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    1. Monsoon (DILD)

      by , 09-16-2013 at 03:51 AM (CHiLLEN's Dream Journal)
      Dream ended - 7.30am
      Time Lucid - 3 mins
      Non lucid - grey text
      Semi Lucid - red text
      Lucid - blue text

      I was at my house, it was day time. I heard my brother yell to come and have a look at the monsoon (flood) out the front.
      I had a look and there was water gushing through my street. The house was starting to float down the street, and I asked if anyone could feel the house floating. Someone mentioned the slab on which the house is built on, was still in tack and we were down the end of the street. I thought this was pretty insane, so I did a reality check (checked my hand, had extra fingers). I decided to observe my hands and really look at the detail to stabilise the dream. I followed up by feeling the hairs on my arms. I was always curious to see what my penis would look like in a dream. I checked and it was upside down.
      I once again looked at my hands and now I had 10 or so little fingers, as if I was some kind of octopus. I was wiggling them around.

      I walked down the street, back towards my house. I think the flood was completely gone. I was thinking of flying but really wanted the dream to last and not take risks. I saw my dog Rex and I lent down to pat him, and wanted to feel the texture of his coat and focus on it. It felt normal, but he had more hair then he does. I tried another RC and tried to test out the finger through palm. I was forcing my hand into my palm and was feeling a bit of pain and discomfort. Eventually I noticed a little bit of my finger tip was penetrating through. I started to lightly feel the tops of my hands.
      I looked up towards the top of the drive way, near the garage. It was my other dog Trigger, who had recently passed away this year. I walked over towards him to greet him, but I was now seeing a DC. He was trying to argue with me, and I thought to myself, I don't need this in my dream. I commanded that he would stop talking. He added a few more words then went quite and vanished (If I could do it again, I would have punched him in the face).
      Trigger & Rex.

      I looked around to see what I could do in the dream. I was going to go across the road and go through their house. I noticed a flash of distortion in front of me. I thought It was a bit odd and that the dream may have been fading. I was getting ready to DEILD, but it ended quickly and took me by surprise.

      Was thinking of still attempting to DEILD but wanted to get the dream written down.
    2. Dream #2

      by , 02-21-2011 at 12:15 PM
      This one was a few nights ago and I only just got around to putting it up today.

      Alrighty sooooo.... frst thing I can remember in this one is being in a street full of people and it felt like we were all waiting for something. There was someone standing next to me on top of a car looking into the distance down the road. She was saying something like "Oh my God... It's... it's...". At this moment a wall of water appears coming towards us and the person says "ITS A MONSSOOOOOOOOONN". (Yes I know this is the wrong word but this is what she said). Well the "monsoon" never actually ht us because I went into another part of my dream, completely different this time. I was on some sort of mountainside path with one of my real life friends talking about something when we heard sounds coming from a cave that was hidden from sight to our right. We went in and there was a girl crying near the far end of the cave, about 10 feet from the entrance. There were mines all over the floor like the ones in the worms games (little green things with red lights on top). By this time my friend had basically disappeared. I tried to run over to the girl to see what was wrong and ended up getting blown up by the mines (completely painlessly) and got teleported back to the mouth of the cave. Next I was on some kind of metal bridge that was abouth 3 feet wide with 2 other people. Well it wasnt really a bridge it was more like a giant triangle tube and the walls and floor werent solid it had gaps in it. Also it was suspended above a 18 lane superhighway. And one of the people in it with us was on a motorbike. We had got about halfway along when my mind decided this wa too boring and went into another dream. I can't remember where this next part fit in. I was on a really thin stone bridge that went over a river and just ended without getting to the other side. There was Dr Cox from Scrubs on the end in the lake, Dumbledore or Gandalf or someone on the other end and me in the middle. Pretty random seeing as I haven't seen Harry Potter or LOTR in give or take 6 years.But hey what can you do. So Dr Cox's part of the bridge falls off and plummets into the water. It all goes really fuzzy here but I remember turning around and there were looads of people cheering and clapping on some kind of raised platform. They were all being push from behind and some were falling off the platform and into the lake. Alright last dream here: I was in another cave but this one was alot bigger than the other one. There were around 50 other people in there, some I knew, some I didn't. The walls of the cave started melting as if they were made of chocolate or something and somene yells "MUDSLIDE" (Seriously why can't my DCs get their natural disasters right?) Mostn of us escape the cave on foot but I look back and see one of my old friends who I don't talk to much anymore still inside the cave. So, of course, I fly in and save him. Standard :L. Now on my pad here I've written down "gunfight". I can't remember this which is unfortunate because a gunfight would have been siiiiiick.
