Spit: I'm with girlfriend's friend group, with their respective significant others (H&A and G&S). It's sort of blue and cloudy outside. I'm with the guys by large rocks playing a game. ... Later I'm at an apartment that I know is mine. I'm standing in a living room area in a circle with the guys. I decide to spit up some water I was drinking, toward G. I have the intent to show that something outlandish like that is OK. A thinks it is funny, and G returns the favor. But G isn't returning the favor. Though the spitup looks like clear water, he is actually puking from disgust. Oops.
Updated 03-20-2024 at 05:30 PM by 99808
Had a very creepy dream last night. I don't remember exactly how we got into the situation we were in, but from where I remember: me and a few of my friends were in a situation where 3 people had been killed (we had nothing to do with that), but due to the circumstances we were afraid that if we told anyone we would be blamed, so we put the bodies in a car and drove out to a remote point between a river and some woods . We were trying to figure out how to hide the bodies, understandably freaking out a bit. Finally we decided to go up a hill and bury them by the edge of the woods. Don't remember any ore of that. There was another dream later that had something to do with being in a store. Don't remember much at all of that, but the part of the store that I was walking towards looked, from where I was, sort of like the inside of a store that I had been in another dream a while back.