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    1. Overcrowded room, fighting the guards

      by , 04-15-2013 at 03:16 PM
      Very deep sleep again. I hope my body recharges and in the next days a nice lucid turnaround follows.

      Dream1: For some reason, I decide to look for a new place to move to, so I find a very cheap place. I pay the money to the guy and he leads me to my new room. Actually, the room was used as a library (again?) or some old computer room. When I enter it, it changes and there are, I start counting, 5 beds in the room. So the landlord wants to squeeze maximum profit out of the whole thing and has convinced a few others to move in there too. Not only do I have to share the room with all those people, but I also see on some kind of map that the toilet is streets away! I want to get out of there, but one of my new roommates tells me that we have signed a contract for many months. I call my boyfriend, complain and ask him to rescue me.

      The whole dream changes and we are now in some old video game, where my boyfriend is fighting the guards and my game character is helping him by using karate and throwing guards around. We manage to escape by leaving the part of the map where the guards are and move to the next level. The game continues and we fight some game monsters.

      Fragment2: I am using a tin full of eggs? as dumbbell. I want to get strong, so that I can fight the guards. I do some biceps curls until I can feel my muscles. When I am done, I notice that the tin is falling apart and so are the eggs inside.

      Fragment3: I am taking part in a cooking class. The chef is explaining some details about how to cook the food.
    2. Lucid habits in non-LD; flowing dreams

      by , 03-20-2013 at 07:04 PM
      Before sleep: no dream yoga white “a” this time, just gently following breath

      First dream: about 5 hrs after falling asleep

      Total sleep time: 8 hrs

      Dream recall techniques today: Dr1&Dr2 – played dream 2 times in mind to remember; Dr3-Dr6 – woke up and tried to commit to memory by intending [risky for dream recall but worked today]

      WILD attempt: nope, just wanted to watch dream TV

      Dream1: Scientists are discussing some chemical which is dangerous to the human health. I am in a dark closed space with a scientist, or is he me? At any rate, the tube that was supposed to hold this chemical in place is getting loose, so the chemical escapes and starts to mix with the air. I know what that means, soon he will die, so nasty side effects begin on his body. While this chemical element is quite dangerous it has wide applications. Actually, it is pretty common on the planet of interest. I am looking at a habitable planet, which I feel is much bigger than Earth. So this planet has potential to be populated by humans, and this chemical can produce huge quantities of energy. I see a small moon, which has water and clouds on the surface. I also see some kind of transparent strings with magnetic pull as the moon moves through space. The habitable planet is a really beautiful place, although there are no humans in it, (or probably because of it the nature is very beautiful. I almost zoom in, to look at the trees. Next thing I know:

      Dream2 [Behaving Lucid]: Next thing I know, I am staring at the trees in front of the window of my first home. It is snowing outside. I look outside the balcony and find myself on the street. I walk down the street, which I perceive as if I am lucid. Basically, I feel awake, I know I am watching this, and I am not really there, so I continue the tour of the neighbourhood. I look around as much as possible, and I go back in front of my old place. I have the desire to explore people’s apartments around so I look for an apartment to go to. I think I might explore my old place, but decide against it. I clearly see the whole building and the apartments of neighbours, I ponder whether I should visit my neighbours’s place, but the old woman that lived there died a few years ago irl, so I am afraid I might encounter her inside. I continue looking around. It is an early morning and people are still sleeping, few lights are on. I decide I want to go to a place where the lights are on and find a suitable apartment. I open a window to see if I can go inside. Everything is really solid, and I must enter with my entire body, I realize I cannot squeeze in, or imagine myself there. I wonder how to get in, but I start to feel my bladder getting really full and I cannot concentrate anymore, so I just wake up.

      Lucid or not lucid? I decide to classify this as a non-lucid, because I lack the official initial realization of aha, I am dreaming. However, my behaviour is exactly what I would do if I were lucid, explore around and try to hold the dream. Another notable feature of this dream is that it was free of any DCs, what I really like in some LDs.

      Woke up after the dream rather happy, re-lived the whole thing two times, no notes this time. Had some trouble falling asleep , but was too lazy to try to WILD.

      Dream3: I am in the suburbs, noticing the houses and remembering how the DCs there had some trouble there some dream time ago. Suddenly, there is a loud noise, energy, burning sensation as something passes by and explodes in the sky. I decide it is a meteorite. I have mild burns/scars on my body. I go to a house and find a politician there. I tell him about the meteorite and look at my hands (!that was close), purple scars are still there. It’s nothing too serious or unpleasant looking though. At this point the politician turns into Santa, he even has a beard! There is elation in the air and I throw fake snow above our heads which I really enjoy doing. He even gives me a present, a tea set, which has some flowers instead of tea to be drank. I happily play with it.

      Dream4: Almost like a continuation from dream3, as I am sitting, exploring the tea set, the scene around me changes. We are waiting to select a menu. There are some snobbish older women around and my mom as well as this happens. So, there is some kind of event tomorrow, and every guest can pre-select what exquisite meal he/she likes, and I am waiting my turn to do so. Before I do that the older women also select spa procedures, going for a special moisture mask. I don’t want to do it, so my mom starts giving me advice, selecting for me. This annoys me and I behave in a way that is inappropriate in front of these high individuals (I was just being annoyed and rude, nothing much really). This disappoints my father who then enters one of his special disapproval moods. We go back home (unknown one) with my parents where the story continues.

      Dream5: As I am thinking how to prepare for the event, I would bring my own shampoo, do my hair, and not use the spa offered to the other special guests, a friend of mine appears in the house. I decide to tell him some secrets about dreaming? or meditation, which I don’t recall at all, and tell him not to tell my bf I told him this.

      Dream6: Still in the house, I face my mom and tell her I don’t like her selecting things for me, there is tension in the air. I want to call my bf to complain. As I am calling, I find myself on the streets of some western looking city. As I talk on the phone a famous artist passes by. I can’t believe it, it’s “A”. The name of the artist is “A”, which people around her repeat like “eah”. This is really funny, they sing it, introducing her. I take my camera and take pics of her. I then call my bf and tell him that I saw her, watching the video record. A second of doubt there, a famous person, maybe a dream, but that can’t be there really is an artist “A” [Oh, come on!]

      Dream7 [snooze]: I watch something like age of empires/civilization game, my people being the blue ones, and the opponent is red. Time moves really fast and I see how my guys and buildings become fewer. As I look around, I see that the opponent has the whole map, and has entered modern era, there is no chance for me to win. [Boring stuff, I know]. What really happens is that I zoom out and the modern era is really a real world street and there are some military trucks, and just trucks. I am sure the enemy notices me and that is the end, so I just tease him to act and push those trucks on me and get it over with. He finally does so, and to my content, I feel the heavy pressure of trucks on top of me, and wake up.

      Final notes: When I was younger, I had the impression that a lot of my dreams would just flow one after the other, with some weak connection in the storyline (like above). Nowadays, my dreams are usually separate scenarios. Perhaps my desire to remember each after shortly awakening resulted in DEI N LD?

      Updated 03-20-2013 at 07:18 PM by 61764

      lucid , non-lucid , memorable
    3. Low resoulution room and forest of werewolves

      by , 08-20-2012 at 07:44 PM

      I wake up and stand still. I feel the vibes. I wait for them to calm down and I then 'roll' out of my bed. Now I am in my dream room. It is bright and light shining from my windows. I jump out of my dream bed and say "Lets do this!" My goal was to practice manipulating energy or find a way to talk to my subconscious but I lose sight of my goal because as I look around everything looked....bland. Like I am inside some crappy pc game. Everything looked like it was on low resolution. I look outside my room. I don't see trees that should be there. Everything is just bad looking.

      I find a portal. It looks like the ones from Spyro 3 for the psx. I go inside and I am in a void. I remind myself I am dreaming while I am in this void. I walk forward for a bit and all of a sudden I am in this tiny little building with no door leading outside into this dark forest. I see a sign written in blood. I get the feeling this would go nightmare but I just became brave and went through with it. At this point I lost lucidity. Soon everything becomes video game like. I have a health bar at the lower right of the 'screen' I encounter strange wolf like creatures which I assume are werewolves. On my first encounter I 'die' but I respawn. The second time I turn my hands into claws and kill them. My health bar didn't matter, even when it went all the way down nothing would happen.

      I go deeper into this forest of darkness. i climb up this wall very fast. Another wolf was waiting for me. I slash it to bits. This 'game' also seemed to have a crafting system. A screen comes up. But then it went away. A dream shift occurs and now I am back in my crappy low resolution house. I get up from my bed. I see a woman across the hall way. I put my hand on the wall and I say "Oh I feel that". I then run towards her and punch her away. I wake up.