-fashioned men's clothes, a shapeless and colorless coat over a blue velvet waistcoat with a pattern of rosebuds. Then I realize that while I've been focusing on remembering the details of her appearance, I've been missing the conversation the character side of me is having with her. I drop back to focus on what the character side of me is doing. Years later, but near that same river. One of my brothers is handing me a silver pocket watch that belongs to our father, and telling me that he's in Madrid - they've known this all along, apparently. My brothers got me to come back here on the pretense that our father's missing - I'm annoyed but not surprised to find that was a lie. There's a woman here, somehow connected to that girl in the river but not the same person, and something about biting down on a chain, and her little fangs. I'm carrying one end of a wooden box through what looks like an abandoned house, with that woman holding the other end - it's not particularly large or heavy, just large enough to be awkward for one person. I'm looking at our hands on the box, close enough to be nearly touching. Her nails look thick and discolored, greyish; there's blood ingrained around the nail, but I'm thinking that the blood's not what's causing the dark greyish appearance, since there's blood all over my hands too. That woman is kissing me and holding me in place, not letting me turn my head to see what's going on, telling me not to move when I try to. Something is very wrong. There's other people here; the observer side of me recognizes this moment and I switch to third person to avoid it. The scene still continues in front of me, they kill her, but I don't see much of it, focusing on remembering the earlier scenes.
Updated 05-27-2015 at 06:15 PM by 64691