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    1. Lucid in an Iron Man suit, One of my dream goals

      by , 12-18-2010 at 04:25 PM (High Quality Head Movies)
      The dream took place in a huge valley with mountains all the way around in a U shape looked kinda like forge world in Halo Reach, I did not hit lucidity for a while but the dream stayed the same.

      I remember my cousin Ben and my friend Bobby and I all had jet packs. My jet pack took off slow but had more top speed. Ben and Bobby's jet packs were able to make them just explode into extreme speed from standing still and they told me I needed to get one of their jet packs because mine sucks.

      This challenged me and I went to a cave which was my room for some weird reason and started building my own from scratch. I was up all night and when I finished I had a full suit like from Iron Man and it was way faster than theirs.

      LD a taboo topic -Why?-me-iron-man.jpg
      This is a picture of me I thought was relevant.

      After many flights with them, we decided to fly to my cousin Daniels house which was also a cave. We told him he needed one and he ended up getting this thing that looks a lot like the thing Jimmy Neutron drives in the T.V. show with the wheel around it and the jets on the back but it was all silver painted.

      We flew around and shot at each other and when someone was shot down, they reappeared okay after only one person was left (thanks to my video game mindset).

      Then I flew up in the clouds and flew back to earth and all my armor was gone and I was unable to fly again (still not lucid).

      It was convenient how I looked at my hands to see if the guns were there but I noticed that my hands were all blurry and this made me realize I was in a dream (not to mention I was thinking constantly before I went to bed "I will have a lucid dream".

      I was running toward where my friends had went and said out loud repeatedly "Ben and Jake (my brother) will be around the corner". I walked around the corner and there they were! There were many other people there too a lot of whom were in my church (I go to church today so that explains that). I saw Ben and Daniel (Jake left) and told them they need to help me get my armor back out of the clouds.

      As we ran back to the Valley, I noticed the spot in the clouds where my armor was lost had lightning going in and out of the clouds. I said to my self, "My armor will be here" and it floated down from the clouds with a heavenly light on it (it was cool).

      My armor was sparkling and shiny sliver color and looked way better than before. Then we flew again for a while and then went back to the area where all the other people were.

      We flew back to the spot and I noticed a lot of people were looking at me and then looking away. I still knew it was a dream. The dream ended after successful LFS.

      Updated 04-01-2011 at 04:48 AM by 37851

      lucid , memorable
    2. New Goal Upon Gardens and Dreams

      by , 12-03-2010 at 08:36 AM
      DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDWhich Mutant would you be?-imagffffes.jpg
      During the day I had some emotional but fun situations where I would have loved to have been in a situation like this before and tried different things out. Then I realized I got the idea to use my dream world more. My dream world may be nearly perfect but my waking life has a lot of areas where I would like to see improvements. The dream world is a lot like Star Treks holo-deck, I can make it what I need and try things out there, in complete safety, and I even have a panic button. I was determined to recreate the dream world to meet my waking life needs.

      Upon dreaming I had 3 totally underwhelming dreams and I was not lucid in any of them to any degree.

      Dream 1: The Garden and a Patdown
      There was this large forest and gardens but to get into it you first had to go through a security room that looked like a torture room from a video game. In the room you got a patdown and then were free to go int the forested garden area. The forestgarden was nothing special and I just looked around and talked to people. Upon leaving I was patted down again.

      I had 2 other dreams of talking to people about useless things which I will not bore you with.

      I realized that in order to create a task in my dream world I am going to have to try to focus my thoughts before sleep to more of a self help feeling. I order to go to sleep easily and have good dreams I focus on anything I want as long as they are positive and simple. But what I need to do is focus more on fixing and growing and less on having a good dreaming experience. No wonder I am bored with my dream life, I have made it so… well to use a British phrase, pedestrian (not British, not that there's anything wrong with that ). It reminds me of what I heard Dr. Who say “You make all of space and time your back yard and what do you have? A backyard.” I have to make it more than a backyard and I have all this control, I need to use it! I never thought of using the dream world like a tool but I am now determined to. So my new dream goal is to make my dream life to serve me waking life's needs. So far, not so great…hmmm wish me luck
      Tags: garden, goal
      non-lucid , side notes
    3. Dry spell ended.

      by , 11-23-2010 at 09:28 PM
      Jeeze a loo. Quite the LD dry spell.

      Anyway, it was a straight up DILD. Falling asleep while dreaming is becoming a fairly common way for me to become lucid.

      Getting down to brass tacks. I was basically trying to fall asleep in an alternate version of my current living room. The TV is on (It wasn't in real life.) and I'm trying all sorts of positions to fall asleep. Eventually I put on some kind of potato sack over my head. I fall asleep then. Things fade in and I'm looking at some kinda crystal ball, things are tinted blue. I grab at it, but it's too far away. I try again and use it as an anchor, feeling it and using it to calm me down. I briefly think about how soon i might wake up since I became lucid, but I let that thought drift away. I move over to a stove (Again, things are still pretty blue.) and feel it. It's quite cold. The whole area looks quite familiar, and i comment aloud to myself that it does. Despite the fact that it looks only vaguely like some place I've been. So I walk over to a table with a bottle of soda and try a sip, it's remarkably realistic and tastes like root beer. (Even though it looked like Pepsi Blue.)

      This parts a little hazy. I'm in an area that looks a lot like the living room of my previous house. I see a few creatures in a fenced area, they're quite small. One of them is a skeleton riding a spider from minecraft (Despite the fact I've never even SEEN one in minecraft...). I walk by an end table with a lamp. There are minecraftian pack-llamas near it, I comment how cool they look. I start to walk outside, passing my dad sleeping in his room in my previous home.

      I head out the door, which is exactly like the front door of my current home, and close the door behind me. I'm on the deck of my old house, with a nearby landmark kind of making an amalgam of the two. I think about trying to fly now that I'm outside. So I jump, and naturally, gravity is low. I don't pursue it beyond that. As I look around, everything goes really foggy and a tornado bolts past me on the right. It doesn't destroy anything though and things clear up. Soon after, a gust of wind picks me up and carries me around a bit, I'm pretty surprised by it and begin thinking about my subconscious. The wind sets me down near a dry looking bush and it seems I'm in a park, despite not having gone anywhere.

      I look out in the distance and see a girl walking through the grass towards me. I know it's my subconscious, and I call out to it. We meet up and I thank it.

      She looks at me and says "Sometimes when I sleepwalk, it fallows me home. Did that happen to you?"

      I reply "I don't know yet..." and I wake up.

      Bah, Elly wakes me up EVERYTIME we meet. But I'm pretty sure it was responsible for making me lucid this time. *Grumble grumble* I sure hope i figure this out eventually. But despite the fact it wakes me up every time I summon it, I'm not gonna stop doing it! >:C
    4. OctobGOAL

      by , 10-09-2010 at 12:12 PM
      Shazam, one monthly goal down, 2 t'go.

      LD 3 is in the bag, I'm a bit sad I didn't remember to try and summon my Sub (Or for that matter, talk to anyone/thing...) but I did try some tests and expressed a bit of dream control. It's also my first LD where I didn't HAVE t'do 2 RCs (Though I did RC twice out of choice.)

      Can't write out the entire thing, but it was a mostly easily interpreted dream. Of note of the things I did were: Enter a mirror, summon 3 weapons, will clarity, test a 'head shake' (Instead of a spin... Worked... At the cost of lucidity.)

      I'll also note I didn't need to calm myself after becoming lucid. (Though I should've gone through the motions anyway...)
    5. First Lucid Dream Goal Complete

      by , 10-06-2010 at 04:24 PM
      Last night I completed my first Lucid Dream Goal. I wanted to remember something from my waking memory, and I did! A few years ago I memorized the first sentence of the Declaration of Independence (don't ask). I tried to remember it in my Lucid dream and did it perfectly. I also looked at the sky, which I wanted to do in my dreams. It wasn't much different from the real sky though. After that I became afraid that I would wake up, and I had a false awakening. It was so realistic, and I forgot to do a reality check. I went back to bed in my dream, and it ended.
    6. More Cooking and Some Peanut Butter

      by , 08-06-2010 at 06:19 AM
      I now have a dream goal: I will sing in a Renaissance choir.

      Robby's house. Lots of people over. Why??? Can't remember. They stayed overnight so I wanted to make them breakfast, but Robby had no real food in the house. I looked all through his fridge, freezer, and pantry.

      OMG I tasted something! First time that's happened. We were all chatting about taste in dreams before the last class. It was peanut butter. I think. Tasted like peanut butter, right consistency, but a little too light and it had sesame seeds in it. I'd say tahini but definitely tasted of peanuts. I actually tasted it to find out what it was.

      Anyway, I brought bananas around to the guests. There weren't many so they got half bananas. Lloyd was there. There were two bunches of different ages, but they were joined at the top. Which is impossible 'cause one was fresh and one was old. In fact when I started peeling an old one it turned out they'd rotted from the inside. They were mostly liquid (and sesame seeds, for some reason).

      Food prep was taking a long time and I felt bad (second time that scenario's happened in the past two weeks). I couldn't find anything useful.

      I went into a space behind the kitchen. It was like a barn. And the drawer with all the condiments was way up high. When I looked again it was not a drawer but rather a trash can suspended with bungee cords. There was another trash can on the floor that I used as a step stool to get to it. I was in heels so it was very difficult.

      I was frustrated by the impracticality and disorganization of Robby and his family. I'd happ8ily cook for everyone but with all these people coming over meals should have been planned and shopping lists executed. They'd probably just order delivery. Crap food for too much money.

      There was an earlier dream that I've almost completely lost. I woke up right after it and thought, "What an awesome, epic dream. I should write it down right now." Then I went to sleep and promptly forgot the whole thing. All I remember is that I was on a tall building. It was cold, and there was a woman with a sword. I remember flying in some kind of ship that was about to crash. So epic and exciting but totally gone.

      At one point I read and the words were not at all garbled. I was reading the Wikipedia page on IRC commands. I remember the letters in the heading of each section being bold and clear. Next time I'm reading, I'll remember to do a RC.

      Missed dream signs:
      -Sesame seeds in bananas.
      -Drawer transformed into trash can.

      Updated 08-06-2010 at 06:24 AM by 34770

    7. Sprinting

      by , 06-11-2010 at 06:19 PM
      Type: DILD.
      Lucidity: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
      Vividness: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

      It took long enough, but I finally managed to complete my goal to run real fast without destabilizing the dream.

      It started off with me being in a small shack. This building was tiny, probably only five by five feet, and made from strips of wood tiled vertically. There was practically no room to move around in because there were old desks and chairs shoved against the walls. I exited rather quickly to see the outside of the shack. The roof was ready to collapse and looked like it was made from really decayed metal. It sort of looked like the following picture, minus the snow and trees.

      The shack was on the side of a beautiful light gravel road, lodged somewhere in the mountains with many trees, like the picture below.

      However, the trees were curving over the road and blotting out most of the sky. The scenery still looked very pretty though. I spent some time looking around, and even went to one tree right next to the shack to look at an ant... But I gained lucidity, so I stopped wasting my time looking at bugs. I remembered my dream goal almost immediately. "I should try running again," I said out loud. I'd already failed once, so I was itching to complete this goal. "There's a good pathway... this might help me."

      I broke into a light sprint and the trees began to tremble slightly; a few small leaves were falling off them. I leaned forward more and imagined myself rocketing forward. It worked, and I was now going very, very fast. To be safe, I didn't even consider the fact that the dream could destabilize, even though the imagery around me was becoming stretched like taffy. I stopped, closed my eyes for a second, and opened them.
      I was in the shack again without lucidity.

      Updated 07-03-2011 at 06:55 AM by 28408

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